View Full Version : Rum and Coke please my master.

Garik Loran
Jan 17th, 2002, 12:19:38 AM
Ahh good to back among my own kind. Friends allow me to buy you a stiff drink and tell tales of glories long passed.

My good fellows tell me of those we strive against now, for my absence from the GJO has left me un-informed.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 17th, 2002, 12:33:11 AM
:: Anbira sat beside the vagabond wanderer, noting a look in his eye that held many memories. A Zansanar sprig clamped in his teeth, Anbira accepted the concoction from the bartender as his attention returned to Garik ::

You have the look of a man who has traveled long down that winding road, my friend.

Garik Loran
Jan 17th, 2002, 01:10:28 AM
Well met Anbira. It seems this place has changed much since it has changed hands. More somber and thoughtful, rather than loud and reckless. Ne that as it may, would you hear my tale? It is long and winds several directions and as of yet has no end. All the same it is one that I think needs be told to warn the younger Jedi of our sect.

Will you allow me to ramble upon your kind ear this eve?

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jan 17th, 2002, 01:14:04 AM
The large being known only by a few of the Jedi, including Anbira, sat at a table near the wall, he wasn’t eavesdropping, but he could not help but overhear what was transpiring and he found it very interesting so far. He continued to press keys on the data-pad he held, but his ears were open and he would hear the tale these two wise Jedi would tell.

Satine Capashen
Jan 17th, 2002, 01:18:23 AM
"Hiya Anbira."

Satine says, as he walks over, holding his normal cup of steaming klah, and then turns to Garik.

"Hi, mind if I hear this story too? I'm always itnerested to hear stories from other oldies around here. My name's Satine Capashen by the way."

number 62
Jan 17th, 2002, 01:31:12 AM
62 was setting at the back table as he saw a small group gathering by the bar. So he figured he would see what was up. As he walked to the bar he heard one of man talking about a story and he wanted to hear it to.
"Hey if it dont bother you I would like to listen to"

Garik Loran
Jan 17th, 2002, 01:36:10 AM
Once I was known as the Juggernaut of the Battleground. Few could match my skill and cunning, and my justice was swift and terrible. The other Masters and I wiped out entire sects of Sith in small periods of time. I was a raging wind, an unstoppable force that few would even dare to stand against.

But what good is all that rage to a Jedi Master? Where does the line blur and my rage start down the dark path? I lost many a friend to the insipid Sith Warlords who sprang forth from the scraps of regimes we had wiped out in the past. My thoughts turned inward and dark. My path was beset on all sides with the beginnings of darkness. The more I fought, the more the darkness rose in me. With every morning I rose and pondered the question of my fate. One dark day I agreed to take on a very special padawan. She was very young, and was not in the best of health, but I agreed out of friendship and compassion to teach her our way. Less than a month passed when she passed away. All of my bitter frustration was realized in this single event and my mind howled to me to kill.

The young ones illness and passing were of natural causes, a malady of her birth had sadly taken her much too early. With nothing to strike out at, I gave in to my hate. It began there and took a swiftly downward spiraling turn downward in to an abyss of sorrow.

I found myself in the company of those I had long since fought. I gained their favor by the relentless hate I held in my heart. I made myself one of them by showing my anger in voice and in action. I became a Knight of Shadow. I could no longer bear the name of Loran which represented all I was. My despair was black like a rose. I became Desmond Blackrose, something beyond their reckoning. Long and hard I fought with them against the enemies from outside our galaxy. Many limb I hacked and monster I slew, and still they came.

I came to the height of my power, second only to the newly risen Emporer. I looked into myself and I was revolted. I then started to reclaim what small part of a soul I had left in me and turned against the dark teachings. Desmond Blackrose has all but disappeared from their ranks and Garik Loran once again stands before you.

Learn from my mistakes young ones, triumph in the victories that peace brings, not war.

Warren Azalin
Jan 17th, 2002, 01:45:22 AM
The wind swept in after the Jedi as he entered the Bar and grill, as he had so many times before. It seemed the usual patrons where about, as where a few new faces... as well as some old. Among the later Warren noticed what seemed to be a newcomer gather a crowd, but Warren felt the presence of one surely not a newcomer. Indeed this man had once been a newcomer, but that was long ago, even before Warren's own time as a Jedi. Slowly he moved towards the group, hoping to hear whatever the man had to say.

Warren had gotten there a bit late but had still heard much of the mans tale, a tale that almost mirrored Warrens Dark past on a few occasions, but like others about him this man as well as others were proof that no soul can ever be truly dark forever without some light.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jan 17th, 2002, 01:49:22 AM
It was truly awe inspiring what Garik had said. To be able to speak from such personal and close experience was something that Eldrak found himself torn. Torn between the fact that he had not had such profound experience in his life, or possibly just couldn’t remember them is he had, and also torn because he already believed that peace was the right answer. Tranquility of one’s soul would further the cause of the Light.

He had not enough experience in being among the Jedi yet to know first hand that such notions were not always feasible when faced with the task of protecting those who could not protect themselves from the dark, so he wholeheartedly believed that pacifism and non violence were the only sound choices.

His pacifist views had been reinforced this evening by the wise man and the tale he told. Would there come a day when Eldrak would be forced to have to fight a battle to protect the peace? He certainly hoped that it would not happen, but such hope was not founded on fear, it was only founded on principle and belief in the way of peace.

number 62
Jan 17th, 2002, 02:08:41 AM
62 set there in oa but yet buging his self with the thought of not knowing if he had ever been in a fight as big as the old man's. Out of every thing not knowing is the worst.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jan 17th, 2002, 02:10:57 AM
::The doors of the bar and grill opened as a petite cloak figure walked in. She looked around the bar some, before noticing a small gathering. This seemed to peak her interest. Inconspiciously, Leia walked over to the bar and ordered a glass of water. Taking a sip...glancing occasionally, the Jedi Master took a double take::

Garik??!! Garik Loran?!! It can't be.

::But Leia knew all too well that force signature. He was truly one of the great Jedi of GJO. She took another sip and pondered some::

Its been ages. I wonder if he has returned home for good

Elieen Cross
Jan 17th, 2002, 02:18:29 AM
From my quiet place in the bar, I listened to this Jedi.

I knew this one. We had met when I wore a mask. We had fought as well. This would be interesting.

He would not recognise me, but I wondered if I would seek him out and speak to him later

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 17th, 2002, 02:39:38 AM
Surely one great as you must have crossed paths with many. Tell us more of your exploits, if you will.

Garik Loran
Jan 17th, 2002, 09:01:40 AM
Thank you for letting em bend your ear, you have been quite kind. In answer to your question, yes I have crossed paths with enemies of the Jedi that were a danger to the entire order if not the galaxy. Chiefly among them was Itala Marzullo, but his story we will leave to Turbogeek to tell, for it pains me still to this day.

Now my young friends tell me a bit of yourselves? What are your goals? What is your proudest moment? Which Jedi Master do you think embodies the force most? My advanced age has left me sentimental and curious, if you would indulge me it would make this soul feel a bit younger again.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 17th, 2002, 06:48:38 PM
:: Anbira raised an eyebrow ::

I am many things, traveler. Young is not one of them.

Unfortunately my sense of recall cannot match my sagely years. I know practically nothing of my own exploits. Only that I escaped the Sith Empire at Byss...to arrive here, and train amongst the Order.

Garik Loran
Jan 17th, 2002, 07:44:59 PM
I have visited your home world. Bleak are the sights from orbit and even bleaker is the surface. It is good to have another alongside me who has seen their fair share of combat.

What of you other folk? What is this GJO Mafia I have heard rumors about?

Satine Capashen
Jan 18th, 2002, 12:45:10 AM
Satine chuckles as he hears the GJO mofia mentioned.

"It's a little joke around here. As for myself, I was once known as Alpha, a member of the very first incarnation of the Sith Council, where Itala still had some respect, and before it detonated the first seven or eight times. I lef them, and joined Mara in the Sith Empire, and then served under Bromine, until I befriended Shay Kaylon and Spadix, two other members of the Young Ones. When I deected to the Jedi Order, Saurron--an undead Sith warrior--went after me and killd me. I was cloned, and Shay and Spadix and I all went after the Sith warrior again, coming out in a stalemate. Shay finally convinced me to join, and I did, though I fell sway to Sorsha Kasajian--the Sith Kat--and the darkside twice, I still made it back to where I belong in the Jedi Order. As for the Mastre that had best embodied the Force, I would say it would have to be the great Darth Turbogeek."

Garik Loran
Jan 18th, 2002, 09:08:09 AM
My thanks to you for informing me, long I have been out of touch. I will certainly try to keep abreast of thing here out.

Alpha, yes I do remember Alpha but along with that name you brought several painful names along with it. What of Sith Lord Bromine, and of Mara Jade? Respected enemies I miss as well as friends.

Master Yoghurt
Jan 18th, 2002, 09:22:09 AM
Welcome, Garik old friend and legendary warrior. It is good to see you again.

Satine Capashen
Jan 18th, 2002, 08:54:40 PM
"Bromine and Mara are gone. As is Shay and Spadix. I miss those two...my former helping trouble makers..."

Satine smiles ruefully as he remembers the fun the Young Ones had annyoing everyone else.

Garik Loran
Jan 19th, 2002, 12:36:55 AM
<bows low to Master Yoghurt>

It is very good to see you again wisest of the wise. Ever we shall perservere with you to guide us through the darkness.

Alas it is with half a sad heart that I hear of those few Sith being no more. Have any of worthy of respect risen to fill their ranks? It will be some time until I am fit to be treading the battleground again, and I need to do some recon as to where I should devote my energies.

Satine Capashen
Jan 19th, 2002, 01:49:20 AM
"Ah. Well, if you have any questions about the battlegrounds, I'm one of the opnes that spends half my time there, the other half here or at Rama's Corner."

Garik Loran
Jan 19th, 2002, 09:00:28 AM
<raises an eyeborw at Rama's name>

Perhaps I will see you in the middle of a battle soon then my friend, there is much I need to refresh, but my senses are yearning for the intricacies of swordplay. I predict soon there will be enough of a challenge to muster our collective force.

Satine Capashen
Jan 19th, 2002, 05:48:40 PM
"I have heard rumors of a threat from one of the Sith factions that the Jedi will need to band together to get rid of, so maybe that's what you're feeling. I just hope it isn't as bad as I heard..."

Garik Loran
Jan 19th, 2002, 08:24:51 PM
It may be worse than you fear my friend. To where should I go to rouse the Jedi and perhaps speak to the council of these doings?

Satine Capashen
Jan 19th, 2002, 08:41:52 PM
"Avalon is the main meeting place of those of rank, but the Academy grounds or here is where you would be heard by all Jedi."