View Full Version : Stranger amongst brothers.......

Jan 19th, 2002, 11:15:10 PM
Xazor dropped her blaster and lightsaber off at the door and wandered into the bar and grill. She looked around for a place to sit and spotted one in the shadows along the back wall. She slowly made her way through the crowd and sat down at the table. A droid came over and asked for her order.

I'll just have a glass of water, thank you.

She replied. The droid whizzed away to fill her order. She looked around the crowd to find anyone that she knew. Since arriving at the GJO, she had met quite a few people, but none were in the bar that evening. She felt a little out of place, sitting there by herself.

Again, I am but a stranger amongst brothers......

She thought outloud to herself.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 19th, 2002, 11:34:36 PM
Aren't we all?

:: Anbira picked up on the padawan's thoughts ::

There is a fellowship in this Order, but we cannot surrender ourselves to it fully.

Jan 19th, 2002, 11:42:05 PM
Startled, Xazor turned to face the one who spoke to her. She smiled as she remembered him from somewhere. They must have crossed paths at one time or another. In reply to his answer she spoke to him through the Force.

I wish we could all surrender ourselves to it. Life seems easier when surrounded by friends.

She looked down at the table. Friends......that is something she had very few of, but none the less, she was grateful for each one. There was once a time in life where "friend" was a forbidden word for her to use.
She glanced at the empty chair beside her and then looked back at the man.

Would you like to sit? We could keep each other company.

She smiled and motioned to the empty chair.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 19th, 2002, 11:48:42 PM
:: Anbira smiled ::

Of course...only...speak plainly. One does not appreciate a gift until one no longer has it.

:: The aging man sat, ordering a dark ale and a sprig of Zansanar root ::

Jan 19th, 2002, 11:54:57 PM
Xazor was confused by his words for a moment. She pondered over them as she studied his face. Then she remembered, he once had no voice! That is how she remembered him. She had seen him the bar once before.

Yes, I know all to well what it is like to have a gift and then have it taken away......

She spoke to him verbally this time. Her voice was soft and gentle as she said these words. She looked down at the table again as the droid came back with her water and the drinks he had ordered.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 20th, 2002, 12:03:23 AM
:: He leveled off the top of his ale, and tucked the tip of the Zansanar root in the corner of his mouth ::

Tell me of your troubles, Xazor.

Jan 20th, 2002, 12:16:27 AM
How he knew her name and the fact that she had troubles was beyond her comprehension. She looked at him and sighed.

I can't hide my problems from anyone very well......

She said looking down at the table again. She would have to tell someone what was going on if she wanted it to stop bothering her.

I feel an extreme disturbance in the Force.........involving my past. A few weeks ago, one of my friends gave me some information which I did not receive with joy. He told me that there had been a man.....a Sith to be exact.......in here, looking for me. He said that his aura was extremely dark, and he had evil motives. Unfortunatly.........I know this man.....

A tear fell from her eye as she said this. She was unsure of his response, but went ahead with her story anyway.

This man was my..........my Sith Master and guardian. I used to be a Sith Warrior........oh, it's such a long story......

She said with a heavy sigh. Despite the pain she felt in her heart, it was a relief to have someone to talk to.

He is the Sith Master and Lord of the Empire on the planet Cysaria.......where I was born and taken away from my parents. Anyway......I escaped him one day and found myself here, where I thought I was safe. Now he is looking for me.......I am afraid he is going to take me away from the Jedi...

Now a few more tears fell from her eyes as she said this. She loved this planet and the Jedi people. She was a Sith against her will but then found the way to escape to the light. Now that was all threatened because of one man.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 20th, 2002, 12:20:51 AM
He cannot take you into his fold without you stepping to his side willingly. It cannot happen, especially not here.

Jan 20th, 2002, 12:24:00 AM
I would never step onto his side......not willingly. I am a Jedi......he can never take that away from me. I am afraid he is going to try to kill me though......he had the chance to once........

She said quietly as she remembered the horrible day when he raised his lightsaber to her.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 20th, 2002, 12:27:33 AM
That too he cannot do within this sanctuary.

Jan 20th, 2002, 12:34:23 AM
He always does whatever he wants to.......no matter where it is. I have left out part of this story. He came to my room one night while my boyfriend and I were enjoying a nice conversation. He almost banged down my door.........demanding to be let in. I didn't know what to do, so my boyfriend got me out of the room through an emergency door in the back. I went to his room and waited for him there. I fell asleep and he came back much later. He was bleeding from a large gash on his arm. They had gotten into a fight with their sabers. My boyfriend had slashed him across the stomach and he almost died for lose of blood. He took him to the med bay and put him in restraints. He escaped the other day and we don't know where he is....this scares me so much....

She said quietly. Tears fell from her eyes and cascaded down her face now. They were soul deep. She knew that fear was of the dark side........but that is what she feared most.....was the dark side.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 20th, 2002, 04:44:27 PM
Rest assured, young one...the tragedies of the past cannot be repeated in this place.

Satine Capashen
Jan 20th, 2002, 05:20:01 PM
"The rest of the Jedi will not allow it."

This last voice came from the young Jedi Knight Xazor recognized as Satine, a rather cocky little one, but able to hold his own.

"Sorry," Satine says a little sheepishly, "I couldn't help but overhearing that little conversation..."

He takes a sip of his steaming klah as he finishes talking.

Jan 20th, 2002, 09:40:28 PM
Xazor turned around and saw Satine. Although she had never had the pleasure of actually talking to him, she had admired his attitude of strong will from afar. She quickly wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled at him.

It's quite all right......if this is to ever be taken care of, I must let others know of what is going on.

She said with a heavy sigh.

Satine Capashen
Jan 21st, 2002, 12:18:49 AM
"If you need help, do not hesitate to ask. I am always willing and ready to help my fellow Jedi."

Jan 21st, 2002, 12:21:30 AM
Xazor smiled at his kind words.

Thank you, Satine......I shall remember that. It is nice to know that there is someone who cares.....

She said in a gentle voice.

Satine Capashen
Jan 21st, 2002, 01:05:12 AM
Satine smiles, and bows slightly.

"You'll find there are more who care around here. You just gotta drag them out of their hiding places."