View Full Version : *A short rest.*
Miryan no Trunks
Jan 11th, 2002, 05:50:29 AM
*Walking in to the Jedi's bar, MnT did not look around, but instead waved towards the bartender, to catch his attention.. As soon as their eyes connected, MnT sent him a message via telepathy, asking him for a glass and pitcher of water, and some cloth he could use to re-dress a wound on his left arm.*
*As the man went to fulfill his request, the teen Sith Lord went and sat down at the empty table he usually found himself at whenever he visited the bar and grill. Setting his trenchcoat down on the floor beside him, MnT leaned back in the chair and smiled. It had been quite the workout, with the exception of that last miscalculation, but oh well.*
*Before he had time to get lost in thought, the bartender came over with his order. MnT paid the man, before filling his glass, and emptying it down his throat. Filling it once more, he then began to unwrap the bandages he'd already dressed the wound with. It was revealed to be a rather large slash down the side of his left forearm, that had already been burnt shut by his lightsaber. However, as all wounds will with movement, it had re-opened on the way here, and all he could do currently was dress it again. The process took just over a minute, and MnT was careful not to put it in view of any of ther other patrons. After all, most were eating.*
*Just under half a roll left, MnT fastened the cloth with a few pins, and placed the rest in an inside pocket of his trenchcoat. It would likely come in handy once he went back out and began training again. But for now, he would rest and relax.*
Jan 11th, 2002, 06:03:23 AM
*Miryan then found a pair of murky brown eyes suddenly looking at him as Videl teleported in to the chair by him, she had watched him come in and was curious to find out more about what had happened to him. Her eyes briefly drifted over his wounds wondering what had done this to him since he seemed to handle things well when she had trained him, it wasn't like him to let himself get hurt this badly*
Doing all right, Miryan? You don't quite look as if you're doing well.....
OOC: gtg for now but I'll be back in a day or two.....
Miryan no Trunks
Jan 11th, 2002, 06:10:33 AM
*He smiled at the sight of his first master, it had not been long at all since he said they'd have to find time to sit and chat, as it had been too long since their last meeting..*
... No, I'm quite well.. Just an exercise in dodging rocks in the midst of a small tornado.. I miscalculated the speed one was coming in at, and it caught me in the arm. It's nothing to worry about..
*The expression on his face, and calmness of his aura told Videl well that what he spoke was the truth.. True it was a rather large wound, but it was nothing MnT would consider to be even the slightest injury.. He had recovered from far far worse in recent times..*
Jan 13th, 2002, 03:13:54 AM
*Videl smirked, Miryan was just as he always was, tough as nails, it was that quality that Videl respected about him. He had been one of the few apprentices she had that had been able to stand up to her attacks when most had fallen in defeat.*
Good to hear, and I trust that life has been pretty much treating you well besides what happened that you were telling Dale about?
Miryan no Trunks
Jan 13th, 2002, 07:40:25 AM
... Fairly well, yes.. I've discovered that, if not simply the majority of Jedi's in general, then the majority of those that I've fought, have no respect or honor in battle.. It saddens me in a sense, to know that such a number of the Jedi would be so weak, when they hope to defeat us..
*He smiled sadly and shook his head, before looking back up, the previous pleasent expression once more adorning his visage*
... But that's unimportant, how have You been?
Jan 15th, 2002, 04:58:05 AM
*Videl nods in agreement*
The Jedi are a far cry from the ones I fought in my day, they are rather weak these days....
how have I been? pretty good I guess although bored, there isn't much to do these days, the Jedi are too easy to defeat for me lately, it isn't even a challenge anymore.......
Miryan no Trunks
Jan 15th, 2002, 07:46:43 PM
*MnT nodded.. Indeed, some of the Jedi simply weren't a challenge.. Although by his own honor, he carried a means of helping his opponents grow stronger, and more formidable..*
... True.. Actually though, I find that in such a case, it can be useful to simply lower the amount of effort you put into the battle, and show the Jedi what they're doing wrong.. The stronger your opponents can become, even With your help, the stronger you can become, knowing what you might come up against in the future..
Jan 17th, 2002, 03:08:30 AM
*Videl smiled before she answered*
I've been doing that for the last year and a half, Miryan, most of the Jedi can't handle even 1/4 of my power, only the masters of old were strong enough to be a challenge....I miss those days, they were better times for all.....
Miryan no Trunks
Jan 19th, 2002, 06:15:29 AM
*MnT smiled slightly as he replied.. *
... Well then you are lucky indeed.. If I ever reach such a level, I will be quite glad, for it will mean I am strong enough to carry out my goal of eradicating the Jedi way from the galaxy..
Jan 21st, 2002, 04:24:22 AM
You're rather strong now, Miryan, not many could stand up to me or the others you have faced.....honestly most of the Jedi these days would be simple to kill, I just haven't since it wouldn't be much of a challenge.....every easy win makes me miss the old days even more, back then it was a challenge.....
Miryan no Trunks
Jan 24th, 2002, 06:55:34 AM
*He nodded contemplatively.. It was true.. The Jedi of the present did seem rather weak as a whole.. It had been quite some time since he had last heard of a Jedi defeating a Sith in combat, no matter What the levels..*
... Perhaps then... A little thinning of the herd?
*The expression on his face made it obvious that it was not likely he himself would partake in such an activity, such was his sense of honor. He believed that if the potential to grow strong was there, there was little point in taking away that potential..*
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