View Full Version : Xazor and Verse.....

Shade Magus
Jan 23rd, 2002, 11:07:42 PM
Shade walked into th B&G looking for his freinds to see if they would assist him in a mission he was about to undergo.

Jan 23rd, 2002, 11:52:52 PM
Xazor walked into the bar and sensed Shade's presence immediatly. She looked around and finally spotted him. She walked through the crowd and finally reached him, greeting him with a hug.

Hey Shade, what'ch ya doin'?

She asked him with a smile.

Shade Magus
Jan 24th, 2002, 12:18:04 AM
Shade hugged Xazor back and smiled at her.

"Well....I was wondering if you and Verse would like to accompany me on a mission."

Jan 24th, 2002, 11:28:57 AM
Xazor smiled and replied.

I would love to. I'll have to talk to Master and see what he says, but I am sure that he would probably come too. Where were you thinking of going?

She asked with curiosity.

Shade Magus
Jan 24th, 2002, 03:16:11 PM
"To find my father.......I asked for your master to come because he is powerful in the Force and could probaly help us if we meet any trouble of any kind."

Jan 24th, 2002, 03:45:44 PM
Xazor was speechless. This was such a personal mission for Shade.....

Yeah.....I'd be honored to help you find your father.........and I am sure that my Master will be of great assistance to us.

She said with a smile.

Shade Magus
Jan 24th, 2002, 05:37:30 PM
"I hope so...and I also hope he can give me some information about my father since the last time I saw him was when I was very young. My father was a Jedi Knight so maybe Verse would know something of him."

Jan 24th, 2002, 05:43:24 PM
Xazor smiled at him.

Yeah, my Master is a really helpful friend. I am sure he will help.....

She replied.

The other day, I was thinking of going on a mission to find my parents. The only problem with that is....I'd have to go to the Sith for answers.

She said with a sigh. That is definatly something she didn't want to do.

Shade Magus
Jan 24th, 2002, 05:47:42 PM
"Go to the Sith....I think I could help you out with that part. There are a few who owe me favors and they wil grant them due to their honor."

Jan 24th, 2002, 05:54:59 PM
Xazor smiled. He was so kind and thoughtful.

I didn't tell you this......but I did, once. I went to Jeseth Cloak..........he knew my parents, at least, that is what others have told me. He also knew my Sith Master.....

She said. She paused for a moment and then continued.

He never got back to me though.........I suppose I have to see the right person, huh?

She finished. From all of her dealings with them, she never knew a Sith to keep their word.

Shade Magus
Jan 24th, 2002, 06:04:23 PM
"Believe it or not, there are a few that will keep their words."

Jan 24th, 2002, 06:06:09 PM
I'd like to see that.

She said with a laugh.

So, when were you thinking about taking this mission?

She asked with a smile.

Shade Magus
Jan 24th, 2002, 06:09:20 PM
"Well....I now this is kinda short notice but in about an hour if ya'll could be ready."

Jan 24th, 2002, 06:15:12 PM
In an hour? Wow.....that is kinda short notice, but, I'd do anything for you. I'm basically ready. I have things packed for another mission that I was going to be going on in the next week. I'll just take those things and postpone my other mission. It's no problem, really.

She said with a smile.

Shade Magus
Jan 24th, 2002, 06:34:55 PM
"Thanks....well I have to go for now, but meet me in the hangar later and if you catch Verse then tell him to."

Shade turned and hurried out the door after giving Xazor a hug good-bye.

OOC: here is the link for the thread:www.swforums.net/forum/sh...adid=11554 (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11554)

Jan 24th, 2002, 06:38:37 PM
Xazor hugged him back and then watched him leave.

I'll see ya then.....

She called after him with a wave.