View Full Version : A Sorrowful Verse

Cherice St Hilare
Jan 24th, 2002, 06:58:57 PM
Cherice glided in gracefully and glanced around the bar. She saw several patrons drinking and laughing, obviously drunk, and sneered in disgust. She sat down at a table that looked fairly clean and sighed, waiting for a droid to come over and take her order. As time elapsed, it finally noticed her and rolled over. Ordering a glass of Chambord Liquor, she watched it as it went away. Slowly she began to feel at unease, as if the Jedis within were examining her...

Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 24th, 2002, 07:30:48 PM
Sia-Lan looked up from the seat she was at. She noticed someone new at the B&G. The young jedi and RSC agent stood from her seat and walks up to the new woman.

"Hello. I'm Sia-Lan."

Cherice St Hilare
Jan 24th, 2002, 07:35:40 PM
Cherice looked up at the woman who introduced herself as Sia-Lan. A smile flitted her face momentarily then disappeared.

" Greetings... I'm Cherice. "

Motioning to the empty chair at the table, she watched Sia-Lan carefully. One could never be too cautious.

" Care to sit down? "

Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 24th, 2002, 07:37:36 PM
"Thank you."

Sia-Lan sits down. She notices Cherice watching her but simply shruged it off.

"So what brings you here?" Sia asks.

Cherice St Hilare
Jan 24th, 2002, 07:41:55 PM
She pursed her lips together in thoughtfulness. Knowing that the wrong answer could suddenly make Sia-Lan alarm the whole bar, she chose her words carefully.

" I was... thirsty. "

Cherice heard a humming noise and looked behind her. It was the droid and it had brought her order. Smiling, she took the glass and took a sip from it.

Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 24th, 2002, 07:50:56 PM
Sia shrugs.

"Thats what most people come here for. Others try to get more out of it though."

Cherice St Hilare
Jan 24th, 2002, 07:54:52 PM
Cherice nodded at Sia's comment while she put her glass down. The sweet, velvety taste of the liquor left a wonderful feeling in her mouth. Running her tongue over her teeth, she examined Sia-Lan.

" So tell me, Miss Sia, are you a Jedi? "

Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 24th, 2002, 08:10:51 PM
"One of the many around here. Why do you ask?"

Sia had now gotten a little confused on why she had asked that.

Cherice St Hilare
Jan 24th, 2002, 08:25:39 PM
Cherice just shook her head at Sia's question.

" Just... curious, 'tis all. "

Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 24th, 2002, 08:33:42 PM
"So what is your occupation?" Sia asks, slightly interested. She leaned back in her chair with her drink.

Cherice St Hilare
Jan 25th, 2002, 12:22:46 AM
" My ... occupation? "

Cherice blinked once or twice, stumbling over her words.

" Well, I, um... You see, I, uh, travel... Yeah, travel.. Doing odds and ends for a living... You? I mean, anything else you do besides being a Jedi? "

Nash Stolar
Jan 25th, 2002, 02:00:17 AM
*Nash walked into the bar, It was a little later in the night and it also seemed colder.. so he had his black cloak covering him this time.. along with his weaons, he hated to leave them at the door*


*He looked around for an empty seat, there was just enough people to take up all the tables.. even at night there was still enough people, it did not suprise him tho*

".....Bloody.. I come here to get out of my room.. and what happens... I get stuck standing up... again."

Cherice St Hilare
Jan 25th, 2002, 02:23:23 AM
A slight breeze drifted its way across the room to Cherice. She didn't even have to concentrate when it struck her. She sniffed the air, smelling the aroma of one's aura.. It wasn't bitter, so it wasn't a Sith... It wasn't misted like a Dark Jedi... It smelled... fresh. Clean. Too clean. It was a Jedi.

And one who probably had much use through the Force. Aura's changed with the person, and this one seemed somewhat powerful. She glanced over at the direction which all of this information had wafted over.

Spying a young man who stood all alone, looking bewildered, she smirked. Maybe she'd get what she came for after all... Motioning a droid over with her hand, she spoke to it.

" Tell that man over there that there is room for one more at this table. "

She watched as the droid rolled over to the man and speak in a monotone voice, telling him her message. She could read the man's surprise across his face while he walked over. How interesting this might turn out to be...

Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 25th, 2002, 03:15:26 AM
Sia feels the breeze as Nash walks through the door. She looks and sees the jedi knight but shrugs it off because she sees him in here all the time. She then returns to her conversation with the woman.

"I'm also an agent for one of the security groups around here. The Republic Security Corps." Sia pulls out her badge that usualy hangs inside her shirt when all she is doing is wandering around.

Nash Stolar
Jan 25th, 2002, 03:31:31 PM
*Nash walked over to the table. Still supprised that someone would send a droid to say there was an open seat.. He figured it was a nice guester. but there was something about it, he pushed away the thought and took a slight bow*

"Good evening, ladys."

Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 25th, 2002, 05:02:10 PM
"Hello Nash. How are you today. This is Cherice. We were just talking about some of the things around here." Sia says. She moves her chair over and pulls up an unoccupied chair, using the force, from the table next to us for Nash to sit in.

Jan 25th, 2002, 05:12:02 PM
Xazor walks into the bar. It was quite windy outside and it was nice to be in the calm indoors. She had just come from a great spar with a Knight and was going to enjoy some relaxation now. She looked around the bar to see that there were hardly any seats at all. She then spotted a small group off to the side. Two ladies and a man. She spotted a chair near the group and gracefully walked over to them. She smiled and gave a slight bow.

Hi, may I join you? This is one of the few chairs in here right now!

She said, motioning towards the empty seat. She looked at the three and recognized Sia-Lan and Nash...but not the other woman they sat with them. She had a strange aura to her. She didn't appear Jedi or Sith.......something else. She shrugged of the thought and introduced herself.

Hello Sia-Lan, Jedi Stolar.

She then faced the unfamiliar woman and smiled.

I'm Xazor. And your name is?

She asked in a kind voice. She loved meeting new people.

Cherice St Hilare
Jan 25th, 2002, 05:16:39 PM
Cherice was slightly impressed at Sia's occupation. Not many were in the Republic Security Corps.

" What an impressive job you have, Sia. "

She nodded at the young man when he bowed, taking it that he was, as most Jedi men were, a gentleman. She listened as Sia mentioned it his name and noted to herself that his name was Nash.

When he sat down at the chair Sia had used the Force to pull out, she looked over Nash and then looked back at Sia. Her blue eyes glinted in the light as one of her lessons raced through her mind:

A pure heart is easily stained with darkness and to demons it is sweet temptation.

A new voice startled Cherice out of her thoughts. She looked at the young woman who came over and smiled.

" Sure, the more the merrier... Nice to meet you, Xazor. I'm Cherice. "

Jan 25th, 2002, 08:21:48 PM
Xazor smiled at the friendly greeting. She moved the empty seat with the Force and then sat down in it.

So, how is everyone doing this eve?

She asked with a smile.

Cherice St Hilare
Jan 25th, 2002, 08:26:34 PM
" I'm faring fine, thank you. Can't speak for the others, though. "

Cherice smiled. She was about to speak again when a rippling pain flashed through her body. She leaned over, clutching her stomach in pain. Oh, no... It's too soon for this... Another flash of pain caused her to groan in agony.

Jan 25th, 2002, 08:30:25 PM
Xazor noticed the woman next to her bend over and clutch her stomach in pain.

Are you alright?

She asked, putting her hand on the woman's shoulder. She saw her face for a moment, but she could only gather that something was wrong. She grimaced in pain as she bent over in her chair. Xazor called on the Force and used the power of lessening another's pain. She pushed the healing force through her hand and into Cherice's body. She knew that this would help in only seconds.

Cherice St Hilare
Jan 25th, 2002, 08:34:22 PM

Her voice came out high-pitched and shrill. Cherice knew what would happen if the woman kept holding onto her. As her face was twisted in pain, a wave of coolness spread throughout her body. She recognised it to be the work of the Force, yet it would go away within seconds.

" You... don't... understand... "

Her voice came out heavily.

Jan 25th, 2002, 08:37:11 PM
Xazor let go of the woman immediatly. She jerked back in her seat as the woman twisted in pain. She couldn't understand why she didn't want her help. All she was doing was stopping her pain. Everyone in the bar was looking at them now. She looked at Cherice and studied her closely.

What's wrong? I can help you!

She said to her. Whatever it was.....she didn't think that Cherice was about to let anyone else know.

Cherice St Hilare
Jan 25th, 2002, 08:47:59 PM
" You want to die?! Then you can help me! "

Any plans she had for the night were ruined. And all because of what she was...

Jan 25th, 2002, 08:52:04 PM
Die?! I don't have to die to help you.........I can help you with the Force! Why would I have to d.......

It hit her then. She remembered that Succubis would do this........and Vampyres also........

You want to eat my so.....

She stopped in mid exclamation and was silent. She couldn't let out Cherice's secret. She sat there and watched her wrench in agony....

Cherice St Hilare
Jan 25th, 2002, 08:56:24 PM
Cherice had caughten some of Xazor's thoughts. Iye... She knew that Succubis were just re-emeraging into society, making their race reknown and feared.

Another wave of pain made her fall to the ground. Everything was becoming a misted red to her sight...

Nash Stolar
Jan 25th, 2002, 09:31:17 PM
*Nash had not even sat down yet, When Cherice went into pain and hit the floor, Of all his years nash had not seen something like this but he knew xazor knew by the way her eyes looked, when he looked over at her*

"Whats wrong with her, Xazor!?"

Jan 25th, 2002, 09:51:24 PM
Xazor looked at Nash. She was afraid to tell him her secret. She looked at Cherice cringing in pain on the floor. She made eye contact with Nash and spoke to him through the Force. She put up a block so that no one else could hear her thoughts but him.

Cherice is a............is.......she's a Succubi..........she is a demoness and needs to eat someone's soul to live! That is what's wrong with her, Nash. Master, sir.......she won't let me help her. I can help her with the Force! We need to do something. She may seem dangerous...........but I trust her. If she really wanted to, she would have tried to drain my life already......but she didn't. Can't we do something?!

She said in his mind. She could tell by his expression that he was not to keen on helping this......being. She looked at Cherice and then spoke to her through the Force.

Cherice........I can help you......please.......

She was full of sympathy for her. Her heart ached to see her pain stop.......

Nash Stolar
Jan 25th, 2002, 10:08:00 PM

*Nash looked at Cherice, it all fit now.. why she was being so nice.. But he knew that the life must be hard to take people's souls and leave just a shell... it probaly was a fate worse then death..*

Does it have to be a human soul? What about something small? like an animal?

*Nash got slighty closer to Cherice but he keeped his left arm out slighty, if an attack of some sort came he wanted to make sure it hit his arm*

Jan 25th, 2002, 10:14:32 PM
Xazor shook her head.

I am pretty sure that it has to be a human soul. She's not going to do anything to you, Nash! You can't let her know that I told you!

She said using the Force. She knew how misunderstood Cherice was.......she also shared that same trait. She knew that it was hard being the misunderstood one every where she went. They had a great deal in common.......

What are we going to do?

She asked Nash. She was panicking. She had no idea what to do. She put her face in her hands and closed her eyes tight. I wish this was all a dream...... She thougt to herself.

Nash Stolar
Jan 25th, 2002, 10:26:56 PM
*nash stayed where he was and watched, her.. this had gotten quite intresting, and by now other people were starting to form around them*


*Nash turned his gaze to xazor for a second then back to Cherice*

What do you have to do? And how close and what does she have to do to take a soul?

Jan 25th, 2002, 10:48:23 PM
Xazor looked up at Nash and then spoke in his mind.

It has to be by her will. She chooses who her next......uh.....victim is. She seducts them.......and eats their soul. I can't explain how they do it......it just happens. I guess she'd have to be pretty close to the prey in order to eat it. I dunno! I am not an expert here!

She sure knew a lot about them though.........how she did, she would not tell. She was getting really frustrated now. People were staring at them as they gathered around. I wish I had a plan.......but for once.....I don't..... She thought to herself. Her heart ached for Cherice as she convulted on the floor of the bar.

Cherice St Hilare
Jan 25th, 2002, 10:48:27 PM
Cherice bit her tongue to keep from screaming. Why hadn't she seized the chance to feed on that traveler!? She could hear her mind talk back and forth.

I didn't feed on him because...

Because why?

Because he was unsuspecting... I mean...

What you mean is that you're becoming weak. And you call yourself a royal of the Succubi! Ha!


A cold sweat had covered her body and she shivered visibly. Looking around, she tried to distinguish Nash and Xazor from each other without success. They both looked the same, except for their souls...

She could feel it... Sense it... Desperately she clawed at anything that was around, trying to escape her fate.

Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 25th, 2002, 11:00:18 PM
Sia know what she has to do. Hopeing that it would work, she grabs all the shadows in the room using the force. She covers Cherice with half the shadows. with the other shadows, she creats a replica of Cherice. They both have the exact same signature souls except the decoy is controled by Sia.

"Just hold on Cherice."

Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 25th, 2002, 11:02:42 PM
(OOC: Double posted above message.)

Jan 25th, 2002, 11:09:38 PM
Xazor watches Sia do this. Why didn't I think of that? She asked herself. She stands up and moves next to Sia. She stands there for a moment and watches as the replica is created.

It has to be a pure soul for her to take it.........a soul with good traits in it........like a Jedi.

She said through the Force. She then created a soul replica of her own soul and replaced it in the replica of Cherice's body. This is a plan that would hopefully work..........

Cherice St Hilare
Jan 25th, 2002, 11:14:45 PM
OOC ~ O_o ...

Sorry Sia, I should've noted this before. Succubis don't have souls. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Jan 25th, 2002, 11:15:40 PM
OOC: That's why I put a replica of my soul in there! <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)"> So it works!

Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 25th, 2002, 11:25:07 PM
OOC: Ah. that could creat a problem.

Sia lets the shadows slip off of Cherice and into the shadow creature. She Takes a piece of her soul and creates one for the shadow creature. She drops to her knees but manages to keep the shadow under her controle so that hopefully, Cherice will be able to take its soul.

Jan 25th, 2002, 11:26:02 PM
OOC: Hey! I already did that Sia! ;) Heheheh.......

Cherice St Hilare
Jan 25th, 2002, 11:36:50 PM
OOC ~ Like I said, the more the merrier <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/laugh.gif ALT=":lol">

IC ~

Cherice was gasping for air. God, she was hungry!

Thirsty for souls, are we?

Leave me alone!

You're cracking. This is yourself thinking these thoughts!

She groaned and looked around. Suddenly she saw something that was even more indistinguishable from the others... What was it?

Jan 25th, 2002, 11:40:57 PM
Xazor had control of the soul in the replica body.......but Sia had control of the body itself. They could see Cherice looking at the figure with thirsty eyes. Xazor spoke through it's soul.

You thirst for the soul that resides in this body..........you crave the life that it gives you.......well, come and get it then.......

She made it say. She could see that this was working. Cherice moved closer and closer to the shadow figure that was standing there.

Nash Stolar
Jan 25th, 2002, 11:43:09 PM
ooc: God you people make this confusing.

*Nash watched Cherice.. She had cought his soul intrest now..*

She is hungry... But what happens if she does not eat? She would die... or is this something else..?

*Without thinking nash reached out to her with his left and and spoke*

"Whats wrong, soultaker?"

Jan 25th, 2002, 11:46:51 PM
Do not mock her!

Xazor yelled at Nash. She went and stood in between him and Cherice and glared at him.

The soul is the most powerful weapon we possess...........

She growled at him. She knew that he wouldn't understand what she was talking about......

Cherice St Hilare
Jan 26th, 2002, 12:00:47 AM
Cherice blinked a couple of times, disbelieving. It was actually beckoning her to come and feast. She stood up and tried to walk towards it, but kept falling down. She felt warm tears start to trickle down her face as she whined like a child. She was pathetic - she didn't even know why she was here.

She heard a voice speak to her, calling her soultaker... Is that what I am? She looked around, bewildered. A different figure stood infront of her. Why were all these ... these things blocking her way to her food? She grabbed the one infront of her to hoist herself up, struggling.

Jan 26th, 2002, 12:03:27 AM
Xazor suddenly felt an icy cold grip on her right arm. She looked down to see Cherice pulling herself up. She reached down and picked her up.

You're almost there.........you're gonna be okay.......

She said with warmth. She showed her the way to the replica body and soul. Slowly Cherice made her way towards the shadow being.

I am but prey waiting for my preyess.........

Xazor spoke through it's soul again.

Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 26th, 2002, 12:08:29 AM
OOC: Lol 2 for 1 price.

Sia has the creature walk closer to Cherice. Sia could help but she could not make Cherice take the soul.

Nash Stolar
Jan 26th, 2002, 12:09:07 AM
*Nash brought his arm back to him and stood up and looked down at xazor*

"A fake sould won't work.. you need a real one or she will go again... But what do I know right?"

*he put his left arm under his cloak and leaned on the wall and watched*

Jan 26th, 2002, 12:10:50 AM
It is real.......it came out of my body! It is a copy of mine....it is real! Yeah, what do you know?!

She said to him. She was getting cross with him now......he wasn't helping any.

OOC: LOL, yeah Sia.......2 for 1!

Nash Stolar
Jan 26th, 2002, 12:14:39 AM
*Nash was tired of using the force to talk to xazor. he looked up at her his eyes showing no change from before*

"A copy is not the same as the real thing.. a human soul can't be copyed. even with the force.. its impossable.."

Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 26th, 2002, 12:17:26 AM
"Your not helping much, Nash." Sia says but keeps her eyes on the shadow. She has it move within a foot of Cherice. 'Come on. Take the souls.' Sia thinks to herself.

Jan 26th, 2002, 12:19:06 AM
Why do you always have to be the one that's right? Or the one that thinks he is right? Like I said, Nash, I thought you were different. I thought you were a Jedi......

She replied verbally. Everyone stared at her as she said this.

I'm sorry everyone........I guess I thought I could help someone........but I guess I was wrong....

She said and looked at the floor.

Good luck, Sia........maybe you can help her........

She put her hood over her face and started walking for the door of the bar.

Cherice St Hilare
Jan 26th, 2002, 12:19:44 AM
The creature was walking towards her. Cherice could feel herself start to tremble with excitement as her hunting instincts kicked in. She could feel the adrenaline flow through her body, powered by her pains. She stumbled and caught herself. So close... so close... She suddenly grabbed the creature, feeling as though in a dream.

Next she did what came natural: she kissed it.

As soon as her lips came into contact with the creature she began to absorb its life source. In other words, she was drinking the soul.


Finally the creature collapsed to the floor, no longer having any energy to sustain it. She stepped away from it and felt the effects of her meal take place... The pains started to go away.

Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 26th, 2002, 12:24:55 AM
Sia lets go of the soul-less shadow creature and the shadows spring back to their owners. She colapses to the ground, tired from using the force so much.

Nash Stolar
Jan 26th, 2002, 12:31:00 AM
*Nash was still leaning on the wall watching the whole thing, No one said the truth was going to feel good.. and all jedi had to be smiles.. but nash despised that type of person.. he did not hide behind masks of joy..*

"So.. It comes to this..."

*Nash looked over to Cherice and did not say anything yet, for there was nothing to really be said*

Jan 26th, 2002, 12:34:21 AM
Xazor was hurt.....not physically.....but her spirit was. She stopped just before she exited the bar. She turned and looked back to see that Cherice was alright.

Someone else is always the hero..........I hope you're happy Nash........

She said under her breath. She sent a gentle Force push his way before she turned and was gone.

Cherice St Hilare
Jan 26th, 2002, 12:37:59 AM
Cherice felt revived and was surprised at the events. They had all helped her.. but why? She was Succubi, scum! Yet they valued her enough to save her. Was it just because of the Jedi Oath? But if it was then they were violating it, for they just let one of humanity's worst nemesis live...

She shook her head. It was all too complicated and she was still dazed. She looked over at Sia and saw that she collapsed to the floor in exhaustion. Worried, she glanced around but couldn't find Xazor. A movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. Turning, she saw someone that resembled Xazor heading for the exit. Her eyes widened and she hurried over to her.

" Xazor? Xazor, is that you, Miss? "

Jan 26th, 2002, 12:41:27 AM
Xazor turned around at the mention of her name. Her hood covered her face in shadows and it was difficult to see her identity. She removed her hood with her right hand and looked at the one who called her name. It was Cherice. She smiled and gave a slight bow.

Yes.....it is me.

She said in a light voice.

Cherice St Hilare
Jan 26th, 2002, 12:58:46 AM
" I um.. Don't know what you did and why you did it, but thanks... "

She really didn't know what to say at the moment.

" Are you leaving us so soon? "

Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 26th, 2002, 01:00:44 AM
Sia got back to her feet. She was glade that Cherice was ok but was slightly upset that Nash had to faith in the jedi padawans. She walked over to Xazor and Cherice.

"You ok?" She asked.

Jan 26th, 2002, 01:02:25 AM
Xazor smiled.

I did it because everyone deserves the chance to live......no matter who they are. I did it because we have so much in common. You are misunderstood everywhere you go......as am I. I did it because you were nice to me.........but most of all........I did it because you're my friend.

She looked at the floor for a moment before she said anything else.

No.....I'm not leaving. I'll stay.....

She said with a smile.

Nash Stolar
Jan 26th, 2002, 01:04:23 AM
*The force push just made nash's cloak swish a little at most and he did not bother to look at xazor, but he keeped his eye on Cherice..*


Cherice St Hilare
Jan 26th, 2002, 01:19:05 AM
Cherice smiled at Sia.

" For whatever you did... Thank you. "

She was stunned by Xazor's words. No one had ever spoken to her like that before. And much to her surprise, she found that she liked it. A smile spread across her face.

" I'm glad that you'll be gracing us with your company.. "

As she spoke, she got the prickly feeling that one gets when someone is watching them... She turned around and saw Nash watching her and bit her lower lip. What did she do?

Jan 26th, 2002, 01:21:43 AM
Xazor smiled and then caught a glimpse of Nash. He was staring at them.

Pay no mind to him. He doesn't know what he's doing half the time. He always seems to be around...unfortunatly.

She said with a bit of a laugh. They started to walk back to their table.

Cherice St Hilare
Jan 26th, 2002, 01:30:35 AM
Cherice nodded slighty at Xazor as they started to walk back with Sia. Thoughtfully, she asked something that had bugging her...

" .. What did you do, to help me for the moment? "

Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 26th, 2002, 01:33:08 AM
Sia shrugs and walks after them.

"Its no problem. The shadows was an illusion but with the correct kind of force use, Xazor and I managed to make it into a controled living creature with a soul." Sia explained.

Nash Stolar
Jan 26th, 2002, 01:52:17 AM
*Nash keeped watching them then looked down and started to could to himself.. he raised his head just enough to look at the small group, without really being noticed*

Its all just a matter of time...

Cherice St Hilare
Jan 26th, 2002, 02:02:58 AM
Cherice blinked, confused...

" How is that possible? "

Jan 26th, 2002, 02:47:58 AM
Anything is possible with the Force. Sia and I gave from our hearts. We both gave parts of our soul to the image so that you could gain your life back. We just have to believe that whatever we are doing is possible..and it will happen......

She said with a smile. They arrived back at the table and Xazor glared at Nash.

What is your problem?

She asked him through the Force. He kept staring at them like they did something wrong. It made Xazor feel uncomfortable. He used to be so nice to her.......

Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 26th, 2002, 03:27:11 AM
Sia shakes her head as she notices Nash. She cant figure out what came over him. She takes a seat at the table and picks up her drink again. She leans back in her chair and stares at the table, trying to figure out what happened.

Jan 26th, 2002, 03:31:47 AM
So......do you guys want something to drink?

Xazor said, trying to lighten the atmosphere. She glanced at Nash who was still standing against the wall. She couldn't quite put her finger on it.......but somehow.......he had changed from the first time she had met him. He was different.........

Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 26th, 2002, 03:35:57 AM
"I'm ok." She motions to her drink and shrugs. She leans back in her chair and glances around the room. The people where finaly going back to their own tables and buisness. She hated bringing attention to herself. Only a few people were still watching them. The few sith were some of them.

Jan 26th, 2002, 03:38:31 AM
Xazor smiled.

Okay......just thought I'd ask. I have water anyway.

She said as she took a sip of the glass of water in front of her.

Cherice St Hilare
Jan 26th, 2002, 05:12:57 PM
Cherice sat down, thinking hard about what Xazor had said. They had both given away part of their souls..but...why? She couldn't quite figure it out. Didn't they know what they had just done?

Her thoughts were interrupted when Xazor asked if anyone wanted a drink. She shook her head, gesturing to the glass of Chambord Liquor.

" ...Did you ever read up on what giving part of your soul away can do? "

Jan 26th, 2002, 05:56:40 PM
I am not afraid......I am a Jedi. No one took that away from me, so everything is fine. It is said to be true that if you give something willingly.......you will gain it back again. I gave you a part of my life so that you could live. It was a gift. No harm was done to me. I am still alive and I am still a protector of the peace. What more could one ask for?

She said with a smile. She could still see Nash's eyes piercing through her. He was actually glaring at her....something was wrong. She glanced at him with a questioning look.

If I did something wrong.........tell me........I can't keep trying to figure it out on my own......

She said to him through the Force.

Nash Stolar
Jan 26th, 2002, 05:59:58 PM
*With a light grunt nash moved his gaze to the center of the bar.. not looking at anything.. but when xazor asked him a question he gave a sideways glance.. then looked back at the bar center*


Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 26th, 2002, 06:11:50 PM
Sia glanced at Nash again and shakes her head. "Its useless Xazor. He can be as stuborn as a hutt at times I guess." Sia shrugs and turns back to her drink.

Jan 26th, 2002, 06:13:16 PM
Will you not do me the honor of answering my question? Please..........tell me if I have done something wrong. Have I committed a wrong doing against you? Against anyone in this bar? Against the Jedi? The Force......?

She asked him through the Force. She looked down at the ground as she said these last things. She had interferred with something that she should have not.

It was not my place...........was it........?

She again spoke through the Force. She looked down at the water in front of her and sighed as she waited for him to answer her........

Cherice St Hilare
Jan 26th, 2002, 06:52:26 PM
Cherice chewed on her bottom lip while Xazor answered. Closing her eyes, she sighed. No, Xazor didn't know what she had just done. Opening her eyes to a half-slit, she looked at her.

" Now a part of you is a part of me... "

She looked away, not wanting to go into details.

Nash Stolar
Jan 26th, 2002, 11:16:04 PM
*Nash raised his head and his gaze found its way back to Cherice.. but now he was watching her closer... He almost did not even look at xazor at all.*

Due time... You might find out..

Jan 27th, 2002, 03:17:47 PM
Xazor gave a confused look to Nash.

What are you hiding from me? What is it that you wish me not to know?

She spoke to him through the Force. She then looked at Cherice as she spoke about her being apart of her now.

I realize this. It bothers me not........why does it affect you so? It only means that.........

She then realized what she was trying to say.

That means........I'm.......and you.........

She couldn't speak the words that were so heavy on her heart at that moment.

Cherice St Hilare
Jan 27th, 2002, 03:37:08 PM
As Cherice looked at Xazor, an odd look came across her face. When she spoke, her voice sounded odd...

" Didn't know this was going to happen, eh girl? You were expecting for everything to be fine, for everything to run smoothly. Funny how twisted things come out to be... like your past. "

Suddenly Xazor felt a chill run down her back while a voice whispered in her head. Sssiiiittthh...

She had closed her eyes by now and was rocking back forth, humming a strange tune. Images flashed before her eyes while she experienced emotions and thoughts she had never felt before.

Jan 27th, 2002, 03:47:33 PM
Xazor had no idea what was going on now. Voices were in her head repeating the word "Sith...." over and over again.

What'sssss..........happpppening............tooooo ........meeeee..........

She spoke through a shiver than now ran through her whole body. It was a strange feeling...... My past? What does she know of my past......? She thought to herself.

Am I............I can't be part...............Sith..........

She said through violent shivers and tears.....

Cherice St Hilare
Jan 27th, 2002, 04:12:20 PM
Suddenly images were projected into Xazor's mind; images of her being raised by Siths.. Once again she experienced the joy of being promoted to a Sith Warrior to a Sith Knight, the pain of being slashed by her Sith Master's lightsaber when her secret readings were discovered... The fear of being confronted by her past.

Suddenly different voices were heard all around Xazor, as if they speaking to each other yet directed to her.

<fontcolor=red>"She's a Sith! How dare she enter the Great Walls of the Jedi Order."</font>

<fontcolor=blue>"Shh... Don't frighten the child so. She turned on her ways and wants her past forgotten."</font>

<fontcolor=red>"Turned her back on the Siths? Don't be ridiculous! The darkness still travels within her mind and her soul."</font>

<fontcolor=blue>"How can you speak such false lies? Why else would she come to the Jedis; sworn enemies of the Siths?"</font>

<fontcolor=red>"But you see.... That's where the mistake lies... She believes that they will cure her... That they will flush the seed of evil out of her system and that she will be good and pure once more..."</font>

The voices swirled around Xazor, clouding her mind... For these were the very same thoughts that tortured her once she left the Siths...

Nash Stolar
Jan 27th, 2002, 04:21:06 PM
*Nash pushed off from the wall, A stedy clank as he slowly walked to the small group.. His expression was now a slight frown.. His eyes piercing.. when he reached the group he brushed xazor slighty, and in a low but very cold voice spoke to her..*

"I told you... I soul can't be copyed.. Now you get the consequences."

*After that said he walked past her to a bar stool at the counter that was now empty*

Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 27th, 2002, 05:05:02 PM
Sia could tell something was going on with Xazor because of the look on her face. She knew what caused it but was now confused. If this was happening to Xazor because she had given away part of her soul, why had nothing happened to her? Sia-lan reached out with the force and talked to Xazor through the force. <What is going on. What happened?> She asks her.

Jan 27th, 2002, 07:19:17 PM
The torturing voices rang in Xazor's mind. Feelings and thoughts that she once had came back to her. Sadness, joy, excitement, hate, and fear all came rushing in at once.....crushing the light with every word. She then heard Sia speak out of the darkness that surrounded her. She listened to her question and replied through the Force.

I gave her a part of my soul.........she is pure darkness.........and now the darkness is a part of.....me. The darkness....................the ways of the..............the Sith.........overcame me.......

She was violently shaking now. She didn't know what was happening to her.


She cried out. The words in her head were becomming louder and louder. She's a Sith.......rebellious Sith Knight.......traitor of the light you are......... They were putting her through physical and mental torture.

It isn't true!!!

She cried out at the voices in her mind. Everything became a blur around her as she fought against the darkness. The light and dark were now waring in her soul.......

Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 27th, 2002, 09:48:03 PM
Sia shakes her head, her eyes wide. 'THis can't be happening.' she thought to herself. She had seen the darkside over-come someone. She had seen what it could do to them and if it was strong enough that it could kill them. One thing was for sure, she would do anything to keep Xazor from dieing or worse...

Jan 27th, 2002, 10:01:19 PM
Xazor shook violently as the war in her soul continued. She fell on the floor as the voices seemed to consume her very being. She couldn't comprehend what was going on. She couldn't understand what went wrong.......

Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 27th, 2002, 10:12:52 PM
<Xazor, you are not a sith anymore. You are a jedi. You have to fight it.> Sia-lan says to her through the force. <you have to fight it.> Sia turns to Cherice.

"Why are you doing this? She is no longer a sith." Sia says to her.

Cherice St Hilare
Jan 27th, 2002, 10:15:32 PM
She isn't a Sssiiitthh... The words rang through Xazor's head like bells. Cchhiiilldd...

Cherice opened her eyes, seeing only darkness. She was feeling Xazor's panic and fear swallow her whole.

"The child is crying now. How pathetic! And she used to wear the honor of being a Sith with pride."

"She's not a Sith anymore, she's a Jedi! Now she looks with shame and regret on her past and hope with her future."

"But look where her future has gotten her so far... Nowhere."

The nothingness Cherice was seeing slowly began to creep its way towards Xazor. Already her vision was blurring, now the darkness began to pollute it.

Jan 27th, 2002, 10:19:16 PM
Xazor hears her words. They are very faint among the words of the voices speaking in her mind. The tremors persist throughout her body. She hears Sia's words getting louder and louder. "Fight it..." they say..repeating over and over again. She cries out against everything that is going on in her mind.

I............AM..........NOT............A......... ....SI.............

Something choked off her words, literally. She grabbed for her throat. It felt like someone was choking her to death. She fought for air as she convulted on the floor. She then spoke it through the Force...it was her last hope.

I..................AM................NOT.......... ....A................SITH..............

She yelled through the Force. Anyone who was a Jedi, Sith, or just Force sensitive would have been able to hear her for miles. She created a wave of disturbance that would run through the Force to lands and planets far from here.

Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 27th, 2002, 10:27:44 PM
<Xazor you have to fight it. Dont let the dark side take over.>
Sia could sense Xazor comeing back. She just had to hold on a little longer. She turned back around to watche Xazor. <Xazor. Remember Verse. Your master. Fight to get back to him.>

Cherice St Hilare
Jan 27th, 2002, 10:31:19 PM
Cherice cried out suddenly and grabbed her ears. A loud, psychic cry echoed throughout the whole room, bouncing back towards Xazor. Slowly she opened her eyes and blinked. Everything in the room was tilting...

As time went on, her vision began to clear. The voices in Xazor's head had stopped talking, leaving her peace at last. Her breathing began to regulate and she stopped trembling. Xazor finally realised that her cry had torn her free.

Jan 27th, 2002, 10:38:34 PM
Everything started to become clear. All was silent and there were no more voices speaking to her. She looked around at everyone as they stared back at her. Her breathing slowed down and her soul became at peace with the Force again. She let her muscles relax as she laid on the floor. She looked at the ceiling and tried to recall everything that had just happened. From somewhere in the room.....or on the planet...somewhere a man spoke to her in a gentle voice through the Force.

Be calm my child and know that you are a Jedi.........you are a protector of peace.......you are the light.

The voice sounded like that of her Master. She was comforted and let all thoughts slip from her mind as she laid there in the silence that engulfed the room.

Nash Stolar
Jan 27th, 2002, 10:43:26 PM
*Nash was still at the counter of the bar, he had not even looked back through the whole thing.. his ale was in his left hand, he noticed the bar tender was looking over at the group*

"It will pass, No need to worry.." *Nash said as he looked at his drink*

"What makes you so sure? It looks bad." *He said looking at nash..*

"I just am..Worse things have happend in this bar."

*Nash took a sip of his drink, he looked up to see the bar tender take a look over at them again, then get back to work*

Jan 27th, 2002, 11:06:51 PM
Xazor looked up from the floor of the bar and her eyes met with Nash's. He looked at her with shame. She looked at the floor and tried to block the picture out of her head. She then slowly started to get up. She almost fell, but quickly strengthend herself using the Force. She was now on her feet and looking around at the people in the bar. All eyes were on her. She incoherently straightend her robes and turned to face Sia who was standing near her.

Thank you for what you did for me...........for pulling me through the darkness.........

She said to her through the Force. She couldn't look at Cherice. She had deceived Xazor in everything that had happened. Now she realized why she had been so nice to her. She clasped her hands in front of her and spoke to her using the Force.

Thank you for making me realize how strong a Jedi I am.....

All was silent as she spoke these words to her. She looked over at Nash and spoke to him.

I told you I wouldn't go back..........

She said using the Force. Her body felt weak as she looked around the bar once more. Turning to Sia, she spoke once more.

I must return to my room. I have to see my Master later........

She said and turned to leave the bar.

Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 27th, 2002, 11:36:24 PM
Sia glanced at everyone in the room then runs after Xazor. She places Xazor's arm over her sholders and around her neck and helps Xazor to her quarters. She silently helps her out.

Jan 27th, 2002, 11:43:07 PM
Xazor's legs felt weak under her as she walked and then suddenly Sia ran up to help her. She gave a slight smile as they walk out silently together. No one said a word as they walked through the door and out of the bar.

Thank you again for being a sort of strength to me........

She said in a weak voice.

Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 27th, 2002, 11:49:20 PM
Sia nods and thinks a moment.

"The strength is a good thing to have, but the knowledge of how to use it to help other is better. I have figured this out over the time that I have been here. I know how it is like to use the strength in evil ways. Something I don't wish to go back to and something that I wish no one would do." Sia says.

Jan 27th, 2002, 11:54:15 PM
Xazor more than understood what she was saying.

I also wish that no one would use the Force for evil..........but I can persuade no one.....

She looked at the ground as they walked to the living quarters.

Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 28th, 2002, 12:06:27 AM
Sia nods again as they make their way inside of the LQ.

(OOC: Xazor check the LQ in a min.)

Jan 28th, 2002, 12:09:49 AM
OOC: Will do! <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Nash Stolar
Jan 28th, 2002, 12:14:27 AM
*When sia and xazor left the bar nash stood up and walked over to Cherice, he pushed what was left of the small crowd out of his way and told them to get lost.. Now he was at Cherice's side.. his left hand was outside his cloak.. the rest of his body parts where hidden under it*

"Get up, We should leave... People are going to start to crowd you and ask stupid questions now if you stay.."

Cherice St Hilare
Jan 28th, 2002, 06:03:25 PM
Cherice glanced up at Nash without saying a word. Xazor had overcome the darkness, the past that haunted her so. The only reason why she had felt it again was because Cherice had; part of the consequence of having Xazor's soul. She sighed. Obviously Xazor hated her now, thinking that what just happened was intended.

" ...Alright. But where do we - I mean, I, go? Perhaps it would be best if I just left the Jedi Order. "

Nash Stolar
Jan 28th, 2002, 07:08:17 PM
*Nash looked around the bar at all the sleepless people that were looking at them and sighed.. He then looked down at Cherice and held out his left hand to help her up*

"Perhaps... But if you want you might want to clear things with xazor first... That is... if you did not mean to do what just happend.."

ooc: I already told ya about nash's left arm.. so don't try anything.... <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Cherice St Hilare
Jan 28th, 2002, 08:21:50 PM
Cherice looked at his arm and raised her eyebrows.

An arm made out of metal ...?

She took his hand and got up, then let go right away.

" Well ... It would be nice to clear things up first, but I doubt she would even believe me. After all, I am not what they would consider 'a being of light'. "


Lol ... <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/laugh.gif ALT=":lol"> Wasn't gonna

Nash Stolar
Jan 28th, 2002, 09:37:06 PM
*Nash put his arm back at his side and looked over at the bar entrence..*

"One thing I know... It does not hurt to try at least once.."

Cherice St Hilare
Jan 29th, 2002, 01:26:07 AM
Cherice suddenly let out a small laugh.

" Well, come on then! We haven't got all night! "

She started to leave then turned towards Nash.

" Come, sir knight, you must lead the way. I am, after all, just a visitor.. "

Nash Stolar
Jan 29th, 2002, 01:34:16 AM
*nash nodded and walked ahead of Cherice leading her twords the LQ.. and xazors room*


Cherice St Hilare
Jan 29th, 2002, 01:44:36 AM
Cherice smiled and skipped after him; another one of her oddities.