View Full Version : a little innocent fun (open)

Jan 25th, 2002, 10:58:49 PM
Kyry grinned at Nash and began pulling more ankle-biters from the case, programming them to ignite on her signal. She'd set them off with an internal remote when everything was ready, but she'd need Nash for getting them into the best locations; under tables, etc.
"Do you think you could nudge them into place with the force?" she said, setting the last one and replacing it the case. Standing, she handed the case back to Nash and picked up the carriers of scurriers, draping a small cloth covering over each. Walking to the front of the bar, she shook her hair so that it fell crazily into her face and put on her best innocent smile.

Nash Stolar
Jan 25th, 2002, 11:09:37 PM
*Nash put the small box under his cloak and looked over to the bar entrence, he fliped his hood over his head and the shadow of it coverd his face.. he then grinned slighty.*

"Yeah, Seems easy enough to place these with the force... So.. you wanna do the talking or do you want me to?"

Jan 25th, 2002, 11:13:22 PM
"They know you better; I haven't been here enough to establish anything. You should do the talking." She let him step in front of her.

Nash Stolar
Jan 25th, 2002, 11:33:29 PM

*Nash walked up and stoped at the door to the bar as the guards looked at the coverd crates Kyry had and spoke*

"Whats in the box?"

"Todays special." *nash avoided eye contack as much as possble*

"......Really?" *The guard asked

*Nash nodded*

"Why was I not told of this..?"

"Its something new, he wanted it to be a secreat from the people.. going to be a real knock out I hear.." *nash responded*

"..........." *the guard looked at him*

"..........." *Nash looked at the guard a little and noticed he moved outta the way with a nod*

Lets go..

*Nash walked into the bar and keeped his hood on as he looked around*

Draken Chakara
Jan 26th, 2002, 11:06:52 PM
The guard at the door seems to be conversing with someone, then two people walk in, one carrying a box of some sort. Rather odd to be carrying a crate into a bar. Perhaps some investigation is in order...

Jan 27th, 2002, 04:49:13 AM
Kyry led the way to a back table and dropped into the booth, carefully setting the carriers beneath the table, next to her feet. She smiled at Nash, giving him a wink. "Ok. Let's put a few underneath each table in the middle, and at least three or four around the bar. And two right next to the door gaurd. When they start goin' off, then we'll toss out some smoke bombs, and after that I'll let the scurriers free."
She grinned.

Nash Stolar
Jan 27th, 2002, 03:11:22 PM
*Nash chuckled and with a nod he looked around the bar, there was more people then he thought would be when they left to get thing things.. But no mtter he could make this work, with a grin he turned to kyry*

"Alright, might take some work but I can do it, I'll be back before ya know it.. but we should keep low.. some people seem to have taken a kind of intrest in us.."

*With that nash headed into one of the crowds in the middle of the bar so it would be hard to notice him when he did the first task at hand*

Jan 29th, 2002, 12:21:36 AM
Kyry sat back and ordered a vodka, smiling as Nash went about the task at hand. Nudging the carriers at her feet, she sighed and looked about the bar. Her order came, and she passed the server a few credits.
Nursing her drink, she grinned. She hadn't had this much fun since she and s'Il made off with those paintings from the Korilei Museum of Antiquities on Byss. Now that had been alot of fun. She took another sip, waiting until Nash was finished.

Nash Stolar
Jan 29th, 2002, 12:37:31 AM
*It was not hard to get most of the items placed where they had to be, all he had to do was keep his head down and follow the small groups that went from place to place.. In no time he came back to kyry with a grin he looked at her and sat down*

"Really..... that was easer then I thought.."

Jan 29th, 2002, 12:50:06 AM
She smiled up at him. "Well that's good." She offered him the rest of her vodka and reached across the table for the case of smoke bombs, pulling it towards her. Setting it on the seat next to her, she opened the lid ever so slightly and pulled out a few, slipping them into her pockets. She repeated the process, then returned the case back to Nash. "Take a few. When I set off the fireworks, we'll toss these puppies out into the crowd, and then after that you take one carrier and I'll take the other, and we let the scurriers loose." Leaning back, she put her hands behind her head. "At which point we just sit back and watch."

Nash Stolar
Jan 29th, 2002, 01:01:54 AM
*Nash took the glass of vodka and finished it, then he took what was left of the smoke bombs and pocketed them, He looked around the bar.. This was to perfect.. the bar was packed*

"Alright, whenever you want to start it.."

Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 29th, 2002, 01:26:22 AM
Sia walked in at this point and stood by the door. She had gotten bored and desided to see what was going on down here. Her RSC badge was hidden in her jacket so she just looked like anyone eles around here. She leaned against the wall near the door and listened to everthing that was going on.

Jan 29th, 2002, 03:36:19 AM
Kyry winked at Nash, and fingering one of the smoke bombs, accessed her internal remote systems, triggering the ankle-biters.
"And here we go," she said with a grin, setting the fireworks off.

The ankle-biters went off in succession, the ones farther out first, then like a wave, spread to the center. The interior of the bar and grill was transformed in an instant from a scene of happy-go-lucky fun to one of a maelstrom of sorts as the fireworks erupted in a blaze of glory.

Nash Stolar
Jan 29th, 2002, 12:11:25 PM
*Nash watched with a grin across his face.. Never had he had this much fun... and they had not even started yet, He watched as the people jumped about and looked for an opening and lighty threw in a smokebomb*

"Wake up time.."