View Full Version : A learning experience

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 22nd, 2002, 05:29:28 AM
:: Anbira walked slowly into the Bar and Grill, easing in to a seat as he had done for many months now. A Zansanar sprig tucked into the corner of his mouth, he ordered a pint of a dark, hearty draught. He pondered for several minutes before standing up, and melodramatically stamping his foot on the wooden floor to quiet those around them. Smiling at the silence, the old man ventured a query ::

They say Jedi do not seek adventure and excitement.

:: He smiled, raising a white eyebrow ::

Ah, but what Padawans here seek knowledge? Or...perhaps a breath or two of fresh air?

Garik Loran
Jan 22nd, 2002, 09:13:23 AM
<takes a seat alongside his new friend Anbiru and notices his quizzical look>

"Pondering the wonders of new and fresh minds and what they mean to the cantina eh? Sometimes they crave a place away from the academy, sometimes they just want some company of others, sometimes they are looking for a brawl."

<Garik looked mischeviously at his surroundings, it takes exactly 40 lbs of force to throw someone through a jukebox he recollected with fond memories.>

Satine Capashen
Jan 22nd, 2002, 11:00:47 AM
Satine was sitting a few feet away at his normal table while he caught the drift of what Garik was thinking.

"And how did you come across that information?"

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jan 22nd, 2002, 01:36:42 PM
He listened to the words of Anbira, smiling at the comment about seeking knowledge as well as the one regarding fresh air. Eldrak had made his own room near the academy that was nothing but natural and fresh, at least for him. He decided to speak up so that Anbira would know he was here.

“I do sir.”

The others turned to look at him.

“Though brawling is not something I wish for.”

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 23rd, 2002, 02:32:47 AM
:: Anbira looked up to the large alien, smiling at his volunteerism ::

Eldrak, I would appreciate your help on such a quest.

:: He glanced around the bar ::

I wonder if there are any others here to stand with you in this adventure?

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 23rd, 2002, 04:57:43 PM
Loki had noticed Anbira the moment he had entered the bar, pushing his glasses further up upon his nose, the young boy watched him with interest. Two days ago he had made his aquaintance with the kindly, middle-aged man and to his delight, the Jedi Padawan had offered to take care of Loki whilst his parents were away. They left yesterday evening, as usual, Loki had not a wink of sleep last night, they were on his mind until dawn.

All day, he had sat in his usual corner, out of sight but with sufficient light to read. Now he listening carefully to what Anibira had to say, at first the young boy was somewhat confused by his statement - rather philosophical, and after all, Loki was only eight years old. But after hearing the replies of other people in the establishment, Loki walked over towards Anbira with his book. He had barely been noticed when he began to speak.

"An...adventure, sir?" asked the boy timidly, he waited for Anbira to turn to face him, then added, "Sir, I would really like to join you on a-" he hesitated, "-Jedi adventure!"

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 23rd, 2002, 05:49:14 PM
:: Anbira looked down at the boy, raising an eyebrow ::

Aren't you a little young to be galavanting out onto some planet in the wilds of space?

:: He laughed ::

No, I suppose not. You may come indeed, Loki.

:: He looked to Eldrak ::

But you must keep close to my friend here. There is much of the Force you do not know of yet.

:: Anbira once again looked around the room ::

Others will still be needed to accompany us on this quest.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jan 23rd, 2002, 05:55:28 PM
Eldrak looked at the child. The size comparison between the two was so astounding that it looked as if Jack were standing next to the figurative giant. But Eldrak just smiled and nodded to Anbira, knowing that he knew little of the force either, but physically he was much more apt to be able to defend either himself or the young one, if the need so arose.

He crouched down to a knee and offered out a hand, palm upwards to the child, in greeting.

“I am Eldrak Gruuhl, eventually to be a Padawan of Anbira’s teachings.”

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 23rd, 2002, 05:58:13 PM
A warm feeling had radiated from Anibira's laugh, which made Loki feel good inside - he felt accepted. He fought back the broad smile which crept accross his beaming face.

"I'm going on a Jedi adventure!" Thought he to himself proudly, "Wait till dad hears this!"

Looking over at the large, intimidating figure to whom Anbira had gestured, Loki felt that he would indeed be safe, putting his book on a table he crossed his arms bodly and stood watching.

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 23rd, 2002, 06:07:20 PM
That giant was still huge compared to Loki, even when kneeling down, nevertheless Loki was confident enough now to speak to him, inside he felt ten feet tall.

"Hi Eldrak!" said the little boy cheerfully, not knowing how to except Eldrack's gesture of greeting, Loki simply slapped his hand against the bear-paw of a hand in a high-five gesture, "I'll sure feel safe with you around. Pleased to meet you!"

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jan 23rd, 2002, 06:13:10 PM
“It is good to meet you as well.” Said Eldrak, his face lighting up even more cheerfully as Loki slapped his hand.

“I will do all I can to see that I live up to your and Anbira’s expectations.”

He stood back up and looked over at Anbira who was still looking for more who were interested, The large green Kashirian also began to look around, wondering if any others would step forward.

Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 23rd, 2002, 08:24:12 PM
Sia-Lan looked up from her drink when Anbira had first spoken up. She stood from her seet and faced Anbira. She remembered him as one of the jedi's that had helped Jayte with his brother.

"What kind of adventure do you propose, Anbira?" She asks.

Satine Capashen
Jan 23rd, 2002, 09:34:34 PM
{OOC:I know Satine is too high up in the rank ladder, but his character doesn't know it...<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)"> }

Satine watches the Padawans file in and asks Anbira, "Hey, could you use a cocky Warrior Jedi Knight on this little field trip of yours?"

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 24th, 2002, 12:19:15 AM
Miss Darkheart, we have much time to discuss the details of it later. For now lets just say its a treasure hunt, of a sort.

:: He glanced to Satine ::

While your skills would no doubt be of help here, Satine, I would prefer Padawan Learners for this endeavor.

:: He looked around ::

Any others interested?

Jan 24th, 2002, 12:52:38 AM
:: She had remained quiet, sipping her drink at the end of the bar, watching the gathering many for this said adventure. She had to smile. This certainly wasn't the old Anbira of ages past. He was doing something she had not seen the latter do: genuinely smiling. ::

:: She continued to watch, curious to see what would happen. She also made a mental note to ask Anbira about this after they got back from whatever he had in mind. ::

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 26th, 2002, 03:33:28 PM
:: He arched an eyebrow ::

You mean to tell me that no padawans wish to traverse amongst the wide expanse of the galaxy?


Jan 26th, 2002, 04:04:51 PM
Xazor had been watching the situation from the shadows along the back wall. She finished her glass of water and rose from her seat. Walking towards the group, she straightened her robes. Once she was standing near the group she decided to speak.

I would be honored to be a part of this mission, sir.

She said through the Force. The well manered padawan gave a slight bow.

My name is Xazor and I am training under Verse Dawnstrider.

She said to everyone in the group.

Shade Magus
Jan 26th, 2002, 04:26:27 PM
"I am always in need of an adventure. I would be glad to assist in any way I can."

The Jedi Padawan stepped forward from the back of the bar where he had been watching the events unfolding before him.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jan 26th, 2002, 05:28:39 PM
A smile grew upon his face as another pair of Jedi learners stepped forward to volunteer for this adventure that Anbira had proposed but given few details of as of yet. It was as expected, they were people of this place whom he had not met, but he did not introduce himself immediately. He would wait for Anbira to say something before he interrupted anything. He merely kept smiling and nodded his head respectfully in their direction.

Christian Lightheart
Jan 26th, 2002, 06:03:10 PM
The Jedi Padawan, a teenager who was curious about the Galaxy, heard of the mission that Anbira had in the planning, but did not know what exactly what it would entail. Entering the B&G, Christian saw a group of fellow Padawans around, waiting for some more to show up. Not being one to speak up, he figured now was a good time to start.

"I would like to join and help out in anyway I can."

Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 26th, 2002, 08:52:39 PM
Sia-Lan sighed and walked over to the rest, still wondering what this was all about. She shrugs and leans against a wall near the other padawans.

Salemn Lysce
Jan 26th, 2002, 09:26:42 PM
Salemn watched as the Jedis stepped forward readily, their voices bright and cheerful. She bit her lower lip as a tear rolled down her face. She had to rely on the Force to communicate with others, not being priviledged with the gift of speech. She let out a silent sigh and stepped forward. Only the kind looking man and those sensitive to the Force could hear her.

I would like to join...

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 27th, 2002, 01:41:50 AM
:: Anbira ponders for a moment, his wrinkled brow knitting whitened eyebrows as he chewed on the Zansanar sprig. He mumbled under his breath, to himself ::

Five...I suppose five would do. Five and the other two, yes. But it will be dangerous. They will have to be intrepid.

:: He turned back to the group assembled, a smile on his face ::

Then the breed of brave adventurers is not lost amongst us! Padawans, I commend you.

:: He gestured for them to sit at his table ::

Now, we must conspire. Our plot is thick and twisted as an old, knotted tree.

Salemn Lysce
Jan 27th, 2002, 04:00:58 AM
Salemn sat down at the table, hands clasped in her lap. She just merely watched the man as he spoke, wondering what was going to happen next.

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 27th, 2002, 09:35:31 AM
Patiently Loki had stood waiting whilst the others came forth, introducing themselves and taking up the challenge Anbira had set before them. He certainly commanded some respect, he is no doubt wise and Loki really liked that in people and wisdom is usually only bestowed upon those who have seen many years. Strangely, Anbira was only a Padawan by definition and from what Loki knew that was the apprentice role; so how could it be that this man had so much of a respectful presence?

Loki's nose wringled and one of his eyebrows arched slightly as he stared at the middle-aged man, there was something very intriguing about him, he couldn't put his finger on it. The only thing he could conclude was that he was certainly happy that Anbira had offered to mind him in his parents absence; Loki would rather not have anybody else taking care of him, he admired the way Anbira accepted him, he talked to him kindly but fair.

When all were assembled and began taking seats, Loki noticed the immediate height difference between himself and the rest of those in attendance, so hoping no-one would notice he slipped his thick book onto his seat and then climbed up onto it, giving him a bit of a height boost. He smiled, watching the others sitting about the table.

Jan 27th, 2002, 03:13:49 PM
Xazor smiled at those in attendance. She then looked at Anbira and spoke.

Honorable sir.......what is it that we are to do?

She questioned in a soft voice.

Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 27th, 2002, 05:31:57 PM
Sia noticed the boy puting his book on the chair but paid no mind to it. She turned her attention back to Anbira, not moving from her position at the wall.

"What do you expect us to do Anbira?"

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jan 27th, 2002, 05:37:55 PM
There was no reason for him to ask any questions right now. There had plenty of good ones posed by the others who had arrived and showed interest in this excursion. Eldrak remained quiet and listened to all that was being said.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 27th, 2002, 08:28:55 PM
:: He set a holocube on the table, which began to create a glowing image of a planet ::

The world is known as Aurash...a place far removed from civilized space. One of the few chartered worlds in the depths of wild space, and likely as dangerous as the rest. Generations ago, the Jedi established a frontier colony here, as a vanguard to the unknown aliens of the wilds, be their intent for good or evil. Its distance kept them far removed and isolated from civilized space, but it is known that Aurash survived the purges of Darth Vader and the Emperor.

:: His voice became grave ::

Yet, soon after the battle of Endor, all signals from Aurash ended. Their voices were silenced for reasons unknown. We've not had the resources to discover the reasons why until now.

We will traverse the great distances to the bastion of Aurash, and to the Jedi stronghold, be it fallen or otherwise. I feel there is much knowledge of the Old Ways that may be found there.

Salemn Lysce
Jan 27th, 2002, 10:20:03 PM
Salemn blinked and tilted her head slightly. The mission sounded risky and dangerous and doubt knawed on her mind. Maybe she shouldn't go... What if she was accidentally abanonded or got lost? What would she do then? Pushing the thoughts away in the back of her mind, she waited for the others response.

Jan 27th, 2002, 10:22:54 PM
Excitement built in Xazor's blood as Anbira spoke of the mission. She saw the worried looks of the others, but it didn't phase her one bit.

I am ready to take on the challenge, sir. The Force is my protector........and I am a protector of the light. I am a Jedi and I am proud to be on such a mission involving the heritage of the Jedi.

She bowed slightly and smiled. It sounded like a very intersting mission.

Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 27th, 2002, 10:29:34 PM
Sia nods slightly, other than that no emotion is on her face. It was an interesting task and sounded challenging but she needed a challenge to take her mind off of things.

"I'm ready"

Shade Magus
Jan 27th, 2002, 11:22:59 PM
Shade said nothing but stood back. A few weeks ago he would have jumped at an opportunity such as this, but he had matured and grown since then. He would go and be of all the hlp he could, but he would be wary of the Force and listen to it at all times.

Estelle Russard
Jan 28th, 2002, 01:50:45 AM
Estelle had arrived just in time to hear the general outline of the mission being expained by the older gentleman. All attention was riveted on him and she slipped into the room almost unnoticed. If it wasnt for the fact that the giant green fellow almost stepped back onto her, not realising she had joined the group, she would have made a completely surreptitious entrance.

Lifting her hand and peeking around the great creature infront of her, she voiced her hope to join with them on their travel.

"Master Hicchoru, I would like to be able to come along too."

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 28th, 2002, 08:13:00 AM
Anbira's voice was riddled with dread, he wasn'y going to skirt the issue; it was going to be a dangerous endevour and Loki knew that, but he didn't know how perilous the mission would turn out to be. He didn't ponder on it too much though, he had already volunteered himself in front of all these others who had stepped forward.

He looked at Anbira holding back any external signs of worry and doubt, "I will go with you."

If he was completely in the know of what lay before them, he probably wouldn't have gone, but because none of them were sure of the dangers he was at an advantage and what little courage he had, prevailed. He was going to do this.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 28th, 2002, 02:46:36 PM
Having spent a long time questing in search of the Greater Jedi Order, Dasquian had finally stumbled across it's famous 'bar and grill'. He had been sitting for a short time now, listening to the suggestions of the elderly Jedi and had decided that it was his duty to comply with the man's offer of a journey; and so he rose, minus his brother, to the challenge.

"If you will have me, I will also come."

Pierce Tondry
Jan 28th, 2002, 07:14:04 PM
A man in a black commando armor was sitting the bar, overhearing the things that had been said. He made a mental note to follow the Jedi group to Aurash.

There were a few things he had to make right yet.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 28th, 2002, 07:36:17 PM
:: Anbira glanced to the others ::

Estelle, and Dasquian, you may come as well.

:: His eyes moved about as he counted ::

Seven Padawans, two others, and myself. A journey of ten.

:: He smiled ::

Ah, a fair better number indeed. Very well. We shall leave in two days. Make your preparations.

:: Anbira rose, looking to Eldrak and Loki ::

A moment with you two, if you would?

:: He gestured to a part of the bar less crowded. ::

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jan 28th, 2002, 08:11:13 PM
Eldrak nodded and moved to where Anbira had indicated that they move to so they could speak. He had no qualms about going on this mission, for he knew no fear and was ever inquisitive about anything and everything that presented itself. There was no doubt in his mind that this adventure would prove to be a learning experience.

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 28th, 2002, 10:40:16 PM
Loki pleasantly obliged and dropped down from his book upon the chair and made his way over behind Eldrak shortly followed by Anbira. He turned and stood quietly, not knowing what the wisened Jedi would say; he cared not to sit as it would only make him feel shorter than he already was compared to them both, especially Eldrak. Odly enough, Eldrak's appearance was deceiving in a way, as Loki had expected him to be loud like a troll or something; but to the contrary, he had been as quiet as a mouse. He smiled to himself at the thought, a giant mouse.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 29th, 2002, 12:16:04 AM
:: Anbira looked at them seriously ::

I've done more thinking on the subject, and I cannot risk endangering those who are not padawans. I've decided to only take padawans on this journey.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jan 29th, 2002, 12:21:13 AM
To say the large green being was disappointed would have been an understatement. His feature showed it pretty clearly with the way they dulled and drooped. His voice also carried the feeling as he answered.

“As you wish sir.”

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 29th, 2002, 12:25:54 AM
:: He continued, his voice unflinchingly stern, although when he finished, a smile crossed his face ::

Which is why I have decided to take you both as Padawan Learners.

Jan 29th, 2002, 12:36:04 AM
She wished there was something that she could to do rectify the sadness that washed over Eldrak. To finally be accepted and then not go along with Anbira was quite painful.

And then ... all was changed. Daleethria should know better then to trust her eyes and felt that things were shifted for Eldrak. He was now a Padawan and could finally begin what he greatly desired.

The ghostly aparition continued to watch ... not revealing to those that could possible see her, that she was there. Only perhaps those that knew what to sense for might know that there was an invisible presence that stood near Eldrak.

Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 29th, 2002, 12:37:30 AM
Sia-lan broke away from the other padawans talking about the mission and headed for the LQ to ready herself for it instead of waisting time talking about it. She pulled the hood of her cloak over her head as she exited the loud bar.

Estelle Russard
Jan 29th, 2002, 01:02:29 AM
Hearing that she too would be included in the party to Aurash brought a genuine smile to her face.

Estelle glanced around at those who also would be going - quite a cross-cut of individuals. Some of whom she hadnt yet even had the chance to meet. It would be an interesting opportunity just simply to get to know them a little, let alone have an opportunity to perhaps discover histories of the Old Ways of the Jedi. There were risks - the older Jedi Master had made that clear. But what in life didnt carry such risks? The short time spent with the bounty hunter, Aurelias Kazaar, had amply illustrated that truth for her.

When Master Hicchoru had finished speaking in private to the young boy and the large green fellow, Estelle ventured a question.

"Is there anything in particular we need do, Master Anibra, in preparation for this journey?"

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 29th, 2002, 01:32:32 AM
I would set your affairs in order for the next month. The journey will be long.

Salemn Lysce
Jan 29th, 2002, 01:42:32 AM
Salemn got out of her seat and started to walk out of the B&G. Excitement coursed through her veins while she thought of her conversation with Nash. This was just one step closer to becoming her goal - not to mention it was an adventure. She went to the LQ to start packing her things and telling Nash the great news.

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 29th, 2002, 02:50:04 PM
"I've decided to only take padawans on this journey."

Loki's heart sank into his stomach; his facial expression changed completely, he felt dreadful, like someone had just teared out his insides. He almost felt cheated and averted his stare so that Anbira didn't see he how upset he was - he'd just let Eldrak do the talking.

"Which is why I have decided to take you both as Padawan Learners."

Not turning his head too suddenly Loki just stared off in another direction, his eyes widened and his heart thumped against his chest and he could here the blood pounding in his ears. He began to tingle all over as he returned his gaze back to the smiling face, lined with wrinkles at the cheerful eyes.

"Me?" he asked, "A Padawan Learner..."

He swallowed hard, could it be real? He was just regular, little Loki, nothing special. He hesitated before continuing.

"...a Jedi Padawan Learner?"

He swallowed again, he couldn't speak anymore as his throat had gone dry. He couldn't believe it, it was like the type of thing he had fantasized about at home in his bedroom. To everyone else he'd always been the quiet, boring little boy who always had his head buried in books. After being here for three days he had never felt so accepted and welcome, a smile stretched accross his face. He tried to hide his joy as the tears began to well up inside, he just wanted to reach and give the friendly, old man a hug. Instead he turned for a moment to pretend he was cleaning his glasses so that no-one could see how moved he was - he was going to be a Padawan Learner - he had never asked for this, did he deserve it? That didn't matter now.

"They're going to be so proud when they find out!" he thought to himself, imagining the faces on his parents when he tells them.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jan 29th, 2002, 03:19:37 PM
It was a shock to be sure, especially after what he had heard just previous to it. Had his desire finally been made to be true? Had his ears heard it right?

Hearing Loki’s response to Anbira confirmed it, he was just as the boy was, now a Padawan learner in the ways of the Light. His features did a complete reversal in their appearance. It was impossible to conceal the fact that he had moments ago been so down and now was suddenly on cloud nine.

His huge face displayed a smile of honor, happiness and pride as he looked to Anbira and then bowed in respect.

“Thank you my master.”

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 30th, 2002, 04:59:47 AM
I do not know if you will thank me in a month's time. Your training will be difficult, for the both of you.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 31st, 2002, 02:53:10 AM
www.swforums.net/forum/sh...adid=11907 (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11907)