View Full Version : A look inside a timid mind

Kitssarri Reetissa
Jan 10th, 2002, 04:05:00 PM
iIt was not often that he was alone, or not at his master's side, but she had insisted that he take some time to himself and relax. So that's what he was here to do. In all reality, this place did not relax him, but made him more nervous and definately more aware of everyone else in the room, but being a creature of habit, he had come here, his master's habits rubbing off on him.

The feline form moved quickly through the bar, a fake air of confidence emanating from himself.

<Surely they'll see through me. Why do I even bother??>

He brushed by some patrons, and grasped the bag that he held under his arm tighter. It was his most precious personal item, and he had no intention of losing it.

<Go relax she had sid. BAH. I need not to relax, only to serve her. That woman is a stubborn one, that is for sure>

Finally he had found the table that his master seemed to enjoy, as they sat here every time they came here, which wasquite often. He sighed as he pulled out the chair and sat down in it.

His eyes panned around, scanning the crowd, moving nervously from one patron to the next. Finally satisfied that no one had noticed his presence, he set his bag on the table, and waited to the server to come to him.

Jakura Sedare
Jan 11th, 2002, 03:21:03 AM
(As I scanned the bar, my eyes fell across the feline who seemed to be trying his best not to be noticed. Curious, I walked over and approached him)

"So what makes you so nervous about this place, kitty? you don't look at all comfortable."

(I said as I leaned on the table not caring that I was probably showing him a little more of a view than I was supposed to but I was not really the modest type anyway.)

Kitssarri Reetissa
Jan 11th, 2002, 05:02:38 AM
His mind was else where, and he didn't see the figure approach. He jumped a little, startled by this new person at the table.

"Ah....Jyou sssshould not be sssneakjing up on people ljike that. Jyou ssstarrrtled me."

Trying to look sublte and inconspicous, Kitssarri slowly grabbed his prized bag off the table, and placed it between his feet gingerly. He didn't want anything to happen to it, especially at the hands of a stranger.

"Jyou wonderrrr whjy ji am not comforrrtable herrrre? Ji am not usssed to thjissss place, norrr the patrrronssss whjich frrrequent jit"

His eyes seemed to roam a bit, but quickly went back to looking at this female before him, not making eye contact however.

Jakura Sedare
Jan 11th, 2002, 05:10:37 AM
(My eyes followed his for a moment as I tried to figure out why he wouldn't look at me. I was puzzled somewhat by his accent since I had never heard anything like it in my life)

"Have a little problem making eye contact or have you not been around a woman in awhile?"

(I smirked and wondered about why he had hidden that bag he had been carrying.)

Kitssarri Reetissa
Jan 11th, 2002, 05:16:03 AM
He coudln't help but shift uncomfortably in his seat. He was trying not to show that he was nervous, but he didn't think he was doing a very good job of it. Actually, he knew he wasn't. He could only hope that she woudln't notice, but she'd have to be either really dumb or dead not to.

"Ji am ssssorrrrjy. Jif ji have offended jyou, ji do apologjize."

He brought his feet together around his bag, almost as if he was holding on to it with his legs. He then shifted again in his seat, his face fliushing slightly.

"Wherrre arrre mjy mannerrrrs? Would jyou ljike ssssomethjing to drrrjink? Ji wasss jussst about to orrrderrr ssssomethjing"

Jakura Sedare
Jan 11th, 2002, 05:23:17 AM
"No thanks, I'm fine, I was drinking earlier."

(That accent was begining to get to me so I thought I might as well ask about it while I tried to ignore the fact that he was still fiddling with his bag.)

"What race are you if you don't mind my asking? I've never heard an accent like yours before."

Kitssarri Reetissa
Jan 11th, 2002, 05:26:34 AM
He nodded his head to her slowly, before speaking again, his eyes still not making contact with hers.

"Verrrrjy well. Do jyou mjind jif ji have a drrrrjink then?"

He waited for her response, before responding to her question as he leaned back in his chair, letting his eyes look her over as if assessing her threat to himself

Jakura Sedare
Jan 11th, 2002, 05:30:00 AM
(I shrugged my shoulders while wondering why he was looking at me like I was going to hurt him or something.)

"I don't mind but you didn't answer my question."

Kitssarri Reetissa
Jan 11th, 2002, 05:32:59 AM
"Ji apologjize. Ji had to asssk mjine firrrssst. Ji am a Cjizerrrack. Therrre arrre a few of usss arrround. Ji am ssssurrrre jyou wjill sssse otherrrrs"

He backed his chair up slowly, and stood up.

"Parrrdon me forrr a sssecond, mjisssss?"

His voice trailed off as he realized he didn't know her name

Jakura Sedare
Jan 11th, 2002, 05:37:31 AM
(Cizerack, huh? A race I had definitely never heard of, but my attention was drawn away from my thoughts as he stumbled on my name)

"Jakura Sedare, I just got here actually so I don't know anyone."

(I smirked remembering I had yet to get one name from the ones who were here.)

Kitssarri Reetissa
Jan 11th, 2002, 05:44:33 AM
"ahhh, well let me be the fjirrrssst to jintrrroduce mjyssself. Ji am Kjitsssssarrrrrji Rrrreetjissssssa"

He stepped out from in fron of the chair

"Excusssse me forrr a sssecond, whjile Ji get mjyssself a drjink. Ji will not be long."

His mind wandered, thought running through his head, as he made his way to the bar to get his drink

Jakura Sedare
Jan 11th, 2002, 05:52:11 AM
(I smirked as I noticed he had left his bag behind, I wasn't really one to snoop but my curiousity always got the better of me. I stooped down and looked in for a moment while keeping my eye out for his return since I didn't want to get caught.)

Jan 11th, 2002, 06:45:06 PM
s'Il had watched from a far booth as the Cizerack walked in. In front of her, a bottle of sake sat half empty. She'd observed his entrance with interest; when he sat, the woman who'd approached him, even his nervousness. Her metallic gaze took in his bag, as well, and she took note that there wasn't a female Cizerack with him. *Makes my job easier, I guess,* she shrugged, picking up her bottle and the small cup that came with it as she got up. *I only wish Blake were here. She'd want to talk to this guy too.*
Making her way through the tables, she frowned when the Cizerack got up to get a drink, and the frown deepened when the woman started to peak into the bag which, after gaurding it so carefully, he'd stupidly left beneath the table.
She came up silently behind the woman and set the bottle on the table audibly, lowering her slim frame into a chair beside the one the cat had recently left. "I would generally think that that's being a little intrusive, wouldn't you?" she smiled nonchalantly, snaking a foot through one of the handles and pulling the bag towards herself, cutting off the woman's view into its interior.

Jakura Sedare
Jan 13th, 2002, 02:58:52 AM
(I gave her a sweet smile which those who knew me was a bad sign but this woman wouldn't know it.)

"I was just looking, it's not like I was stealing anything."

(I said to her while I continued to smile the same way even though my thoughts were thinking of how I could get rid of her as fast as possible after all, three's a crowd.)

Jan 13th, 2002, 03:33:16 AM
s'Il laughed. She didn't want to be here any longer than necessary, but she had to find out if this Cizerack knew Sasseeri, and she already had Kyry out hacking to her heart's content trying to find anything on the Cizerack businesswoman.
Slowly pouring the sake into her small cup, she took a sip, studying the woman before her with a steady, metallic gaze. s'Il herself wore all black. She set the cup on the table and gestured for the woman to sit. "I'm not accusing you of stealing anything, though if I was you I would have taken the bag as soon as he left the table. Someone guarding a bag as much as he is, than whatever it's got inside is bound to be interesting."
She sipped once more from her cup. "I've done it before; the rewards are highly agreeable." she grinned, then, over the cup. "Name's Lok s'Ilancy."

Jakura Sedare
Jan 13th, 2002, 03:42:37 AM
(I again had to keep myself doing that same smile to keep from saying something I shouldn't)

"There's no honor in stealing besides if you do try to steal it, I will have to stop you so I would suggest not trying it since you won't like the results."

(I said to the woman as I dropped my false smiling act and glared at her icyly, I hated thieves and they always met a painful punishment if I caught them in the act.)

Jan 13th, 2002, 03:51:40 AM
"Oh, I'm not much interested in what the cat's got in this bag. He can do do whatever the bloody hell he wants to do with it; it's what's in his head that matters to me." The sardonic smile never left her face. "And don't threaten me. The last thing you want to do is attract attention in this here jedi bar."

Jakura Sedare
Jan 13th, 2002, 04:09:05 AM
"And why would what he knows matter to a thief like you? If I were you I would listen more to threats from new people, trust me I don't give a damn about attracting attention regardless of where I am. Let the cat be, what he knows is no business of yours."

(I said quietly as I glared at her some more, she was really pushing it, thieves had no business knowing anything about anyone, they were to be punished or killed in my book.)

Jan 13th, 2002, 04:28:45 AM
"So I'm a thief, now, eh?" Her eyes grew to steel.
She leaned forward. "What he knows has everything to do with me." s'Il's patience was wearing thin, and she wanted nothing more than to leave, in all honesty. All she wanted from the Cizerack was whether or not he knew Sasseeri. If he did, she wanted that information; her and Blake's routes through Cizerack space was in a delicate balance, and the newly forged merger between Hawke Corperations and s'Ilancy Associates needed those routes. *Damnit Kyry, I hope you manage to dredge something up,* she grimaced.
s'Il sat back and took another drink. She hoped the cat would get back soon; she had more business to take care of before the end of the day.

ooc: now if only he'd sign on, hehe. come and knock on our door....

Jakura Sedare
Jan 13th, 2002, 04:53:38 AM
"Why would anything a lone cat know have anything to do with you?"

Jan 13th, 2002, 04:56:58 AM
"Do you know anything about Cizeracks?"

Jakura Sedare
Jan 13th, 2002, 05:05:54 AM
"Can't say that I know anything, I've never seen one until him."

(I replied even though I hated bringing up my lack of knowledge on the subject.)

Jan 13th, 2002, 05:14:59 AM
Her eyes narrowed. "How about Black Sun?"

Jakura Sedare
Jan 13th, 2002, 05:25:16 AM
"I'm new to this area, my knowledge is more in where I'm from which is far from here, the races here and businesses are all new to me."

Jan 13th, 2002, 05:41:00 AM
s'Il nodded, then. She could understand the disorientation of immersing oneself in a completely new environment from what is considered normal. Her eyes softened, if only slightly. "The Cizerack are....unique, for lack of a better word. A society completely dominated by females, the males of the species are used as servents and other lower duty functions; can't say I disagree with that setup entirely," she smiled.
She poured the rest of the bottle into her cup. "Now the deal is this. I run an 'aquisitions and transportation' business. A very profitable one. My partner and I have recently been contacted by the Cizerack to keep tabs on one of their members; one Sasseeri Reeouurra. In return, they will allow us continued passage through their space."
She finished the sake in one drink. "Now Black Sun, they're just bad news, so I won't elaborate on how they come into this." She set the cup on the table. "If this Cizerack knows anything about Reeouurra, than all I need is what he knows. If he doesn't, than I'm leaving." Her hand shook the empty bottle and she looked at it in distaste. "I've got other things I want to do today." *And dodging the NRSF on my way out is definately one of those things.*

Kitssarri Reetissa
Jan 15th, 2002, 03:51:57 AM
He made his way to the bar, still thinking about what had just happened. This newcomer was different. Kitssarri had never met someone quite like her, and it confused him somewhat.

What did she want? and why me?

Finally, he came to the bar. The barkeep turned to face him, with a grumpy look on his face

what's it gonna be cat boy?

Kitssarri stood and thought for a second, not quite sure. He usually ordered water, but his master had told him to relax. A patron next to Kitssarri busied herself with her drink, taking a quick gulp.

"Ji wjill have what ssshe jis havjing"

The bartended turned and mixed the drink, handing it to Kitssarri. He quickly paid the man, and made his way back to his table.

Jakura Sedare
Jan 15th, 2002, 03:59:51 AM
(I took the info in but I still couldn't peg the cat as one of the ones this woman wanted. He didn't seem like he would hurt a fly to me, nevertheless, I kept those thoughts to myself.)

"I still say he should be left alone, he seems nice enough to me."

Jan 15th, 2002, 04:04:35 AM
s'Il smiled disarmingly at the woman, then turned to the Cizerack as he sat down. "Might this 'humble' forrda have a moment of your time," she asked smoothly.

Kitssarri Reetissa
Jan 15th, 2002, 04:10:29 AM
He returned to the table in time to hear the last part of what was being said. Another stranger now sat at the table, and Kitssarri's thoughts began to run wilder.

what do they want from me?

He moved to his chair and found that his bag was open, his prized possession and secrets having been moved around. If they had wanted to see what ws in the bag, all they had to do was ask, but this was an intrusion of his privacy, and it had angered him. He set his drink down on the table, and then sat down in his chair.

"Ji am sssorrrrjy to have kept jyou wajitjing"

He moved his feet, pulling his bag back under him. He then turned to face the newest stranger to grace his table.

"Jyesss jyou majy. And jyou arrrre?"

Jan 15th, 2002, 04:19:19 AM
s'Il rolled her eyes. She hadn't been the one to try and see what was in the bag; she'd been the one to stop it. *No matter,* she thought, *let him think what he wants.*
Handing the empty bottle of sake and the cup to a passing server droid, she looked at the cat, seriousness written on her face. "My name's Lok s'Ilancy. I'm a....... trader....of sorts. I was wondering if you know Sasseeri Reeouurra."

Kitssarri Reetissa
Jan 15th, 2002, 03:35:46 PM
He caught her rolling her eyes, and it was a definate sign to him of her attitude. He was to be cautious with this one. reaching out to his glass, he raised it and took a quick drink. The liquid ran down his throat, seemingly burning it. A quick cough escaped him, as he scrunched his face up, and set the drink down. He reached for the napkin that lay in front of him, and he wiped his mouth before turning his attention back to the newcomer.

"Ji do not. Majy Ji jinqujire asss to whjy jyou asssk?"

Jan 15th, 2002, 06:53:14 PM
She leaned back in the seat and tipped her head slightly to the side, deep in thought. *So he doesn't know Sasseeri.....ah well. It was a long shot anyways.*
She cast her metal gaze at him, smiled, and shrugged. "I wanted to know where she is, honestly."
Spying a server droid, she flagged it down. "Get me a bottle of sake; no cup, just a bottle." She handed him a few credit bills and he shuffled off.
Her question asked and answered, she stood when the droid returned. Taking the bottle, she looked at the cat. "I appreciate your time. And next time, if that bag is so important to you, don't leave it alone where prying eyes will trespass." She glared at the woman, her eyes narrowing, then looked back to the Cizerack and went on. "Have a good day, sir," she nodded her head in farewell. Turning, she strode for the door, sake bottle in hand.

Jakura Sedare
Jan 17th, 2002, 02:54:46 AM
"Bit*h." (I muttered under my breath as the woman left before I turned my attention back to Kitssarri, feeling somewhat guilty for going through his stuff)

"Outlaws like her are numerous but they have the brains of a bantha, if she was any good at hunting she would know to go to one would definitely knows the one she seeks. I myself am loking for someone but I doubt you know her so I don't feel the need to ask."

(I chuckled at the face he was making as he took another sip of his drink)

"You don't drink much now do you?"

Kitssarri Reetissa
Jan 21st, 2002, 04:28:08 PM
He set the drink back down on the table, and let out a small cough, as he chocked slighlty on his last gulp.

"Jis jit that obvjiousss?"

He reached for the napkin that lay at his side, and dabbed his mouth with it, slightly embearassed with the female in front of him.

"ssso whjy do jyou rrremajin herrre wjith me at thjisss table?"

Jakura Sedare
Jan 22nd, 2002, 01:59:02 PM
(I had been looking for the barkeep but the cat's question drew my attention back to him)

"No reason, you looked worried and alone so I came over besides when does one need a reason to stay and talk to someone?"

(I smiled for a moment, I really had no reason why I was still there but then again it didn't matter)

Kitssarri Reetissa
Jan 22nd, 2002, 03:53:10 PM
"No reassson needed Ji guesssss. Ji am jussst currrrjioussss. Ji am ssstjill new to thjissss place, and thjissss tjype of behavjior jisss currrjiousss to mjysssself."

He looked at his glass, gazing into it for asecond. With each passing drink, he found it burned lass and less. He might actually be able to get used to this. He reached for his glass, and took another sip, a alrger one this time.

Apparently his prior thought was wrong, because with the bigger gulp, came a bigger burn. His face scrunched right up and he gagged on it. Immediately, he set the glass back down, and turned to the side, coughing.

WHen he was done, he turned back to face the female, his face flushed from coughing and embearassment.

"Well Ji thank jyou forrr the companjy. Jit hasss made the evenjing farrr morrrre enjojyable"

Under his chair, his feet moved, until they kicked something. HIS BAG! He'd forgotten all about it, after his latest embearassment.

"Ssso, whjy wasss my bag open?"

Jakura Sedare
Jan 22nd, 2002, 06:36:12 PM
(I couldn't help but laugh a little bit at the faces the cat was making whenever he took a drink but I didn't for long since that would be rude and I had no need ro be rude at the moment. But when he asked about the bag, my mind raced to find a good lie, I couldn't just tell him I had been going through it.)

"Any time. Your bag? the woman who was just here went through it. I would assume she was trying to find something about that person she was asking about."

Kitssarri Reetissa
Jan 23rd, 2002, 04:41:59 PM
Kitssarri let her answer play in his head a few times over before deciding it must be the truth. He didn't know this person very well, but she had not given him any reason to mistrust her, and she seemed nice enough.

He growled at the thought of the unwanted person going through his prized bag, but it quickly turned to a asigh when he realized it was his own fault for leaving it unguarded.

With his large feline hand, he reached for his glass and in one graceful motion brought it to his lips. He tilted it and let the cool liquid slide down his throat, burning the whole way. He grimaced but not as badly as before. Maybe he was getting used to it. Maybe...

"Ji djisssljike people that would do sssuch a thjing. Sssssomethjing about jit bugsss me ssso"

He bent down and picked up his bag, placing it on the chair next to him, so that he could keep a better watch on it.

"Parrrdon me assskjing, but who jis thjis perrrssson jyou arrre lookjing forrr? Perrrhapsss Ji do know them and Ji can be of sssome asssssisssstance"

Jakura Sedare
Jan 24th, 2002, 03:44:45 PM
"I don't think you would know her, she's a bit of a loner and she doesn't talk to others much. I've tracked her down to being somewhere around here but I can't use the force well enough to notice much more than a little surge of her aura now and then. I really should have paid attention more when she tried to teach me all those years ago but I didn't. But Videl most likely wouldn't come around here, she didn't like the light side much."

(I then sighed since Videl knew how to avoid anyone and she may be trying to lose me as well)

"Well Videl is about my height with a mole under her left eye, spikey red hair and wears white and blue armor."

(I knew these facts were vague but it had been quite some time since I had last seen Videl and the cat probably didn't know her anyway)

Kitssarri Reetissa
Jan 24th, 2002, 03:55:32 PM
Htoughts and memories wentquickly through his he ad as he serched for any piece of information he mught have that would help her out. Finally he had to concede defeat.

"Ji am sssorrrrrjy but ji do not know thjisss perrrrssson, norrr do ji recall ssseejing herrr. Ji wjisssh ji could be of morrre asssssjissstance, howeverrr ji cannot"

He shifted uncomfortably in his chair, slightly disappointed that he could not offer anything to her.

The alcohol in his system was beginning to take it's effect. This was a completely new experience for Kit, as he'd never had a drink before in his life. He looked at his glass, now almost empty, and focused on it. He reached for it and finished the last little bit in it, and then closed his eyes, scrunching them tightly shut as hhe emptied the glass. When he was done, a shy smile formed on his lips, as he looked at the female across from him, still not making eye contact however.

"Ji thjink ji wouild ljike anotherrr. Anjythjing forrr jyourssself?"

Jakura Sedare
Jan 24th, 2002, 06:29:12 PM
(I smiled at the expression on the cat's face)

::Looks like kitty is getting drunk::

(I thought as I pondered over my answer)

"I guess, just bring me whatever."

Kitssarri Reetissa
Jan 25th, 2002, 03:49:38 PM
Something was wrong. Kitssarri was feeling kind of funny, almost light headed but at the same time dizzy. He started to get up and then thought better of it and raised his hand, calling a server droid over to the table.

"Ji wjill have two morrrre of thessse pleassse."

The droid chirped and stood there for a second as it tried to decipher the strange accent. Finally it turned and scurried off, only to return with two glasses full to the brim. Kitssarri reached into his pouch and paid the droid, then returned his attention back to his companion.

The bag, which rested on the chair next to Kitssarri, that mean't so much to Kitssarri was now on his mind once more. He pondered over what he would do, but found himself moving towards it. He found the opening of the sack, and pulled out a holonovel, and placed it on the table.

"Jyou have beeen ssso kjind to mjyssself, JI wjisssh to sssharrre thjis wjith jyou, jif jyou carrre to sssse jit."

Jakura Sedare
Jan 27th, 2002, 03:21:55 AM
(I looked at him for a moment, trying not to laugh at the look on his face and at the same time feeling bad about going through the bag earlier. Soon though I nodded and waited to see what he had.)

Kitssarri Reetissa
Jan 30th, 2002, 05:13:07 AM
Kitssarri was definitely starting to feel the affects of the drink that he'd had. It would be prudent if he didn't have anything else, but his drink had already been ordered, and he did not want to embarrass himself by not drinking it, especially after he pretty much made her order one. Finally he decided that he'd have his drink, but at a slower pace. He reached for it and had a quick sip, before setting it back down on the table, spilling it slightly.

"Go ahead. Open jit. Jit jisss full of hologrrramssss of mjy passst and mjy varrrjiousss accompljissshementssss"

She hesitated in moving towards the book. Kitssarri had a feeling that she didn't quite know what to make of the situation. He leaned forward towards her, and opened the book, automatically activating it. A small hologram light up, showing an old picture of Kitssarri dressed in some uniform, standing beside what looked to be half of a pod racer. Or at least what remained of that pod racer. On his face, Kitssarri bore a wide smile. He cycled through a few more pictures, showing him with various trophies from many races.

Kitssarri leaned back into his chair, and looked at the attractive figure across from him. He reached for his drink once more, and held it in his hand.

"To the passst."

Jakura Sedare
Jan 31st, 2002, 03:41:17 PM
(I clinked my glass to his)

"And to the future as well, so you used to race?"

(I asked curiously since he hadn't said if he still did and hoped I wasn't asking something I shouldn't in that question.)

Kitssarri Reetissa
Feb 1st, 2002, 03:45:05 AM
After they clincked glasses, Kitssarri felt pretty masculine. He'd seen a bunch of human males taking large gulps of their glasses, and thought he'd try the same. He tilted his glass back, and took a big swig of the liquid, much larger then before. He didn't even get the chance to put his drink down on the table, as he began to cough, spitting some of it back out. He turned away, his face bright red, a little from being embearassed, and a little from the liquor taking affect.

"Ji am sssorrrrrjy about that"

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"To anssswerrr jyour quessstjion, Ji do not rrrace anjymorrre. "

Jakura Sedare
Feb 1st, 2002, 03:49:49 AM
(I laughed a bit before I answered, the cat's faces were just too funny not to.)

"And why not? From those trophies, you must have done well."

Kitssarri Reetissa
Feb 1st, 2002, 04:01:45 AM
"And ji djid. Ji won thrrree champjionssshjipsss and numerrrrousss rrracessss. Ji wasss mossst successfull, makjing qujite a bit of monejy forrrr my prrrevjiousss masssterrrs."

He sighed loudly, more loudly then he had intended.

"But alasss that jissss the passst "

Jakura Sedare
Feb 1st, 2002, 04:15:22 AM
"If you were doing well, why did you stop racing if you don't mind my asking?"

Kitssarri Reetissa
Feb 1st, 2002, 04:28:56 AM
"Ji had to ssstop. Ji had been aquirrrred bjy a new masssterrr who then gave me to herrr daughterrr sssso that Ji could look afterrr herr. Sssshe wasss wjith chjild at the tjime and that takessss prrriorjitjy overrrr anjythjing elssse."

He lifted his glass, and took a drink - a smaller drink this time. he did not want a repeat occurance from last time.

Jakura Sedare
Feb 1st, 2002, 04:35:51 AM
"But she has had the child now right? So what's to stop you from racing again?"

Kitssarri Reetissa
Feb 1st, 2002, 04:54:59 AM
Kitssarri could feel himself weaving slighlty in his chair. The room seemed to be moving a little. He blinked, trying to clear his vision to no avail.

"The chjild ssstjilll takesss prrrjiorrrjitjy. Jit jisss mjy dutjy to prrrotect both hjim and mjy masssterrr"

Jakura Sedare
Feb 5th, 2002, 06:53:38 PM
(I watched the cat's eyes for a moment)

::Seems kitty is feeling the effects of his booze::

(I thought to myself as I pondered over that)

"Well I'm sorry to hear that then, I would have raced at some point in life but my work takes up too much of my time. It looks like fun though."