View Full Version : Just wish to eat.

Ivychari Meyu
Feb 7th, 2002, 02:32:25 AM
Meyu walks in, still in his robe, with the hood up. His broken sabre is concealed on his belt under his robes- he felt it best to keep it hidden, so as not to draw hostility and find himself in a fight with no weapon.

His sensitive ears pick up the clitter clatter of plates and the sounds of voices. He walks up to the bar, and sits himself down. He wasn't accustommed to local dishes, so he just orders whichever food and drink is the most popular.

Ivychari Meyu
Feb 7th, 2002, 02:39:57 AM
The man hands Meyu a plate of mashed potatoes and steak, along with a tall glass of a yellow substance. Meyu sniffs all of these, and finds them to be pleasing. However he is a vegetarian, and orders additional vegetative matter. His order is met.

He drinks the beer, which is a strange substance indeed to him. It was like nothing else he'd ever injested- frothy, watery, but with a slight sting to it. He drank it and ate, and he noticed himself starting to feel a bit fuzzy in the head.

He tries to shake it off, but it sticks. He thanks the man for the meal, and feeling full, heads off towards the living quarters to sleep, slightly dizzy.