View Full Version : Making things right.

Pierce Tondry
Jan 27th, 2002, 05:44:03 PM
A figure dressed in identity-concealing commando armor and carrying an armored ysalamiri nutrient frame on his back enters the bar carrying an injured Verse Dawnstrider, having just come from a shopping mall (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?&postid=181520).

He enters the bar and lays Verse down on an empty table, beginning to apply some first aid. "MEDIC!"

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 27th, 2002, 05:52:21 PM
Navaria shot up from her table and ran over to the commando. As soon as she stepped close enough to him, her Force abilities were turned off like someone flipping a switch.

It caught her off-guard for a moment but then it registered what was on his back.

"What happened and move away. I can't help him with you that close."

She started looking over Verse's body and it wasn't pretty. Multiple stab wounds were apparent. There was a smell of ozone about him ... that could only mean Sith...

Pierce Tondry
Jan 27th, 2002, 05:57:34 PM
Pierce took several steps away, not removing the ysalamiri. "He decided to fight with some Sith on his day off, I guess. I got word of a level three disturbance planetside and went to check it out. Found him like this with a couple of other Jedi. I got him out of there... the other two could still walk when I left and he was going critical."

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 27th, 2002, 06:06:51 PM
She flipped part of Verse's robes away and found a Sith Dagger embedded into his side. Her memories were thick with how dangerous and powerful these weapons were. Some were cursed, others were just plain blades that were "blessed" with the Dark Side, and some could be even more dangerous when broken.

As Pierce stepped far enough away from her, she could feel that the Force returned to her.

Already she began to channel its power to help stabilize his vitals before even touching that blade.

"Thank you for bringing him here."

She closed her eyes and gently rested a hand over Verse's eyes and the other hovered over his chest. Her strength and the strength of the Force aided in his natural healing abilities. Minor wounds started to close and the affects of the electrical power of the Dark Side began to subside.

Pierce Tondry
Jan 27th, 2002, 06:17:29 PM
Pierce nodded, the fact that he was in character firmly rooted in the forefront of his thoughts. "I'll expect a reward," he warned, backing out the door so that Navaria would not notice his leaving.

Too many questions, too early, could kill him. Best to leave the mystery preserved for now.

Pierce left the bar.

verse dawnstrider
Jan 27th, 2002, 08:37:52 PM
::Verse slowly started to open his eyes. Flashbacks started to come out and he started to fight.::

"The Sith are killing the Guards! Too Many of them! I have to save the people!!! I have to save the people!!"

::Verse lost what little strenght he had and fell back down. He started to get a grip on where he was.::

"Who....who are you? Have I died? Are this what an angel looks like? Whe....where am I? Please tell me I am not dead."

::Verse tried to breath and felt the dagger in his chest. He feel back down blocking some of the pain out.::

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 27th, 2002, 09:32:13 PM
Her eyes snapped over right before Verse became conscious again and tried to keep him from getting up. His injuries were too much for him and he was talking gibberish. The poor fellow was lost and confused to what had happened.

"Relax, Verse you are quite safe and not dead. Though you could have been."

Navaria returned her focus and gently calmed his mind as well as body.

"I'm Navaria. Some soldier came here with you and I quickly ran to your aid ..."

Her hand wrapped around the hilt of the Sith Blade.

"... which I am still administering. Please don't move."

Removing bladed objects are not painless no matter how you do it so she quickly pulled out the weapon and set it aside. Her other hand covered the open wound with a bacta patch that she retrieved from her satchel.

She leaned over and gave Verse a comforting smile.

"I don't suggest moving yet ... I need to finish bandaging this."

Jan 27th, 2002, 09:36:34 PM
Xazor ran into the bar. She had felt a disturbance in the Force. It affected someone very close to her. She looked around the bar and saw people gathered around someone on a table. She pushed through the crowd to get to the center. What she saw then made her heart sink. She approached slowly to see her beloved Master with serious multiple injuries. She couldn't help it and started crying. Tears cascaded down her face and consumed all of her. They were soul deep and she hurt all over.

Oh Master..........

She cried out to him. She didn't know what had happened, but it was by the dealings of a Sith. She could sense it. Anger and hate built up inside of her. The Sith took so much away from her......now they were trying to take away someone so close to her. She knelt down on the floor next to him and lowered her head and cried into her hands.

Satine Capashen
Jan 28th, 2002, 01:03:10 AM
{OOC:Since Satine is still in the mall, I might as well pop Sidar in here.}

Sidar Kondo stopped sipping his vodka as soon as the commando walked in carrying the fallen Jedi, and, his curiousity peaked, the blue-skinned Metathran commander walks over to see who it was. Seeing Xazor--Sidar recognized her as Satine had described her to him--the Metathran was positive this was Verse. Especially since Xazor called him Mastre.

"Need any help Navaria?" he asks, his voice the normal gravelly type that characterized his species.

Elieen Cross
Jan 28th, 2002, 05:33:30 AM
I placed my hand on Xazor's shoulder, having come across as the Imperial (whom had now left) had placed the injuired Jedi in the Bar.

"Sister.... anger and hate is not the way for a Jedi to react to something like this. Look at me. Show me the true strength a Jedi would have.

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 28th, 2002, 02:35:30 PM
Navaria smiled in thanks to Eileen. Taking care of both Verse and his Padawan might have been too much since the wounded Jedi still needed her assistance.

She finished bandaging the knife wound and looked to Sidar. He could definately help her. There was no way Navaria could lift Verse without hurting herself.

"Thank you. I'll need help bringing Verse to the medical facilities. I think I did all I can here."

Satine Capashen
Jan 28th, 2002, 10:10:30 PM
"You got it," Sidar says, not sure how to carry the wounded Jedi.

"Normal rescue carry, or do you have something more in mind?"

verse dawnstrider
Jan 29th, 2002, 12:00:30 AM
::Verse slowly opened his eyes. He looked at Xazor.::

"Do not cry. I still live. Help get me out of the place. Help take me anywhere Navaria tells you to."

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 29th, 2002, 12:14:38 AM
Verse was strong for his Padawan. A good model of a Jedi.

"I think both of us helping him should be alright. He seems to have gotten some of his strength back."

She looked at Verse.

"Up for walking out of here?"

Athena Lady Darknss
Jan 29th, 2002, 05:03:33 PM
Athena had finally found where the Man took the Jedi she was fight and whom still had her dagger in his side. Once she had made her way into the Bar she looked around and noticed the Jedi and some chick whom looked much like her sister Dale. O_o... Interesting.

Athena's black cloak whipped around her as she quickly walked into the Jedi area. She couldnt stay long too many of them although she wanted her dagger back.

She stopped right infront of the lady whom looked like Dale.

" Where is my Dagger "
Her iced Violet gaze shifted from Verse and the others. Her temper already not under control.

" My Dagger and I shall leave! "

Thinking to herself Leave and figure out why this chick looks like my sister.

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 29th, 2002, 05:18:47 PM
OOC~ To clarify, Navaria took the blade out of Verse already and has it put away. You don't see it <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

IC~ So this was the Sith that harmed Verse. Strange workings with the Force to bring Athena here, a being that Dalethria had shared a blood bond with years ago. Perhaps before she became a Knight, this would have frightened her and perhaps would falter in her speech..

... but she was a Knight of the Order ... her feelings for Athena were still of a Sister ... but also of sadness that Athena was consumed in darkness.

Without batting an eye, her blue eyes locked with those of Athena's ...

So filled with hatred....


She looked to Sidar, motioning for him to continue getting Verse help as she talked with Athena

"You will leave now. There is no room for demands."

Athena Lady Darknss
Jan 29th, 2002, 06:15:23 PM
OOC - I know I saw that. I just want it from where ever it is.

IC ::

Athena looked at the Lady, She had her sister demaner and was not frightened of the Sith. ALthough that didnt matter to Athena.

" I want my Dagger and I shall not leave with out it. It was a Gift. "

Still unarmed Athena stood there.

" Dont make me return for it another day. It wouldnt be a smart move. "

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 29th, 2002, 06:23:54 PM
"Gift or no gift, you will not have that dagger."

She held out her hand and pointed towards the door.

"Would you like an escort out?"

It wasn't said to be sarcastic. Her voice was rather annoyingly pleasant to someone that was a Sith.

verse dawnstrider
Jan 29th, 2002, 06:29:49 PM
::Verse filled himself with the Force. He got to his feet.::

"If I were you I would leave. The tables have turned little one. You can no longer push your wieght around. It is no longer 6 Sith -vs- 3 Jedi. It the other way now. I may not be at th etop of my game right now, but the others here are."

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jan 29th, 2002, 06:36:03 PM
There was a commotion happening in the bar & Grill which caught his attention as he was walking by. He decided to go and see what it was about. The doors opened and in walked the over seven foot tall Kashirian. He looked very much like Darth Ogre, but those that knew either him or the one whom he looked somewhat like, knew that he was not the evil Sith.

He said nothing but walked over to where some of the Jedi seemed to be having words with a Sith. His head tilted as he looked at what was transpiring with curiosity. He was surprised to see a Sith in this place, and wondered how long it would be before officials of the NRSF would arrive to either arrest the Sith or deal with them in more violent ways.

Athena Lady Darknss
Jan 29th, 2002, 06:43:36 PM
She smiled the voice of the Jedi didnt bother her to badly although the one of Verse did.

" I have done nothing to start your anger Jedi. I am only here to claim the property that is mine. "

Athena called the Darkness around her and could finally since where her dagger was. It was not in a simple spot to get it from here. And the force wouldnt help either any Jedi could grab her dagger from the air and keep it.

She looked at the one who looked like her sister.

" Tell me Sister why is it you wont allow me to leave with things that are mine? "

Elieen Cross
Jan 29th, 2002, 06:56:39 PM
I finally turn around to see whom this was whom was causing the commotion.

A Sith

And not a bright one. Even when I was agains the Jedi, I would not come in here and challenge them alone. With some regret, I wish Tohmahawk was here. It would be spectacular to see how he would deal with this.

My hand moved down to my side. Maybe if she persisted, she would find out there are worse people than Tohmahawk.

"We are not angry Sith. We just want you to sit down and shut up before you get hurt"

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 29th, 2002, 07:12:03 PM
Navaria stopped herself from smirking, only because it was not proper, but hearing Eileen being blunt was quite amusing. It felt good to hear Verse and her newest comrade standing up with her against Athena. Truly, it made her feel that she belonged here.

The word Sister stung for it was laced with malice and contempt .. but it was a brief pain that was pushed to the side.

"A weapon that hurt a fellow Jedi is one that I will not relinquish unto you. Now leave Sister ... I want no harm to befall you."

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jan 29th, 2002, 07:44:42 PM
Eldrak raised an eyebrow as he focused clearly on the Sith’s face, and then he saw the one who replied to her. It was a strange feeling of deja-vu. He couldn’t place why or where, but he felt as if he had met both of these women before. And the face of the Jedi seemed to be very compelling, bringing about an almost emotional feeling. Was there some connection that he had to these women? He shook his head trying to rid himself of these confused thoughts.

Jan 29th, 2002, 09:22:26 PM
Please....leave us alone......

Xazor quietly spoke. She then looked to her Master and took his hand.

Master.....I am strong for you. Please......we must leave this place.....

She pleaded with him

verse dawnstrider
Jan 29th, 2002, 11:21:23 PM
::Verse placed a hand over his chest. He was still very weak.::

"No Xazor. We shall stay. This woman is trying to muscle her way around in here. If she keeps up she will have a horde of Jedi around her. She is foolish to try and pick a fight on Jedi grounds. We will stay because of one thing. She is in our home. One must not allow an enemy to come into thier home and try to push them around. If she does not leave she will be blinded by the Light. Our Light will shine bright enough to disspell any amount of Darkness."

Jan 29th, 2002, 11:38:14 PM
Xazor nodded to him and replied.

Yes, Master. You are right.........she doesn't belong here.......I shall aid in this situation the best I can.

She shot him a hopeful smile.

Satine Capashen
Jan 30th, 2002, 01:54:43 AM
A snap-hiss is heard, and Sidar steps to the fore, a lightsabre of pure silver color--one of Satine's old one's--in his hand. Just like his young friend, Satine, Sidar was eager for a fight, and quick to take offense in defense of a friend. He was, after all, a Dragoon, one of the elites of Satine's forces, and he would not let some of Satine's friends get hurt in a JEdi establishment.

"I suggest leaving, Sithling..."

Athena Lady Darknss
Jan 30th, 2002, 05:18:55 PM
Looking at the Jedi who had already ignited his saber.

" Not very Lightside of you now is that? "

*Looking back the Jedi who she had been speaking to from the start.

" GIVE me my Dagger, And I shall leave. Dont and I will have to be removed. "

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 30th, 2002, 05:29:48 PM
She sighed with a heavy heart.

"If that is your wish but it is a foolish one."

Navaria moved to stand next to Verse, lifting one of his arms around her shoulder for support, and looked to the Jedi that had assembled around her.

"She makes a move to stop us ... throw her out. I will not have her stopping Verse from getting the medical attention he deserves any longer or threaten us further."

Navaria kept one hand free so she could reach for her sabre at a moments notice. She kept an eye on Athena as well as her senses alert for any attack. One Sith shouldn't be a problem for any of the Jedi but she wanted to make sure that Athena had no chance of harming any innocents and put out a telepathic message to any NRSF officials in the area ... never could be too careful and who knows if any more Sith should show up from the mall ...

Jan 30th, 2002, 06:18:01 PM

Finally the spirit of Daleethria made herself known to the giant green Jedi for he has accepted the Force and shall learn of its ways. She was translucent and outlined in lightblue, standing inbetween the Sith and the Jedi that wished to help Verse.

Eldrak noticed right away that this apparition looked just like Navaria.


He felt a gentle presence enter his mind, warm and soothing. Memories of who Navaria, Daleethria and also Eldrak were carefully were brought forth ... but not all at once. Just enough for him to understand their purpose and connection that was so confusion to put his giant finger on.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jan 30th, 2002, 06:24:23 PM
He did all he could to shake of the strange recognition and emotion that was stirred by seeing these two women. There was a more important task to be taken care of than figuring out what was going on in his mind. That task was to see to it that the already injured Jedi and the one helping him came to no harm.

Then she came, he saw her and tilted his head as he looked upon the apparition, she looked just like the Jedi, but her words and the images in his mind were soothing, and gently reminded him of what he was feeling and experiencing as well as why. He knew what must be done.

As the two Jedi began to step out Eldrak stepped between the Sith and Verse being helped by Navaria. It was as if there was a huge wall of green flesh now between the Sith and the one with whom she had been conversing. Eldrak looked at the Sith and raised one of his enormous hands up in front of him, palm outwards towards her, then he spoke, his voice was one feature of his that was exactly like that of his original, it was the same voice that Darth Ogre possessed.

“You will make no demands here, nor will you be given anything except the path to the door. Navaria and Verse are people of this order just as I am and they will not be bothered by you any longer.”

The voice was deep and powerful as one of such size would be expected to have, but unlike Darth Ogre’s there was no cruelly laced undertone, just one of complete seriousness.

verse dawnstrider
Jan 30th, 2002, 06:26:23 PM
::Verse slumped some of his wieght on the Jedi.::

"She is right. I am in no shape to battle the Sith. When I am done healing I will return. To give the lump of metal back to her. After I have melted it into the shape of a kitten!"

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 30th, 2002, 06:55:27 PM
:: Wordlessly, Anbira rose from his seat, and approached the Sith harlot. Perhaps she would recognize the price that was to be paid for such aggressions. ::

Eldrak, take Dawnstrider and see to his safety. You are not ready to fight.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jan 30th, 2002, 07:00:07 PM
“Yes Master.”

Eldrak nodded in a slight bow to Anbria not allowing his eyes to stray from the Sith before he turned away, heading for where Verse and Navaria were.

“Let me help you there Miss?”

He asked placing one of his powerful treelike arms underneath Verse’s so that he could help get Verse out of this place and to the proper medical facility

Elieen Cross
Jan 30th, 2002, 07:01:31 PM
Frell, isn't that green monster Darth Ogre? And he's standing up to the Sith? What in holy frell is going on here?

I just allowed my hand to brush the weapon I had at my hip. Luckily for the Sith, others were going to deal with her. If it was me, she would already be shorter a head.

Hearing Verse's words, I smirked. "No, how about a suppository. A kitten is too nice a thing to turn this witch's blade into"

There were some other questions to be answered here too. Once this Sith grew a brain and left while she still had limbs remaining, I would ask them

Pierce Tondry
Jan 30th, 2002, 08:13:48 PM
Pierce creeps from the bushes just outside, where he had hidden upon hearing someone running towards the bar. His natural instincts proved to be good ones, as the person turned out to be one of the Sith that had been in the shopping mall.

Holding his blaster rifle carefully, Pierce set it to "stun" and waited for an opportunity to ambush the Sith.

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 30th, 2002, 09:27:59 PM
It had certainly been an interesting sequence of events. In jured Jedi Master's, angelic women with healing powers, angry women with sharp tongues, green giants with tree-trunk arms and here's little Loki sitting in his corner hiding behind another book. There was no way he was going to confront that woman, she was firey to say the least but her presence was loud and unwanted and quite frankly, Loki never could abide being disturbed when reading.

He made his way over to the bar and bought a tumbler of fresh juice, he wasn't thirsty but lately curiosity had been getting the better of him and so far, it has all turned out for the best. So after listening in on the confrontation, he discovered this bitter woman whose voice had a spiteful undertone was after a dagger or knife of some sort.

"Is that it?" he thought to himself, "Oh well, let's see what we have here..."

Moments later the boy was seen walking past the group and making his way towards the exit when he turned and saw the kindly young lady attempting to carry the injured Jedi with some assistance from Eldrak.

"Excuse me!" he called rather loudly, over the commotion, getting her attention as well as nearly everone elses, "Where did you say you wanted me to take this knife? Outside?"

He had in one hand a large blade, wrapped in cloth, the shining metal being revealed in tiny openings under the layers of material. He paused a moment amidst the quiet and added, "Ok then." He proceeded towards the exit holding the weapon firmly.

Jan 30th, 2002, 09:56:39 PM

Xazor said compassionatly as she looked at Verse. She saw how many wounds he had. She hadn't really looked at him carefully when she ran in. A tear fell out of her eye as she examined him closer.

Master.........we need to get you some help. I can help too.......

She said as she put her arm around his neck. She looked into his eyes and saw his pain. She could somehow feel it too. Everything he was feeling was somehow a part of her too. Suddenly she saw Loki walk through with a knife.

I'll be right back, Master!

She told him and ran after Loki.

Loki.....you had better give that to me. I don't want anything to happen to you......

She said and took the weapon out of the small boy's hands.

I must aid my Master.....and do something with this.

She said to him. She looked over her utility belt and couldn't find a place to put it. She then remembered a dagger holder next to her blaster on it's holster. She moved her robes out of the way and slid the dagger in, next to her blaster which was strapped to her thigh. She covered it back up with her robes and smiled.

Loki, you should return to your room or go the temple where it is safe. Right now, this is not a good place for you to be......

She said gently and placed a hand on his shoulder.

I must say, you are very brave for being so young.....

She gave him a gentle smile.

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 31st, 2002, 02:56:49 AM
Navaria released Verse and let Eldrak take over for her.

"Thank you, my friend. It's good to see you again."

She smiled quickly to him and then concern built up in seeing the two Padawans. One of them held the knife and the other child had yet to study anything about the Force. It was a dangerous situation for Loki.

"Xazor, Loki. Both of you come with Eldrak and me. We need to get Verse out of here. There are plenty left to take care of ..."

It was hard to leave her sister like this but it was her own choice.

".. Athena. Let's go. You two first."

A path already had cleared, leading to the front door. She wanted Xazor and Loki to leave first, only to get them out of the way and the object of Athena's obsession out of sight.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jan 31st, 2002, 03:08:33 AM
Eldrak now took complete control of aiding Verse in his standing position. He effortlessly supported the man with one arm under the Jedi’s and around his back.

He stood holding Verse steady waiting for Navaria’s instructions to be followed and to show him the way. He was new to this place and had no idea where the medical facility was, but helping take this man there had been requested by his Master and he would do as asked.

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 31st, 2002, 06:35:01 AM
Loki had not been quick enough to snatch the knife out of Xazor's reach, she obviously was unaware of what he had done and he was unsure how to react. Then it came to him, quickly he took out a small scrap of paper and leaning against the wall, wrote on it. He ran accross to the bartender and handed it to him, with a few credits.

"Here's what I owed you for that drink earlier."

The bartender looked over the bill and nodded with understanding, then went back to work. Returning to Xazor and the others and promptly left the bar.

Jan 31st, 2002, 10:10:18 AM
Xazor nodded at the woman who was leading she and Loki out of the bar. They quickly exited the bar and once outside, she spoke to the woman through the Force.

I have the dagger...........

She said, making sure to block these words with the Force so no one else would hear. She gave her a slight smile. She then saw the large green being take her Master from the bar. Truthfully, he looked horrible. He had sustained massive injuries. Her heart ached for him. She spoke to him through the Force.

Master.............please live...........

She looked down at the ground and then others exited the bar.

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 31st, 2002, 01:57:59 PM
She watched the exchange between Loki and Xazor and chuckled to herself. Kid was quick on his feet.

After both of them had left, Navaria followed behind Eldrak and Verse, making sure that they reached medical facility with no problems...

Jan 31st, 2002, 02:03:53 PM
Xazor had the dagger safely stored away in a holder on her body. She didn't know what else to do with it, and figured it was best if she let everyone forget about it right now. She approached Navaria and spoke.

I wish to accompany my Master to the med-bay...............please...........

She pleaded with her eyes. She looked down at the ground for a moment and then back up.

Honestly...........is he going to make it? I...........I can't live without him!

She put her hands up to her face and cried into them. Although she was 19 years old, she still cried. She was ashamed of it too, and turned away from Navaria.

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 31st, 2002, 02:21:15 PM
The poor girl ... Verse meant so much to her but it was a feeling that Navaria could relate too. Leia had done so much for her. Her Master's teachings helped her learn so much about herself, the galaxy, the Force ... taught her to trust who she was and not succumb to fear and hatred.


She tilted her head lower and gently moved away the Padawan's hands so Navaria could look at her.

"Be strong for your Master and that will give him the strength to heal faster so he can be at your side once again."

A warm smile came across her face as she began to lead Xazor to follow behind Eldrak and Verse.

Jan 31st, 2002, 02:53:45 PM
As she walked behind them, Xazor said a light prayer for Verse.

Dear beloved Master of mine..............may the great Jedi Masters of old watch over you as your body and soul heals. I will also be with you.............I will be your strength......

She said this to him through the Force as silence overcame the group.

verse dawnstrider
Jan 31st, 2002, 06:41:48 PM
::Verse closed his eys as they moved toward the med room.::

"No bacta....Just get them to sew me up and fix my bones. I am Garou! I will heal, just no bacta. I will wear my scars proud and like a warrior."

::Verse breathed deep. Now that the adrenaline was gone he felt the pain. It ran through his chest. the med droids would have a tiem fixing his ribs. The hole through his hip wasn't good eather. He breathed deep. soon all would be well. Soon....::

Athena Lady Darknss
Feb 2nd, 2002, 12:54:57 AM
Athena watched as the Lady Padawan of the Jedi with a rather annoying mouth left with her dagger. Athena wondered if the Jedi knew just what her Master did to the dagger to make it only the darkness. Athena almost thought to warn her not to let it touch her skin... Athena had placed her own sith spell of the dagger. She would get it back. Knowing her dagger could not be melted she watched the one she had called sister leave.

" Careful Sis...dont let the little ones get hurt. " She spoke these words only to the mind of her sister...

Looking at Anbira Athena made her way past the man and out of the Bar. As she passed him.. she spoke " I will kill her to get it back..Train her as her master heals from our wounds. "

Athena finally left and made her way back to the TSE HQ.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Feb 2nd, 2002, 01:11:18 AM
They finally arrived at the medical room that Navaria had shown him the way to without actually leading the way. She had followed behind him with Xazor, but somehow Eldrak knew just where to go, even though in reality, he had no idea where it was they were going. It didn’t take long and he was now setting Verse down in a seated position upon one of the beds in that very room.

Silently Eldrak stepped away from the bed and looked on, watching to see what would come next. He found the Sith’s obsession with having her weapon back most interesting, such an obsession could easily lead to one’s destruction. It is not the tools of the trade that make one great, but the one who wields them. Tools can easily be replaced, while a tradesman cannot.

verse dawnstrider
Feb 2nd, 2002, 01:24:32 AM
::Verse opened his eyes and laughed slightly. He could sence what was on the green ones mind.::

"The Sith are hopeless. They have nothing to link them to this world but hate. They share no feelings such as love, joy, or happiness. They only feel anger and hate. The anger doesn't allow them to have true friends. Only temporary allies. The weapons are the only things the feel anything close to love with. It is sad really. To live not knowing how it feels to gaze on a sun rise. To hold your love one close while the sun goes down. I do not hate the Sith. The only real feeling I have for them is pity."

::Verse felt his body get laid on the table. He looked at his padawan.::

"Stay away from her Xazor. She has nothing else to live for. That weapon is the only thing he holds dear. She is backed up tot he wall. Place it with a Jedi Master. Give it to Warren! Do not keep it! It is evil in the form of a dagger. Don't even let the blade touch your skin. Get rid of it to someone that can keep it from the Sith. Even I may not be strong enough."

Loki Ahmrah
Feb 2nd, 2002, 08:30:56 AM
Loki had just entered the medical room in which the Jedi Verse was resting and to his astonishment, he was hearing him talking away - how could this be? - he had seen the state the Jedi Master was in earlier. Perhaps the answer lies in the question; he is a Jedi Master after all, he sure was brave and wise back at the Bar and Grill, how anyone could pick themselves up and talk like that was beyond him.

He also heard him move onto talking about the weapon to Xazor and he couldn't help but allow a small grin come across his face, but then he spoke of how dangerous it was and in that moment, Loki began to fear for the bartender back at the Bar and Grill.

"It'll be alright, Navaria had wrapped it up well," he thought. Stepping closer, he began to speak to those in the room and shed a little light on what had transpired before.

"Xazor, could you take the dagger out a moment please?" Naturally the Jedi declined knowing of it's evil but with further pursuasion she carefully unclipped it from the holster on her belt, at which point Loki nimbly reached out and ripped the cloth which covered it.

To her suprise the blade which she held was not the evil dagger of which Verse spoke but just a hefty meat cleaver from the Bar & Grill. Loki turned to look down the corridoor and smiled to see the man who had served him at the bar making his way towards the room.

"I can explain." And so his story began, "Innitially I didn't want to get involved in the confrontation, especially with so many Jedi who seemed to have the situation under control. But I just couldn't read with all that commotion! So, deciding to find out what was going on, I weaved through the crowd towards the bar when I stumbled upon the dagger Navaria had set down. Before my presence was noticed I quickly tucked it into my jacket as it was then I realised what the angry lady was after."

He paused a moment, they were still listening so on he went.

"When I got to the Bar I climbed onto a stool and leaning over, hid the degger behind it then whilst the bartender wasn't looking, I took that cloth and meat cleaver from behind the bar and wrapped it up as though it were the original dagger. I was going to throw it away and send the lady on a wild goose chase but when you took it from me, I realised that I'd have to warn the bartender without the nasty woman knowing. So I wrote out that 'bill' as it were which was a note informing him of what that knife really was hanging up were his meat cleaver once rested. In the note, I also asked him to come here and make the switch away from the woman's eyes."

"And here he is!" he said smiling.

Immediatly after, the bartender came in and with a brief greeting handed the little boy the wrapped up dagger. Which Loki promptly turned and handed it over to Xazor, who gave the meat cleaver back to the bartender.

"There," he said, "Now that's all cleared up!" He smiled.

Edit: Spelling.

Feb 2nd, 2002, 04:27:11 PM
Xazor nodded to Loki and smiled.

I knew all along what you were up to, but I didn't want her to think that you had it. She would have gone after you to get it, and I knew that. So that is when I took the "dagger" from you and put it in my holster. I didn't want to say anything to anyone about it, because I knew where it really was. I am a Jedi, Loki, I know a lot more than people give me credit for.

She finished. She took the real dagger and carefully put it in her holster, where the Sith would never see it. She smiled at her Master, although he looked pretty bad. She nodded in agreement to his advice, although she did not fully agree with him.

Master.........I think that you should know me well enough to know that the Sith won't be able to get the dagger away from me. I am capable.....although I am only a padawan. Please.......let me take care of this one. She isn't going to get away with nearly killing my Master...........she'll have to learn that she shouldn't mess with me...........

She looked at the ground while saying this. She didn't want to appear disrespectful to him, for that was not her intent at all. She knew that her anger for the woman was of the darkside.....but she couldn't help feeling that way. She knew that Verse would not approve of it.....but thought that speaking out wouldn't hurt any.

I think it wise not to give it to a Jedi Master, especially Warren. She will know! Then she will go after him. Although I know he is capable of keeping her away from it.........I do not think she suspects that a padawan has it.........

She said with a slight smile. No matter the outcome of the situation........she was glad that her Master was going to be okay................that is all that mattered to her right now......

Remember............I know how the Sith operate...........and I know how to fight as one........

She said out of no where. She didn't care to go into her story with the others........but she knew that her Master understood what she was talking about.

verse dawnstrider
Feb 3rd, 2002, 01:47:43 AM
::Verse kept blocking out the pain in his chest. He was healing. No matter how slow. He could sence the thought sof the boy. He could feel the boy wonder how Verse was talking in his shape. He felt the boy should know.::

"Loki. I know it seems strange that I am still able to talk. In truth it is hard to do so. As a Jedi. I can block out pain so that I no longer feel it. That am I am not human. My race heals fast. It helps some."

::He turned to Xazor.::

"I will not tell you to get rid of the dagger. Just do not take it out in public. Leave it at base at all times. I know much of the Sith and how they work. That is another story for another day though. Forgive me. It is getting to hard to talk...."

::Verse rested his head. All the talking was wereing him down. It was hard to block out the pain. He closed his eyes and rested.::

Marcus QDunn
Feb 3rd, 2002, 03:45:24 AM
ADMIN NOTE : This thread has been cleaned up, After an absurdity was withdrawn. Nothing to see here, move along.

Navaria Tarkin
Feb 4th, 2002, 01:48:30 AM
She placed a hand on Xazor's shoulder in comfort as Verse was getting the rest he deserved.

"He's right. Athena must never get that weapon back. She will keep trying, that much is true. Be strong."

Just thinking about her sister's actions this day left Navaria with a heavy heart. Without being fearful of who she was, the Knight wasn't hiding anymore. Her face was known to many and Miryan, Dalethria's Apprentice, had seen her when she was promoted.

Now Athena had seen her face. It would not be long before word would spread across the Empire and reach her twin's ears ...

What Navaria didn't know was that Dalethria had left their ranks so perhaps there was some time to be had so she could prepare. It was dependant on Athena and when she would seek our her true dark sister ...

She removed her hand and nodded to Xazor.

"I best be going. Verse will be fine and he needs his rest. Take care of yourself."

As she turned to leave, her eyes rested on Loki.

"You did well today. You'll make a great Jedi one day."

And with those words, Navaria left the med bay to return to her quarters. She had much meditation to do.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Feb 4th, 2002, 05:46:19 PM
All of this excitement over a simple dagger really made Eldrak curious as to its nature, but he did not speak about his curiosity nor did he act on it. He had done that which he had been asked to and now he was watching as the droids started mending Verse’s wounds.

He reminded against a wall out of the way as he watched. He then saw Navaria leave and thought that perhaps he should as well considering his task to get Verse here was complete and being away from where the dagger was would help ease the nagging of his desire to inspect it closer.

“Take care sir.” He said to Verse and nodded towards Xazor with smiling eyes, as he turned and made his way to the exit, leaving them there in the med bay as he was off to learn something new in another place he knew not where yet.

Feb 4th, 2002, 06:03:26 PM
The ghostly image of Daleethria appeared before Eldrak just as he left the medical bay.

You wish to learn something new?

She closed her eyes and bowed before disappearing completely ... and when she did, Eldrak was looking at the back of Navaria walking away.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Feb 5th, 2002, 10:15:42 PM
His eyes grew large as he saw the familiar face of Dalee before him, He had questions to ask her about their first meeting and why she was but a ghostly image, but he wasn’t given the chance to pose them before she incited her cryptic message to him and disappeared.

Maybe her message was in regards to the questions he had and maybe the way she vanished was a clue as to where he could go to seek answers to them. He really wasn’t sure and he was rather uncertain speaking to most of the other Jedi here, especially the one who looked exactly like Dalee did.

He decided to be brave and walked with long strides quickly catching up to Navaria as she walked through the corridor.

“Greetings maim.” Was all he said as he moved up alongside of her.

Navaria Tarkin
Feb 6th, 2002, 01:49:37 AM
Her thoughts were broken as Eldrak surprisingly came up to her. She wondered what had brought that on. The Knight was grateful for his help but considering there connection that he wasn't sure about, Navaria had thought Eldrak would be avoiding her.

Or ... was that the reason he was here now?

She cleared her mind of recent events and smiled.

"Greetings to you as well, Eldrak. Can I help you with something?"

Eldrak Gruuhl
Feb 6th, 2002, 02:11:01 AM
“I was kind of hoping…”

He looked down at the ground and his voice faltered slightly as he seemed somewhat uncomfortable.

“..that I could ask you a few questions if it wouldn’t be any bother to you or you weren’t busy with other things right now.”

Navaria Tarkin
Feb 6th, 2002, 02:14:10 AM
It was rather cute seeing this big hulking creature be so shy and timid around Navaria. She had much thinking to do but it could wait. The needs of her fellow Jedi outweighed hers for the moment.

"Sure, I'd love to."

She took a quick look around.

"But not here..."

The bar was just over her shoulder as she looked in that direction.

"... and not at the bar."

Eldrak Gruuhl
Feb 6th, 2002, 02:31:26 AM
“Anywhere you wish would be acceptable to me maim.”

He said as he looked back up at her slowly, ears perking up slightly at her positive tone of voice and answer.

Navaria Tarkin
Feb 6th, 2002, 02:33:44 AM
"Well, we could always go to my place or yours. Whatever you are most comfortable with."

Navaria said as she began leading them towards the general living quarters.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Feb 6th, 2002, 02:42:03 AM
He thought about his room for a second and really didn’t think Navaria would find a hole in the ground all too comfortable. A slight smirk grew on his huge face and was washed away as he answered.

“Yours is probably best.”

Navaria Tarkin
Feb 7th, 2002, 02:14:11 AM
She didn't know what was amusing but something obviously brought some good cheer to her friend.

"Very well, follow me."

Navaria led the way to the living (http://pub56.ezboard.com/fgjofrm6.showMessage?topicID=150.topic) area ...

Feb 12th, 2002, 05:53:47 PM
After a few people had left, Xazor walked over to Verse and knelt at his bedside. She smiled on him as he laid there and slowly healed. His strong body appeared so helpless to her, and she couldn't help a few escaping tears to run down her face.

Master.........I will do whatever you wish with this dagger.......and anything else. Do not worry...I am not foolish enough to take it off the base. I must tell you something, though..............I was listening in on some thoughts of those around us....Dalethria wants to kill me. Honestly..........she does know that I have the dagger. There is nothing I can do.......she will kill me even if it is not in my possession. Master....I cannot lose you...........yet............if you live and she kills me..............

She couldn't continue for she was now in full tears. She laid her head down on the edge of his bed and sobbed. Everything seemed to be falling apart in her life right now...........she didn't know what to do.........
especially since she was lacking strength from the one she cared about most in her life......................him.