View Full Version : Black cloak (open)

Jan 21st, 2002, 01:43:50 PM
A man wearing a black cloak that covers his face and hands slowly makes his way to the bar. He reach out of the cloak just long enough to rub his hand on the wooden bar counter.
Then he pulls his hand back in as the bar tender walks over to him.
He looks up at the bar tender which has been standing there try to see his face. With a scratchy voice the man asked "Well you get me a drink tender get"
The bar tender goes away to get his drink. As Zadion waited for the bar tender to get his drink to him he looks around the large bar.

Kaman Jeris Deliai
Jan 21st, 2002, 04:45:57 PM
Kaman had been hanging out in the Bar and Grill, at an emtpy table, just her and her thoughts. And of course, a book selected from the many in the bookcase at her quarters. While thinking upon the subjects presented in one chapter of the book, something seemed to draw her attention away from it. A man in a black cloak had entered the B&G. A man she did not recognize.


Kaman marked the book, and tucked it away in the light coat she wore around the facilities of the Greater Jedi Order. Kaman rose from her chair, and approached the man, and stood about two feet away behind him. He seemed to be examining the Bar and Grill. Kaman's liquid blue-green eyes followed his line of sight as it traced around the room. She figured he knew she was there by then.

Jan 21st, 2002, 11:37:56 PM
As he watched the woman looking at him he begin to wonder what she wanted but instead of asking he seat there looking at her as she did him.
He turned and waved the the bar tender down and said he needed 2 drinks not one. As the bar tender prod the drinks he wave the woman over to the bar.

Kaman Jeris Deliai
Jan 22nd, 2002, 03:54:24 PM
Kaman joined the man, sitting with him. The bartender placed the drinks before them, and Kaman thanks the bartender, then looks again at the man she had been watching...

"You are new here. I do not recognize you. But your walking in to this place has caught my attention...What is your business. What is it you are looking for?"

Kaman stopped her string of questions. She looked closer at him...This man was somewhat mysterious, and mystery always drew Kaman near.

"What is your name?"

Jan 22nd, 2002, 07:10:08 PM
Took a long drink from his cup as Kaman asked questions about him. He put the empty cup on the bar to anwser Kamans questions.
"Me? I'm here because.... well.... why not I wanted a drink and it a bar"
He pulls his hand back into his sleeves and pulls out a card and hands it to her.
When kaman looks at it. She sees his name is Zadion. As Kaman starts to put the card away it turns liquid. As it slips out of her hand on to the floor Zadions black robes move up and the watery substance goes under it.
"Zadion...Nice to meet you"

Kaman Jeris Deliai
Jan 24th, 2002, 03:39:22 PM
Kaman watches the card go liquid...


...then she looks again at Zadion..

"Zadion. Interesting name."

Takes a small sip of her drink, and smiles...

"Well, since we seem to be going for introductions, that is what i'll do. I am Kaman Jeris Deliai. Yes, it is quite nice to meet you.If you have any questions, I'll do my best to answer them. You mind telling me a bit about yourself?"

Jan 24th, 2002, 07:19:40 PM
waves his hand to get the bar tender to refill his cup. Then looks at Kaman.
"I only have one question are you a jedi?"
takes a drink from his cup
"and just ask me what ever you want to no"

Kaman Jeris Deliai
Feb 1st, 2002, 01:03:52 AM
Kaman replies...

"I am a Jedi Padawan. My master has not been in for a while. I do not know when my training will be completed..."

She pauses...

"Where are you from, Just out of slight curiousity?"

Feb 2nd, 2002, 05:24:07 PM
"where am I from? The town is called Maja"
reachs out of his cloak and pulls the hood off his head to show that he is about 20 with black hair and green eyes.

Kaman Jeris Deliai
Feb 4th, 2002, 04:42:27 PM
Kaman nods...as he removes the hood, she asks another question...

"Where is this town?"

When Kaman looked again, she saw his green eyes, and it sparked a certain memory, too old to be otherwise remembered...

"The peculiar shade or shine of the green in your eyes reminds me of something. Either that, or it tells me something more of my past. My past did not always consist of my being a Jedi. That is only the past 8 years or so. The rest before that was the very heart of danger...Zadion...what is it you do...How do you occupy your time?"

Feb 5th, 2002, 12:33:36 AM
"No where important, it was just a small town in the middle of no where that had a big fire...and now it's just ash."
watches her eyes as she starts to stare at him then say
"I go planet to planet meeting people and learning about races, history, so on."
takes a drink from his cup
"So what in your past is my eyes remind you of? if you don't mind me asking."

Kaman Jeris Deliai
Feb 5th, 2002, 05:09:31 PM
Kaman sighs...

"I'm not sure exactly. A woman, looking quite like myself. She has eyes like yours. Near her is a man who looks like....Oh gosh, I swear I recognize him...I know!!..he looks like pictures I have seen of my father."

She half-smiles..

"I know my mother died when I was very young...But no one knows about my father. Whether he is dead or alive is a mystery. One I think I will leave alone, unless it is the will of things for me to seek him out, or for him to come to me. Or if he is long gone..."

A long pause..

"...But I prefer not to even think that."

Feb 5th, 2002, 06:42:00 PM
"my self I don't know my father or mother I was adopted by a very nice family."

"I tried to look for my parents over the last few years but haven't come up with anything..yet"

Kaman Jeris Deliai
Feb 18th, 2002, 04:43:51 PM
Kaman smiles...

"Well, don't look too hard. An obsession can ruin your life. Believe me, I had a friend like that once. She ended up being commited. Her husband was devastated..."

Feb 22nd, 2002, 09:44:26 PM
laughs and says
"obsession is not all ways a bad thing..it helped me may times"
takes a drink
"In all truth I'm not looking to hard it's just a side mission"