View Full Version : Kal Jericho......follow me.......

Feb 26th, 2002, 11:50:58 PM
Xazor entered the bar just before noon. She scanned it quickly for the face of the man she was meeting that very hour....but he was no where in sight. She laughed slightly to herself as she sat down at the nearest table. The guards had tried to take her weapons, but she explained that she was not going to be there long. She looked up at the clock on the wall and sighed. He only had three minutes to get there, and then she would take off.

Maybe he's chicken........

She thought quietly to herself. She shook it out of her mind. He had seemed like a really nice man, not one who would stand her up on an invitation to a challenge........

Gunfighter Jane X
Feb 27th, 2002, 12:50:33 AM
Kal Jericho.

He was a popular man. And there was more than one woman in the Bar & Grill that night who was interested in meeting him. Jane rode low in a corner seat, her stetson's brow lowered to nearly completely shield her eyes from the glare from the sunlit windows. In the meantime, she nursed a wretched sullustian whiskey, the sting in her mouth deadening as she went. It helped to deaden more nerves than that. Sometimes it even could quiet a concience, or a moral compass.

She was given a name. A name and a fist full of credits signed on a promise. As a rule, Jane never said yes or no until she'd had time to get a look at the job. She was the only hired gun who'd never killed a man who didn't deserve it; at least in her own mind. His picture showed a cocky smile, and a look of confidence. But he was still a boy in her eyes. For his sake, Jane hoped that appraisal was a good one.

Kal Jericho
Feb 27th, 2002, 10:14:55 AM
"I'm meeting someone here - we're going off for a spar shortly."

the bouncers let him through without hesitation once he'd explained the presence of a sword sheathed next to his right leg. His initial scan of the area revealed no Xazor, so he moved to the bar to order a quick drink. He turned around to survey the room again, and there she was. He waved to her and walked over...

"I didn't see you there. Mind if we have one quick drink before we head off?"

Feb 27th, 2002, 06:28:42 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled.

It is alright with me. The drunker you are.........the more I have the chance to mop the floor with you.

She said in a cocky voice. Of course she was joking, but couldn't resist to add her two sense about the deal.

Kal Jericho
Feb 27th, 2002, 08:44:50 PM

...he replied as he turned back to the bar, not yet clicking on to what she said. Then, he stopped, and turned slowly...

"...I wouldn't get too cocky just yet! Let's wait until we've got the gloves on!"

He spoke, with a sly grin, downing the After Shock in one. He spoke to the bartender in a smoky voice...

"Gimme another please!"

Feb 27th, 2002, 08:52:56 PM
She smiled at his reply. He had willpower and she liked his attitude.

Get me a JD.

She said to the bartender as Kal had his second drink. He quickly brought her order back to her and she took a few swigs of it before setting it on the bar top. Suddenly an NRSF member came over to her.

Hand over your weapons......

He demanded. She smiled and turned to face him.

I am sorry sir, but I have permission to have these in here. I am not staying long and will be leaving with my friend here for a spar. This is only a rendesvous point for us.

She waved a hand in front of her slightly as she said this, using a light Jedi mind trick.

Yes, ma'am. Stay as long as you like.

He bowed slightly and left she and Kal alone once more. She turned back around to face him and laughed lightly to herself. Lifting the glass of JD to her lips, she took a few more swigs and finished it. She then set the glass back on the table and tossed a few credits on top of the bill.

Gunfighter Jane X
Feb 28th, 2002, 03:41:58 AM
Jane watched Kal and his lady friend finish their drinks. Her own was just about done as well, the ice melting into water to take the hard bite off the cheap liquor. It was nearly time. She washed down the dregs with a hard grimace, dropping a coin onto the table as she slid her coat on again. As she reached the door, she stopped, watching Kal and Xazor continue ahead. Her green eyes shifted to the door attendant, as her hand extended forward.

"My blaster."

The man retrieved the right one. Long barreled and beautifully made, he placed the handle in her hand. She tipped her hat, spinning the gun twice before fluidly sliding it into her side holster. It was time to make her move. And Kal Jericho's time was running out.

Kal Jericho
Feb 28th, 2002, 03:07:16 PM
Thanfully, the afternoon seemed pleasant enough for Kal's liking. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. A welcome change to the cold, perpetual night of Nar Shaddaa.

"So where exactly are we off to?"

...he brushed his hand against the sheathed sword by his side, checking it was still with him.

Feb 28th, 2002, 06:13:19 PM
The Jedi Training Academy.

She said with a smile. She looked around the room for a moment and saw a woman watching them. She appeared curious to Xazor, not a person of warmth. Xazor felt out her aura quickly, and gathered a few facts about her. She now knew that her name was Jane and she had a cold, hardened spirit. She also had bad intentions for Kal. Xazor quickly looked back at Kal.

Watch your back.......that woman over there has some bad thoughts of you. I'll stay in front of you. We must leave here right now.......

She spoke through the Force to him. She knew he could hear him, but not speak back to her through it.

Do not worry about an answer.........just follow me.

She said again through the Force as she rose from her seat and he followed to the door. She glared right into Jane's eyes. Xazor got an idea and smiled. She gathered shadows from all around the room and cast them into many figures. Suddenly it appeared as though a flood of people were leaving the bar. Xazor and Kal were lost in the "crowd" and safely escaped the bar. She released the shadows when they were about half way to the Academy. She looked back at Kal, who was catching up to her quick pace. She could see the confused expression on his face and smiled slightly to herself.

Gunfighter Jane X
Feb 28th, 2002, 09:19:10 PM
Jane picked up on the woman's words, before they were out of hearing range. They were headed to the Jedi Training Academy. However, when Jane pursued, a throng of people exited the bar, making it difficult to stay close to them. Jane finally made her way out of the pack, but by that time, the pair were long gone. Fortunately, she knew where they were headed. She reached her speeder bike, peeling out at maximum speed to the Academy building. She had ample time to get ready as the pair approached the building on foot.

She leaned against the wall, watching them come close. When they were close enough to see her, she spoke.

"Kal Jericho?"

Feb 28th, 2002, 09:49:50 PM
Xazor stepped in front of Kal and unclipped her lightsaber from her belt. She ignited it and a blue blade shot forth with a hissing sound. Holding it in defense in front of herself, Xazor grinned slightly and spoke.

What is it you want with this man?

She asked in a low growl. The woman was greatly disrupting their plans and Xazor hoped she would leave them soon.

Kal Jericho
Mar 1st, 2002, 02:54:15 PM
Kal stepped out from behind Xazor. Not that he was cowering - she just stood in front of him. He put his hand on her arm and lowered the saber slightly...

"It's quite alright Xazor, there's no need for that just yet."

Kal turned his attention to the mysterious woman leaning against the wall in a rather comfortable, lazy fashion. She had a rough attractiveness to herself - quite different to Xazor's - and a seemingly unwelcoming demeanor. Kal wondered about her nature...

"Might I enquire as to what it is you want with me, Miss...?"

Mar 1st, 2002, 07:01:10 PM
I can tell you exactly what she wants........

Xazor growled at the woman and then stepped in front of Kal, assuming her previous position with her saber.

If you want to fight someone.............you'll have to fight me.

She said in a low tone of voice as she glared at the woman who leaned against the wall. She could tell that "Jane" had an attitude of indifference.........something Xazor didn't like. Whatever she had against Kal, would have to be taken up with her first....

Gunfighter Jane X
Mar 2nd, 2002, 12:04:16 AM
Jane looked at the woman with the lightsaber

"I don't rightly think it concerns you. If it comes to violence, I'm sure that Kal doesn't need your help."

Her eyes drifted back to Kal.

"Whether it comes to it or not, is what I'm here to see."

Her hands remained relaxed, arms crossed over her chest, and away from her piece.

Mar 2nd, 2002, 12:13:10 AM
Xazor shook her head at the woman and held her defensive stance.

Kal and I were on our way to spar.............I see nothing wrong with it. There will be fighting if you keep bothering us though.........

She said growling at the woman....

Kal Jericho
Mar 6th, 2002, 12:54:19 PM
"Xazor please...let me handle this!"

Kal took a few steps forwards, resting about four feet away from the mysterious woman.

"Why not start by telling me your name, and then would you mind telling me what your business is with me? I'm sure we can settle this calmly and without bloodshed!

Mar 6th, 2002, 08:36:04 PM
It's not my fault when you wind up dead.........

Xazor said, crossing her arms over her chest, watching the woman very carefully.