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Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Feb 14th, 2002, 02:57:31 PM
What jisss jit jyou call jit? Ah....Ecco Domanji, jyesss? One of thossse, jif jyou wjill.
By Cizerack standards, the drink was far too light, and had a very sharp tartness to it, as was customary for many of the Hyuu-mann "red wines". It was a Merlot, not to be mistaken by the stronger flavor of a Burgundy. If one could find the sharpness pleasing, it was quite a soothing drink. But of course, it was something most Cizerack would rather pay no heed to whatsoever. Then again, Cizerack were on the whole...apalling diplomats.
But not Keerrourri. Given tutelage from his mistresses own private scholars, he was taught not only the finer things of Cizerack life, but of other cultures as well. Atop the list were the Hyuu-manns, who despite their weak physical existence, poor senses, and general inferiority, were an enigma to the Cizerack High Emissary. He found that he enjoyed their culture at times. Their fine arts were of a level that the Cizerack had simply not grasped, or not cared to grasp...for a better phrase. To think that Cizerack couldn't grasp it was folly, of course...since they were naturally the most evolved species in the galaxy.
It didn't stop with the fine arts, however. Although no solace could be found to compare to the bed of his mistress, Keerrourri found a taste for hyuu-mann females, other than some vulgar commoner's boorish culinary preference. He was the Pride Mother's favorite courtesan, and though she prized his talents above all others, she also was not above using those talents to influence others. There had been many times she'd bade him to warm some dignitary's bed, so that some valued trinket of information might leak from her pleasured lips. It was what his mistress commanded of him, so there was no shame in partaking of no small amount of personal pleasure from the many rendezvous. And they didn't stop between racial lines. He'd been bade to please many powerful Hyuu-manns outside the Pride Mother's realm. It was a delightful bit of intrigue. Between their pale skin, small, delicate ears, and more-submissive was quite an experience for one to be "cultured" in. Of course, they always insisted for his own culture to shine forth in his talents, which only gave them a sore back, and the cursory claw and bite marks. A trifle interesting culture exchange, yet Keerrourri was sure it had all been done before, to one extent or another.
He sampled the wine again, smiling.
Exsssqujisssjite, madame.
His pink tongue peered from between his lips to catch a drop of the red imbibation, still clinging to his upper lip.
As he did so, his eyes looked about, hoping to find one of those peculiar religious people called Jedi.
Estelle Russard
Feb 15th, 2002, 02:49:50 AM
She had been reading one of the few treasures she had brought with her from Tr' Nuva. Though her eyes had visited its tattered pages many times, and was like to her an old friend, the words she read still inspired and moved her.
"The Songs of the Masters"
It was a collection of life stories of artists acclaimed and otherwise. Forward thinkers who, for some, had paid dearly for their ground breaking genius in the arts and literature. Genuis that was often mocked and shunned because it was different. It was about those who stayed true to their inner self despite being ridiculed and ostracised by their peers. Brave people. People who changed things - and made the galaxy a better place.
Estelle smiled as she thought on these things.
A stranger smiled slightly back. She hadnt realised she was looking at the dignified Cizerack sipping a glass of wine, so off in her own idealistic imagings to know she had been staring.
She nodded and smiled self-consciously back to him.
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Feb 15th, 2002, 03:16:26 AM
Keerrourri's eyes made momentary contact with the eyes of a hyuu-mann female nearby. She smiled somewhat nervously, and he returned a warm and inviting smile. As her eyes drifted back to her book, Keerrourri took the initiative to leave his seat with his drink, and approach her table. Along the way, he carefully took in the air, and her sweet scent. Subtle differences between the scents of hyuu-manns and Cizerack were noticable. Cizerack females were always intoxicating, enthralling, and the scent nearly commanding on the will. Hyuu-mann scent was more subtle, and teased at the nose, tugging at curiosity and a carefree mingling. There was less of the imperative, and more of the enigmatic. In a way, it could be more appealing, if the tastes were so inclined. Her proportions were slender and petite, with dark hair and pale, pale skin like so many of her kind. Her eyes were intently fixated on a well-worn text of some kind. Keerrourri smiled as he approached. She was a learned woman. Truly fate was on his side. It would be a pleasing encounter.
He stood politely at the far end of the table, his posture graceful and stately, and his dress immaculate. He spoke a phrase that rolled off his tongue, in a language unknown and poetic to the woman. Its harmonics cooed like a warm ocean breeze, inviting and pleasing to the ear. Unlike some of the boorish commoners, he reserved his guttural growl, sing-songing his words in a pleasing baritone purr as he bowed with genteel pomp.
He paused, smiling
That jisss...hello, forrr mjy people. A grrreetjing forrr a beautjiful woman.
Estelle Russard
Feb 15th, 2002, 03:41:41 AM
Estelle was quite taken aback. The Cizerack had approached her table and she felt she should stand and maybe bow or atleast show some sign of respect - he was so stately, and his prescence commanding.
But as he spoke, the lilting tones of his deep rich voice made all other thoughts evaporate and all she could do was sit there.
He explained the meaning behind his words and Estelle blushed redly all the way to the base of her throat. Seconds passed - which felt like minutes - before she found her mind again. Placing her book face down, the Padawan got to her feet, and held out her hand in greeting.
"That is a lovely greeting, and sounds so beautiful in the language you spoke."
She smiled, still standing. She was not very good at this and felt intimidated and awed both at the same time.
"My name is Estelle, I dont beleive we have met."
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Feb 15th, 2002, 04:03:45 AM
Keerrourri pronounced her name with controlled nuance. However, his fluid Cizerack pronounciations still carried through to his use of basic. A minor speech issue that most Cizerack fell victim to. Their native tongue and the clipped, lifeless droning of Basic couldn't be more alien, and thus, the felinoids carried with them a very ethnically-identifying accent.
A beautjiful name, to match a beautjiful face. A pjitjy, but no, we have not met beforrre.
Looking to her hand, Keerrourri remembered the Hyuu-mann greeting custom. His hand extended to hers, holding it, and giving a cursory two "shakes". Shaking hands was for Hyuu-manns similar to the Cizerack greeting of a fisted right hand laid atop the left breast. It was a more personal nature of association.
Mjy name jisss Keerrrrrrourrrrrrji Sssarrrrrrtarrrrrroa, and jI am a vjisssjitorrr to jyourrr planet frrrom abrrroad.
Estelle Russard
Feb 15th, 2002, 04:16:27 AM
She liked the way he said her name. It was unique, and it made her feel special.
He shook her hand a little stiffly, and it made her smile. She held onto his a little longer and expressed her gladness to meet him, shaking his hand again in a more easy fashion to show him subtly how it was done.
"Welcome, to Yavin Mr. Sarrtarroa - I hope I pronounced that correctly. Please, would you like to sit down?"
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Feb 15th, 2002, 01:22:00 PM
The nuances of her hand movements were much more gentle and inviting, a silent correction on his more brusque mannerisms. She spoke his name, but not in a manner as to butcher it with the broken sounds of Basic. Her pronounciation was superb, and he smiled.
jYou ssspeak mjy name well, Madam.
He took up her offer, gracefully seating himself across from her, stealing a glance at the book she had turned over.
A patrrron of ljiterrraturrre, jyesss?
Estelle Russard
Feb 16th, 2002, 12:50:03 AM
Estelle took her seat again, amazed that such an individual of Keerrourri's dignified stature would notice her, let alone give her the time of day.
He expressed interest in her book and for some reason she couldn't really explain, she felt proud of herself for having it in her possession. Something about the Cizerack made her want to make a good impression.
She picked the book up affectionately in her hands.
"I read whenever I can. Where I grew up would be considered "backwoods" by many of the galaxy's standards and much of my knowledge of things beyond my realm come from volumes like this."
She passed it to Keerrourri to afford him a better look.
"This, though, is one of my favorites. It makes me beleive that all things are possible if one has the inner strength to see their goals through."
The Cizerack fanned through the pages, not yet saying anything, and as he did so Estelle took the chance to really look him over closely.
His appearance was commanding, but not overbearing. There was a culturedness about him, and he held himself with an easy grace. He was obviously intelligent and she bet he had probably travelled a great deal. He had the air of experience and wisdom about him. She found herself waiting a bit nervously for his verdict on her book.
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Feb 17th, 2002, 05:53:13 AM
His blue eyes ran through a particular section of text, twinkling slightly, as if sparked by recognition of what he read.
Forrr mjy makerrr mussst be of hjigherrr ssstaturrre than jI, be he tall of bujild orrr fjirrrm jin mjind. Forrr the frrrujitsss of mjy hand and the mussse of mjy worrrdsss, all jin sssummatjion ssstjill cannot equal the worrrth of mjy sssoul.
He closed the book, smiling. Tips of his canines showed just barely.
"The Tjitan", bjy Zan Telljin. A verrrjy convjincjing arrrgument forrr the reljigjiousss. jI've alwajysss enjojyed jit. Puttjing metaphjysssjicsss out jinto a logjical forrrum, and beatjing hjisss crrrjitjicsss, wjith thejirrr own methodsss, no lessssss.
Estelle Russard
Feb 17th, 2002, 06:02:30 AM
"For what price a soul, that one its ransom pay?"
Estelle finished the quote, her eyes beaming with pleasure.
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Feb 26th, 2002, 05:46:41 AM
jYou have excellent tassste, Essstelle.
Sarrtarroa's ears rose, as did his interest. This one was worth his attention.
Tell me of jyourrrssself, mjy ladjy. jI am afrrrajid jI do not often meet sssuch good companjy.
Estelle Russard
Feb 27th, 2002, 03:08:35 AM
Her smile broadened at Keerrourrie's compliment, genuinely flattered at what he said. Again the familiar shy blush waved over her and though she was unaware of it, the slight rise in her body temperature gave off the faintest pheromone scent, which would have been noticed immediately by the Cizerack's naturally better developed senses.
She rested her hands lightly around her glass in an effort to keep them from meandering in the air as she tried to bring her thoughts to some order.
"There really isnt a great deal to tell, Mr. Sarrtarroa. I too am a recent arriavl to Yavin, having come here a few months ago to become a member of the Greater Jedi Order.
Apart from a breif spell on Kuat and a visit to both Bespin and Corelia, that is the extent of my travellings."
She indicated her book with a slight inclination of her head.
"The passage you read- and Tellin's writings in general - were one of the influences in my setting off to find my destiny here.
You are familiar with it, it seems to me. And, if you excuse my saying so, you seem to be one of a higher learning. Are you a Teacher or Philosopher yourself?"
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Feb 27th, 2002, 06:29:13 AM
Sarrtarroa laughed, exposing the tips of his sharp canine teeth in the process.
Oh no, no, Essstelle...jyou gjive me too much crrredjit. jI am jussst a patrrron of the fjinerrr worrrks. Of arrrt asss well.
His blue eyes seemed to look into the distance
Hjyuu-mann culturrre jisss a fassscjinatjion of mjine. jI often fjind morrre jinnerrr feeljing wjith the hjyuu-mann musssesss. Ourrr own arrrtsss arrre farrr too djirrrect and mundane. Therrre jisss ljittle of the metaphjysssjical; the phjilosssophjical.
Estelle Russard
Mar 1st, 2002, 01:27:19 AM
He had laughed and the sound of it was nice. She wondered if he laughed often, and hoped that he did.
Estelle seemed to understand what the Cizerack was feeling in his wistful sentiment for more refined arts among his kind.
She grew up in a small country town where people understood hard work and food on the table. Time spent in broadening the mind didnt provide for hungry bellies and she often was made to feel guilty for her cultured interests. It was a treat to meet someone who appreciated them, and understood them, and that much more than she did.
"I have not read any thing from your people, thats true. But then, my experience is very limited. T'r Nuva - where I am from - does not have great access to that type of treasures."
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Mar 1st, 2002, 01:43:16 AM
Sarrtarroa's ears seemed to lower somewhat
jI do not thjink jyou would fjind Cjizerrrack ljiterrraturrre orrr arrrt verrrjy jinnovatjive. jItsss mossstljy concerrrned wjith huntjing, orrr becomjing rrrjich, orrr takjing a mate. Mjy people arrre qujite materrrialjissstjic.
He brushed a hand across his finely-made clothing, smiling
Not that sssuch feeljingsss arrren't good onesss. But therrre'sss ssso much ferrrtjile grrround forrr the mjind left bejyond that. But jI'm the vojice of mjinorrrjity.
Estelle Russard
Mar 1st, 2002, 01:51:11 AM
Estelle nodded as he spoke, "That always seems to be the way of things..the minority often make the most sense, but have the fewer voices."
She smiled as he joked at his own indulging in the more material realm.
"Are you rich then?" (realising that her question was a bit abrupt she ammended) "I mean, you seem like you are important" (oh heck, she was making a mess of it)
Taking a deep breath, she finished lamely, "It must be your turn to tell a little about yourself."
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Mar 1st, 2002, 01:55:02 AM
Sarrtarroa started to talk, but caught his words before they came out of his mouth. Smiling briefly, he regrouped.
jI...well, jI belong to an jimporrrtant perrrssson, letsss sssajy.
Estelle Russard
Mar 1st, 2002, 02:00:36 AM
She saw his hesitation, and had no idea what it could mean. He seemed as if to say something, but needed to correct himself.
"You belong? I'm not sure I understand...?"
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Mar 1st, 2002, 02:03:27 AM
He placed his hands on the table, wondering if this female knew anything of Cizerack ways. She obviously did not.
jIn ourrr culturrre, malesss naturrralljy ssserrrve femalesss. jIt jisss a fundamental rrrule of ourrr people. jI ssserrrve a verrrjy jinfluentjial female.
Estelle Russard
Mar 1st, 2002, 02:15:07 AM
(She was such an idiot.)
Cizeracks were well known for their matriacal culture - but Estelle had never even seen a Cizerack before and the dignity and bearing of Keerrourri Sarrtarroa had made her not even consider the connection.
"Forgive me, I do know of your Culture, but you don't give the air of one who is of a submissive nature. Not quite my picture of a dominated male."
Gah. This was a foopah if ever there was one. She would not be surprised if Keerrourri got up and left her for her ignorance.
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Mar 1st, 2002, 02:20:51 AM
At the word "dominated", Sarrtarroa closed his eyes slowly, smiling in a closed-lip fashion. It was perfectly understandable to those unfamiliar with the Cizerack.
We do fjind tjime to do asss we wjisssh, Essstelle.
He reached for her hand with his, very slowly and deliberately taking it in his palm. He raised her hand to his face, delivering an aristocratically genteel kiss to the back of it, while breathing in deeply through his nose.
jYourrr ssscent jisss asss beautjiful asss jyourrr ejyesss, mjy dearrr.
He arched an eyebrow.
jI hope jI would not be overrrssstajyjing jyourrr good grrracesss bjy rrrequessstjing jyourrr companjy thjisss evenjing.
Estelle Russard
Mar 1st, 2002, 02:30:31 AM
He took her hand in his own and placed a kiss on it. So unexpected was the move, and not mention pleasant, that Estelle could hardly formulate a reply.
She felt like she was blundering as a bantha through this conversation, but the Cizerack had only responded with grace and charm. And a chance to spend even more time in his company was quite exciting.
He was looking at her a little oddly, and she did not really recognise what it was.
She smiled warmly, "That would be very nice."
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Mar 1st, 2002, 02:40:47 AM
He reached into a lapel pocket, removing a white card with gold leaf trim. It held his name in flowing script, as well as the location of his local suite.
jI sssadljy mussst deparrrt forrr but a whjile, Essstelle.
He handed her the card.
Perrrhapsss jyou wjill be mjy guessst at mjy quarrrterrrs, jin two hourrrsss, jyesss?
He looked her in the eyes fully, a rumbling purr audible in the background
Estelle Russard
Mar 2nd, 2002, 03:07:52 AM
Taking her eyes away from his, she took the card and read it over. This was different - his personal suite. She rubbed a nervous hand around the back of her neck.
He was purring audibly as he looked at her, and the sound was flattering and frightening both at the same time.
"Two hours?"
She was arguing with herself whether or not to go.
"I will be there if I can"
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Mar 8th, 2002, 07:27:30 PM
Good. jI look forrrwarrrd to ourrr tjime togetherrr, Essstelle.
Sarrtarroa bowed and exited. He left the bar and grill entirely, entering the wooded area to the side, rather than heading back to his suite. His stomach rumbled, a sign that he was famished. It would not do to indulge in a proper Cizerack meal in the lady's presence. Hyuu-mann etiquette was much different than Cizerack conduct. A ravenous devouring of live food would be unbecoming of a gentleman, in their eyes...regardless of how accepted it was in his world. Therefore, he would hunt quickly, and satiate himself before his next encounter with Estelle. He entered the woods stealthily, blue eyes glowing faintly in the dim light. In the distance his sensitive nose picked up the scent of a doe. Quickly, he scaled a nearby tree, to get a vantage point. His sensitive eyes and ears pierced the forest, spotting his prey 300 meters away, contentedly grazing on clover. Silently, the felinoid leapt from tree to tree, until he was nearly on top of the deer. He smiled, tongue running over his teeth. It was a good day. This evening would be better. After his meal here, he would make himself presentable and return to his quarters for Estelle...
...for desert. And a delectible desert she was.
With that thought, Sarrtarroa dropped from the tree, pouncing on top of the startled doe as a swatting clawed hand snapped the deer's neck. Without a moment to pause and reflect, Sarrtarroa began his meal.
Estelle Russard
Mar 9th, 2002, 12:35:38 AM
She had stayed in the B & G for a while longer and then had gone upstairs to freshen herself up, still debating with herself if she should take up Keerrrourri's invitation or not.
But really, what harm could come of it? Hadnt she come all the way from Tr' Nuva on her own. Wasnt she a young woman who could made decisions for herself? Her parents would probably advise against it though..
But it wasnt like she hadn't been alone in a mans company before. She even roomed with one, her master, ReaperFett - one of the most attractive men she had ever seen, and she had run into no trouble. With the exception that he has the habit of squeezing the toothpaste tube in the middle instead of at the end..
And didnt she just spend months alone with Kazaar? He of course is a scoundrel, but despite all his swagger, was always the gentleman to her. She suddenly missed Aurelias desperately, and wondered where he was.
Sweeping her glossy brown hair up into a soft knot at the back of her head, she made her decision. She would spend the evening with Keerrourri - it would be a welcome distraction and she was more than a little curious about the Cizerack, who seemed so worldly-wise and sophisticated.
She went again downstairs into the Bar, tucking redundantly a few wayward strands of hair that rebelled at being pinned up and fell again to tassle the nape of her neck.
She was met by a cizerack male, dressed in a plain dark uniform - Keerrourri's driver - and taking her delicately by the arm, led her to the waiting transport.
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jul 24th, 2002, 11:08:20 PM
Sarrtarroa was quick in his work. Within 30 minutes, his kill had been gutted and he had taken his fill. Cleaning fastidiously, he returned to his opulant residence, with enough time to prepare. He showered in steaming hot water, fragranced by the oil from a plant native to Carshoulis, and known widely as an aphrodesiac. He could use the sonic shower, but such was less a matter of cleaning, and more of sterilizing. Water was the weapon of choice. He exited the shower, toweling his naked body dry, and began making himself presentable in excruciating detail. There was much to be said about his practices, as he was favored by the most powerful of all Cizerack. He was manicured to a surgeon's detail, and his eyes were accented with pigments to make them more commanding. His fangs shone like sharpened pearls, and his breath smelled sweet like nectar. He donned a silk garb that was stately yet relaxed, hanging loose in some areas, yet fitting his form in others to make his impeccable physique known. He smiled at his handiwork, then set to work, preparing an old Arcanian wine on the table, with two crystal flutes flanking it. The fire was lit, and an oratorio in tenor was put on audio, filling the room with the vibrant swathes of its nuance.
Now...the mood was set. Now he would wait, and she would be his. No woman could resist his charms when fully employed. It was undeniable.
Estelle Russard
Jul 26th, 2002, 09:17:19 PM
They had arrived at Keerrourri's home - and it was palatial to say the least.
Suddenly Estelle felt very underdressed.
She exited the transport with the aid of a strong Cizerack male, who escorted her inside.
She stood in the entrance hall amazed at the classic beauty of the furnishings and architechture of where Sarrtarroa had chosen to live while on Arcan IV.
She smoothed her dress down a little nervously. Not that she needed to - it was a sleek fitting dark blue material that fell softly against the shape of her slim body and moved with her. Its thin spaghetti straps rested on her lightly tanned shoulders, crisscrossing lowly against the curve of her bare back. It was simple but delicately lovely. It was also the only dress she owned.
"Um," she whispered - even her voice felt small and overwhelmed in this great place - "should I wait here?"
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jul 27th, 2002, 10:21:07 PM
Come jin, Essstelle. jYou look rrradjiant.
Sarrtarroa bowed to her, regally, his eyes embracing hers in an unspoken harmony as he smiled. With a graceful gesture of his hand, he signalled to the sound system computer for a change in ambiance, as a more classical serenade filled the air, of soft string music done in an old quartet style. He regarded her delectable curvature in the dim firelight of the room, watching radiant hues of yellow sparkle around the extreme contours of her blue garment. The sound of the fabric against her soft skin as she moved excited his ears, and her scent permeated him like a spirit. Under all of his poise, his base feline nature was fully enticed. She was prey of a wholly different manner entirely. It would be a bloodless hunt, and one far more rewarding. The Emissary gestured Estelle forward, a purr to his breath as he walked alongside her.
Would jyou carrre forrr a drrrjink?
Estelle Russard
Jul 28th, 2002, 05:59:44 PM
Keerrourri guided her into the room. Its soft lighting, the fire burning across from them, the gentle music, all served to generate a mood of intimacy. An atmosphere to transport them in an instant from the realities of life on Arcan IV, the hustle and bustle of the outside world, and bring them into a safe private haven where things of a finer nature could be addressed.
The Emissary himself was a statement of classic grace. He was perfect in every sense of the word. Visually stunning, from the way his clothing defined his strong athletic form to the way he moved with an understated confidence. His grooming was impeccable - no detail had been overlooked.
Estelle noted how arresting his eyes were. Noted too, the way they looked her over and she felt the color rush again from her throat upward.
"A drink would be very nice." She managed to say without croaking - her throat was suddenly very dry.
As they moved to the table where the wine was set out breathing, she couldnt help but admire her surroundings. She was here, with a very powerful and influential man and found it all a little daunting.
The Emissary poured the wine and she smiled, looking about her. "This is a very lovely room, Keerrourri."
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jul 29th, 2002, 12:00:54 PM
jIt jisss home awajy frrrom home.
He followed her eyes, glancing about, and eventually returned to her gaze.
jI apprrrecjiate beautjy jin all forrrmsss. Thjisss jisss not a tjypjical Cjizerrrack decorrr. We do not monopoljize beautjy, sssadljy to sssajy.
He popped the cork on the wine, filling Estelles flute and his own halfway.
And jyou arrre ljivjing prrroof of thjisss.
He slid Estelle's wine flute slowly across the table. When her hand moved to take the glass, Keerrourri's hand gently slid over her own, his warm embrace caressing the soft skin of the back of her hand.
Estelle Russard
Jul 30th, 2002, 08:55:02 PM
Humans are queer folk. They try so desperately to keep appearances and composure in situations when it would just be so much easier for the outward display to reflect the inner reactions.
Estelle was a prime example. In fact, she was the epitome of this mindset. She was raised to "mind herself" and to never draw attention etc etc..She could almost recite her mothers "A lady never sweats, dear" speech.
And so, as Keerrourri's hand lingered on her own, a calm controlled front was presented.
"Thankyou" she smiled demurely.
Inside she was screaming her head off..
She slowly withdrew her hand, taking the glass and sipping just a little. She needed time to breath, to hide the smile his move had brought to her lips.
"I expect Im quite different to most of your evening guests. Im probably quite boring compared to some of the dignitaries and ambassadors you must meet."
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jul 31st, 2002, 12:00:11 AM
Scent did not lie. It was truthful when words and actions were not. Perhaps being receptive to such signs led Cizerack to being so brutally honest in matters of the flesh. It was something hyuu-manns were woefully unprepared for. Keerrourri gave her credit. She held poise in her actions and in her words. Perhaps an amorous male of her species might be fooled. But as Sarrtarroa sipped of his wine, her scent betrayed her, mingling in a gentle inhalation with the vibrant bouquet of the Emissary's drink. She welcomed his approach, and his touch...even if she refused to acknowledge it herself. Setting his glass down, he smiled. The wine had suddenly become quite passe'. He could drink himself senseless on her scent as it pleaded for him. His lips parted, and he spoke in a low purr...
jYou arrre djifferrrent. Mjy otherrr guessstsss talk and talk, and talk sssome morrre. jYet the merrressst look of jyourrr ejyesss can ssspeak morrre trrruth than thejy can ssspeak jin a dajy.
With a deep inhalation, Sarrtarroa leaned forward. His soul seemed to grow legs, and dive into the bottomless oceans of Estelle's orbs.
Djiplomacjy jisss all about comprrromjissse. jYou cannot rrresssjissst the wajy jyou feel.
He purred, his eyes seeming to glow in the dim light of the room.
Norrr can jI.
Now, we mussst prrractjice a ssspecjial djiplomacjy...
With a gentle touch, he reached forward, retrieving the hand that Estelle had withdrawn, and sliding it to the center of the table, where his hand clasped her own, fingers caressing in tender embrace.
...and meet jin the mjiddle.
Estelle Russard
Aug 1st, 2002, 10:33:25 PM
She allowed him to take her hand and smiled a little selfconsciously at him. He was very commanding and she found the attraction to him was something she hadnt really prepared herself for.
He so obviously knew his way around such evenings as they were having tonight, she felt awkward and a little nervous around him. As he looked deeply into her eyes, she felt he must be able to read every thought and misgiving she had about herself. Though if that was true, he gave no indication that he did. In fact, his whole manner, and the way he spoke to her, seemed intended to give her a confidence in herself. And she now realised that Keerrourri made her feel something she hadnt really felt before. She wasnt really sure what it was. Was she flattered? It was more than that.
She looked at Keerrourri again and placed her other hand on his. As she did this she realised what it was, the feeling that was eluding her. She felt desired. Desired by him.
Her smile broadened.
"I'll try"
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Aug 5th, 2002, 03:07:31 PM
Sarrtarroa smiled with his eyes, in a haunting, alluring manner that allowed him to command a great deal of presence.
Trrrjyjing alwajysss comesss beforrre dojing, Essstelle.
Leaning forward, he gently parted his lips, touching them with hers in a feather-light embrace. She tasted of strawberries, and far more potent than the wine they were made from. The first taste was always the sweetest, and most compelling.
Estelle Russard
Aug 6th, 2002, 09:19:26 PM
She liked the way he said her name. The accent seemed to draw it out and make it sound pretty.
The touch of his lips against her own made her breath catch in her throat. If she thought him holding her hand sent her into a state - she severly underestimated what a kiss could do.
It was the lightest of touches, but all thought and awareness of surroundings vanished in that one singular action. She was suddenly acutely aware of Keerrourri's body, his unique and pleasant scent, the warmth of his breath that played against her skin. It was a moment that is unique only to a kiss.
She lifted a hand, her fingers softly tracing along his jawline, as she returned his kiss and then her lips broke into a coy smile.
She was vaguely aware of her toes curling and uncurling in her shoes, while the rest of her body was tensly still. She guessed she was pushing all nerves downward and they had reached the end of the road.
Not sure what to do next, she asked hopefully, "I think I need some more wine."
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Aug 7th, 2002, 12:05:05 AM
Keerrourri allowed her some comfortable space, as he filled her glass again. He half-filled his own as well, as he slid Estelle's to her. Taking his own flute in a hand, he took a delicate sip, pondering it for a moment, and then sat the glass down, sliding it away.
jI hope jyou wjill forrrgjive me, Essstelle. The wjine cannot compete wjith jyou. jIt hasss lossst jitsss appeal forrr me, thjisss evenjing.
Estelle Russard
Aug 25th, 2002, 03:56:15 PM
She too sipped from her glass and blushed as Keerrourri complimented her again. For a moment they both sat still, looking across at each other, without a word.
Keerrourri parted his lips to say something, but Estelle had been an instant quicker.
The Cizerack leant forward, "Whjat?"
"Cizeracks - do they dance?"
She stood and took Keerrourri's hand in her own, gently encouraging him from his chair.
"Like this"
As Sarrtarroa stood, she bent his arm around and placed his hand behind her to rest on the small curve of her back. She instantly felt the heat from his touch, but tried not to show it. Then she stepped closer to him. She placed her arm in a half embrace around him, her hand to curl lightly atop his shoulder, her slender fingers brushing very slightly along his neck as she did so. She then took his free hand in her other hand, their arms bending gracefully together at the elbow and she seemed to Keerrourri to almost melt into him, even though there was a hairs-breadth distance still between them. He smelled so good, and his commanding presence made her feel almost dizzy. Up so close, he was incredibly handsome. His eyes were so beautiful.
He was much taller than she was - she couldnt even see over his shoulder and so he had to bend a little forward to hear her speak.
"Then, you just take small almost swaying steps to the rythm of the music," she did the same as she explained to show him, "See?"
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Aug 28th, 2002, 11:11:19 PM
It was unexpected. Cizerack dancing was more...provocative...and much more male-oriented. When the dancing was "formal", the lead was done by the female. Sarrtarroa had to play everything in his mind in reverse, dancing to the melody with Estelle.
We dance...but therrre can be ljittle comparrrjissson, jI'm afrrrajid.
As they moved in unison, his eyes locked with hers. It seemed that as they danced, they both left their bodies, and existed only in the light of each other's eyes.
Estelle Russard
Aug 28th, 2002, 11:52:01 PM
Again there was the sensation of everything around her diminishing into obscurity as her senses filled only with Keerrourri.
She couldnt remember a night more magical - a moment more encompassing than right now.
She could feel his muscular body as they touched every so often with the movement of the dance. Her eyes held his and she thought she could stay this way all night.
Lifting her hand lightly off his shoulder, she reached up her slender fingers to run softly along the length of his ear. He was so unusual, so wonderful. Everything about him intriuged her.
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Sep 8th, 2002, 09:53:29 PM
For now, he was content with the moment. The music and the rhythm of her movement set all the ambience he needed. For now, it was the subtle shifting of her warm touch against his, and that was the only language that needed speaking...a common tongue that spanned the gaps of unfamiliarity. His hands patiently hugged tasteful contours of her petite figure as they moved as one. Her warm breath marked a sultry cadence as she exhaled against the collar of his shirt. As if by unwritten cue, he looked down as she looked up, and once again, Keerrourri swam in her eyes. There was a battle, buried far within his genteel discipline. If she were Cizerack, this evening would have long-since been consumated into a more direct affair. Nevertheless, there were volumes to be said of nuance...the oft-mentioned trait of felines known as the thrill of the hunt. Keerrourri had to wonder if he was betraying his Cizerack nature at all in such a game. It seemed so natural, and so far removed from nature all at once. Beauty and paradox, a sweet enigma.
Estelle Russard
Sep 8th, 2002, 10:47:28 PM
His eyes drew her in and she wanted to know everything he was thinking and feeling behind them, they seemed so endless. She felt herself sinking and floating both at the same instant, and it was one of the best things she had ever experienced.
Stretching her arms upward, she softly laced her fingers together behind his neck. And reaching up on her toes, still moving slowly with the music, she kissed him. Not as a shy girl kissing her childhood sweetheart would - with affection, but as a young woman kissing a man for the first time with a desire that was universal.
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Sep 8th, 2002, 11:01:00 PM
Sudden changes in detailed intent cannot be divined through scent. Estelle's actions were a pleasant suprise, which he warmly returned, hands gently squeezing and providing a positive motion as she rose up for the kiss. He held her close, arms pressed around her as if he were a coat to protect her from the chill of evening air. When their lips parted once more, Keerrourri wore a smile of inspired awe. Whether it was genuine or a well-cultured matter of practice was a secret that he himself hardly knew.
jYou arrre the perrrfect endjing to a perrrfect evenjing, Essstelle. jIf jI clossse mjy ejyesss tonjight, do not leave me jin mjy drrreamsss.
Estelle Russard
Sep 10th, 2002, 09:59:10 PM
His arms enveloped around her slight frame and an overwhelming sense of warmth waved over her. It seemed to send tingles to every nerve-ending. She could feel the low rumble of his voice from within his chest when he spoke. The deep timbre of it was rich and caressing.
She didnt know why, but she felt that she was exactly in the place she should be tonight. The way Keerrourri was looking at her, the sincerety he was showing towards her all served to quiet any nervous misgivings she may have had. Oh, she was well aware that she could just be a game to him - a different way to spend an evening than he was used to in his place as the Pride Mother's prized consort. For all Estelle knew, Keerrourri may only view her as a different kind of "prey" ... a change of diet..
The thought momentarily brought a crinkle to her brow.
But if such was the case, she could never tell from the way he kissed her, or held her - or the way he spoke of dreams.
Tonight she would have her own dreams.
She looked back up at him, the romance of his words making her smile.
"I wont leave, Keerrourri. Not tonight."
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Sep 10th, 2002, 10:14:05 PM
With that, all words ended. With a genteel countenance, Keerrourri led Estelle down an expansive hallway, to another room, centerpieced by a luxurious bed. As he closed the door gently behind him, the reflection of their embrace could be seen on an antique mirror...
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