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Kajeela Tarruurri
Mar 4th, 2002, 01:08:29 AM
Kajeela entered the Bar & Grill not in her usual subdued and quiet air of menace, but rather openly agressive and looking for an outlet.

Her enforcers were present, but lagging back alittle behind her more than usual. Already they had felt a hard backhanded cuff to their collective heads because they didnt move quick enough, or move to the left properly, or drop their eyes fast enough...whatever the reason, their heads still throbbed from the blow.

She glared about the Bar - woe unto the fool who caught her glance.

Sanis Prent
Mar 4th, 2002, 01:39:59 AM
(I sat in my usual spot, down to the far wall at the bar, nursing a thick sullustian draught as black as the midnight sky. I was alone for once, and that gave me a bit of comfort as it let my mind wander. I was free to exist alone...and think and say what I wanted. Lately, it seemed I couldn't sneeze or take a crap without somebody's say-so. And that person usually had long ears and/or stripes. And I'd used to be so independant...

...the Cizerack had really changed all that. Ever since meeting Sasseeri Reeouurra, I'd been involved in some form or fashion with their kind. For somebody as nefarious as me, meeting people who were just as bad or worse was...disconcerting. I'd managed to keep my edge by luck alone, and I wondered if I'd ever get to a point where I didn't have to deal with the felinoids...

...although there were times where their attention was quite fun.

Kajeela Tarruurri
Mar 4th, 2002, 02:03:31 AM
And there he was.

Large as life the delicious Prent sat at his favorite spot...and not another Ciz in site.

Kajeela wasted no time. Striding with all the prowling finese of an uncaged tiger, the KAR Director pulled a stool out from under some hapless half-baked socialiser (who's protests died in his throat upon sighting the 3 burly Enforcers beside him) and plonked it squarely beside Prent.


She used his first name in a familiarity that was unwarrented, being as they had never met.

"At lasssssssst we meet jin the flessssssh

Her eyes gleamed at him.

Sanis Prent
Mar 4th, 2002, 02:44:15 AM
(My eyes turned in her direction, and I arched an eyebrow. Although she was a Cizerack, she was one that I'd obviously never met before. Her brunette hair was a stark contrast to the felinoids I'd met, and her mannerisms were all to different, yet somehow the same)

Hey there...

(I smiled)

I think you have me at a disadvantage, miss.

Kajeela Tarruurri
Mar 4th, 2002, 03:32:57 AM
She, actually, had him at a distinct disadvantage.

While Prent didnt know who she was-by sight atleast, she knew him. In fact, she had an intelligence file as thick as the barcounter was wide on him. She knew his haunts, his habits - hell she even knew his hoochie preference. There was not a whole lot the Director did not know about him - on paper or flimsy that was. Obtained from either information garnered from her operatives, or hearsay and rumor from other less official sources. Field knowledge. That was what she had, and that in abundance.

On a real one-to-one level, she knew nothing.

Looking him over, he was exactly as the images she had scoured over on her holodata screen in her office in the KAR Headquarters had revealed. But the images did not show the irrascable glint that lay just behind the blue of his smiling eyes.

"Mjy name jis Kajeela."

She would give him as little information as possible. The moment he heard Kei Ai' Reei, he would in all liklihood bolt - as so many did. She was determined he would not get away too quickly. As yet, he only knew what he saw before him.

Which reminded her...With a flicking wave of her tail, she tried to discreetly shoo off and distance her Enforcers, but the neanderthals were slow to respond and so she smacked the closest one to her.

In an effort to distract Sanis from them entirely, she flashed him a wide smile.

"Can jI buy jyou anotherrr (inspecting his glass) ale?

Sanis Prent
Mar 4th, 2002, 03:41:09 AM
(I glanced down, and only then did I realize I was running low. It should've been a cardinal rule. One of those up there with "Do not feed the bears". Should've been "Do not let Cizerack women buy you drinks." And if anybody would've written the rulebook, it would've been me. But then again, my achilles heel was a pretty face, and after alcohol was added to the mix, it was all hearsay.)

Sure, Kajeela...that would be great.

Kajeela Tarruurri
Mar 4th, 2002, 03:55:39 AM
She banged her fist on the bartop to gain the tenders attention and ordered for the both of them.

"Two of thossssse alesss."

She would try the beer. She was a Marsheena gal herself, but when in rome....

She turned her gaze back on Sanis and ran a pink tongue across her sharp little teeth.

"jYou arrre herrre alone?"

Sanis Prent
Mar 4th, 2002, 04:26:52 AM
(I glanced around, as if to pay her query some lip service)

Present company excluded, I'd say I'm here all by my lonesome, Kajeela.

What about you?

(The three uniformed Cizerack males were about as aloof as...well...Cizerack males in bright red armor. That is to say, this "Kajeela's" friends stood out like sore thumbs)

Kajeela Tarruurri
Mar 4th, 2002, 04:45:27 AM
This was good. Inevitably Prent was accompanied by either Saarreeaa or the half-breed Sasseerri. It was rare he was alone.

Kajeela was not overly fond of the humanoid species, they often smelt funny. But Prent was not the average humanoid, and his scent was intoxicating. He's easygoing swagger very appealing to the usually regimented Director.

Her smile broadened as she replied.

"jI am asss alone asssss jI want to be, Ssssssanjissss"

The bartender placed the ales in front of them, and the Director swept up her glass and downed a good half of the dark brew in one gulp.

Prent lifted his own watching her.

Kajeela hated playing the coy game. She watched him take a drink and he seemed to take his time.

Tipping her own glass again, she finished the ale and licked the froth from her lips.

She extended her tail to curl around Sanis' thigh as he sat on his stool, the tip of it tapping playfully against the back of his bent knee.

"Why dont be alone togetherrr jin a qujieterrr place, Ssssanjisssss?"

Sanis Prent
Mar 4th, 2002, 04:50:59 AM
(I felt the brush against my leg, and saw the haughty and seductive smile across from Kajeela's beer stein. She sat her glass down, and I realized the brushing touch was her own adventerous tail, exploring me as best she could for decorum's sake. She wanted to go to a quieter place. Needless to say, it drew a smile from me. The day I met a Cizerack woman who didn't try to dominate me, would be the day that the galaxy ended)

Miss Kajeela, are you trying to seduce me?

Kajeela Tarruurri
Mar 4th, 2002, 04:56:06 AM
She didnt even bother to feign innocence.

What would be the point.

She wanted Prent alone. For reasons obvious, and not. It was easier if he saw it coming.

"Among otherrrr thjingsssssss."

She stood slightly aside, opening the way for him to accept her invitation.

Sanis Prent
Mar 4th, 2002, 04:58:39 AM
(My grin widened. She was open and brazen, and all in typical Cizerack fashion. Yet there was something still elusive...enigmatic and out of reach about her. It turned my curiosoty against me...despite my track record with women of her race. I downed half my beer, leaning in and smiling.)

Well...if you must know...I don't plan on coming quietly.

Kajeela Tarruurri
Mar 4th, 2002, 05:09:45 AM
The close proximity of his face made her ears flicker in delight. He really was a rogue of the most charming sort.

"jI wouldnt have jit any otherrrr way."

She could easily have him clobbered and dragged up there by her entourage, although the peaceful Jedi types that frequented the Bar & Grill might frown quite forcibly on that. Besides, that could always be option "B".

She swayed her shoulders slightly, brushing one arm up against his own and let her lip pout slightly..

"jYou dont ljike what jyou ssssee, Ssssanjissss?"

Sanis Prent
Mar 4th, 2002, 05:13:04 AM
(I looked her top to bottom. As usual, she was a representative of her race. Flawless, beautiful, and cripplingly attractive. But Cizerack were often like loaded questions...there was always a hidden downside)

How can I not? But...lets just raise the stakes, and assume I said no. What then, Kajeela?

(I kept a warm smile...as I was genuinely curious to see what she'd say)

Kajeela Tarruurri
Mar 4th, 2002, 05:21:21 AM
Her pout stayed in place as she playfully moved her tail to unfurl and re-wrap the other direction around his leg.

"Why, jIt would be jyourrrrrrrr losssssss, Sssssanjisssss...and jI would have to fjind sssssolace elssssshwerrrrrre."

This of course was a lie. She was not going to placidly take no for an answer. But he wanted to play games, and while her patience lasted, she would play them too.

She hid her irritation masterfully, "How can jI help you make up jyourrrrrrr mjind?"

Saarreeaa Meorrrei
Mar 4th, 2002, 05:27:28 AM
Saarrreeaa banged open the doors to the stench ridden Bar and Grill. It reeked like forrrda, and Sanis was the only one she really liked the smell of.

And she really enjoyed his scent. The sweaty excitement he gave off during the heat of his passion was a heady aroma to her sensitive nose. Saa smiled to herself, and then stopped short as two hefty Cizerack males bumbled past her. A third one did not leave with his fellows, but slipped into a seat near the door where he had a clear view of the bar.

Only one female had males like that.

Saa saw her at the bar, sidling up to Sanis, who was accepting another drink from the bartender. With a slight limp Saa hurried over, growling.

"Sssanjisss!" She glared at him, even though she would have preferred to kiss him. "Wherrre have jyou been? jI needed to leave an hourrr ago!" It could not get back to Sasseeri that they were getting along well together. And there was nothing that Kajeela Tarruurri would like better than to find out something she could hold over someone's head.

Saa looked at the female, who hadn't batted an eyelash at Saa's appearance. "Ms. Tarruurri, it has been too long. How is the K.A.R these days?"

Kajeela Tarruurri
Mar 4th, 2002, 05:48:33 AM
A deep growl boiled from Kajeela's throat, and her eyes went from a soft alluring gleam to a hard cold stare as Saa made her dramatic, not to mention blathering, entrance. Damn the woman. She swept a quick glance over to Prent, to see any sign of recognition at her name.

Sanis Prent
Mar 4th, 2002, 03:29:35 PM
(Saa's entrance diverted my attention from the brunette felinoid. She was her usual loud-mouthed self, although I could tell that she was somehow hamming it up a bit. My eyes narrowed a little as I nodded to her. When she turned to Kajeela, the acronym "KAR" came out of her mouth.

I looked back at the woman...Kajeela Tarruurri)

K.A.R. huh? Well, thats not exactly one I hear everyday.

(I laughed a little, still not sure of what was going on.)

Kajeela Tarruurri
Mar 5th, 2002, 02:45:42 AM
Kajeela bared her teeth at Saa as the young Ciz stormed proprietorily up to the two.

"Get losssssst, Sssaarrrrrrrrrreeaa. jI am bussssjy"

Prent's smooth voice caused the Director to turn her bright inviting eyes again to him, and Kajeela stepped around to move her body in toward him, shutting Saarreeaa almost totally out of the conversation.

Draping a striped slender arm around his shoulder, she softened her body language again, falling alittle forward in toward him.

"jI hearrrrrrr jit - K.A.R. - everrrrjy dajy. Tonjight jI hoped to sssstep out frrrrom jitsssssss rrrressssponsssssjibjiljites forrrrr a while.."

Kajeela flicked her tail, and it rudely snapped Saa who was still standing too close behind her, in the young Ciz's scowling face.

Saarreeaa Meorrrei
Mar 5th, 2002, 03:36:28 AM
Saa was not blind to the slight the Director had given her, and moved away from Kajeela's tail, standing on the other side of Sanis. However...perhaps there was a way she could turn this to her advantage. To their advantage.

Sanis was either very brave or very stupid to be sitting there talking to the Director of the Kai' Ai Reei. Saarrreeaa ordered a drink, and snatched it from the bartender almost before he was done pouring it. "Ssso, Djirrrectorrr, arrre jyou turrrnjing jyourrr attentjionsss on mjy aunt agajin? Orrr jisss jit jussst mjy unforrrtunate busssjiness collegue who hasss attrrracted yourrr attentjionsss?"

Her words ran roughshod over Kajeela's smooth words to Sanis, interrupting rudely, and changing the mood of the moment entirely. Saa threw her head back and swallowed her drink in a few gulps.

Jasseeri Arreearruu
Mar 5th, 2002, 09:03:16 PM
Somewhere in the galaxy a night was still young, with warm tempratures and a cool breeze. And with such a combination, anything was possible in making that night heavenly or the worst hell ever conceived.

Tonight, this particular combination was to befall on the small remote planet of Arcan IV, within an even more remote eating establishment known as Yoghurts Bar &Grill, upon a lucky individual.

The lucky individual is a young man by the name of Sanis Prent. Not terribly extraordinary, yet very talented in his line of business. And this evening he would experience heaven and hell all in one night...

As we enter... THE TWILIGHT ZONE.


The Huntress Admiral strode purposefully into the bar & grill, a small group of guards following in her wake. If they were armed, it was not visible along their tight uniforms. But being Cizeracks, they did not need mechanical arms to survive. They in themselves were lethal enough, and being of the naval military made it ten times so.

The guards each took up a shadowed spot in the bar & grill where they could see everything in the room, and yet still remain inconspitious. Seeing that her warriors had taken their stances, Jasseeri made her own survey of the area. There was nothing new within the establishment. The same smells and sounds mingled in the thick air, as various aliens and humans went about their business. Across the way, she caught the distinct sight of two female Cizeracks, one on each side of a human male. It took her no time to call up from memory the names of the females: Kajeela Tarruurri, Director of the Kai' Ai Reei, and Saarrreea Meorrrei, business woman and niece of the half-breed Sasseeri Reeouurra. She also remembered Saa's mother, Taataani Meorrrei. She suddered slightly. Though the woman was harmless, she had this way of going on and on about absolutely nothing. Not to mention she ate uncommonly large amounts, even for a Cizerack.

Examining further, she recognized the man that was the attention of the two Cizerack females: Sanis Prent. The Huntress Admiral smiled, remembering her encounter with the man. She had caught him unawares and had nearly had him. But his senses were quick to catch up with him, and he'd shoved his antique blaster into her ribs. Jasseeri was not like most Cizerack females. Though she relished the attention of men and even more so their company in bed, she also had a high sense for duty and weaponry. At the sight of the antique weapon, she had lost interest in Prent, examining the gun pointed at her ribs. No doubt this had puzzled Prent, but he had obliged her in asking questions about the weapon. That had been their extent of their initial meeting.

And tonight, she would not be pursueing him, for she was still on duty. It wasn't often she went as an escort, preferring to command her fleets, but when the Pride Mother herself requested you be her armed escort, you did not refuse.

Lifting her hand to her lips, she spoke softly into a comm, speaking directly with the Pride Mother's male servant.

The barrr jisss sssecurrre. jYou majy brrrjing herrr majessstjy jinsjide.

She received a double click from the comm, indicating an affirmative, and replaced the small device at her belt. She remained standing at the door, at full attention, awaiting the arrival of the Pride Mother.

The Pride Mother
Mar 5th, 2002, 09:29:21 PM
The Pride Mother slowly walked into the bar, dressed in her finest. If looks could kill, everyone in the room would have been dead, save for those that have some self control. Her male servant, Keerrourri Sarrtarroa, trailed in behind and to the side of her, always being watchful of his surroundings.

It had been a long time since she had left carshoulis Prime, and she had felt it was time to take a small vacation from everyday mundane life. Her servant had been suggesting she take this trip for a long time, and she had finally given in.

She looked around the establishment, taking in the aroma from various aliens and their foods. She eyed a few males hungrily as she moved forward through the bar, Keerrourri and Jasseeri behind her.

As she wove her way delicately and gracefully through the chairs and tables, she spotted two other Cizeracks at the bar. She knew both well, and welcomed the chance to converse with them. As she neared, she spotted that they were in some sort of a confrontation, though the only sign that was visible of this, were their tails, angrily swishing back and forth. And the conclusion that Rourrsseerri came to, was that they were in a battle to see who would win the handsome young man sitting between them.

What a delightful evening this would be! She would have to thank Keerrourri later for the suggestion to embark on a trip.

Finally reaching them, she stood behind the man, while the two women duked it out with words. If it weren't so infuriating that they hadn't noticed her, it would have been amusing. Frowning slightly, she cleared her throat noisely. Both women turned to look at the new intruder simultaniously, and jumped as though it had been choreographed. Rourrsseerri smiled, her canines gleaming. She always liked to have the edge on others lowlier than herself.

Kajeela... Sssaarrrrrreeaa...

She looked at both in turn.

Ssso wonderrrful to sssee jyou herrre.

She watched, amused, as the man sitting before her turned, his line of sight directly at level with her nearly spilling cleavage. She watched as he slowly looked up, complete bafflement on his face. She regarded him for a moment and then turned to both women, keeping an eye on the man for any reactions.

Ladjiesss... won't jyou jintrrroduce me to jyourrr handsssome frrrjiend herrre?

She raised an eyebrow at each.

Sanis Prent
Mar 6th, 2002, 03:23:47 AM
(Just as the brunette draped a covetous arm over me, Saa was quick to interject, in her own style. I watched the two bicker back and forth, and not without some bit of amusement. I'd almost forgotten what it felt like to be fought over...

...wait, who the hell was I kidding? That summed up my entire problem with Cizerack women. I wasn't made of elastic, and thus there wasn't enough of me to go around.

At about that time, another felinoid knockout entered the bar, her better side staring me in the face and begging for one excuse to cause a thread in the back of whatever little rag she was wearing to pop. Like everything else around me in the past few minutes, I simply sat back, and enjoyed the show. Of course, in hindsight, I would've noted the look of dismayed shock on Saa and Kajeela's faces. Or maybe I would've noticed a small cadre of male Cizerack guards shuffling in the background...or maybe the two felinoids in military garb. Yeah, in hindsight, I would've smelled something fishy...

...and smelling something fishy in the company of Cizerack means that the dren has usually hit the fan at hyperspeed. But for the moment, I was aloof.)

Saarreeaa Meorrrei
Mar 6th, 2002, 03:41:11 AM
Saa turned around, and there she was. The Pride Mother herself. If she hadn't been so caught up with trying to get rid of Kajeela, she might have noticed the entourage entering the bar, but... She cringed, and bowed her neck to the Mother.

Now all she wanted was to get herself out of there. Self preservation was high on her list. Of course, it wouldn't do to leave Sanis at the mercy of the Pride Mother's cleavage. He was already mesmerized, and with one drink too many inside him. She pinched his arm, trying to get him to snap out of it. "Prrrjide Motherrr, jyou honorrr me wjith jyourrr grrreetjing."

Kajeela Tarruurri
Mar 6th, 2002, 04:48:18 AM
For an evening that began with all the markings of a night full of promise and decadent gratification, it was unravelling fast.

First with the arrival of the loudmouth irritant, Saarreeaa and her insistance at being a third wheel, and now with any number of Cizerack military, added to her own personal body guards, Kajeela's own private little party was being crashed by none other than the Pride Mother herself.

She regettably peeled her lustful glance off of Prent.
The sound of the Pride Mother's voice excited the Director every bit as much as the lighthearted grin Prent had plastered across his handsome face. And Kajeela fought hard to keep a warm flush from spreading on her cheeks. Kajeela's committment to the Pride Mother bordered on hero-worship and she felt every bit as much like the Cat that ate the proverbial cream as she stood so close to the two of them. The one physically exciting, the other igniting her ambitious bent.

She turned and flashed a bright smile, and bowed her head respectfully in greeting. Her glance took in Keerrourri, the Pride Mother's Manservant (and the biggest obstical in the Directors ambitious gambits) standing in his usual stoic stance a little behind his Mistress's shoulder. Kajeelas excitement waned a little.

"Prrrjide Motherrrr! jIt jis an honorrrr. Please meet Ssssanjissss Prrrent."

As lothsome as it was to do, Kajeela let her hand slide from of Prent's shoulder. It was a pity, but if her Mistress wanted the pretty flesh for herself tonight, Kajeela could do nothing but covet inwardly, and smile outwardly in approval.

She cursed Saarreeaa. If she did indeed loose tonights opportunity to the Pride Mother, she would put the blame squarely on Saa's shoulders. And that would mean retribution.

Across from them the K.A.R. Enforcers and Jass's officers eyed each other. The Kei Ai' Reei was distrusted and despised by all but those in their own ranks, and tensions between the males, between the females, between Kajeela and Saa, between Kerrourri and Kajeela, between Saarreeea and The Pride Mother, between Sanis and the 3 very predatory females, and all them of smack in the middle of the B & G made for a very volitile late-night cocktail

The Pride Mother
Mar 6th, 2002, 03:56:08 PM
Rourrsseerri returned her eyes back towards the man, locking her deep blue eyes with his, and smiling predatorily. She raised her hand towards him, back side up, her fingers drooping in a delicate-lazy position.

Ah, Mjisssterrr Sssanjisss Prrrent...

She purrred the name, letting it slowly roll off her tongue, in a distinguished yet sensual tone.

Ssso wonderrrful to meet jyou at lassst. jI have hearrrd much about jyou.

And so it was true. She had first heard about him from her lacky's doing work in optaining survelaince information from Sasseeri's business on Coruscant. Later she had heard quite a lot more through the Huntress Admiral's encounter with the man, and through the K.A.R.'s net of spies. It was safe to say she probably knew more about him than he did about her. ANd that's the way she liked it. That's the way she always liked it when moving in on her prey.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Mar 7th, 2002, 01:36:10 PM
Sorreessa looked up from typing as the Pride Mother stepped in. Taking note of the situation, she then went back to her work of typing in the data her spies had gotten for her. Sorreessa smirked for a few seconds, her spies had been easy to obtain, offer them a little something that they wanted and they were putty in her hands.

Sanis Prent
Mar 7th, 2002, 05:23:00 PM
...Pride Mother?

(I looked at the woman, and suddenly, the gravity of the situation hit me in the chest like a turbolaser shot. This wasn't just a random coincidence. The entourage, the crowd, all part of her following. It definitely had a way of making you feel smaller. In addition, I doubt I'd get away with my usual cold shoulder on this one. Its not exactly the best tact to use with a queen who has enough power to vaporize your balls into oblivion with a snap of her fingers. And like most Cizerack I had become acquainted with, she had the look on her face to show that she rarely ever heard the word "no".

I regained my composure, glancing at her hand that was extended to me. I can't remember which fork and spoon you eat with first at those A-list restaurants, but there are some social graces that I keep current on. I took her hand up, planting a polite kiss on her knuckles. I let go, and hoped that she wasn't using that as a pretext to get any ideas. Not like it mattered.)

...uh...its an honor to meet you?

(Wait...she'd heard so much about me? My brow furrowed. While fame usually equates to more hirings...the thought that the Pride Mother knew of me got me a little hot under the collar, and for all the wrong reasons. If they thought I was legit, that would be fine and good. But the Cizerack had a reputation with the shadier occupations of the galaxy, and stories abounded of far lesser pro's than I getting shredded by their enforcers. It all made me that much more curious about what I had done to get the Big Cat's attention)

Jasseeri Arreearruu
Mar 7th, 2002, 05:33:27 PM
The Huntress Admiral kept her guard up, never letting it slip for one moment. She eyed Saa and Kaj suspiciously, as she did most Cizerack she did not aquaint with often. Her first duty tonight and always, was the Pride Mother's safety. And she knew from honor, that all Cizerack present in the small bar would give their lives for that of their leader. Yet, this did not make her bring down her vigilance. In fact, in only heightened it. For the only good job you could get, was the one you did yourself.

The Pride Mother
Mar 7th, 2002, 05:40:04 PM
Rourrsseerri retracted her hand after Sanis had kissed it. Good. He was civilized in some sense at least. He hid his feeling well, but his scent he could not hide from her. She sensed, or rather smelled, apprehension rolling off him. But at the same time, there was curiousity mingle therein.

She graced him with a warm, inviting smile, gesturing to a table being reserved for her by a couple of cizerack soldiers.

Come, Mr. Prent. It would please me if you joined me while I experience this fine establishment.

Well, it wasn't exactly "fine", persay. She'd been in better. But having company such as himself would definitely make the experience more worth while.

Slowly turning, she gave a quick glance to see if he was following, and then continued towards the table, not looking back again. Rarely did she meet resistance from a male to join her in any activity. But this one wasn't Cizerack; he was human. Which made the experience all the more exciting.

Saarreeaa Meorrrei
Mar 7th, 2002, 06:14:02 PM
Saa bowed again as the Pride Mother enticed Sanis away from the bar. From the tightening of the skin around his eyes, she could tell he was beginning to realize what was going on around him.

She had only met the Pride Mother once before, at a formal gathering when she had been sixteen. Her mother had scrounged up an invitation for them both, and Saa had been duly introduced into Cizerack society. The Mother had not spoken more than two words to her the entire evening, but just being in her presence was awe inspiring enough.

Tonight was no different, except... Saa found herself worried about Sanis. She did not want him to be mistreated at the hands of another female, and the Pride Mother would not take no for an answer. And if Sanis refused her, the Mother's manservant was just as likely to kill him.

With no invitation to join the table with Sanis, Saa simply sat at the bar, an empty seat between herself and Kajeela, a female whom she knew by reputation and as an acquaintance. Their eyes met, and Saa's ears laid back.

Sanis Prent
Mar 8th, 2002, 12:42:43 AM
(Signed, sealed, and delivered. She bade me to the table without so much as considering I'd have a second thought. I walked over to join her, glancing at Saa as I did so. She looked away, as if the entire situation was out of her hands. She wasn't about to interject about Her Majesty's demands...just as much as I wasn't about to. At any rate, it was still civil enough.

I took my seat.)

Its not every day that I share a table with royalty.

(Somewhat of an icebreaker, I guess. Better than "Hey, please don't kill me" I suppose.)

Kajeela Tarruurri
Mar 8th, 2002, 06:52:15 PM
Kajeela outwardly ignored Saa's flattened ears, but rarely such body language went unnoticed by the KAR spy - not to mention something so blatant as the young female's action toward her. Neither too, did she miss the glance between Saa and the human, as the Pride Mother led him onto her table.

The Director turned and looked on her, giving Saa her full scruitiny. The blue/grey eyes of Kajeela burning with intensity crinkled at the corners as she began to see the peices of conjecture fall into place within her mind.

"jYou and Prrrrrrent sssseem closssse, Sssaarrrrrreea..."

(she demanded another ale from the bartender with another bang of her fist on the bar)

.....verrrry clossse, jinfact."

Her ale arrived and Kajeela snatched it up in her hand. Saa had interupted her moves on Sanis, and now he was in the Pride Mothers grasp, frustration and anger fought inside her for expression, but for now - with her Mistress only feet from her, the Director reighned these passions in.

Only by the low deliberate menace in her voice, did Saa realise what a blunder she had made tonight.

"jIt jis fooljish of jyou to make enemjiesss of both mysssself and jyourrr Aunt, Sssassssssseerrji...Verrrjy fooljish."

Jasseeri Arreearruu
Mar 9th, 2002, 03:07:50 AM
Jasseeri let her eyesight linger a while longer on the two predatory looks the two females at the bar were regarding each other with, before she followed Sanis and the Pride Mother's manservant to the table reserved for Her Majesty. She positioned herself in a way to keep a keen look on Sanis and the two ladies at the bar. One could never be too cautious about anything.

The Pride Mother
Mar 9th, 2002, 03:27:15 AM
The Pride Mother purred softly at Sanis' remark. She took it in stride as a compliment, though she could tell underneath his expression that he was a bit... nervous. She smiled graciously at him, the smile being quite friendly... perhaps too friendly.

jYou flatterrr me wjith jyourrr worrrdsss, mjy dearrr Misssterrr Prrrent.

She chuckled and shook her head.

Oh, but usssjing sssuch forrrmaljitjiesss... no, jI am on a sssmall vacatjion, whjich meansss jI wjisssh to get awajy frrrom sssuch forrmaljitjiesss.

She paused just long enough to ask her manservant to order her a decent sized meal and some drinks, adding she wanted plenty of meat.

Ssso, Sssanjisss, jI gjive jyou perrrmjisssjion to call me bjy name... Rrrrourrrsssssseerrrrrrji.

She received her drink from Keerrourri, her usual favorite consisting of a red whine with a small white rodent swimming in it's contents. She toyed with the rodent with her claw, watching it make desperate attempts to escape it's impending doom. She regarded Sanis, watching in amusment as he became mezmerized by the frantic rodent tredding blood wine.

Asss jI ssstated beforrre, jI know much about jyou. But all jI rrrealljy know jisss about jyourrr busssjinessssss.

She caught the rodent by the tail and plucked it out of the wine, it's legs grasping vainly for a hold in the air.

What jI rrrealljy want to know jisss about jyou... the man. jI want to know about jyou, Sssanjisss.

Having finished her sentence, she slurped up the rodent in a quick gesture, it's tail being the last thing to disappear between her supple lips.

Saarreeaa Meorrrei
Mar 9th, 2002, 04:16:52 AM
Saa raised an eyebrow, not about to back down or admit anything to the Director. Foolish? Perhaps. "Enemjiesss? Djirrrectorrr, jyou mjisssunderrrssstand. Prrrent and jI worrrk togetherrr forrr mjy aunt. Perrrhapsss jyou have mjissstaken mjy busssjinessssss parrrtnerrrssshjip forrr sssomethjing that jit jisss not. jI have a lot rrrjidjing on Prrrent dojing well forrr Sssasssssseerrrji."

She picked up her drink and swallowed some, then seemed to concede a point to Kajeela. "Howeverrr, he jisss qujite an ejyefull. Mjy aunt would sssljit me frrrom ssstem to sssterrn jif jI djid anjythjing to hjim, of courrrssse. Ssshe jisss verrry prrrotectjive of hjim."

Sanis Prent
Mar 9th, 2002, 11:18:16 PM
(My face was passive. Inside, I silently cringed at the sight. Cizerack culinary habits had a way of turning your stomach upside down. I should've gotten used to it by now...but when it came to being simultaneously seductive and disgusting...nobody was as good as a Cizerack woman. Like a train wreck, I didn't want to stare, but I couldn't look away.

She wanted to know about me? That was, in a way, more disturbing than asking about what I did for a living. Not that I'm complicated, just that I like to change my mind.)


(I licked at my lips, smiling nervously)

Well...where do I start? Thats a tall order, Your Hi...

(I stopped myself, swallowing as a server brought my Sullustian Draught)


(Times like this made me wish I was still a small-time spicer. Then again, I always loved the high life. Maybe there were downsides to fast ships, easy girls, and thick wallets.)

The Pride Mother
Mar 11th, 2002, 01:18:26 AM
Rourrsseerri smiled. My, but he did look delicious. Now she began to understand what the Cizerack women in this sector saw in him. So far, her informants had been dead right about him.

She waved a dismissive hand at him.

Come, come, Sssanjisss, mjy dearrr, jyourrr bejing qujite the modessst gentleman.

She moved her chair closer to his, eyeing him hungrily, and being sure to let her more outstanding attributes tease him.

Whjy don't jyou ssstarrrt frrrom the begjinnjing. jI do adorrre ljife ssstorrjiesss.

Sanis Prent
Mar 11th, 2002, 11:55:49 PM
(I took in more than an eyefull. The way she flaunted it, it was hard not to. Taking another sip of my drink, I dug around half-baked memories in my head...wondering where to tell the truth, where to lie, and where to just skip.)

Well, I grew up on Nar Shadaa...ran away from home to work on speeders. Eventually did some work for the Hutts, but I left Syndicate space a few years back. Ever since then, I've been working freelance. I'm working with the Sector Rangers now, and working to save up for starting my own business.

(I paused, looking at her face, to see if that was what she wanted)

The Pride Mother
Mar 12th, 2002, 04:17:40 PM
Rourrsseerri nodded her head as she listened. She knew most of this already, but not the beginning.

Ah, jyou arrre qujite the busssjinessssss man then. Alwajysss lookjing forrr new and prrrofjitable opporrrtunjitjiesss, even sssjince jyou werrre a cub.

She purr softly. It wasn't often she met males that took charge for their lives, and were intelligent to boot. That was why she enjoyed Keerrourri's company. Though the unintelligent males made up for it in other ways.

It was at that moment that her meal came. There was a lot of food, no doubts about that, and the variety was outstanding. Her eyes widened at the site and she grinned, showing off her fangs. Two Cizerack males, not of the warriors in the bar, but her servants, came to stand just behind her.

It was difficult to choose from the many platters beofre her. There were steaming plates of deep sea octubus from the seas of Mon Calamari; a monument of Kaduu ribs dripping with a dark spicey barbecue sauce; a platter of a variety of steaks, including Nerf, Bantha, and Dewback; Dagobah swamp frog legs, each half a meter long; a full platter of Dianoga pie; Endor lizard skewered on long shishkabob sticks; and finally as a central piece, a well baked Panna blue bird, it's brilliant feathers lining the platter where the now turkey-looking avian sat. It was difficult not to salivate. And so she began, seemingly ignoring Sanis while she dug into the first platter nearest her. At each spill of sauce, or dribble of saliva, the servants behind her would dab at her chin or the table with fluffy white napkins. If anything, she did eat like a Cizerack. But the mess left by most Cizeracks was not evident at her table. Such were the pleasures of royalty. Though, on occassion, when the need for hunting live prey got the better of her conrtol, she would go out like a ravenous ebats and care not if she sullied her suits.

Having finished stuffing an Endor lizard into her mouth, she chewed it, and placed the stick aside, grabbing for a Nerf steak. But before she began to tear at it, she looked at Sanis.

Mjy dearrr Sssanjisss... arrren't jyou gojing to eat anjythjing?

She tore at the large piece of meat with an almost inaudible snarl.

Sanis Prent
Mar 12th, 2002, 06:30:46 PM
(A server droid wheeled up at that moment, and I used the interruption to my advantage, taking my eyes off the smorgasborg long enough to place my own order.)

Pasta portabello, please...oh, and bring another pint of dark.

(The droid wheeled away, and I returned my attention to her, dodging a flying bit of offal)

The Pride Mother
Mar 12th, 2002, 07:08:22 PM
Several minutes had gone by, in which Sanis had already received his order. Rourrsseerri watched Sanis eat as his food slowly, somewhat transfixed by the amount of food seperating him and herself.

She began to attack the Panna blue bird, tearing at one large drumstick. She had only gone through half the food that had been set before her, but that was quite alright, for she was only half full.

She looked at Sanis as he made a noise slurping in a noodle. Curiousity got the better of her.

What jisss that jyou consssume?

Sanis Prent
Mar 13th, 2002, 12:55:11 AM
(I finished a mouthful, putting my fork away as I took a few notches off my draught.)

Its pasta portabello. Noodles made of wheat, with portabello mushrooms, and an alfredo cheese sauce.

Kajeela Tarruurri
Mar 13th, 2002, 03:15:25 AM
The Director's smile remained in place.

"busssjinessssss parrrtnerrrssshjip"

Kajeela had to give Saarreeaa credit. The young female was in some heavy company - herself, the Pride Mother, the Admiral Jasseeri - and yet she kept her cool. Not an easy thing to do, especially when your latest pet was soon to be the next course in the Pride Mothers meal..

"Asss jyou sssajy, Sssaarrrrreeaa." But she said it in such a way as to imply Kajeela was convinced otherwise.

Again the loathsome smile.

"jIt jis good we have thjisss underrrssstandjing between usss" The insinuated mutual agreement that now the Director had some leverage on Sasseerri's neice was like a wave of foul breath on Saa and lingered in her face just as if Kajeela had literally breathed on her.

"Therrrre majy come a tjime when thjissss comesss jin handjy, jyesss?"

She ordered them both a dark ale.

"Ssshall we drjink to ourrr new frrrjiendssshjip?"

Saarreeaa Meorrrei
Mar 13th, 2002, 06:35:00 AM
Saa kept her eyes on the drink Kajeela ordered for her, and, satisfied that she wasn't about to be poisoned, took it in her slim hand. "To ourrr frrrjiendssshjip. Majy jit be morrre prrrofjitable than ejitherrr of usss can jimagjine." She sipped the ale, her eyes on Kajeela as she drank as well.

The very fact that the KAR seemed to be taking an interest in her was disturbing. However...perhaps she was only an extra treat, while Sasseeri was the door prize. In that case, her toast could indeed come true. Saa's mind chased the tangent around a few corners, and she smiled. jIf jI could ussse Kajeela to take down Sssasssssseerrrji... It was an ambitious thought.

It was almost impossible to think. But tantalizing, nonetheless. Sssomedajy. Sssoon, jI hope.

The Pride Mother
Mar 13th, 2002, 07:56:52 PM
the feline frowned as Sanis explained what the contents of his meal were.

How verrrjy odd. jI have neverrr ssseen anjythjing ljike that beforrre.

Shrugging away her curiousity, she dug into the platters before her, finishing the meal. Sanis had, of course, finished way before her. But then again, he had only ordered one plate, while she had had a table full.

Having had the table cleared, she had Keerrourri pour her and Sanis glasses of an expensive wine from Ithor. She was not sure what was in it, but it's taste was excellant. She sipped her wine, looking at Sanis from across the table. He seemed to be settling in, though he still looked a bit nervous. How could she calm him? Her face lit up as an idea struck her, and she moved her seat to be next to him again.

Mjy dearrr Sssanjisss... have jyou everrr trrraveled to Carrrssshouljisss?

Her free hand had strayed to allow her claw to tickle the hairs on Sanis' bare arm.

Sanis Prent
Mar 14th, 2002, 02:43:16 AM
(The question approached me with as much latent intent as her clawed fingertips, running up my arm. I took a sip of the wine the male Cizerack offered, the bouquet clashing violently against the stout's thick aftertaste, causing me to wince slightly. I guess there was no sense in lying about that one.)

Well, not yet. I haven't had any business to carry me over there, but I might be planning a visit soon.

The Pride Mother
Mar 14th, 2002, 03:17:23 AM
She stopped the running of her claw against his arm, and looked him straight in the eye.

Neverrr been to Carrrssshouljisss?? Good heavensss, Sssanjisss! jYou have not ljived untjil jyou have ssset foot on mjy prrrecjiousss home worrrld.

She suddenly stood, picking up Sanis to his feet in a casual gesture, the power in her arm carrying him clean off his seat. She patted his face caressingly.

jYou arrre qujite the luckjy man, Sssanjisss. Forrr todajy jyou wjill trrravel wjith me back to Carrrssshouljisss. jIn mjy own luxurrrjiousss prjivate jyatch, no lessssss.

She couldn't keep the grin off her face, and playfully slapped Sanis' rear with her tail at the same time she gave the order for them to depart.

Sanis Prent
Mar 14th, 2002, 04:02:44 AM
Carshoulis? Now???

(I barely got the words out before the Pride Mother's large entourage began to move toward the door. I was boxed in by a group of red-armored felinoid guards, with the black-uniformed Sarrtarroa trailing behind them. From their stance, they didn't seem like they were willing to wait up for an objection. It was a strange time to grow a backbone in the face of overwhelming amounts of persuasion...yet, I managed a little one.)

Your Highness, if I'm going to travel with you, I would request my business associate come with me. We have future business to take care of, which can be done on your homeworld, if you would be so kind.

(I glanced back to Saarreeaa, as if to say "What the HELL have I gotten into?")

Saarreeaa Meorrrei
Mar 14th, 2002, 04:45:55 AM
Saarrreeaa's eyes tracked to Sanis, as the Pride Mother finished her meal. They were talking..and then they got to their feet, guards flanking Sanis and getting ready to escort him outside. She steeled herself, remaining sitting like stone on her barstool while Kajeela's eyes bored into her.

Sanis shot her a look of complete panic before his sabacc face reformed and he regarded the huge red uniformed guards. Wherrre arrre thejy gojing? The noise at the bar and grill had returned to a healthy buzz, and her ears were not fully healed. She couldn't make out what Sanis and the Pride Mother had been talking about, but the Mother seemed adamant on taking the hyuu-mann morsel along with her.

Saa tapped a claw on the bartop, hardly realizing she'd unsheathed them.

The Pride Mother
Mar 14th, 2002, 06:37:54 PM
The Pride Mother pondered this request. She glanced over at Saarreeaa, arching a well-sculpted eyebrow. The only problem she forsaw with the other female was distraction for Sanis. Even though his facial features had not shown themselves to her, she could smell what he was feeling.

She smiled, though the smile could have carried some wickedness had it been easy to read.

Of courrrssse ssshe majy come.

Then she added quickly, turning to Keerrourri.

jIt jisss mjy wjisssh that Sssaarrrrrreeaa and Kajeela accompanjy usss back to Carrrssshouljisss. But let them trrravel in thejirrr own ssshjipsss.

She said the last sentence while looking at Jasseeri. It was a signal to the Huntress Admiral for her order to be carried out to the letter.

jYou wjill essscorrrt them, Admjirrral. jI'd hate to sssee anjythjing happen to them tonjight on thejirrr wajy to their ssshjipsss.

The Admiral nodded once and was gone, following Keerrourri as he went to inform the women of their impending departure. She turned to Sanis.

Afterrr all, therrre jisss onljy ssso much rrroom jin mjy jyatch. And, besssjidesss, jI do not want to sssee jyou much too overrr-worrrked. Thjisss jisss to be a sssorrrt of vacatjion forrr jyou.

jYesss, busssjinessssss wjill be done. But fjirrrssst, sssome fun.

Having said all she wanted to say, she snaked her arm through Sanis' and walked him out of the bar, escorted by her guards and servants. Keerrourri brought up the rear after relaying the messages to the other two Cizerack woman, while Jasseeri stayed behind with a small guard unit to escort the ladies to their respective ships.

Jasseeri Arreearruu
Mar 14th, 2002, 06:39:36 PM
The Huntress Admiral stood at attention, her guards flanking her, as she eyed the two Cizerack women before her. She gestured with her hand towards the door.


She smiled a predatory smile.

Saarreeaa Meorrrei
Mar 14th, 2002, 09:13:41 PM
Saarrreeaa smiled with self assurance that she was not feeling inside. She would have to fly Sanis' ship, the Layla if she was to take "her own ship." She'd never flown the freighter herself, but had all the head knowledge about it. It couldn't be that hard, could it? She set her drink down without finishing it.

Without another look at the Director, Saa got to her feet and headed for the door. Luckily they had moved all their personal items back on board after the incident in Sanis' apartment.

Sanis Prent
Mar 14th, 2002, 09:30:04 PM
(It dawned on me at about the same time. Saa was gonna fly Layla out of there??? I muttered under my breath)

Oh frell me...

(I'd given her a few flight pointers...but she'd never gone solo. There were alot of things to operate in that ship. If something went wrong...

...I'd be sick. For both Saa, and my baby!

But at the same time...there wasn't anything I could do. The Pride Mother gave me an inch. If I asked for a mile, she might change her mind. I glanced over to Saa, nodding once as Her Majesty's entourage exited the B&G)

Kajeela Tarruurri
Mar 15th, 2002, 02:56:12 AM
Well, this night was taking an odd turn.

The Pride Mother's manservant, Keerrourri had informed Saa and herself of their Royal Mistresses wishes for them to accompany her to Carshoulis...Not exactly the nights activity she had in mind when meeting Prent...oh well, there will be other nights.

Still, an opportunity was an opportunity. Kajeela never looked a gift horse in the mouth and so...Smiled treacally to Keerrourri. She wondered if he despised her as much as she envied him..

Turning back to the young female beside her - again the stolen glances between her and golden boy - and the Director chuckled low in her throat. Saa would make a terrible spy. Kajeela could read almost every thought.

And then as if the night hadnt all but gone to frell and back, in her face appeared Admiral Jasseeri. Kajeela rolled her eyes. The woman had a superiority complex almost as bad as Assaurreei - must be a common trait among females with troops at their command.. Kajeela signalled her own Enforcers and instantly the 3 huge males flanked the Director.

Indulging in a rare smile to Jasseeri, Kajeela purred,
"Lead on, Admjirrral. jIt jis mjy pleasssurrre to have a chance to ssssee jyou actualljy worrrk."

As the group moved off, Kajeela nodded to Sorr and drifted her eyes to Saarreeaa. The contact was clean - only the KAR spy saw it. Sorreessa was to tag Saa and follow her - hopefully onto her ship if possible - and glean any information that she could.

The Director exited the Bar & Grill.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Mar 16th, 2002, 03:24:30 AM
Sorr watched but made no sign that she had noticed the look as she was supposed to. Pretending to type for a few moments more, waiting for the group pass out the door, Sorr's eyes seemed to be watching what she was typing but of course they weren't. She waited about a minute more before she got up to follow, keeping a lot of space between herself and the group so her scent wouldn't be picked up, the only problem would be keeping herself from being noticed by Saa later.