View Full Version : Wandering in Confusion

Hari Rendale
Mar 5th, 2002, 11:59:11 PM
Hari dissapeared out of Satine's vision and shuddered.

There was something terribily wrong with the voice she had heard in her head, and it wasn't coming from a normal person. It sounded like...

...it sounded liked death.Hari decided.

Maybe, as ironic as it sounded to her, even though she was the one thinking it, being around some people might clear her head.

Finding an empty stool, the padawan took a seat, and the serving droid soon appeared.

"Do you have any sweetberry shakes?" The droid beeped negative. Hari sighed.

"Could you make a shake out of something similar?" An affirmative beep this time.

"Ok, thanks." She watched the droid roll off and around the corner, and began to look for around for other Jedi.

The Shadow Jedi
Mar 6th, 2002, 12:17:57 AM
Next to the young girl, a cloaked and shrouded stranger stood at the bar. Inside of his cloak, the hints of a sword could be seen, his hands were gloved and one was on a tankard.

"Good evening.... are you looking for someone?"

Hari Rendale
Mar 6th, 2002, 05:20:23 AM
"Sort of, but no one in partictular."

Beware of him. Not to be trusted.

Hari's eyes grew wide for a moment, and she looked down at the bar top.

Go away.

The man beside her blinked: it was likely he heard her trying to think the thing away.

The Shadow Jedi
Mar 7th, 2002, 10:31:33 PM
"Hmmmm. Interesting"

He turned away, taking out a pipe and weed pouch.

"So why do you want me to go away now?"

His voice sounded friendly.... but there was a tone undrerneath it that blied that friendliness

Hari Rendale
Mar 7th, 2002, 11:43:00 PM
"No..." Hari said, a bit too quickly. "...I want something else to go away."

She continued to look down at the polished countertop, staring. Like water flowing down into a container, the wood grain seemed to be forming something.

A face. A horrid, scarred face. It sneered, and Hari jumped back, her heart doing likewise into her throat.

Satine Capashen
Mar 7th, 2002, 11:47:01 PM
Satine watches with concern from a table in the darkest corner, using some of his innate abilities to blend in with the darkness, andhide his Force signature, though he was fairly sure Hari wouldn't pick up on him even if he didn't.

The Shadow Jedi
Mar 8th, 2002, 02:29:40 AM
He turned his head, looking at the startled girl

"Might I ask what is wrong?"

Hari Rendale
Mar 8th, 2002, 03:47:02 AM
She looked at the man with startled wide blue eyes.

"I'm not sure. There" she studdered, "there was a face. In the wood." She pointed at the counter top.

Taataani Meorrrei
Mar 8th, 2002, 05:29:05 AM
Therrre jisss?

(Taa's ears twitched as she overheard the conversation from across the room. With nothing better to do, she scampered over, her glasses shining as she looked over Hari's shoulder. She made a confused face, and cocked her head to the side slightly, trying to get better perspective.)

jI don't know...jI sssee a sssajilboat! Orrr jisss that a butterrrfljy? Aahhhh!!

(She bares her fangs and lets a little roar come out as she throws her hands in the air)

jI wjill neverrr underrrssstand what people sssee jin thossse puzzlesss!

The Shadow Jedi
Mar 8th, 2002, 07:16:08 AM
A bit confused, he turned about.... what the...?

"We not playing puzzles or inkblots" he said in a deadly voice.

Taataani Meorrrei
Mar 8th, 2002, 09:00:24 AM

(Taa's voice trailed off in response to the hooded man's serious tone. However, she was curious about the man. Cautiously, she reached up, as if to move his hood back a little.)

Satine Capashen
Mar 8th, 2002, 11:05:49 PM
Satine smiles and shakes his head, knowing Shadow JEdi wouldn't let himself get unhooded. He then took a sip of his klah, grimacing as he finds it cold. Using the Force, he heats up the amber liquid inside, and takes a sip of the now-steaming stuff, watching with interest.

The Shadow Jedi
Mar 8th, 2002, 11:28:57 PM
"I wouldn't if I were you. To see me is to see your own worst fears realised in flesh."

Taataani Meorrrei
Mar 9th, 2002, 12:27:44 AM

(Taa's voice got even more distant, a clueless look in her eyes)

jYou know...jyou could jussst asssk me not to look.

(She smiled nervously, backing away)

Hari Rendale
Mar 9th, 2002, 06:11:17 PM
"I" Hari said, "think all of you are crazier than I am." The droid rolled up and offered up a shake of some sort. She grabbed it and headed to a part of the bar that hopefully wasn't occupied by people who were insane.

Taataani Meorrrei
Mar 9th, 2002, 08:46:55 PM
(Taa grabbed Hari by the wrist, but not forcefully. She smiled at the hyuu-man female warmly)

Mjy ljittle kjitten...we arrre all a ljittle crazjy sssometjimesss. Would jyou ljike sssomebodjy to talk to?

Hari Rendale
Mar 9th, 2002, 09:36:13 PM
Hari jerked back, somewhat startled. She took a large step (for her, anyway) away. She stared at the Cizerack, and doubted the thing could help her. It's mind was much too loud.

"I... uh... no thanks." Hari tried to be nice. It actually thought it was trying to help. She really doubted that the Cizerack would know anything about the death face

Taataani Meorrrei
Mar 9th, 2002, 10:11:09 PM
(Her scent betrayed her. She seemed quite upset about something. Taataani frowned somewhat...wishing she would be more open. Then again, she knew there were some things that women had to deal with on their own terms. But in her many years, she knew that problems were always lessened with the attention of others. What was that hyuu-mann saying? Two heads were better than one?

She nodded her head, placing a hand on Hari's shoulder.)

Verrrjy well, jyoung one. jI wjill leave jyou to jyourrr drrrjink.

(She leaned a little towards her, arching an eyebrow)

Jussst know...jyou have a frrrjiend. Whetherrr jyou want one orrr not.

(She grinned toothily, walking away)

The Shadow Jedi
Mar 11th, 2002, 01:13:38 AM
He watched as the Cizerack went away, before reaching over and put his gloved hand on the young Padawan's shoulder. Gently, but still, it was very clear Hari was going nowhere.

"You can stay right there young one and tell me what you saw" he said

Hari Rendale
Mar 11th, 2002, 01:55:39 AM
"Death. I saw death."

Not to be trusted.

Her lower lip quivered.

"Its here again."


She attempted to double over, and tried to hide her head.

"Go away" she whimpered, "please, go away."

Satine Capashen
Mar 11th, 2002, 02:06:14 AM
Satine sends warm, soothing and comforting thoughts to his apprentice, as he stands up, and then speaks, both in her mind and verbally.

"What's wrong, Hari?"

The Shadow Jedi
Mar 11th, 2002, 02:10:37 AM
Something here was not right. There was something else going on, something highly suspicious.

He kept his hand on the young girl's shoulder and scanned the room, looking about. There was something wrong here, he could feel it.

There is a disturbance here in the Force. There is a presence here that is not right.

His mind began to stretch out, placing every person quickly in the Force and their presence. Jedi, non Force user, weak, strong.

Hari Rendale
Mar 11th, 2002, 09:29:53 PM
"I dunno Satine. Its evil." She managed between quiet sobs.

Satine Capashen
Mar 11th, 2002, 09:45:06 PM
"Let me see. Let me into your mind. I can find an image of what it is."

Hari Rendale
Mar 15th, 2002, 10:12:45 PM
Hari's eyes went wide with realization.

"No! Its not safe for you Satine. Not safe for anyone, really, but especially not you."

Satine Capashen
Mar 16th, 2002, 05:38:09 PM
The Jedi Knight raises an eyebrow.

"And why is it dangerous especially for me, Padawan?" Satine says, walking closer to Hari. "Hari, I can handle it. I really doubt your mind would be dangerous to me."