View Full Version : A little drink

Gerbo Lang
Mar 14th, 2002, 01:15:00 AM
(The man slowly pushed open the door to the jedi bar a looked around and saw several what he thought to be jedi. The man was wearing studded leather body armor, a black trench coat, Black sunglasses, he also had several visible tattoos, and had a short black crew cut. The bar was dimly lit but Gerbo didn't take off his sunglasses he slow began to walk towards the bar. He felt a little awkward without his weapons on him but he knew of the jedi's ways and respected them so he had left his weapons on his bike. As he made it to the bar he sat down and took one more look at the patrons. then turned to the bar tender.)

Nice bar you got here. So what kind of drinks you got?

Taataani Meorrrei
Mar 14th, 2002, 02:03:51 PM
Weelll.....jIf jI werrre jyou, jI would trrrjy the blood wjine! Qujite tassstjy!

(Taataani occupied the stool next to the man, smiling widely and exposing her fangs)

Gerbo Lang
Mar 14th, 2002, 05:40:10 PM
(gerbo began to grin you could see smaller versions of fangs. blade instinctively grabbed for his sawed off shot gun at his side but was grabbing at air remembering he had left his weapons outside in respect of the jedi.)

I'm not like you I don't need blood. If the jedi would allow weapons here you would have been dead but you get to live another day Vampire.

Taataani Meorrrei
Mar 14th, 2002, 05:46:29 PM
(Taataani's blue eyes widened as she stepped away a little)

Wrrrah? Vampjirrre?

Tevit Ramadon
Mar 14th, 2002, 05:51:32 PM
A seat away from him on the other side, Tevit couldn't help but laughing. Like Taataani, he bore fur, yellow in color, though most of him was covered with a well-worn pair of mechanic's coveralls. and animalistic qualities, but was far from her species. He was a Nehantite, a mongoose-lookign creature whose species was new in space travel. Shaking his head he looked over to Gerbo and minded his sunglasses with his red eyes.

"She ain't a vamp, pal, those are natutral fangs. Like these." He grinned, showing his own prominent canines. "And if you want a good drink, I suggest the 'Marcy's Riot'."

Tevit Ramadon
Mar 14th, 2002, 06:19:12 PM
Suddenly Tevit realized he was being rather rude interrupting into their conversation without having acknowledged the lady's presence first. Lifting his glass, the orangish liquid in it sloshing merrily as he did so, he leaned over the bar as to see around Gerbo and smiled slightly at Taataani. Ticking his glass lightly in his paw as a form of hello, he smiled a bit wider and said, "My pardons, Miss, I, I didn't mean to interrupt there, but, I know the stigmas that can accompany physiques like ours. I'm Tevit, good to meet you."

Taking a sip from his glass, he set it back ont he bar surface, then propped his head on paw held up by the elbow on the edge of the bar. Cizeraks were far more mrominent in space, so Tevit still felt out of place, but at the moment he didn't care. Work was over, and it was time to relax and swish his tail behind himself where he sat lazily. Hopefully Taataani didn't mind his interruption.

(OOC- If you want to know what Tevit looks like, check out elfwood.lysator.liu.se/zo...t.jpg.html (http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/zone/g/u/guardia2/mechanic_tevit.jpg.html) As that I don't have a signature pic hosted yet.)

Gerbo Lang
Mar 14th, 2002, 06:32:39 PM
(gerbo look the two over one more time)

My apologies. I thought it odd I didn't sense you as vampires but i have been on edge as of late. May I buy you two a drink for my rudeness towards you.

Taataani Meorrrei
Mar 14th, 2002, 06:36:38 PM
(Taataani carefully stepped back toward the man. His aggressiveness had startled her somewhat though, and her ears still remained semi-folded back)

jI...sssuppossse...Kasssji Crrream Punch, perrrhapsss?

(She dare not order anything with blood, for fear that the edgy man might snap again. She sniffed the air, smelling the tension in his scent.)

Tevit Ramadon
Mar 14th, 2002, 06:38:51 PM
Nehantites didn't posess the super-senses that Cizeracks did, so he remained calm. If the man in black wanted to start somehting, Tevit felt he could defend himself if it came to it. Shaking his head, Tevit's good mood was growing with the building conversation. Either that or he was getting drunk, possibly a combination of the two. Technically he was too young to drink by how own laws, but that didn't stop him in the B&G.

"Naw, thanks though, this oughtta get me drunk as I want to be. Ever had one of these?" The mongoose asked decently pleasantly. "They'll knock you on your duff quick if you ain't careful. Well, some of the tiem they will, depends of the random five."

Gerbo Lang
Mar 14th, 2002, 06:46:18 PM
(blade turned the bartender.)

Cream Punch for the lady here and i guess i'll try the Marcy's Riot.

(blade turn back to face them.)

So are you guy's members of the jedi?

Taataani Meorrrei
Mar 14th, 2002, 06:51:54 PM
(Taa took the thick drink from the bar, glugging down a little of it. The dairy-based alcoholic beverage clung to her upper lip as she put her glass down.)


(She glanced around at the robe-clad people here. She remembered now...the guys who studied "the Force" or "the Power" or whatever it was.)

No no no, jI'm not one of thossse. Jussst herrre on busssjinessssss.

(She grinned sweetly, her tongue licking away the "milk mustache" she'd accumulated)

Gerbo Lang
Mar 14th, 2002, 06:56:52 PM
Interesting what Kinda business do you do?

Tevit Ramadon
Mar 14th, 2002, 07:09:45 PM
"I'm no Jedi either," Tevit shook his head, "Just a mechanic killin' some time."

The Nehantite watched in interest as the barkeep selected a random five bottles of hard spitits from his wall. The Marcy's Riot was an odd drink, in that it only had once recipie-- Pick five bottles at random, pour almost a shot of four of them, and then a double of the last one, shake vigorously, then serve. It never tasted the same, and was quite the intoxicating drink. The good side was, because of it's undependability, it was cheap, that's why Tevit drank it.

For Gerbo, the barkeep selected a bottle of Everclear, a pair of brandys, a vodka, and a flask of scotch. The smile on Tevit's face grew as he mixed them into a light amber concoction and set it before Gerbo.

Lifting his own glass, Tevit grinned and took a sip, then added, "Sort of like Russian Roulette, but with alcohol. Hope you like it."

Taataani Meorrrei
Mar 14th, 2002, 07:14:59 PM
Well actualljy, jI'm jinto Tourrrjisssm.

(Taa reached into her purse, pulling out about a dozen colorful pamplets, and showing them to Gerbo)

Letsss sssee, jyou have Kepaa Brrrensss, jIdantjisss, Sssjyrrragorrr, and no vjisssjit could be complete wjithout a trrrjip to Carrrssshouljisss Prrrjime, the grrreatessst trrradjing jewel tjjisss sssjide of Corrrussscant.

(She smiled, adjusting her glasses)

Tevit Ramadon
Mar 14th, 2002, 07:19:40 PM
Tevit had to take a drink to keep from laughing as Taataani nearly blasted the newcomer with her sales pitch. He still couldn't resist a chuckle form shaking through him, no matter how much he tried to muffle it. It truly hadn't ben what he was expecting her to answer, especially so vibrantly.

Gerbo Lang
Mar 14th, 2002, 07:24:54 PM
(gerbo looked at the drink and then sniffed the the drink. It didn't smell that bad. Gerbo picked up the glass and took a slow smooth sip of the drink. It went down smooth with a little burning sensation in the throat.)

Not bad.

(gerbo began to relax a little bit not as up tight as he first seemed and smiled as Taataani Meorrrei talked about turism)

So since nether of you are from around here there is no use in me asking if theres any work around here.

Tevit Ramadon
Mar 14th, 2002, 07:27:24 PM
Scratching an itch that suddenly developed on the back of his neck, Tevit held his glass still on the bar with his other paw. "Oh, there's work, just depends on what *kind* of work you're lookign for. Mind my asking?"

Gerbo Lang
Mar 14th, 2002, 08:35:52 PM
(gerbo looked at Tevit Ramadon)

I do a variety of things. My main job is hunting vampires and werewolves but business is slow as of late witch scares me a little bit it means that the vampires are up to something or they have a very good hunting ground I have not found yet. I also deal in information it kind of works like this you give me a peace of information and I'll get the information you need. also I very good at getting illegal or rare goods and items to a person. I like to think of myself as a sales man but most just call me a smuglar.

Tevit Ramadon
Mar 14th, 2002, 09:37:11 PM
Tevit's eyebrows lifted as the reply came to hus question. Before he could reply, the mongoose had to take a drink from his glass to help give him time to formulate a response.

"Vampires and Werewolves, huh? It's a good thing you don't live on Nehantish, all you'd get is laughed at. I don't doubt thair existance if some other species, but not among us." Pausing to take another drink, his glass half gone, he then turned on his stool to face Gerbo and elaned on the bar with his elbow.

"But the second part is where you could probably pick up some 'work' around here. Lots of folk like, shall I say, *specialty* items, what come to this bar. I'm looking for something myself, but it might be out of your capability to get."

Gerbo Lang
Mar 15th, 2002, 12:55:11 AM
Vampires exist and werewolves in a sense exist. werewolves have little bit of a chance of survival with me since most are what you would call lupine witch is a hereditary thing its very hard to explain. As for vampires there very prevalent with in the ranks of the sith.

(gerbo suddenly got interested)

What is it your looking for If you would tell perhaps i'll have a chance of finding it?

Tevit Ramadon
Mar 15th, 2002, 01:08:18 AM
Tevit studied his face for a moment. Though he himself was only twenty, he had been through enough that he could usually read faces for truth, or misleadings. At the moment, he gave Gerbo the benefit of the doubt, as he could not see behind his sunglasses.

"It's a sword. A very particular blade, in fact. It was stolen nearly fifteen years ago, and no word has been made of it since. It's a Nehantite treasure, supposedly the blade of an ancient hero. Sadly, I don't know who stole it, or where it could be. I could give you some more particulars if you gave me soem time, but, oh, nevermind, it'll be too hard to find. Forget it. Thanks, though." he turned back and took a hefty swid of his drink, the alcohol burnign his throat on thw way down, causing him to wheeze his next breath.

"Sorry, it's just a personal beef I've got with that one, it used to belong to another who bore my same name, an ancestor, actually. That, and I really couldn't afford to pay you for it anyhow, so, forget I said anything." Changing subject quickly, he added, "So, how do you kill a vampire? Is it like they do in the movies?"

Gerbo Lang
Mar 15th, 2002, 01:23:17 AM
no not like the movies they just as easily as a normal person but there a bitch to kill because of there strength and generally there force adept so that makes them even more powerful. plus theres your different varieties of vampire witch can lead to complications in killing them to.

(blade switch the discussion for one more quick question on the sword.)

If you don't mind me asking would anyone have benefited from taking the sword?

Tevit Ramadon
Mar 15th, 2002, 02:15:18 AM
"Bragging rights, first off," Tevit replied, then followed up with, "But nobody's bragged about it yet, so that must not have been their goal. It's a major historical arifact, a price could never be affixed to it. No way it'll get sold because that'll bring the law down on whoever's got it. Possibly a collector has it locked away in his vault. What better show-piece than the second-most important blade in Nehantite history?"

After that, tevit finally finished his drink. The five shots of various drink were beginnign to take their toll on him, normally he wouldn't have expounded on the subject that much. But, halfway drunk, things didn't process in his mind quite right.

"B'sides, what would I do with it except return it to the museum? I've allready got a good blade, I don't need another one. And watch your language, there's a lady present." he minded the vampire hunter, nodding in the direction of Taataani.

Elieen Cross
Mar 15th, 2002, 05:13:37 AM
"Vampires? Oh, we dont worry about them around here" i said out loud. "We have a rather stomach churning method of dealing with those weaklings"

Now where was Lochabre? Ahh, snarling a the pretend Sith still. "Lochabre? Come here please"

Gerbo Lang
Mar 15th, 2002, 07:13:23 PM
(gerbo cocked his head and looked at the lady.)

what are you talking about?

Elieen Cross
Mar 15th, 2002, 07:38:03 PM
A short but wide being, covered with dirty cloaks and rags waddled over to me, before quiet-screaming a questioning hello

"This is Lochabre. We don't know exactly know what it is, but it has demonstrates a rather large dislike for any life stealer..."

At the word life stealers, the head in the cloak snapped around, it's glowing red eyes getting more intense as the being under the cloak snarled softly. ".... and the last time a Life-Stealer showed up, he ended up a thin red smear on the walls, ceiling and floor. It was gross and it took days to get the smell out of here"

I went back to my drink as Lochabre continued to scan the bar "We strangely dont have any Vampire problems around here. Odd that"

Danya Sedirna
Mar 15th, 2002, 09:43:02 PM

Danya laughed a little from behind the bar, filling a patron's drink.

"Don't tell me you actually believe in those spook stories."

She smiled a little, turning to restock a shelf.

Elieen Cross
Mar 15th, 2002, 09:54:38 PM
"Spirital immortal creatures? That is a nonsense. But there are bloodsuckers who live on the blood of others, they exist"

Danya Sedirna
Mar 15th, 2002, 10:03:59 PM
Danya leaned on the counter, rolling her eyes.

"The only bloodsuckers I've encountered in my life are lawyers. Though it wouldn't be a bad thing to start with them."

She laughed a little, brushing a strand of brunette hair away.

Elieen Cross
Mar 16th, 2002, 12:57:23 AM
"There are a race that must live on hemogolobin. I have seen them"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Not hard to believe there would be species that live on the blood of others. Bats do, insects do, even humans with brain diseases do. Not hard to beleive a blood sucking race exist. Undead vampires of course do not and can not exist. Lochabre here, it has a real problem with what its species calls life stealers. They believe it is wrong to consume the blood or flesh of a living being of any sort. Dead, they dont care"

Gerbo Lang
Mar 16th, 2002, 01:38:29 AM
(Gerbo looked at Lochabre)

well then it seems me and Lochabre got something in common. You are right on the fact there not immortal but there are some genetically made vampires too also there are few vampires who don't even feed on the blood or flesh they just have fetish with watching people die and they feed off of fear. also vampires generally go towards sources of power like the sith to help add there dark deeds. I hunt them for the fact that there evil deeds disgust me and......

(gerbo stop abruptly not finishing his statement.)

Tevit Ramadon
Mar 16th, 2002, 05:37:10 AM
Tevit was drunker than he usually got off of one 'Riot', his having been a very powerful mix. His red eyes dull, he smiled sarcastically and said, "Because you're looking for a cure, right?" Fingering his empty glass, the yellow-furred mongoose chuckled, though now it was obvious he wasn't in complete control of his faculties. "Lemme guess, you're one too! Oh, I read this comic book, um, I think the guy with the goatee has the cure. Or was it the chick in the red dress..."He trailed off, a moment of realization striking him.

Shaking his head, Tevit tapped his forehead and sighed, "Sorry, sorry, not remembering to think before I talk. Nevermind the furry guy at the counter, he's not making sense right now."

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 16th, 2002, 07:29:11 AM
Dalamar sat in his corner amused about there talk of vampire's. How little they knew about us. He took a drink of his blood wine. They think that I draw pleasure in my fight for my survival. Though with the power I now possess the fight is on my side. I once was as they a man of honor a Warlord for the Eye of the Dragon. Until that fateful night when I had my choices taken from me.
Alana my love would not let me die, but turned me so that we could be together for all eternity. I remember the ship misfiring the fire like a boiling cauldron on my flesh. The pain, Death called me, like a lady she embraced me in her cold arms. I saw a light I turned to walk in it. But it was not to be I was jerked forcefully back to life or unlife as it were. There on the loading dock behind the ship she had found me and gave to me what she consider a gift. So I live and this fool thinks to hunt me I have lost my life, my standing, and my purity. I who was a knight who held life sacred must now take it to live on. I cherished virtue and peace but was not above defending what was right. So come take my life if you can. Crushing the carefully crafted wine glass in his hand little bits of glass cut him. Blood formed in his hand. The sight made Dalamar laugh.

Gerbo Lang
Mar 16th, 2002, 02:53:01 PM
(gerbo turned to his drunk new found friend.)

No i'm not a vampire at least not a full vampire. I'm a what you would call hybrid half vampire half human. I don't have craving for blood like most vampires but i do have there strength and senses.

(gerbo realized there was vampire close by but ignored it for he didn't want to cause trouble.)

also have the ability to tell when there around much like a sixth sense.

Tevit Ramadon
Mar 16th, 2002, 05:28:27 PM
Tevit's eyes widened a bit, he himself had just been joking. He didn't expect his guess to be true, not in the least. Scratching his upper arm, he then shruged his shoulders and said, "Huh, that must make things handy. Kind of like a vaprire radar, I guess. Well, you make a good living hunting them? I mean, I'd think folks would pay pretty well to get rid of something like them."

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 16th, 2002, 07:48:22 PM
Alana entered the bar where she was to meet her lover Dalamar. She had a fondness for this little bar it had offered her many pleasures. She spotted him in the back watching a small group of people. "Dalamar my love have you found new play things to watch." She whispered softly in his ear when she had reached him.

Alana knew that he still had a problem with the way she had turned him but to her he was what he was meant to be. His choice was to die forever or to die and wake with her blood on his lips and live forever. She had embraced the sweet gift her first master had given to her. Her mind played over her turning, his lips a her throat. She could feel her life draining, her world darkened and then his blood tinting her lips red. He had awakened her to more than the darkside.

Alana sat down next to her lover. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at the small group, trying to figure out what had caught his interest with the mortals.

(ooc:<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)"> umm garbo that pic is already being used by someone.)

Elieen Cross
Mar 16th, 2002, 08:45:10 PM
I had one of my hand's on Lochabre's shoulders - I could feel the tremble go through it as it heard Gerbo call himself half vampire.... and then barely settle when he explained he didn't have blood lust. Very lucky for Gerbo, I wasn't expanding on the truth when I stated what Lochabre would do if it discovered a life stealer.

Still, the Gargoyle was not easy. I knew it suspected something and right now it was looking over the occupants of the bar.

Danya Sedirna
Mar 16th, 2002, 09:57:22 PM
Danya eyed Alana and Dalamar, as if she'd seen them both before. It was a strange sense of Deja Vu that she quickly shook out of her head. Putting away a clean mug, she approached their area of the bar.

"Anything I can get for you two?"

Death Knight Soth
Mar 17th, 2002, 12:37:25 AM
A bone chilling cold filled the room as the Death Knight entered the pub. He hesitated at the entrance for a brief moment, then slowly surveyed the sea of people that occupied the bar. There was a force signature here that he recognized and it had been quite some time since their last encounter.

Soth could fill the eye's of other's fall on him as he waded through the crowed of mortal's and other sentient life form's. He greeted each stare with his own. Looking through them as if looking through seenth-glass. They were so predictable.

"Just more pathetic cattle to feed upon." Soth thought to himself as a wicked grin played across his face.

The last time the Dark Knight had visited this city, he had graciously extracted a number unfortunate souls of their life force. Their sweet nectar was his for the taking. It was his right to do so. It was always easy to find frail human garbage amongst the populus that made up the surrounding community. The only thing they had to offer his kind, anything that was of any worth, was the blood in their vein's that drove him to them. There foul stench was every where.

On the heel's of the Death Knight was another...She too came to feed, it was the call of the hunt that drew them out...The "Children of the Damned!"

Lochabre Stonewing
Mar 17th, 2002, 01:09:34 AM
[i] There was no doubting in it's mind, a life stealer was about. Dangerously close to the point of going bezerk, the only thing holding Lochabre in control was the touch of the Fleshed One's hand. The Gargoyle snarled softly, red eyes burning in hatred.

Still snarling softly, Lochabre began to stand fully. A Gargoyle woud normally squat, hiding it's real bulk and size and it was more effective with the covering it used. Lochabre always remembered to stay in shadows, to stay folded up, to stay as non descript as possible, But as the ancient madness that was in it's race at the thought of those would would feed off the living, it put that to one side, legs the girth of trees exposed as it came to it's full 3 meter height, the cloak now lifted to show the huge grey stone legs, like twin pillars. Feet, endowered with sharp claws could be seen. Under the cloaks, it's arms shifted, huge hands becoming exposed, deadly clawtips coming free. Even with it torso not seen, the sheer size of the Gargoyle was evident. It snarled again, louder and much, much more purposeful. It heard, rather than saw the Fleshed One named Elieenyell a warning and leap behind the area they called the bar, plus other fleshed ones begin to draw away. They had seen what happened if a Life Stealer crossed Lochabre's path and they knew to get out of the way. Still, the Gargoyle stayed revealing itself fully. It knew Life Stealers were about, it could feel it. When it was certain, it would flame into it's fullest power and destroy them</>

Danya Sedirna
Mar 17th, 2002, 01:09:56 AM
She turned, finishing wiping a glass down. Her eyes met him again.

"Soth. . . " she whispered, breathless.

The glass she held fell from her hands, shattering on the floor.

Pandora Damaris
Mar 17th, 2002, 01:13:16 AM
Indeed the undead were coming out of the wood work! Pandora's mouth salivated at the thought of a blood bath. However, Pandora really had no need for feeding due to her ancient age of course, it was simply the kill that she missed so much. How her victim's would cry out for mercy that she would never show, begging and pleading for just another breath at life. What a pleasant thought. Pandora was doing them a favor. Taking from them the pain and suffering that was sure to come, it was inevitable. What did they really have to look forward too? To live, then die with little or no mark for their vain effort's? It mattered not to her, she was a dark killer, a grim reaper of their host. Her kind was the top of the food chain!

Pandora slowly walked behind the dark knight called Soth. She too caught many stare's, but it was her beuity that aroused the look's. Her seductive walk was almost sinful, it was easy to tell who was really who as she did so.

Her mind was filled with the inner voice's of those who where about her. They were like open book's to her. Like little children whispering when they seen a monster. Yes, Pandora loved the smell of fear! It was almost as sweet as blood...But with a different kick.

Elieen Cross
Mar 17th, 2002, 01:36:44 AM
As Lochabre began to loose control, I did the sensible thing - I leapt over the bartop, getting out of range. The NRSF had already had one go at trying to stop Lochabre in one of it's Bezerker rampages, with lead to just a waste of ammo. Sabres didn't worry Lochabre as much as the acidic blood spray would worry the sabre weider and the Gargoyle had far nastier surprises.

Under bar, there was one of the weapos caches that were in place for staff and NRSF guards to use if there was an unexpected attack. Right now, I used the Force and my fist to smash open the lock, throwing the door aside and grabbing one of the NRSF Assault Guns, plus a Comms unit. I opened up the emergency channel.

"This is Commander Cross - all assets standby...."

The Shadow Jedi
Mar 17th, 2002, 01:42:30 AM
Sitting quietly in his corner, he was watching the beings in the bar as was his want when quite abrupty, a being he thought was an overgrown Jawa began to grow and tower over everyone.

"Holy @#%$..... What the frell is this new devilery??" he whispered, incredulous. He had never seen - or felt - anything like this thing that was rising like some sort of demon in the midst of the bar.

Death Knight Soth
Mar 17th, 2002, 01:59:22 AM
The Death Knight eye's narrowed at the lovely woman before him. As he neared her he pulled a small data-pad from his robes and placed it on the counter in front of her. New coordinates to a new place. Soth leaned over the bar to take her hand in his own before he sat. He placed a soft kiss upon it. Slowly his dark blue eye's traveled to hers. His dark heart earned to tell her the truth, but this was not the place nor the time to do so.

"My dearest Danya, you are simply ravishing this evening." The Dark Knight paused briefly, then a look of concern over took the smile that was once there.

"I regretfully apologize for my rudeness. I no longer abide at the Coven." Then Soth slowly slid the black data-pad to Danya.

"Within this data-pad are the new coordinates to were you may find me. I must see you, we have much to talk about m'lady." The smile then returned to his noble face. Danya at this point still had the same startled look as she did when she realized he was truly there. About that time Pandora took an unoccupied seat next him.

"Danya my sweet, may I introduce to you the lovely Pandora." As the two women shook hands, Soth glanced over to the table were Alana and Dalamar sat. He nodded to them, then returned his attention back to Danya and Pandora...Then all hell broke loose as a beast lost control in the pub. Soth paid little mind to small out break. Obviously someone's pet or familiar gone mad. The Dark Knight let out a slight chuckle as people scurried about. He had seen it's kind many time's before. Fowled tempered creature's to say the least. That's why he had them atop the "Shrine" as guardian's. That's where they were most fitting.

Lochabre Stonewing
Mar 17th, 2002, 02:44:28 AM
OOC : You have not seen my kind before. My actual race is termed Gargoyle as we match some of the legends, no more.


This is what I am. Not your guardians.

[i] It knew... it sensed now. It smelled the stench of blood, blood spilt to statisfy a life-stealer, the ones the Gargoyles like it despised the most. It got control of it's mind for a bit, now reigning in it's bezerker mindset enough to really look about, so it would not strike out blindly and destroy innocents.

Most Fleshed Ones were backing away, but it knew most of them by sight. It had a perfect memory, which made it's task now easier.... centre out the ones it did not know and sense again. There was an odour about life-stealers and life- leaches that it could smell, something that could identify them to it.

Another low rumbling growl echoed as it sniffed... and turned it's head to focus on three fleshed ones. Burning red eyes changed to blazing white as it turned and a massive foot crashed down, beginning it's advance. [i]

Danya Sedirna
Mar 17th, 2002, 03:39:15 AM
His presence was enthralling, and Danya was swept away with his gentlemanly ways, her eyes glittering like jewels.

"You came back. I came for you, and you weren't there. I'd thought you'd abandoned me."

Danya smiled sensually, her eyes remained locked on Soth, even as he introduced his friend. However, the crashing sound of the beast broke her amorous gaze. Its eyes were full of malice, and its intent was obvious. As the barkeeper, she couldn't allow a fight that would result in destruction of her workplace, or the injury of patrons. However, there was another motive, as she looked into Soth's eyes once more. In an instant, she jumped over the bar, sliding across the counter until she slid off the other side, standing in between the monster and Soth. Her arms spread wide, in a protective stance.

"Get out."

Gerbo Lang
Mar 17th, 2002, 03:49:48 AM
(gerbo watched as all the vampires came still not wanting to cause trouble with in the jedis domain but as soon as he notice lochabre going it to a rage he knew his time staying neutral was over gerbo rushed for the bar doors and ran into several patrons pushing them out of the way as he reached the doors and went out side. many moments passed with out gerbo in the bar. he sat outside getting his weapons in check. after get his weapons in check he glanced around for any jedi in the area some what hoping they would be around but he didn't seem to see any. gerbo jumped on the kick start of his bike and was off in a flash and ran strait threw the bar doors with his bike and slid to a stop inside. Gerbo pulled out his sawed off shotgun and with a joyous grin said)

ITs Vamp killing time!

Danya Sedirna
Mar 17th, 2002, 03:56:21 AM
"Not in my bar, its not!"

Danya's eyes glittered angrily. What could she do against some freakish beast and a punk riding through the doors on a bike, pointing a gun at her? Not much, but Danya could rise to the occasion, and get equally as scrappy as a bar brawl, or so she hoped. She reached to the counter, snagging a bottle of beer, and cracking the bottom off on the corner of the counter.


Tevit Ramadon
Mar 17th, 2002, 04:19:37 AM
A voice shattered the air in the bar with a snarl no human could muster.

"Hey! Everybody shut up and calm down!" Tevit roared, turnign around and standign on his barstool. Somewhat drunk as he was, Tevit usually did have a level head. The mongoose's tail stishing lightly to help him keep his balance, Tevit waited a moment for attention before he continued.

"Geez, folks, come on. This is crazy. I just wanna enjoy another drink in peace, maybe bull a little with those around me, but you're all nuts! You, Garbo, Gerbo, ahh, whatever, get that bike out of here. It's noisy, and my ears pick up the higer pitches of your timing belt that you can't, not a pleasant sound. You, yeah, the lot of you unhealthy-complexioned rabble. you can go ahead and stay there, you ain't done nothing to upset me. Miss," He turned around to look at Dayna, "That were a good beer you just broke. I woulda drunk it if you'd asked. And you, Mr., um, whatever you are," he looked at Lochabre, "Yeah, I got a temper problem sometimes too, but I try and take it outside if'n it gets too bad."

Huffing a sigh, Tevit then looked out at the audience he had created and embarassedly scratched the abck of his neck. "And the rest of you, sorry for interrupting your drinks." With that he climbed back down off his seat and sat one it once more. Lookign down the bar, he called, "Hey, could I get a hard cider down here? I'll triple my tip if you can do it in less than fifteen seconds."

Death Knight Soth
Mar 17th, 2002, 04:35:46 AM
As the creature moved towards the Death Knight and the two women. Soth began to chant in an ancient dialect. It was Sith Magic! And the spell uttered was "Dark Ball."

When Danya slid across the bar to were Soth and Pandora were, he took her by the waist and held out his talon glove to the slow moving beast. A purple kinetic sphere arced around the three with a blinding speed as the Knight expanded it's circumference. Danya tried to stand in in-between them and the lumbering hulk, but Soth held her fast. The sphere was ample protection as well as a killing weapon. He smiled at the thought of knowing what it was capable of. Soth could also see that Pandora wasted no time in her reaction either. Her delicate hand was also outstretched towards the huge beast. From the corner of his eye, the "Dark Lord of the Dead" knew the spell just by the look's of it. Pandora had summoned the spell "Crystallize" as her hand formed over in a fine frosty white substance.

Tevit Ramadon
Mar 17th, 2002, 04:57:57 AM
Tevit was beginning to get quite annoyedwith all the violence that was building in the bar. He just wanted a nice, quiet drink, and all the sudden all the Vampires and gothic-looking folk from every nearby galaxy was in the room trying to make war in soem way or another.

His empty glass still sat in front of him, he looekd at it for a moment and then back to Soth. The glass was the classic 'Elephant Foot' glass tumbler, famous for their durability. Picking it up and testing the weight, he smiled as he got an idea.

Spinning around ont eh picot of his stool, the mongoose saw the magics building,a nd knew there would be a brawl if somebody didn't do something really stupid really quick. Figuring that he had allready just become the jerk of the night for interrupting everone, he decided that something stupid would be done by him.

Tossing the heavy tumbler in his paw once to test the weight, he suddenly stood up and chucked it at the Death Knight's head. A good peg to the head should disrupt his concentration very quickly causing the most evident of his magics to flub. at least, that's what Tevit *hoped* it would do. In any case, Tevit was a crack shot with throwign small items, there was very little chance he'd miss Soth's head, and if he did, it would probably hit his body.

Sanis Prent
Mar 17th, 2002, 05:02:24 AM
(I stepped into the bar, and as by habit, was about to pass my weapons to the attendant, when all hell broke loose. I dove out of the way as a psychotic on a motorcycle nearly barreled over my, knocking the doors off their hinges. I coughed a little, hopping up to my feet, and forgetting all about the doorman, as simple survival kicked in. Out of habit, I drew my shell gun, my eyes panning around for the first sign of trouble.)

Pandora Damaris
Mar 17th, 2002, 05:24:43 AM
Pandora was indeed using the "Gift." Her hand seemed to "Crystallize" as the terrible beast moved closer and closer. It's temper knew no bounds. If it came any closer she would destroy it where it stood. Freezing it into a sub temperature block of ice! {"The temperature is lowering with the bolt, the water in the cells contracts and then at -30 it expands again and crystallizes causing massive cellular damage. When the body gains temperature again, osmosis in the cells is resumed, and most of the cells explode from the holes caused in them by crystallization. The damage is 100% fatal."}

She could smell the sulfur breath of the creature as it approached. Her own eye's blazed a hot white hue as the air around the creature began to thin...

Tevit Ramadon
Mar 17th, 2002, 05:28:23 AM
OOC- Am I not here or something? Does nobody turn and look and the noisiest guy int he bar? Just curious...

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 17th, 2002, 05:35:12 AM
Dalamar leaped from the corner he was sitting in. The so called hunters back was to him. Landing in front of him he grabbed his shotgun and kicked him in the chest knocking him right back out side the bar. Dalamar laughed "gone so quickly come back and play." Snapping the toy in two the shotgun was no more. Clicking his boot the hidden blade came out. Dalamar waited for the hunter to come back in confident that Alana would watch his back.

Sanis Prent
Mar 17th, 2002, 05:37:22 AM
OOC: When you've got sith sorcery, a walking pyrotechnic show, and somebody blow the doors off the hinges with a motorcycle, throwing a glass against a force barrier isn't going to steal the show ;)

Pandora Damaris
Mar 17th, 2002, 05:38:58 AM
OOC: No hon, we see you :P...Blows him a kiss

Tevit Ramadon
Mar 17th, 2002, 05:42:55 AM
Tevit's attitude worsened as Garbo was assaulted by what he presumed to be a vampire. He had actually started to like the stranger. Well, it was that or he was partially drunk. Still, things were getting silly, so he decided to add another two bits.

Dropping a few coins on the counter, he shrugged and smiled apologetically while he stole another patron's drink and called to Dalamar, "Hey, that weren't very nice. I kinda liked that guy, he bought me a drink. Here, have one on me." Probably unwisely, he tossed the drink's liquid contents at the vampire, a stupid smile on his face. Whatever good sense he ahd before suddenly went out the window with that action.

Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Mar 17th, 2002, 05:49:17 AM
Cirrsseeto's blue eyes widened at the scene before him. A large man made of burning rocks was moving toward a group of people who began to cause strange lights and other things. The Cizerack word for magic was Assai, and was regarded with as much disbelief as any other race. Yet seeing was more than enough to believe for the rather slow-minded felinoid brute. He could lift a small speeder and throw it, but this was a little out of his league. Next to him, some fur-covered Forrda stood gawking, and threw his cup at the hyuu-mann with long hair. Cirr's ears folded back, as he went on instinct, hopping over the bar to safety, and easily jerking Tevit along with him, the two tumbling down to the floor.

Be carrreful!

Cirrsseeto mewled out, his ears fluttering as he peered over the countertop.

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 17th, 2002, 05:50:27 AM
Alana moved quickly to where the loud little man was throwing a tumbler at Lord Soth's head. Catching it before it made contact with its intended target she grinned. Walking toward him she set it back by him grabbing the bottle of gin off the counter she filled he glass. "don't be foolish my friend, drink it but don't throw it again Soth would surely kill you." She said with a wicked smile. Turning back to Dalamar she frowned. "You sent him out the door already and I wanted to play." She pouted....

Lochabre Stonewing
Mar 17th, 2002, 05:55:18 AM
Not certain what the ball was, Lochabre regarded it, wondering what it was. It took a few steps back, feeling the floor beneath it feet give slightly at it huge weight... an idea came to it's mind. Quite abrupty it exploded into motion, nearly a ton of beast moving with incredible speed as it's fists smashed the floor close to the ball, grasping the edges of the hole and then ripping upwards with all it's huge power, given from it's genesis on a heavy gravity world. The floors under the Life thieves shattered and sundered, upending them off their feet.

This time there was no ponderous movements. Lochabre came at them much, much faster than something of it's size had a right to. The cloaks and rags about it ripped and tore, as it wings, massive 5 meter limbs unfurled and it's face, horned, row upon row of teeth in a horrible mouth became clear for the first time. There was a yell and a blinding light as the Gargoyle hit the Blue Thing, it's huge weight smashing against it, Stone-Skin unaffected by electrical discharges as it made contact, remaining rags on it's body catching fire

Tevit Ramadon
Mar 17th, 2002, 05:56:26 AM
Tevit was more than surprised when Cirsseeto yanked him over the bar, and landed with a thud on the rubber mats that covered the tile floor.

"Owwww...." He moaned, his mind taking a moment to catch up with what was going on. When he saw the Cizerack, Tevit's red eyes screwed up for a moment before he figured out what he was. Not bothering to move quite yet, the Nehantite replied, "Next time, tell me to be careful BEFORE you toss me over a bar."

Rolling over and sitting up, he looked Cirr over and smirked dumbly, "Okay, you've piqued my curiosity. Who in Garfife are you, and what am I doing back here thanks to you?" It sounded annoyed, but Tevit didn't mean it that way. Well, maybe a little...

Elieen Cross
Mar 17th, 2002, 06:06:01 AM
As I saw Lochabre attack, even if these Vampires were Sith, there was no chance they would live this assault. Only I had seen what the terrible monster could really do and it still left me queasy. One of the reasons I had befriended the alein was to study it and to work out what could calm it down if needed.

It looked like I was too late on that one.

Coming up fast, Assault gun in hand, I was staggered to see some lunatic come in on a bike of some sort, then Lochabre's attack. This was not a case where I would be defending the Bar against enemy attack, I would be defending enemies against the resident of the Bar. The Force help them if Oracus turned up.

NRSF troopers had their guns out, surrounding the group but knowing how useless even Rail Guns were agains the Gargolye, It was solid enough that a Rail Gul bullet would only chip it and even our pistol models would blow holes in hull plate.

1...2...3..4...5.... Seemed to be five associated with this group. What the frell our bar tender was doing in it was beyond me, she should have damn well ducked and kept her head down.

"Two over there! Arrest and get them clear" I yelled as an order.

Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Mar 17th, 2002, 06:09:05 AM
jI'm Cjirrrrrrsssssseeto. jI sssave jyourrr ljife.

Cirr mewled hastily, propping up to his knees as he cautiously surveyed the scene. Across the way, he spotted Sanis, hastily ducking and dodging as the brawl got out of hand. As much as the felinoid would love to see him oh-so-horribly killed in the fray, it would infuriate his mistress. Therefore, if the enemy of myself is my friend's friend, my friend he also shall be....

...wait, no that was making him confused. He sat there for a moment, mumbling to himself. Was it supposed to rhyme.

No wait, that wasn't important. Cirr popped up slightly, waving his hands in the air.

Sssanjisss, overrr herrre! Behjind the barrr!

Hopefully, the foolish hyuu-mann would get the idea. Cirr slumped back down, glancing at Tevit. Then...his sensitive nose began to smell something....something GOOD! Just behind the door at the back of the bar.

Curiosity got the better of Cirrsseeto, who approached the door in a crouch.

The Shadow Jedi
Mar 17th, 2002, 06:12:15 AM

He partially got out of his chair, astounded as the beast was revealed.

There was a beautiful woman dressed in green who seemed to be directing the guards in this place, yelling something that could hardly be heard from the crashing noise of the beast's attack.

He used his arms to push himself upright and then with four steps, leapt high in the air and over the bar itself and taking some sort of cover behind the bar.

His hand came to his sword..... then paused.

No. He had to avoid being identified.

But what the hell could he do?

Tevit Ramadon
Mar 17th, 2002, 06:16:07 AM
It took Tevit a moment to comprehend the heavily accented speech of the Cizerack, but he eventually figured it out. Listenign to the racked going on over the other side of the bar, he was beginning to think that perhaps this fellow had a good point.

Coming up to his footpaws as well, though remaining croudhed, tevit peeked over the bar and immidiately ducked back down. His eyebrows up and a smile on his face, he said to Cirrsseeto, "Thanks pal. I'm Tevit." Before poking his head up again and seeing the action again. Now he was convinced that he couldn't hold a grudge against the Cizerack male, no matter how roughly he pulled him over the bar. "Um, I don;t suppose this would eb a good time to ask, but, who's this 'Sssanjisss' character?"

Death Knight Soth
Mar 17th, 2002, 06:22:50 AM
The ground shook and trembled but even the weighty mass of the enormous creature had no effect on the "Prismatic Sphere." Soth began to chant once again, his spell was "Soul Shatter": {"This spell is used by a Dark Lord to shatter the soul of another being. The soul cannot be destroyed, but with this spell the soul can be shattered into so many pieces that in can no longer function as a single entity."} The spell would take a round to complete. The Death Knight's eye's blazed a hot red hue as he mumbled the deadly word's of power!

Sanis Prent
Mar 17th, 2002, 06:26:19 AM
Me, you furball, now clear the deck!

(I took a flying leap over the bar, dodging every which thing I could as I did so, including Tevit as I made the hurdle. I dropped hard onto my shoulder, and rolled against the wall)

Ah frell! I think I landed on my keys, ahh!

(I winced righting myself up, to face a woman who was ducking behind the bar, sporting a...

...very familiar piece of hardware.)

Miss Cross, I presume?

(I glanced at her, dodging a bottle thrown over the bar in the process.)

Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Mar 17th, 2002, 06:29:06 AM

Some man in black robes and a hood jumped the bar, and landed squarely on top of the suprised Cizerack, knocking him on his face. Dazed, he fluttered his ears, and spoke with his right cheek pressed forcefully against the ground. It was a labored effort.

Grrret orrrff, prrreassse?

Lochabre Stonewing
Mar 17th, 2002, 06:31:02 AM
OOC : I might point out, the attack on the floor and dumping the Life thieves to the floor will at the least break your concentration. I do not think your sphere would stay intact, or at least not weakened with your concentration distrupted as it has been.

Tevit Ramadon
Mar 17th, 2002, 06:32:26 AM
From the sounds of it, either Tevit's thrown glass missed Soth's head, ot it didn't make a differnce in his magics. Balling up as to get out of the way when Sanis vaulted the main bar, Tevit winced at the landing he saw the human perform.

Nothing was going right at all, and he didn't have a weapon himself, having checked his kris dagger at the desk. Suddenly the bottle of cognac lying next to him was looking very appealing, but he staved off his desire for anothe drink to dull his mind even more to ask of anybody who would answer, "Um, what do we do now?"

The Shadow Jedi
Mar 17th, 2002, 06:34:03 AM
As he crashed to the ground, he felt he had not landed on the floor.

He landed on a Cizerack and was at present squashing his head. The Shadow Jedi removed himself off the Cizerack.

"My apologies...."

Patting the Cizerack on the shoulder he glanced about, wondering what he could use.

Pandora Damaris
Mar 17th, 2002, 06:42:22 AM
At that very moment when all hell was present and pandemonium was at it's zenith. The huge awful beast looked as though it would tear through the very confines of the protective sphere that the death knight had created. The sphere moved not as the beast hit it and burst into flame's. It seemed to be unharmed by the Dark-Ball! But it would not fair well with the spell that hung at Pandora's finger tip's. As a wave of sub-degree ice shot fourth from the hand of Pandora, Danya struggled to free herself from the dark knight's grip to stop the fight that was out of hand at best. As Danya did so, she bumped into Pandora as the spell was released. The intended fatal shot towards the huge creature was only partial as it hit the upper flank and right shoulder of the beast. It howled in pain as the icy bolt hit it and froze it's arm solid! Pandora wasted no time as she began to conjure another spell for a hasty exit that would insure there safety.

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 17th, 2002, 06:45:07 AM
Ripping the battery from the bike, Dalamar checked to see if it was the kind he needed. Grinning he saw that it was. Throwing the battery over the head of the Gargoyle Dalamar used the force to shatter it over the gargoyles head. The Alkaline in the battery causing him severe pain. Dalamar saw as his stone skin cracked and bubbled and the beast let out an inhuman howl.

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 17th, 2002, 07:01:30 AM
Alana laughed as the fight got into full swing. Now this was what she lived for. As she turned back to where she had given the loud man the drink she was mildly surprised to find that he was no longer there. Her eyes widened even further as she watched more people sail behind the bar and into safety. Peeking over the counter she chuckled. She gracefully lifted herself over and crouched down by them. "AHH Sanis Prent my former master spoke of you often, what is it you are doing back here if I may ask?" She raised an eyebrow as if puzzled. Grinning she peeked back over the bar and then glanced back. "The fights out there." Pulling Sanis and the loud man to their feet she leapt over the bar and pulled them with her. "I know you want to play out here with us." She grinned as a bottle sailed toward them she batted it away winking at Sanis as she moved toward the fray...

Death Knight Soth
Mar 17th, 2002, 07:02:04 AM
OOC: Lochabre, your comment is noted, however the Prismatic Sphere is an entity in it's own right. The energies called upon through the Dark Side of the Force would in turn be like the Ethereal Plane coming in contact with the Prime material Plain. It would simply have it's own space of existence. Thus no movement. Let me talk to my peep and have a re-edit to the Pandora post...Thanks <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Elieen Cross
Mar 17th, 2002, 07:04:31 AM
As I tired to restore some order to this chaos, I heard a yell from close by

I turned..... Ahhh. Prent.

"Yes I am. Now get out of my face while I get this settled!!" I yelled back

Sanis Prent
Mar 17th, 2002, 07:20:30 AM
Pleasure to meet you.

(I smiled, sending a quick right cross to her jaw. Nothing severe, but enough to "lodge a complaint". After all, she was somewhat of a client...but then again, she'd gotten on the bad foot early, and peed in my cornflakes. She got over the shock, and I continued)

Thats for the bad messenger. They put my ladyfriend in the infirmary for a bit. Maybe next time, use holomail, like the rest of us.

(A hand snatched at my collar, jerking me out of my hiding spot with superhuman strength.)

Whooaahh....ah....catch you later!

(The face with the brawn was a looker...missing maybe a little tan if anything. She obviously had me at a namesake advantage. I smiled to phase off the weirdness, until she corralled me and the furball right into ground zero.)

Whoa lady...I'm not getting paid for this!

Tevit Ramadon
Mar 17th, 2002, 07:28:21 AM
Tevit was not pleased with the series of events the night was unfolding for him, and being pulled back over the bar was definitley not a happy addition.

Though Tevit ahd taken fighting lessons all through school, this type of disaster was out of his leauge. His tail flicking madly in near panic, he added to Prent's comment, "Yeah, and I don't wanna volunteer either, I just wanted a drink tonight!"

Elieen Cross
Mar 17th, 2002, 07:29:09 AM
Allright, this was annoying. If there was one thing I did not allow to happen was a punch to go unreturned.

I leaped over the bar in a flash, Assault gun in hand. While this other woman was dragging Prent away I rushed up among the confusion and took ahuge swing with the butt of the Gun. It made a nice meaty sound as it intersected his face. The force of the blow was enough to smack him out of the woman's arms.

I lept sideways, getting some cover as I heard a deafening bellow from Lochabre.

Sanis Prent
Mar 17th, 2002, 07:35:22 AM
(I fell to the ground, bleeding generously from a cut over my left eye. She rattled my bell, but my message was clearer. Shaking out the cobwebs, I lay on the floor, trying to get my bearings.)

Frell, too many more nights like this, and I'll have a prizefighter's face.

(I stumbled to my knees, grabbing a bottle of Maker's, splashing it against the wound, and gulping down another healthy portion to douse the migraine.)

Gerbo Lang
Mar 17th, 2002, 02:28:50 PM
(gerbo gets up from the ground outside and noticed Vampyre Dalamar ripping his bike apart. gerbo quickly walks back into the bar and from his coat produces three throwing stars witch quickly imbed themselves in Dalamars chest. Gerbo then brings out his katana witch was strapped to his back.)

You want to play lets play?

Vega Van Derveld
Mar 17th, 2002, 06:07:38 PM
The man, who had earlier labelled himself as a 'Vampyre' and 'Werewolf' hunter found himself wripped off of the floor and tossed into the air. He skidded across the ground, pushed by some unseen Force.

"You're tangling with the wrong people, fool."

The one who had thrown him was a Sith, and evidently a Lupine - or what he had termed as a Werewolf. A Garou, and an angry one at that. Though Gerbo may have been attacking a Vampyre - a birth enemy of werewolves as he no doubt knew - the Vampyre's present were Sith, and therefore comrades of the Sith Lord Van-Derveld.

"You have two options here. One, you die."

A brilliant yellow lightsaber hummed to life in the Sith lords right hand, whilst his left hand becamed donned with an impressive looking set of claws.

"Two, you die."

Gerbo Lang
Mar 17th, 2002, 06:38:27 PM
(gerbo started to realize he was in a little over his head he could not possibly take out the Lupine especially this one he had seen this one before with a former friend of his and knew to be powerful. Yet gerbo had no chance in getting out of the fight ether. so he looked at his sword and then at vega.)

I do not want to fight you and will not fight you.

(gerbo reach onto his trench coat and produced what looked like a thermal detonator even though it was a grenade that produced extreme light to blind his enemies.)

Let me go or i'll take you and this hole bar with me.

Lochabre Stonewing
Mar 17th, 2002, 06:46:14 PM
Lochabre felt the cold blast touch it’s shoulder, but with a stone-skin much, much denser than flesh and not made of the same substances that fleshed-ones were, it cooled the surface, with the coldness beginning to seep inwards, the skin became less flexible as it did in exposure to intense cold. Not painful to the Gargoyle, but frustrating to no longer have full speed. An additional problem added as a small container (Even if this is using OOC knowledge you do not have IC, I will accept – once) shattered above it’s head, spilling….


Lochabre screamed as the stuff melted it’s back stone-skin, intersecting with acidic blood, then to react….


The acids reacted on contact, flaring into flame and wreathing Lochabre in a curtain of fire. Utterly enraged and with murder in it’s glowing eyes, Lochabre attacked, swinging it’s left arm downwards, trying to bring the hardened right into play, flames and alkaline starting to warm the affected area back up. If it couldn’t go through the shiny thing… it would try to go under it. Hand grasped the floor and in one massive movement, ripped upwards. As it did, Lochabre spat at the ball, fiercely acidic solution splattering the shiny thing. Vile fumes began to waft as the Gargolye heaved the floors under the shiney thing, lifting it and the occupants upwards as the floor ripped off it’s mounts, foot claws dug in to gain more purchase, the anchor point allowing all the fearsome strength of the alien to come to bear, throwing the shiney thing aside along with the floor, spilling those inside as it bellowed in fury kill-frenzy, not standing still, leaping to the attack again

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 17th, 2002, 07:15:30 PM
Grabbing Gerbo away from Vega. Thanks for your assistance but I prefer to handle my own battles. Then looking at Gerbo he said "put away your toy I thought you where a hunter not a runner." "Here I am hunt me!" Then Dalamar threw Gerbo behind the bar he landed with a bone sickening crunch. Turning around to face Vega Dalamar said, "There is no offense meant but it must be me that makes him pay."
Seeing an occupant lying on the ground his shortsword a little distance away from him. Dalamar scooped it up and called Gerbo,"don't play dead the night is young and I'll meet you steel for steel." Dalamar readied himself with a fighting stance putting his bladed boot forward. In his past life he was a Warlord this man was no match for him.

Gerbo Lang
Mar 18th, 2002, 12:46:30 AM
(gerbo got up from the ground and cracked his neck then pick up his katana and the Light grenade putting it back in his pocket. he flashed a evil grin at Dalamar.)

fine it will be pleasure destroying you.

(gerbo brought his katana to ready. gerbo leaped over the bar and stared over the rim of his sunglasses. gerbo came in fast his katana out in front in a defensive position.)

Elieen Cross
Mar 18th, 2002, 01:20:45 AM
Even with Lochabbre ripping the place apart, I could still try ot keep order on the sidelines.

Like the two bozos squaring off. Wiht a handsignal to the troops who still had their heads up above cover I pointed at the sword weidlers.

* Disarm! *

Myself and 8 others moved to surround the sword beaters, with the others began to get themselves between the insane alien and anyone else. Rail Guns were one of the more lethal guns, not easily intercepted with a sabre, much, much more stiking power, much higher speed as well. With my own Assault Gun I levelled it and fired, right into the floor between the sword wavers. Both startled, I reloaded and pointed the barrel, which the 8 other NRSF encircled. Trained to be highly resistant to mind tricks, fast and some even trained to be able to defeat a Jedi or Sith, they meant buisness and gave these two no choice.

"Alright -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-wits - put them down!" I snarled. "And dont try anthing smart, I'm faster than either of you two idiots. NOW DROP THEM AND HANDS ON HEAD!!"

In other places in the bar other troops were doing the same, clearing all others from the combat zone.

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 18th, 2002, 02:00:21 AM
"Alana" Dalamar yelled. Feeling the minor irritation of the shuriken Dalamar heard another. A lady telling mere mortals to disarm me, what joke was this. Dalamar spoke into his com two words "Slithe come." Combining the force with vampyre speed this Eileen didn't know what fast was. He was upon her in an instant taking her weapon away and spinning it around he hit her with the butt end. She fell on her back in an undignified position. "Now that is fast!" Dalamar said,"Alana she's yours." Laughing the whole time.

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 18th, 2002, 02:07:54 AM
:: The commotion had finally roused one of the local Jedi into action. Stepping into the B&G, Anbira's sharp grey eyes panned the chaos, his jaw setting. ::

What is the meaning of this?

:: He eyeballed every major player in the fiasco...and was expecting an immediate answer. ::

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 18th, 2002, 02:10:11 AM
Alana turned from Garbo as her lover spoke, Her lightsaber had been trained on him well Dalamar had been taking care of the Jedi woman. She smiled coolly at the woman on the ground. Calling on her Sith powers she began to chant in the ancient dialect as Dalamar moved in to take care of Garbo.

She used the Sith spell called "Inflict pain, it caused the adversary you used it against Extreme pain." She finished her chanting and directed it to the female Jedi's throat causing her to grasp her neck and gasp for breath. The pain she felt was horridness Alana directed her lightsaber at the woman. Chanting once again calling on the darkside to aid her...

Elieen Cross
Mar 18th, 2002, 05:35:24 AM
Even if he was fast, he was not the fastest I had seen. It still caught me out when he snatched away the gun and tried to hit me with it. I was already leaning back, reducing the impact that still forced me to stumble backwards.

And now there was another attacking me, trying to inflict pain. My neck flared in pain… but I had learned a long time ago, from fighting and training how pain could be controlled and resisted. My mind calmed and went into the Force, taking control of my pain receptors and dulling them to a level where I could act with more freedom than the Sith realized I could. Already deep in there Force, one of my hands pointed.

The distance to the roof wasn’t far. Not enough to really get some acceleration going – but enough that she flew head first into the ceiling with a loud thump. As she fell back down, I motioned with my hand, acting out a back handed slap as I began to get up…. Not being within arms reach, it was the Force that hit her, sending her flying across the room and straight into one of the glow grids on the other side. It smashed and arced under the impact, sending fragments flying and electricity to spark through the female Sith. The assembly collapsed, sending more noise, sparks and fragments all over her. Much similar to a time and an ago when I had defeated the leader of The Sith Council years ago.

Wile I had been dealing with the female, the handful of NRSF troops were making it very clear Dalamar wasn’t fast to out move multiple opponents. My attention returned, my gun was ripped out of Dalamar’s hands by the Force, landing with a clatter near a hooded being whom had poked it’s head above the bar. There were techniques to erect a defensive shield in the Force, the more powerful the Jedi, the more powerful the shield. While I had been challenging and defeating all manner of Jedi for years, now I was learning their techniques, while adding to the ones I already knew. There were superb ones that made the Force to be a shield, making it possible to block fists, flying objects, even other Force powers if the shield was strong enough. Mine would only give resistance, not stop. I wasn’t that strong. I had known Jedi whom however could be like the rock that could not be swept away by the storm, waiting out until they could strike back in devastating manner.

Now fully back on my feet, the Force now being used actively as my shield, my mind calm, my spirit at peace. In my mind, I imagined the rock… I became that rock. My enemies were the seas, trying to beat against me. I would not be swept away.

The troops knew what was coming. They all backed off, leaving me fighting room. They had seen me on the training floors, watched as the woman whom they didn’t know was an Imperial Royal Guard, once married to a dead Jedi whose name still bought fear to the Sith, wipe the floor of their best. As I was going to do now to this very unsuspecting Sith male.

Tevit Ramadon
Mar 18th, 2002, 05:59:10 AM
The Force was a thing Tevit didn't like too much, and he appreciated it even less when used for evil. But moreso, he didn't like being in the midst of a Force battle.

Finding himself unarmed and in the middle of a maelstorm of magics, the mongoose decided that the best course of action would be to get out of the way as quickly as possible. Thankfully mongooses were blessed with quick reflexes, even though his heavy boots did weigh him down.

A trail of force energy that Eileen had used found it's way into his bath though, tripping hum up and sending the Nehantite sprawling across the floor and into the base of the bar. Tevit then decided that he liked the force being used against him even less. In his attempt to get up, he spotted something lodged under the lower decorative lip of the bar. It was black, and shiny. Though mongooses were not as bad as normal raccoons in their curiosity, Tevit was more than intruiged by the oddity. Fishing the thing out, it appeared to be a handgun. The amount of dust and grime on it gave him a clue as to how long it ahd been there.
Stuffing it into one of his coverall pockets, Tevit pulled himself up and watched tha action from his previous barstool. In all the comotion, bartending had stopped, and a bottle of fine brandy sat unattended on the bar, miraculously unscathed by the action. Decidign it shouldn't go to waste, and that some fights were mroe fun when you were drunk, Tevit poured himself a glass and leaned back, now content to be a sideline observer, though he did keep a paw on the pistol in his pocket, just in case.

Pandora Damaris
Mar 18th, 2002, 06:44:47 AM
Pandora was not surprised at the futile attempt's of the huge beast. But even in it's "rage" state of mind and it's brutal attack's on the Kinetic Sphere, it simply had no effect on those inside as long as they were there within it's confines. The three were quite safe for the time being, and if need be, they would bring the whole place down around them. Time was on their side! That was the wonderful thing about the Dark-Side of the Force...It was innately stronger!

Pan glanced over to Soth who was close to letting off another spell to the exposed creature outside the "Prismatic Ball." It seemed the beast was a glutton for punishment.

Nevertheless, she turned her attention to a woman close to Dalamar. Pandora's eye's flashed as her hand was still stretched out. Pandora mumbled a word of power as the very ground on which she stood gave way! It's opening was approximately six and a half feet in diameter. It was the awful Sith-Spell, "Sinkhole": {"This spell will create a depression in the earth anywhere from 2 meters to 2000 meters wide, and varying in depth from 1 foot to 30 feet."}

Elieen as well as the timber she stood on collapsed from underneath her feet. Lumber and dirt fell in on her as it caved inwards. The drop was 30 feet below, plus or minus a few sharp boards. Faster and faster she fell...What was a girl to do?

"You know girl friend, it's not the fall that kill's you, it's the sudden impact!" A wicked smile was now etched on Pandora's face as the next round would bring more goodies!

The Shadow Jedi
Mar 18th, 2002, 08:14:45 AM
Ahh @#%$. This place was just getting worse and worse by the second. As his eyes ate up the fight from his place of relative safety, he saw Elieen.

No, not saw her with his eyes. Saw her with his Mind. The woman he had journeyed to Xa Fel for, he hadn't found there, so he had journeyed here, to observe, to watch and to assess. He watched her move saw her almost casually hit a Sith away with the Force, saw a hole appear that she fell into, to seemingly bounce straight out of. Here was a true Warrior of the Light, someone who looked so heart breakenly beautiful, but was one of the best fighters he had ever seen.

For 11 years. Now he knew. He could sense it, he could feel it. Suddenly, it didnt matter the disguise, it didn;t matter if he was going to be seen. What mattered is that woman was more precious to him than all of the Galaxy and even if she was better than each one of them individually, there was no way she could take on all five. He knew that, She probably did too. Thence.... he knew that 18 years of deceptions, hidings and more were over. There was no way he could allow her to go.

He ducked down behind the bar, taking in a deep breath.... the facial illusion was easy and powerful. His features would smooth into something 100% familiar, helped by trained facial muscles. The illusion was to hide and shorten facial hair. What he had now was his real face, but to the jedi and to her, he needed something else.

He closed his eyes and then unclipped his cloak allowing it to slide off, to reveal the nightmare for the Sith, the most feared and terrible enemy they had in a generation, a man revered by those who sought good and Light, hated by Evil and Darkness...

A deep breath, and he drew out his sabre, looked up and asked for blessing from God and for the first time in years a frightenly familiar face came up from under the bar, smooth features, sabre in one hand and open hand spread, mind going deep in the Force like hardly any Jedi here was capable of.....

The Galaxy didn't know his real name. But they sure as hell knew who the Jedi Master that erupted from behind the bar was.....

Darth Turbogeek
Mar 18th, 2002, 08:50:15 AM
.....Darth Turbogeek, Servant of the Light, Jedi Warlord, one of the brightest lights to have shone in a geration. With a grim and vicious look on his face, he pointed at the Sith inside the sphere and with a wave of his hand, directing the Force swept them out - right into the arms of the terrible monster he had no idea even existed until today. His mind used the Force to catch Dalamar, picking him up like some sort of toy, drawing him throught the air straight up.... repeating Elieen's tric by hammeering him into the roof. Except he was a good deal more Force powerful than the woman, it was faster and harder, the roof shaking with the impact, dust falling as the Sith was allowed to fall to the ground.

Darth Turbogeek stepped up onto the Bar, the place he used sit at by himself, eyes burning with fevour and power just hoping anyone...anyone would be stupid enough to challenge him.

Elieen Cross
Mar 18th, 2002, 09:07:43 AM
Evenas a hole opened up unexpectantly, the solution was easy. I allowed the Force to absorb the landing, then gathered myself and leapt upwards, somersaulting at the apex to land on my feet, half smile on my face.

Which was wiped off as a presence behind the bar seemed to become unhidden, the brightness of it surprising me. Even worse, was the face that appeared.


But wasn't he a Dark Jedi clone?

This was no Dark Jedi however. This was a Jedi Master revealed in all his power, unleasshing himself upon an unsuspecting Sith. And if the truth be told, an unsuspecting group of Jedi, who would be deeply shocked to see their supposably long dead 'hero' back and fighting on their side.

There was no time for questions or thought. If this was the real thing, then the power balance had tilted. Lochabre seemed to give a scream for some reason, ignoring the huge beast, I took a look about, feeling in the Force where my favoured weapon was. I located it, called the Force Pike to my hand and energised it by pressing it's on switch. It had a nice elrectiral arc setting that fired bolts of electrical energy at targets, which I now set and fired at Dalamar. Blue energy coursed out, wreathing the Sith in it's glow.

Damn it, now there was questions to be answered after this was over. This Turbogeek better stick around and be in a takative mood, else I was going to be really annoyed.

Satine Capashen
Mar 18th, 2002, 11:15:10 AM
Satine had seen it all, and now it was his turn to get in on the action. Opening himself to the Force, he calls his weapons over--sword, lightsabre, and weapons belt--and quickly puts the belt on, sheathing the sword, and igniting both of the lightsabres. Only one Jedi Satine knew of used two pure black lightsabres, and that was himself. The weapons ignite with a long drawn out hiss, and then Satine was ready, his eyes flashing with controlled fury, and the flames within. Running to take a place next to Eileen, the silver haired Jedi smiles, his silver eyes flashing as he looks at Eileen.

"Need some help?" Was all he asked, his voices still cracking as it was still changing into a much deeper voice. Eileen could tell that Satine had moe questions on his mind--any that had the least bit of Force talent probably could--the biggest one being Why is Turbogeek here? I thought he was dead! Getting into a fighting stance, Satine pushes those thoughts aside, and brings one blade down into a low defense stance, and the other in a high. He was ready for some fun...

Mar 18th, 2002, 11:52:10 AM
Xazor had been standing in the corner, bathed by the darkness and shadows around her. She had seen everything also, and thought it was time to act. Quickly unclipping her saber from her belt, she ignited it............both ends and two blue blades shot forth revealing a duel-phased saber, one very lethal. Its name was "Greater Fear".....time to put some fear into the Sith. She ran from the shadows and jumped into defense next to Elieen.

Greetings friends......looks like we have a problem here.......need help?

She asked nodding to both Elieen and her brother Alpha. She looked at the other Jedi who were here to fight this battle with them and then she accidentally blurted her thoughts out. What the frell? She said as she looked right at Darth Turbogeek. She had thought he was dead.....at least that is what history said. She had never met him, but had seen him in a picture and had read his history. Xazor stood there for a moment just staring, until her thoughts were interrupted and she focused on the fight before her......

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 18th, 2002, 12:18:49 PM
:: Using the techniques of Presence, Anbira became MUCH more noticable. The timbre of his voice resonated louder and deeper, his posture seeming to rise, as did other perceptions of him. ::


:: His eyes turned to the throng of vampyre-kin, protected by a planar field. Indeed, no physical attack could breach it, and they believed themselves impervious. It was time to shatter this sense of security. Anbira extended his hand, and Pandora found herself jerked off her feet with a wave of Force, careening outside of the sphere and skidding on the ground. The same for Soth, he was thrown from sanctuary, sliding roughly against a barstool. The last one, Danya, was similarly removed, falling out somewhat-ungracefully, on her backside. The beast of stone and flame saw this, and made for the kill. Anbira's eyes focused on him, both hands raising in a grasping motion. ::

You shall halt!

:: The air audibly hummed around the bar, as well as shimmered, just barely, around the gargoyle. Just as it was about to land a likely-fatal blow against Pandora, it found its brutish fist stilled by an unseen force. Suddenly and slowly, his arm was pulled back, as was his other, pulled far apart from each other. His legs too, spread wide, as the bewildered creature found himself sliding backwards, his body under the control of a strength even more powerful than his brute force. Nevertheless, stilling a powerhouse of the gargoyle's nature was quite a task for the Jedi, and his attentions were devoted to it fully ::

Mar 18th, 2002, 02:08:44 PM
Xazor was shocked by the actions of Anbira. She had always known him to be a quiet man and it was a surprise to see him jumping right in.......especially in the manner that he did. She smiled and eased up on her defense as she watched him send the Sith across the room in various directions.

Yes, what is the meaning of this? Why is it so impossible for all of us to just live in peace by leaving one another alone???

She asked suddenly as she looked into the faces of all standing around.

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 18th, 2002, 02:46:44 PM
Loki had seen Anbira entering the bar from down the road, he hadn't seen him today and was happy that he'd spotted him. He ran up the street and strolled into the bar to hear Xazor sounding rather distressed.

Once inside, the little Padawan saw to his concern that the whole interior of the place was in a terrible state and there was chaos. He stood back, away from any trouble and watched his master carefully hold back some enormous, frightful creature. This was the most peculiar thing he'd seen here.

Gerbo Lang
Mar 18th, 2002, 02:47:05 PM
(Gerbo looked at Anbira he had seen this one before he presumed him to be a jedi and powerful one at that. gerbo had seen this one cut down a former friend and partner. gerbo wanted no trouble with this one so he seethed his katana and drop his hands to his side and spoke in a smooth calm tone.)

I apologies good sir this is some what my fault and I will end it now again I am sorry for the disturbance.

(Gerbo turned to tevit)

If ever come across the sword you are looking for I will be sure to bring it to you.

(Gerbo then turned to Elieen Cross)

My apologies to you for this disturbance perhaps we will meet again.

(Gerbo then reached into his pocket and produced the Light grenade again. pushed the button and dropped it as a blinding light temporarily blinded everyone in the room except gerbo who was wearing protective eye wear. Gerbo made one quick stop and whispered into Dalamar’s ear.)

This isn’t over we will meet again, just remember the name gerbo Lang and next time you will learn eternal sleep.

(Gerbo ran to his bike everyone could here the russel of wires and the roar of the bike engine.)

I always care a spare battery

(was the last thing gerbo said before he speeded out of the bar and into the moon lit night. when everyones eye site came back all that remained of gerbo lang was his shattered battery, his busted shotgun, and three throwing stars still lodged in Dalamar's chest

Mar 18th, 2002, 02:58:20 PM
Xazor stood up straight now and looked around at everyone. A tear fell from her eye and she looked at the ground, wiping it away. She disengaged her lightsaber and clipped it to her belt.

I see no reason for this. Fighting is not the way, not here. If you want to fight, take it to the battlefield, but do not continue it in here......

She said as she looked at the Sith who were still sitting on the ground after being knocked back by Anbira's Force blasts. Looking then to Elieen, Alpha and then Anbira, Xazor pulled the hood of her cloak over her head and walked out of the bar. Her red robes flowing like ocean waves behind her as she walked swiftly outside......

Satine Capashen
Mar 18th, 2002, 03:08:22 PM
Satine watches his sister leave, but keeps his own weapons active, waiting for the Sith to back down...

Mar 18th, 2002, 03:13:52 PM
Once outside, Xazor paces outside of the door........waiting in case something happened and she knew she had to act.

Alpha, let me know if they make a move.........

She told him through the Force.

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 18th, 2002, 03:17:41 PM
Loki followed Xazor outside, she looked really upset. He walked up to her and wore a troubled expression.

"Xazor, are you alright?"

The Slithe
Mar 18th, 2002, 03:21:56 PM
The Slithe Finally arrived and in time to as it seemed the whole gjo had arrived. Snatching Gerbo off his bike as he rode away they threw him down to the ground. Luckily they weren't alone.

Talos Sting
Mar 18th, 2002, 03:27:08 PM
Throwing a hand grenade at the bike and 3 shuriken at the rider. Talos shrugged hope you have a spare bike?

Mar 18th, 2002, 03:27:21 PM
Xazor saw Loki and ceased her pacing. She folded her arms across her chest and shook her head.

It troubles me so, because even the Jedi cannot find another way to settle our differences! Yes, I know at times battle is necessary, especially when lives are threatened......but I don't see it necessary here.....not now. I am training to be a Warrior, Loki.....and the first thing a Warrior must know is humility! I didn't see that in there.......everyone just jumped to their guns to show that they had 'em! Ya know what I mean?

She said in exasperation, shaking her head as she thought about the situation.

I guess I have just seen too many of these little fights end up to be a large battle......killing spree.

She said softly.

Tiberious Kinslayer
Mar 18th, 2002, 03:31:21 PM
Tiberious Kinslayer arriving with the Slithe his servants kicked the doors in. Pulling out his specially crafted axes made for saber fighting. Using the force he pushed Darth Turbogeek into the Side wall. You didn't think it was over did you?

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 18th, 2002, 03:33:16 PM
Vampyre Dalamar used the distraction. He used the force to throw Darth TurboGeek into the air hitting his head on the ceiling. "How do you like it your lordship?" letting him fall to the ground with a loud thud!

Sophia Harten
Mar 18th, 2002, 03:37:56 PM
Sophia peeked over from behind the bar's counter, her hold-out blaster in her hand. Her more powerful blaster had been left at the front as per bar policy, but she had snuck in with the small blaster still wrapped around her forearm. good thing too, for when the bar had errupted into a fighting frenzy, she'd doven behind the bar, whiping out her blaster, taking aim at anyone that decided to use her as target practice. She'd seen Commander Cross go behind the bar at the other end, and had taken out a few beings that had aimed their blasters at her. In the course of the fight, a stray bolt had hit the wine shelves abover her, and had crashed around her head, leaving a few abrasions from the broken glass.

Now, she stood, soaked in liquer, and bleeding from a few cuts that stung thanks to the wines. She rubbed her head where she'd been hit by the falling shelves, trying to keep the headache former within from overwhelming her senses. Shaking her head to clear her vision, she looked around. Things seemed to be calming down and under control, thanks to the Jedi. But there was still a small scuffle going on that may need to be stopped eventually if it got out of hand.

She sighed, keeping her blaster visible, and walking around the edge of the bar to come to stand in the main room. So much for a relaxing "off duty" evening.

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 18th, 2002, 03:42:09 PM
Loki thought about what his friend had to say for a minute, he was quiet for a moment, reflecting on what troubled Xazor and he had unconciously clasped his hands behind his back the way Anbira does at times like this. He then looked up at her and smiled.

"First of all, let's take a seat for a moment," he gestured to a small table alongside the entrance to the Bar & Grill, "Before you've walked a trench in front of Yoghurt's!"

He smiled in a calm way, he remembered when she had been there for him when he was hurt or upset, likewise he would be there for her.

"Well you said you're training to be a warrior, but I don't see it like that, we are training to be Jedi, preservers of peace and justice and I agree, violence is a terrible thing but as Master Anbira tells me: 'The destruction of unrepentant evil is not wicked.' I suppose those people in there, causing trouble, they're bad guys, huh? Who are they?"

Alana Stormcloud
Mar 18th, 2002, 03:59:05 PM
Alana stood up from where she had been thrown. The electrical charges had caused her a great deal of pain but she had controlled her pain center and walked away from it. Her anger built as she healed. She began to form Sith spells that she would use against anyone that got in her way but her eyes were on the woman who had attacked her. Moving in on her swiftly she reached the woman in seconds. A guard foolishly stepped into her path and she reached out and snapped his neck with a quick grasp of her hand. Alana balled up her fist using the force to put strength behind it and punched the woman in the face. Alana smiled as she heard the sickening crunch of her nose and watched her sail back into the wall.

Mar 18th, 2002, 03:59:26 PM
Xazor nodded and took a seat with a small smile.

No, Loki you don't understand. All are training to be a Jedi.....protector of peace.....but there are branches to that training and one is to be a Warrior. It is a path that hardly anyone chooses....but I have. I will sacrifice my life for the Force.....to fight for what is right in physical battle. I am training to be a Warrior for peace.....

She said, looking down at the table. She steepled her fingers and looked up at Loki with a smile.

Yeah, they are some pretty bad guys. From what I saw and heard, they're a bunch of Sith Vampyres. You know, life stealers........it looks like some more just went in to cause some trouble.

She moved her hand to her belt and unclipped her saber from it, laying it on the table. The shiny silver hilt gleemed in the light......it was beautifully made and you could see your reflection in it. It's name was "Greater Fear"....and it had put fear into a lot of Sith. What only she knew though, was that although in regular combat it was a single bladed weapon.......with the simple flip of a switch, it turned into a duel-phased weapon with lethal capabilities. She smiled as she looked at it thoughtfully. Hopefully things would not get too out of hand....or she would have to go back in there with the saber and help take care of things......

Gerbo Lang
Mar 18th, 2002, 04:09:57 PM
(Gerbo got up from the ground and stared at The Slithe and Talos Sting as three shuriken dug into gerbos leather armor.)

What the hell is your problem I have no quarrel with you nor do I want one at this time.

(Gerbo looked around to see if the area outside was open enough it seemed to be open enough. gerbo produced a remote in his hand from his pocket.)

But I guess I can always get another bike.

(A ship came overhead and a hatch opened up on it.)

I guess I live to see another day

(Gerbo jumped into the open hatch about 10 ft above him and waved as the ship took off.)

Elieen Cross
Mar 18th, 2002, 04:12:30 PM
Unfortunatly for the woman, I saw her coming.

What, she thought I would stand there and let her punch me?

My Pike flashed up, intercepting the arm in a block in a solid thump. The Pike slid downwards along her arm, striking underneath to the armpit of the Sith woman.

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 18th, 2002, 04:15:58 PM
"Ah I see. I don't know whether I will branch off to become a warrior or anything else for that matter, it's too far in the future. " He chuckled, looking at Xazor's shining saber handle, "And to think, I was planning on being a historian or writer when I was older!"

He eyed the weapon a little longer, he'd seen the lightsaber in use before, and it was a very beautiful but deadly weapon and required the utmost skill and highest degree of control. He daren't touch one yet.

"Xazor, what are-" He paused, trying to remember the name she had used, "-what are Sith?"

Mar 18th, 2002, 04:22:52 PM
She looked up from her weapon and eyed Loki for a moment.

Sith are Force users who harness their anger and aggression to make themselves powerful. They are what you could say are the "bad guys" or our enemies......

She said softly as she recalled her many encounters with them.

They use their rage to hurt others.......and in battle, they aim to kill. They are the complete opposite of the Jedi.....

She said, remembering herself a long time ago when she was a Sith....

Warlord Dalamar
Mar 18th, 2002, 04:25:08 PM
{ooc} What Alana going to let you throw her into the wall? yes she took her hits. You call me a god moder you get thrown in a hole but you bounce out? Yeah right a spell of Extreme pain is cast on you but you ignore it now your punched in the face but now your not. I would attack you but what the point according to you it will never happen. We accept our hits why don't you accept yours. Come on

Other than that having fun.

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 18th, 2002, 04:27:55 PM
"To kill! Why would they want to kill?" He questioned eagerly, he found this new concept very difficult to grasp.

Suddenly he gasped and remembered how he had seen Anbira in there with these Sith, they might try to kill him.

"Quickly Xazor, we must go back inside!" He exclaimed, standing up with a look of worry.

Satine Capashen
Mar 18th, 2002, 04:29:46 PM
As Satine sees Dalamar going after Turbogeek, he growls, and jumps at the Vampyre, his black blades carving troughs in the light.

"Hey, don't you know it's not fair to go two against one?!" Satine asks, forming a fireball, and launching it at Dalamar.

Sis, Satine sends through the Force, [/i] they've started the party. You feel like dancing with the rest of us?[/i]

Vega Van Derveld
Mar 18th, 2002, 04:39:53 PM
He had been prepared to tangle with a pathetic hunter, but with the whole of the NR forces as well as half of the Jedi - well, he just wasn't in the mood. Vega made off from the outside of the Bar and Grill into the night, leaving the Vampyres to whatever fate had in store for them ...

Talos Sting
Mar 18th, 2002, 04:39:56 PM
Being of a most serious mind. He forgot Gerbo and moved on to his next opponent. Dance he said, "Thats what I do best". Jumping into the air and kicking Satine he knocked him back making him lose his fireball along with his concentration. Turning to Dalamar quickly he said, "Gerbo has left"

Mar 18th, 2002, 04:42:23 PM
Xazor grabbed Loki and set him back down as she heard the words of her brother.

No, Loki it isn't a place for you. Your Master is a powerful Jedi and will be able to take care of himself. There is nothing you can do and I don't want to see you get hurt. They need me though......I must go......

She said and quickly entered the bar once again. Jumping up, she kicked one Sith out of her way and stood in front of Alpha as he made his way through with his saber.

A party?

She laughed as she looked around at the chaos taking place. As much as she hated it, she knew right now that to take care of things.......fighting was necessary.......

Sophia Harten
Mar 18th, 2002, 04:52:05 PM
Sophia watched Commander Cross go up against a Sith... a Vampyre Sith. She wrinkled her nose. The worst kind of Sith. She shivered slightly, not because of the Sith, but because of the wine soaked suit she still wore. It had begun to cool, leaving her skin feeling clamy. She ignored the cold, but it was becoming difficult to ignore the ever growing headache.

In any case, she stood by in the event the Commander would need assistance.

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 18th, 2002, 04:58:26 PM
"Damn!" He thought to himself, before he could even protest, Xazor had dissapeared back inside.

She was right though, he'd be foolish to think he could do anything of any significance, there was a time for courage and a time for intelligence. He could hear the chaos as it transpired within the walls of the Bar & Grill behind him. With a sigh, he stood up and walked over to a window ledge where he kept Protius, the plant his father gave him from Kashyyyk. It was over two months old now, he was it as a respresentation of him in a way. He had been a Padawan Learner for just over two months and like the plant, he too was growing.

"Here ya go, matey!" He said, taking his small tin cannister to give it a little drink.

He couldn't reach high enough, so he put the watering can down on the table and climbed onto his chair. He took the can and started watering Protius whilst at the same time looking in through the window to watch the confrontation take place. He hated feeling helpless.

Satine Capashen
Mar 18th, 2002, 05:05:41 PM
Satine smiled grimly and turned his attention to Sting. Ducking under a kick, Satine uppercuts his new opponent, knocking him backwards.

Xazor was right. Most Jedi didn't fight if there were any other options to take. Most Jedi didn't enjoy fighting. Most Jedi didn't fight to kill their opponents. Satine wasn't most Jedi .He relished the fight, and aimed to kill who he was fighting.

"Come on newcomer," Satine says to Talon. "Who are you anyways? I prefer to know the names of the people I beat."

Mar 18th, 2002, 05:10:12 PM
Xazor grinned as she watched the Sith fight a loosing battle.

Be careful Alpha......killing is a stain to one's soul and a transgression against the Force.......

She said to him through the Force, hoping he paid attention to her words.

Satine Capashen
Mar 18th, 2002, 05:17:06 PM
But if I don't try and kill him, then what's the point in the fight? I fight to try and remove evil from the galaxy.

Death Knight Soth
Mar 18th, 2002, 05:18:48 PM
The Death Knight slid a bit along the floor then rolled out as he finished to one knee. The unseen force push that caused the three that were within it vanished once Soth's body breached it's barrier but not before the spell was released "Soul Shatter!" {"This spell is used by a Dark Lord to shatter the soul of another being. The soul cannot be destroyed, but with this spell the soul can be shattered into so many pieces that in can no longer function as a single entity."} A cry of rage, then silence. The enormous creature just stood there as acidic drool pooled from it's lip's. A moment later, the Goliath like beast was lifted from the floor by another invisible force. It now was suspended in midair spread eagle. Soth glanced over his shoulder to were Pandora was now. She to was in a simi crouched position. The Dark Master Vampyre could see her hand slowly beginning to unsheathe the "life debt" sword "Blood Bane." Soth reached to her mind with his...

"Pandora, my blood sister of the night...Not here, not now. I know this man before me." Soth then slowly looked to Anbira Hicchoru. Indeed it had been quite some time since the two had seen one another. The Death Knight stood as his eye's flashed to a hot baby blue hue. His talon glove's now glowed a sickly erie green as he stood upright. In that moment the floor boards of the pub tore upwards in a bee line to the man Anbira as if a massive creature burrowed underneath them only to suddenly stop short at his boot's three feet in front of him.

As Soth gracefully walked towards the man he once knew. He swiftly kicked Darth Turbo Geek across the chop's with a well placed kick, then stepped over him as he continued the advancement to the once Sith Master. The Death Knight was now standing face to face to Anbira Hicchoru! But he was different now, changed as a light field permeated around his form that Soth's Vampyre eye's could detect.

"Master Anbira, It has been some time since our last meeting. Two years to be exact." Soth's word's seemed to seethe with hate at the thought of the great Sith Master gone straight.

"My business here was only that Anbira. That is before the Familiar beast attacked us." Pandora now stood slightly behind the Death Knight with a wicked grin playing on her lovely face, eyeing the man in front of Soth.

"I assure you my lost friend, it was all in self defense. Perhaps the jedi are not as strong as I thought them to be...!" Soth drove the point home to Anbira as he knew Soth meaning to his turning. Anbira's face was stoic and calm as he looked on the Creature of the Night.

"It was a great sin for one so great to leave our rank's. But consider this "Master Jedi"...It will never end here. We are, and always shall be the cancer that eats at the bones and heart's of the light sider's!" Soth then slightly bowed in respect to the once great Sith Master he had once knew. Then they were gone. Back to the retched place from which they came. The "Children Damned" would return again. It was simply inevitable!

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 18th, 2002, 05:38:42 PM
:: Anbira wisely stayed his hand. The Vampyre spoke truth. Their carnage was in self defense. With innocents all around this place, the elder Jedi would not release his power against them. Not in this place. He could only bring about uneasy truce, to cease the violence.

But such violence would return. Not here. Not in this place, but would become evident elsewhere. Watching the Vampyre brood leave quicker than their entrance, Anbira released the belleaguered Lochabre from his mighty hold, his eyes panning to the destruction around him. The bar had nearly been destroyed. But the worst was yet to come. The elder Jedi's eyes turned to the door, to the shadows drifing away. ::

Indeed you are correct, Lord Soth. You may be a pestilence and a cancer unto the light. But we are not without our means.

:: Brooding in thought, Anbira pondered what the future would bring ::

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 18th, 2002, 05:45:26 PM
Dalamar seeing that the man who started all this had long since departed. He turned to the Jedi in the room "you attacked us with your Gargoyle, but we have returned your animosity." "Since the two who attacked us are severely hurt or gone from the fray we leave as we came." "As for the woman and the others who sought to protect there place and home I find no fault." "Would I not do the same?" With that he joined the other's in leaving.

Darth Turbogeek
Mar 18th, 2002, 07:03:27 PM
A kick aimed while he was on the floor? Just like a Sith to try such an act. Even with his head ringing from being slammed into the roof, he could still move fast enough to get out of the way, roll to one side....

And find to his dissappointment the fight was ending.

Damn it.

He walked over to the middle of the wreckage, actually resonably impressed. That mad beast was incredible. But it had some thing to answer for.

A low snarl and hte sounds of fire extinguishers drew his attention to where the beast was smoulders, and calming down.

And speaking of questions...... he suddenly realised he was goign to have to answer a few of his own.

Lochabre Stonewing
Mar 18th, 2002, 07:12:55 PM
Lochabre screeched as an enormous hold held onto it. Like a giant hand holding it into one place.... it screamed and kicked and fought, madly trying to get to the Life-Theives. Impotent, Lochabre watched as the left..... and when they were out of sight, it began to calm down, then began to fold itself back into it's resting shape, wings coming back, crouching with arms twined about it's legs, even while flames licked it's back. Fleshed ones came around it, but they were ignored