View Full Version : Taking a Break (Open)

Rashel Frost
Mar 19th, 2002, 12:25:59 AM
(I walked into the B&G, weary from exhaustion - the cause of my trip to find trade. I had decided to give my ship's engines a break. The Mist Seeker was the only thing I had really ever owned in life, and I didn't want to ruin that so early in my life. My blaster was secured at my hip, ready to be used when needed, when suddenly a guard stopped me. When I gave him a questioning look, I saw that he was pointing to my blaster. I hesitated. Obviously no weapons were allowed in this joint. I unhooked it from my belt and handed it to him, watching as a pleased expression came over his face.

I sighed slightly and walked over to an unoccupied table, sitting down. I guess there wasn't anything for me to worry about; after all, this was one of the dwellings where the Jedi inhabitated, but I still felt uneasy without the familiar weight of my blaster against my thigh. I yawned and leaned back in my chair, relaxing. After all, I had a long trip ahead of me by the way things were shaping out.)

Avolon Bisel
Mar 24th, 2002, 03:22:10 AM
"I see her, domehead," Avolon said to Max, his Astromech.

The 'droid whistled a single, long note. Avolon smacked him across the dome.

"Watch your mouth."

The 'droid laughed in electronic song.

"Well, she looks thirsty."

The Astromech nodded the best it could, by rocking on it's three legs.

Avolon grabbed a bottle of wine and two glassed, he had to be classy. He placed it on the tray that always seemed to be attached to Max's dome.

"Come on, trashcan, pull yourself together."

The 'droid tried to stiffle it's boy like giggling as Avolon rounded the bar. The 'droid followed in tow.

As he approached he slicked back his hair with a somewhat grimy hand. As he realized the dirt, he quickly wiped it on his pant leg.

"Evening ma'am. Complimentary drink?" Avolon gestured to the 'droid, carrying the bottle of 20 year old Correlian White Wine. "On the hou--Me, of course."