Rashel Frost
Mar 19th, 2002, 12:25:59 AM
(I walked into the B&G, weary from exhaustion - the cause of my trip to find trade. I had decided to give my ship's engines a break. The Mist Seeker was the only thing I had really ever owned in life, and I didn't want to ruin that so early in my life. My blaster was secured at my hip, ready to be used when needed, when suddenly a guard stopped me. When I gave him a questioning look, I saw that he was pointing to my blaster. I hesitated. Obviously no weapons were allowed in this joint. I unhooked it from my belt and handed it to him, watching as a pleased expression came over his face.
I sighed slightly and walked over to an unoccupied table, sitting down. I guess there wasn't anything for me to worry about; after all, this was one of the dwellings where the Jedi inhabitated, but I still felt uneasy without the familiar weight of my blaster against my thigh. I yawned and leaned back in my chair, relaxing. After all, I had a long trip ahead of me by the way things were shaping out.)
I sighed slightly and walked over to an unoccupied table, sitting down. I guess there wasn't anything for me to worry about; after all, this was one of the dwellings where the Jedi inhabitated, but I still felt uneasy without the familiar weight of my blaster against my thigh. I yawned and leaned back in my chair, relaxing. After all, I had a long trip ahead of me by the way things were shaping out.)