View Full Version : Enlightenment Onto You

Kanon Krowe
Mar 21st, 2002, 07:09:37 PM
<font color="#d8bfd8" face="arial">The doors slung open with a shudder. The few patrons that did turn to the door saw a wide grinned Kanon Krowe. It had been some time since he came to this bar. A revalation set him back, made him rethink his plans and strategies. Now he was a new--scratch that--refreshed man.

"Happiness apon you," he said with a wave of his hand, as if he controlled emotions. "Happiness apon you."

The patrons scoffed. Another zealot, sure, that's what they needed.

"A pint of your finest wine, my most humble servant!" Kanon shouted to the stout and crooked smiling bartender. "Nothing less than twenty years aged!"

When Kanon spoke, he made sure he was noticed. He was placing his order from across the room to see to that.

He was a new, nay, refreshed man. Yet to the few that remembered his presence, he hadn't changed. He was still the most egotistical, self-centered, brat that had set foot in the establishment. That was like a force of nature, it wouldn't change.</font>

Selena Kyle
Mar 21st, 2002, 11:37:10 PM
::Selena stared on, as the familiar man entered the bar. She then simply took one more quick glance before continuing to dry some glasses, trying to not make contact with Kanon::

OOC: heehee...couldn't resist ;)

Cypress Oracle
Mar 22nd, 2002, 12:42:15 AM
Cypress Oracle sat at the bar, halfway turned around in his seat. As Kannon Crowe crossed his path, Cypress made a face at him. Happiness apon you. Who said that?

"You sure you need more to drink there, pal?"

Kanon Krowe
Mar 22nd, 2002, 12:55:38 AM
<font color="#d8bfd8" face="arial">Kanon smelled the sweet perfume of a lost memory. His nose turned up towards the sky as he breathed deeply. This made more of a public spectacle out of him.

"Ahhh...." Kanon sighed. "Glory be, that this scent comes back to me."

This made the patrons scoot their chairs farther away from the babbling yahoo.

His head starting spinning as his eyes searched for Selena. Then, he stopped himself. He couldn't allow these desires to overcome him. To do this would degrade the echillon he has risen to. His rebirth, one could call it, demanded he not give into his wild thoughts.

As if aiding him in his desent from lust, the man named Cypress Oracle quipped a line. As Kanon turned to him he found an odd oxymoron. This person had all the scum like qualities of a vigilante but yet he hid his animal like manners with a smooth talking style. Even thugs can have silver tounges.

"Not enough is the reply, my son. Liquor is an escape from duty and responsibilities. This I have an ample supply of."</font>

Cypress Oracle
Mar 22nd, 2002, 01:09:37 AM
"Is that your convoluted yet intellectual spin on simply saying, 'I enjoy getting sloppy?' I drink... I know what it's about, guy. Believe it or not I've got my share of responsibilites too. I shave--sometimes, for example."

Long beat.

"I'm taking it-that your not much of a conversationalist."

Kanon Krowe
Mar 22nd, 2002, 01:20:41 AM
<font color="#d8bfd8" face="arial">"I decided to let you talk yourself out."

Kanon knew this man more intimately than Cypress knew himself. He was a man on the bottom that hid that fact by outwitting the higher class. Of course Kanon admired this. Even though this man was disrespecting the superior being, atleast he had the motivation to challenge the best.

"I see you're open about your degenerate ways, so my next comment won't offend you," Kanon said matter of factly. "You are a poor man are you not? You more than likely turn to crime for financial needs, yes?"


Cypress Oracle
Mar 22nd, 2002, 01:35:06 AM
The statement took Cypress aback. Instead of taking the time to question how Kanon knew what he did, Cypress retaliated with a response.

"Hey, crime... I hate crime, okay? Not a part of it. Hate criminals-in fact. They should all be given the gas. What is that... the gas chamber. I am merely a clock--cleaner. That is my profession of choice. I clean clocks... And you know what? *&!# you. How do you know how much money I make?"

Kanon Krowe
Mar 22nd, 2002, 02:07:49 AM
<font color="#d8bfd8" face="arial">"Clock Cleaners rarely make an abundance of income," Kanon replied mockingly.

Kanon took a sip of his wine. Esquisite. He watched Cypress sweat out of the corner of his eye as he tipped his head back, downing the smooth liquid. He layed the empty container down on the counter.

"I know your finances because no one wants to hire a jabber mouthed slime, like yourself. No offense," Kanon smiled. "Would you care to drop the facade for a moment so we may speak honestly?"


Cypress Oracle
Mar 22nd, 2002, 02:28:40 AM
Cypress raised his middle finger.

"@#%$ you... And what facade, *&!hole? You're the one acting
like some mother%$!#ing gothic, I am macabre-wannabe."

He continued to salute Kanon with his middle finger in exaggerated fashion.

Kanon Krowe
Mar 22nd, 2002, 02:48:38 AM
<font color="#d8bfd8" face="arial">As Kanon listened to Cypress's ramblings, he pondered how he would break his finger. There were many joints in that perticular digit, so many ways. Then, mercy swept over him. He would give the fool one last chance to redeem himself before he would slaughter him.

"What I wish to be, I am. What you are, a fool."

Kanon scowled at Cypress, his teeth showing through the corner of his mouth in deep distaste.

"One of your kind should not insult a man with funds. You may have just lost yourself a business venture. Unless you're as skilled at backtracking as you are at insulting."</font>

Cypress Oracle
Mar 23rd, 2002, 04:42:46 AM
Cypress was amazed. God, this guy was one cocky S.O.B., Cypress thought to himself, and he respected that. He decided to trade his vulgar gesture for an addictive substance. Eyeing Kanon Crowe intently, he dipped into his carton of smokes, pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

"I'm not a back tracker, Mr.--whatever the @#%$. What I say... I mean. And, I think you're a d---. That view of mine is not going to change."

He took a slow drag from his cigarette.

"If you ever should need a clock cleaned, however... I try not to let my personal feelings interfere with business, so--ya know..."

Kanon Krowe
Mar 23rd, 2002, 11:23:45 PM
<font color="#d8bfd8" face="arial">Kanon Krowe didn't make an expression change. He didn't speak either. Dead air was all that existed between the two, until Kanon finally decided to speak.

"Blasphemous scourge. I could put you in charge of cleaning my latrine if I so wished. So if I decide to reign mercy upon you and give you a reason for living, I will. As of now, I'd very much appreciate a formal apology, before I feed you to the dogs. I am a man of wealth and power, a man you need on your side. You'd do well to backtrack, boy. You'd do well to backtrack."

Kanon did have monies, an adequate amount. Although not nearly as much as he put on. Although since he didn't buy anything, or pay for anything, he had savings. He used this amount to pay for whatever insane endeavor he decided to take.

"You may commence."</font>

Cypress Oracle
Mar 23rd, 2002, 11:34:03 PM
Cypress starred at him blankly for several moments.

"When you go to piss. Do you have to guide it with your hand, or... does it just sort of stand at attention, because it's so stout?"

He reached for his drink, a smile on his face. He was enjoying the witty banter.

Kanon Krowe
Mar 24th, 2002, 10:25:43 PM
<font color="#d8bfd8" face="arial">Kanon stood from his stool.

"The redcrested couger has a horrible roar, as do you. I wager your bite is that of a Nabooian dust mite."

He proceeded to roll up the sleeves of his shirt to his elbow. When he was done he snatched the small stim from Cypress's mouth.

"Care to test my theory?"</font>