View Full Version : A little drink, A little fight, A little gift.

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 19th, 2002, 05:05:18 AM
Dalamar had arrived with his burden. Tiberious Kinslayer had sent him to fulfill his last obligation to him. Entering the bar where the damage was done, walking quickly over to Danya the bar keep Dalamar bowed. He reached up to her and handed her a velvet bag with a gold thread knot. A gift to you my dear from Tiberious Kinslayer for the damage to the bar. Danya opened the bag and found gold trinkets of every kind and gems of various sizes. I have three other gifts also to give one for each defender if they will receive my person. Sent by Tiberious. I request the 3 who fought so hard one Anibira, one Darth Turbo, and Eileen.

Keshia Kou
Mar 19th, 2002, 06:07:48 PM
a hunter..*keshia growled and moved from where the starnger was and stalk toward an empty table*

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 19th, 2002, 06:46:53 PM
Thud. From a stool next the bar appeared a little boy, dressed in his cream Jedi attire, he swivelled to face the bartender and ordered his usual glass of sparkling water.

He turned noticing a variety of gaudy items, glittering on the bar top, he looked at the pale-skinned gentleman next to him, he seemed familiar but Loki shrugged off.

"Good morning sir," He said cheerfully, with a smile, "I don't believe I've seen you around here before, my name's Loki Ahmrah."

The little boy held out a hand to greet the man.

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 19th, 2002, 11:12:09 PM
shaking the little boy's hand Dalamar spoke "Hello little sir, your name is interesting two separate deities I think."" Ahmrah is Egyptian I do believe and Loki is the Viking God of mischief."" Dalamar smiled and said are you up to mischief little one." "Or even a better question do you know one of the three I seek? Dalamar smiled at the youth."

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 19th, 2002, 11:17:29 PM
"Cool!" He said exasperated, "I never knew that until now. That is really interesting!"

He pondered on what he had been told for a moment, then chuckled at being asked if he was up to mischief.

"No sir, I don't believe I ever have been up to mischief! And ironically enough, yes I do know one of the three quite well, Anbira Hicchoru is my master. Have you met him before? Lovely man."

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 19th, 2002, 11:25:38 PM
I've met him briefly though I was not properly introduced. I have three gifts for three people. You see my former master came to my aide but he is not Sith nor a vampyre. He came because in the past I was his Warlord and Alana was his lover back before our turning. He aided me when I called. He is not affiliated with any group as of yet and feels it was rude to barge in. His feeling for Alana are still tenuous he doesn't know how to deal with her turning or mine. So since I called him the Slithe and Sting in he feels as my last obligation to him to present these gifts by way of apology for his involvement.

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 20th, 2002, 02:29:36 AM
:: Anbira approaches quietly, yet making his presence known to all around. He nods in greeting to the Vampyre, who's motive lies hazy, and unclear within the Force. They are creatures of enigma. He stood aside his padawan, placing a hand on his shoulder ::

You seek my presence?

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 20th, 2002, 01:13:33 PM
"Anbira I have come to fulfill an obligation. Tiberious Kinslayer has sent me with 4 gifts. One for each of the intense defenders of the bar. He wishes for you to know that his involvement with that conflict was due to my contact with him. Having been his former Warlord and Alana his former lover. He wishes you to know that Sting, the Slithe and he are not nor have ever been affiliated with the Sith. Nor any other group's and not to attribute any fault at there feet. To address wrong's that may have been committed by him and him alone. He has sent me with these gift's to give to each of you to be presented in turn."
"For you Anbira he has a gift of Ancient origin's Kinslayer located this item sometime back. It is a lightsaber of uncommon qualities. It is fashioned like no lightsaber that we have seen. It controls and function are different to say the least. Also on the hilt of the Saber is a name which mean's nothing to us but may have significance to you. Notice how the handle is longer than most sabers and see here the Glyph's under the name. These marking extend the length of the saber and go in lines along the hilt like a message. Even if the name and message mean nothing it is a valuable antique and we give it to you Anbira." Dalamar said, as he presented the weapon to him.

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 20th, 2002, 04:53:21 PM
Loki listened with great interest to what the gentleman had to say, he'd only just now noticed that the man's skin complexion was peculiar, very pale indeed. Another thing that confused the little Padawan was his references to his "tunring" or his "calling." Loki's eyes narrowed as he tried to figure it all out, but it was a bit confusing.

"Well..." He began, not knowing exactly what to say when suddenly he felt a hand rest upon his shoulder.

He turned his head and looked up to see his master standing there, the little boy smiled, Anbira had arrived just in the nick of time, if he had not, Loki would've had an embarrassing experience as he wasn't quite sure how to respond to the gentlemans words.

Anbira had that calm but calculating look again, he stared at the pale-skinned individual wanting to know what he wanted.

After the gentleman's explanation and description of the lightsaber, Loki's interest grew, he had a keen interest in old artifacts, history and the like. It would be fun to try to discover the weapons origins.

All the while he looked at the man thinking, "I wonder if he would take offence if I asked him if he was feeling well. He looks rather ill!"

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 20th, 2002, 05:36:00 PM
I accept your gift, with my gratitude

:: The saber gently loosed itself from Dalamar's hand, gently gliding through the air to Anbira's open hand. The Jedi inspected the weapon, reading the runic symbols ::

These are sigils of the Jedi Order of old...from before the clone wars, I would say.

:: His eyes narrowed as he deciphered it ::

"Behold the pure light of Gallantor, blade of justice."

:: Anbira activated, and the lightsaber blade shone a brilliant white. It was an impressive weapon. After a few seconds, he deactivated it, putting it at his belt ::

A fine rare artifact indeed, sir.

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 20th, 2002, 06:19:50 PM
Tiberious will be glad that his gift was received with such vigor. But he also told me to save the best for last. Having a keen interest in the item for a time we studied it briefly. With the Saber comes this also. Pulling out of his pack, a parchment and what looked to be an x-ray photo. The scroll was written in the flowing text of Tiberious and held his dragon seal on it. Smiling at the small child who let out a small gasp. He laid the formal greeting's on the table along with the photo. In the x-ray picture was the Saber and in the hilt you could see a hidden compartment. Tiberious was not willing to destroy the saber to get to the document. Since maybe the Glyph's were the key. That maybe you would know the trick to its opening without damage to the artifact. We also think this is the reason for the extra long hilt. Dalamar produced something from his pocket that had long been his favorite snack and offered it to the boy a tootsie pop the brown one it was the best flavor after all. Dalamar smiled at the child because he reminded him of his days before the turning.

Elieen Cross
Mar 20th, 2002, 06:37:07 PM
I was watching this Sith with some suspicion from my normal place, a corner where the lights were not focused on me and I could watch the room

What was he up to?

Mar 20th, 2002, 07:06:08 PM
The wee little man's interest were on a particular velvet bag that sat on the counter that the albino blood sucker had left unattended for the moment.

"Bad ole long tooth's! If Miss Vader was here she'd have 'em all fricasseed. Well, some of 'em." Sliff thought to himself. There was really only one life steelier he liked, and that was only because she was pretty. Sliff was easily pleased when it came to look's.

Sliff sat at an empty table not to far from were a little boy sat, who wasn't much taller then himself, the life steelier, and another interesting fellow stood. Now Sliff being what he was, a true professional at what he did, the bag would be his. And by Preefered he would have it! Besides he needed the money badly and his out standing debt's were well over due. That's all he needed now was another bounty hunter after his ass, and a debt collector at every turn!

While the three continued to talk, Sliff used what he called a special trick, to move the bag and it's valuable content's back and around the bar counter. With all his might, the wee little man focused so hard that sweet began to form on his brow. Finally the black silk bag emerged on the floor around the base of the bar counter, feet from where the thief sat. Sliff didn't like the term thief, he was just borrowing for the moment, and he couldn't help not knowing what was in the bag.

Quickly the bag slid across the bar floor like a large rat making it's way to a safer spot. Sliff smiled as it reached the foot of the chair were he sat. And the good thing was, no one had even noticed! Sliff casually bent down and tucked the bag away. Kicking his feet up on the table, he place his small hands behind his head. He wished the bar maid would hurry up and bring his food. Hat trick's can take a lot out of a guy. But Sliff waited patiently for his dinner as he surveyed the damage around the bar. It looked like someone, or something had recently dropped a few thermal detonator's in the place by the look's of thing's.

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 20th, 2002, 08:40:41 PM
Dalamar watched in interest as the little thief made off with the bag, he pretended not to notice. Scanning the bar while watching Sliff Dalamar saw the one he most desired to see. Eileen Cross was watching him from a secluded corner. Dalamar moved toward her "Hello Eileen your beauty intoxicates as always" Dalamar bowed. Tiberious has sent me but the gift for you was brought by me. "I feel I must explain when you where attacked in the bar by me it was not because I considered you a threat though I'm sure you are." "I moved towad you like a moth to a flame your passion your word's made me wonder how close to the light you are." "I have brought you a gift as a gentleman for my rough treatment of you in the battle." Dalamar pulled out a beautiful bracelet carved in gold and silver inset with a rare Rune stone in the shape of a heart. Dalamar waited for the insults that would surely come hopefully he was not a @#%$ today. For he thought within himself she will not receive a gift from me, but who knows he pondered. Her passion, and her beauty had his full attention he thought to himself even those that walk in the light must also cast a shadow.

Elieen Cross
Mar 20th, 2002, 10:11:45 PM
"How close I am to the Light? why, I should leave that to you to decide"

There was a power to my stare, boring into the Sith's face

"A flame casts shadows and the brigher the flame, the further the shadows retreat. But even a small flame will make the shadows run and it is only when the flame dies, will the shadows dare come back. Shadows and darkness can not by themselves extinguish a flame - And some flames cant be put out"

I smiled, but it was without humour.

"A light shines in the Darkness, but the Darkness does not percieve what it is. Tell me what you think that means before I will consdier this gift you bring"

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 21st, 2002, 09:10:01 AM
"But if thine eye be evil,thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness how great is that darkness." Dalamar paused at her question and it brought forth that verse to his mind. "The answer to your riddle is simple, you are saying that you walk in the light and that the darkness meaning me, does not understand you." But already you are in error for I walked in the light like no other. I held principles like honor, love, and faithfulness close to my heart. I was a knight, I prayed daily and thought of nothing but defending the weak the helpless and lost. So dedicated to life was I that I had my DNA copied so that if I fell in battle Tiberious would not be without his Warlord. So I understand you though I am now not like you. The Warlord thought back to his forced turn from the light. A sadness overwhelmed him as he looked up at her expectantly. Now will you receive my gift?

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 22nd, 2002, 05:35:01 AM
Since she still hesitated to answer Dalamar thought of a question he could ask her. What Darksider threatened an attendant at the GJO to make them into a bloody smear on the wall? This person is notorious for there temper? I know you will be shocked at the answer but if you ask I will not be able to turn down one of your beauty.

Elieen Cross
Mar 22nd, 2002, 07:51:53 AM
"Then if you claim to understand what Light is.... then why have you turned your back and stumbled for lack of the ability to see where you walk? For those that really understand would never turn... even if they were forced. No one can be forced to give up something like Light. Nothing. You may only give it up voluntarily"

"You have responsibilty over your life and no one can take that away unless you do so willingly. Your actions detirmins what you are... and if you are shrouded in Darkness, it is because you failed to understand and put out the Light in your life, yourself"

A thoughtful look crossed my face.

"Or have you I wonder? I wonder if a small flame that can not be quenched still burns somewhere, calling you to return? Now, tell me whom this Darksider is. Try me"

There was no smile on my face.

"It's takes more than a name to shock me"

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 22nd, 2002, 08:18:39 PM
A small flame? Who knows? See for yourself that I had no choice in the matter of the Darkside. pub49.ezboard.com/fshrine...ID=2.topic (http://pub49.ezboard.com/fshrineofthedamnedfrm4.showMessage?topicID=2.topic )

As for the name of the Darksider, Dalamar didn't hesitate to answer. That persons name is Eileen Cross. Who still clings to the light. Your own words.

"Look, I dont really care..... Devit, I dont give a frelling @#%$! Can you get that clear in your tiny mind? Now if I dont have that ammunition bought to me I will personally remove your bowels with my pike and use them for decorations..... No Devit, I'm not kidding. I dont make jokes. Do it"

I slammed the portable comm unit onto my table, thoughly annoyed. I hated petty datapushers and their procedures. I personally didnt carry the rank to really get things done.... but my reputation as someone short tempered and more than capable of creating a red smear where a person was before was spreading. I had heard it was much like what Tohmahawk was known for - except it was more frightening coming from a woman. It seemed males just didnt expect a female to be so capable of handing their backsides to them in pieces and hence I was building a real reputation.

Removing bowels is this common for a Jedi maybe your flame is gone and you don't know it? Dalamar hoped so, her beauty would be a welcomed addition.

Elieen Cross
Mar 23rd, 2002, 08:51:39 AM
I broke out in laughter. Genuine laughter, high and clear.

"Thats... what your going to shock me with?" I said, beginning to restrain my mirth "You really can do better than that"

I placed my chin on my plams.

"Let me give some free advice. Before you try to turn someone to the Dark Side, why not try to understand them first? That way you might not look like a fool. Try to understand what motives them and how that can be used. Perverting someone to the Dark Side is something to be done over time and with great care and with great secrecy. As I said, you can not go to the Dark Side involuntarily. But you can decieve someone and make them think their path is true when it is not."

Now here was a rather interesting point as well.

"And if you have ever seen me rip the guts out of anyone apart from the corrupt, evil or Dark Side, then I think you might have a point. Maybe the person whose head decorates a pike outside of the NRSF was a murderer and I stopped someone else becoming a victim? Maybe this Bearucrat is corrupt and needed a reminder he's being watched? Understand someone and their motives, then you might stand a chance"

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 23rd, 2002, 09:22:07 AM
Quote I hate those Datapushers. IM not a fool you laugh to hide your weakness then lie to me and say your motives where pure in talking to that attendant. You said it wasn't a joke leaving an innocent man to fear you. Go ahead and joke you are in denial and I don't seek to seduce you though your beauty enchants me. I seek only to show you how close you are. Your motives? Don't make me laugh. "Out of the abundance of the heart does the mouth speak" Your violent words your posturing is not becoming of a Jedi. True Jedi tolerate you. Do I say this to insult you NO! But either your witness is good or your witness is bad. Don't Tell me you try. Like Master Yoghourt once said, "There is no try, do or do not."
Was it not you that introduced Locabre into the bar knowing his loathing for lifestealers. Wasn't it you thinking deep in your mind please let them start something. Because the Jedi offer no outlet for your hate. Did Soth attack anyone No! Who unleashed Locabre to attack YOU! Now lie to me further and tell me you didn't want to fight tell me that Soth provoked you. Or lie no more and say you feel the calling of the Darkside there is no shame in this. Everybody is pulled to the edge of decision. I only warn you because once I was as you. But joke to me no more of your nobility of your goodness for I have not seen it. Only sharp words and a demanding attitude these are not the way of the Jedi but of the Sith.

Elieen Cross
Mar 23rd, 2002, 11:07:15 AM
This guy was really trying. Trying lots of things.

Like my patience.

"Nice try, but your now sounding desperate and clutching for straws. You are insulting me, Dark Sider. I already told you plainly what your lacking to try and turn me and I now advise you follow those words. You know nothing of me nor of my actions and you certainly know nothing of my heart. Nor do you know of my history, nor of Lochabre's. To it, your a defilement to it's religion and I can see it's point. Lochabre chose this bar, not me. No one unleashes Lochabre as no -one has any influence over that... thing"

Which was quite true. Even I had no way to stop Lochabre if it chose to do something.

"The man was no innocent and if you bothered to listen, you might understand. But like Darksiders, you only listen to what suits you. That is your weakness. Open your eyes and realise there is more than you realise. You are narrow minded and full of yourself. There is no shame or insult, that is how the Dark Side is. Blinded by your own selfishness, you cant understand other motives"

Obvious too, he didnt understand there was more than one type of Jedi.

"Give me one reason why I should show you of my true self. And if you think my words are harshh, I know of Jedi who are truer to the Force than even Yoda was and he would blister your ears with his language and attitude. He also firmly held that evil was to be given no chance and destroyed as did other Jedi, whom the mearest suggestion they had any Dark Side tendancies would be a perilous insult. As Yoda said, 'Unlearn what you have learned'. You clearly dont understand what they would be and you dont understand me. You dont know who I am and you dont know whom I was. And yet you stand here presuming you can tell me how close I am to darkness and you presume to lecture me"

There was no anger, there was only calm, there was peace. And the power of the Light side, which he had no idea how powerfully went through me.

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 23rd, 2002, 04:39:01 PM
The discussion went well, though they had reached an Impasse. The conversation was interesting to say the least. You have made your points and I have made mine. But in the end I must ask your apology for I did not come to offer a heated discussion but a gift and a warning. For you are beautiful and there are to few beautiful things left in my world. Like I watch over my clone who still holds to my previous Idea's I will be watching you. May you stay true to your course and walk in the light of your faith. But remember this, if you fail you will not be alone on your path I will be there with you. Setting the beautiful bracelet down on the table Dalamar bowed "Touch the runestone heart and think of me and I will come" kissing her hand in a gentlemanly fashion Dalamar spoke his last words "Milady I have one last obligation to Darth Turbogeek and then I must go until we meet again farewell."

Elieen Cross
Mar 23rd, 2002, 10:48:02 PM
"Darth Turbogeek is dead and has been for years. No one here knows exactly what it was we saw, but it was not him. I do know that Jedi under that cloak is an accomplied illusionist and could make you see anything he wished. Some of us believe it could be the spirit of the slain Jedi, coming back to protect and guard if there is a need"

Which was true. Turbogeek was dead. I had been the body. There was a clone running about, but that was all.

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 25th, 2002, 06:02:38 PM
Dalamar slung his package from his shoulder and set it at Eileen's feet. "I leave this last gift with you then in the hopes that you find someone worthy." "I do not like discharging my debt with Tiberious in this manner but if as you say he doesn't exist how can I present it to him?" pulling back the cloth that held the weapons The Warlord spoke. "These two swords are a Katana set long and short version One attaches to the belt and the other over the shoulder" "These are not ordinary weapons but crafted out of the same rare metal as Tiberious's Axe's." "They are able to withstand Saber attacks and can be used in a lightsaber duels." They are Lacquered in black and have the Dragon symbol on it. Tiberious has called me on my com I am apparently late for a battle. The same Gerbo Lang that instigated the destruction of your bar has challenged me to a duel you are invited if you would like.
pub33.ezboard.com/feyeoft...n65542frm4 (http://pub33.ezboard.com/feyeofthedragon65542frm4)