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Christian Lightheart
Mar 24th, 2002, 05:13:47 PM
The young white-haired boy stumbled as he walked towards the bar and grill, his hair wet with sweat and the back of his neck red with dried blood. The blood and sweat mix matted down his hair covering the back of his head.
Just as he pushed open the bar doors, he slumped slightly, then fell to the ground using his hands to catch himself before he plastered his face on the floorboard. Breathing heavily, he looked up and scanned the pub.
"I must... speak with someone.." Was all he could muster out.
Avolon Bisel
Mar 24th, 2002, 05:19:07 PM
Avolon casually walked to the crumbled mess that was Christian. He was wiping a glass down, at the time. His 'droid Max followed in tow, as always.
"What in the hell happened to you?"
Christian Lightheart
Mar 24th, 2002, 05:25:17 PM
He looked up at the man, his eyes sight a lot better since the fight. Instead of a light blur, he saw a cloudy dark blur with lighted outlines of things.
"I was in a fight with one who..." Pausing, Christian coughed and blinked. "...Who I thought was a trusted and long lived member of here."
Avolon Bisel
Mar 24th, 2002, 05:29:41 PM
Wow. Not a suprise. The politics in this place changed daily. A Jedi becomes a Sith, a Sith becomes a vampire or Dark Jedi, a human becomes a Cizerack's lunch. It was as turbulent as the Kessel Maw.
"Okay, simple enough, kiddo. This wack job got a name?"
Christian Lightheart
Mar 24th, 2002, 05:34:32 PM
"Kat Kariena," He said. Christian blinked twice before closing his eyes. The back of his head stung very much and caused his head to, what seemed to be, spin in circles.
Avolon Bisel
Mar 24th, 2002, 05:41:11 PM
"Kat Kar--Oh yeah. Pretty Jedi?"
Avolon somewhat remembered her. Mostly her looks.
Max was beeping insanely about the fact Avolon had no manners. The 'droid desprately pleaded that the man get to his feet.
"The 'droid says you should stand up. But you can lay there if you want. Floor's clean."
The 'droid banged the side of Avolon's leg, commanding his advice be heeded. After this, Avolon offered a deft hand to the Jedi.
"Tell me about the fight kid. And get the hell up off the floor."
Christian Lightheart
Mar 24th, 2002, 05:54:20 PM
Lightheart took his time as he reached out for the offered ahnd and took it. Half pulling himself up and half being pulled up, Lightheart wobled before ragining his footing. He looked at the man who helped him up and tried to nod.
"Can we at least sit down?"
Christian asked lightly. He slowly walked over to the nearest chair he could feel out and sat down, closing his eyes hard before reopening them.
"I dunno... I.. was called to that place. She called me, I guess."
He hung his head, not in shame, but out of exhaustion.
"I tried.. talking reason with her... but she wouldn't listen. Then we fought... ( I knocked her to the ground with a quick kick and punch combo, but she brought me down with her... I guess I landed hard on my head, maybe on a sharp rock or something..."
Breathing slower now, Lightheart continued.
"I lost my eyesight because, and after.. I guess she proceeded to kick the crap out of me..."
Avolon Bisel
Mar 24th, 2002, 06:02:13 PM
Max had rolled over a glass of water now. Avolon disagreed, liquor was what he needed, but Max had already done the choir. The Astromech beeped a consoleing whistle.
"Alright, so.... You got beat by a girl, is that the problem?"
Avolon wasn't privy to the Jedi way. He wasn't aware this was important. He tried to search for why a fight was so important. He'd been in hundreds, and couldn't remember half of them.
"Wait, now I get it. The Jedi need to know about this roster change, huh?"
Christian Lightheart
Mar 24th, 2002, 06:13:16 PM
Lightheart took the glass of water in his hand, and drank about half of it in one swift gulp. The liquid felt so refreshing and welcomed, that he tossed the rest of the water onto his face. Maybe that would get rid of his pounding headache.
"I need to tell them..."
Avolon Bisel
Mar 24th, 2002, 06:32:21 PM
Avolon was trying to think of the best possible way to contact a Jedi.
"Alright. Hold on."
Avolon cupped his mouth and yelled furiously into his hands.
<font size=5>"I NEED A JEDI!!!!"</font>
Christian Lightheart
Mar 24th, 2002, 08:13:41 PM
"Ah!.. Not so loud, please.."
Lightheart could feel Avolon's voice ring loudly in his still throbbing head, adding more displeasure. He cupped his wet face in his hands and shooke his head slowly. The medbay, he needed to get the medbay and soon.
Salemn Lysce
Mar 24th, 2002, 09:38:46 PM
The mute child started to walk in through the doors when she heard someone yell, "I NEED A JEDI !". She winced and looked around, seeing a white-haired boy and an older man accompanying him. However, Salemn was more concerned about the boy. He wasn't exactly in the " best condition. " She made her way over to them as fast as any eleven year old can go, taking out a dull, brown pouch. She hesitated, then opened it up and looked in. After several seconds went by, her face lit up and she reached in, pulling out some sort of odd-looking herb.
Here, take this...
She spoke via the Force.
Avolon Bisel
Mar 25th, 2002, 03:16:32 AM
Avolon never heard the words. He wasn't the one she was directing her power on. All he saw was a funny green herb.
"I guess you might as well take it kid. Because, I ain't a medic. And only thing he can fix..." Avolon gestured towards Max. ".. is something biologically challenged."
Avolon smiled/chuckled.
"Hey, kid," Avolon said to the child. "Be a good little girl and get a Jedi."
Nash Stolar
Mar 25th, 2002, 10:59:30 PM
*Nash walked up to find his padawan, another padawan who looked in bad shape and the Bar keeper who did not seem to care much about it, He knelt down and started to look over the wounds.. Calling to the force he relieved some of the pain with the help of what salemn gave him.. It would do untill they go a real jedi medic in..*
"I overheard... Are you sure it was kat?"
Salemn Lysce
Mar 25th, 2002, 11:33:43 PM
Salemn glared at the man. She put one hand on her hip and frowned.
I am a Jedi.
She let out an exasperated sigh then grinned, shaking her head a little. She heard footsteps behind her and glanced over her shoulder, seeing her Teacher, Nash. She watched as he helped relieve the pain the boy had with the Force. She closed up her pouch then glanced at Nash.
Christian Lightheart
Mar 25th, 2002, 11:39:24 PM
A jedi's voice, one of calm and peace, entered young Lightheart's mind. He strained himself to look up at the new person, a young girl, as she handed over a green leaf type thing.
"Take this..." Were the words he heard, and looking at the leaf, Christian thought it best to do so.
Taking the leaf in a hand, he began to take small nibbles of it, and before long consumed the whole thing. He began to feel a little less pain, but figured the full effect of the hurb would not hit until a little later.
Christian rose his head up slowly, still with a pounding headache. His senses perked up as another Jedi came up to them, and then asked if it was really Kat.
"I'm positive it was..."
Salemn Lysce
Mar 25th, 2002, 11:55:03 PM
Salemn watched as the boy devoured the herb and smiled shyly.
That was Foxglove, treated with dandelion powder and wild carrots. It'll restore your energy and health ...
Nash Stolar
Mar 25th, 2002, 11:59:20 PM
*Nash knew kat from awhile back, Both were friends.. He did not know she went sith untill now.. or atleast it was confirmed..*
"I see... Would you know why?"
*He looked down at his padawan and a smile came across his face...*
"I never knew you knew about medical herbs."
Salemn Lysce
Mar 26th, 2002, 12:06:53 AM
You never asked!
Came the quirky reply from Salemn.
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