View Full Version : As Beautiful and Terrible as the Morning and Night

Mar 27th, 2002, 03:59:25 AM
To say a shadow had fallen over the bar would be like saying a Solar Eclipse caused less ambient light. Yes, the room seemed to darken. Perhaps that was just a trick of the eye, or perhaps the Dark Jedi had purposefully caused it. But it wasn't the darkness you could notice with your eyes, so much as the one you could feel in your soul at his presence.

The cloaked figure, whom the inky blackness seemed to literally emanated from, strode across the room in a way that made it seem as if he wasn't really moving at all. His feet, though hardly visible, hardly moved at all, giving the impression that he simply floated across the floor like a phantasm. In fact, his very presence induced a dreamlike state of stupor, making those who took notice of him (and there were quite a few indeed) quickly forget about him, turning drunkenly back to their drinks and their food. Every few steps, however, there was an audible click - sometimes a set of clicks - like a great insect clacking its mandibles together.

He found the table much as he had last left it - secluded, dark, and undisturbed. As much as he wished to liken it to himself, the "undisturbed" part cast a great chasm between the two. Still, he found the plush booth as comfortable as ever. The 'droid rolling his way stopped, twittering a few uncertain noises before turning around and heading back to the Kitchen, surely to procure an glass of 'the usual' - 'The usual' being a rather unique mix of motor oil and alcohol. Highly flammable stuff.

Alone, the Fallen Jedi closed his eyes and concentrated, sending out his thoughts to a single being, letting her taste just a fraction of his anger... and hatred. Hatred for himself, above all things. A self-loathing so deep, so profound, that it had created an endlessly swirling vortex of suffering within him. Yes... let the Jedi woman taste his turmoil. She would have no choice but to come.


Ryla Relvinian
Mar 27th, 2002, 04:11:23 AM
With a sudden heavyness on my heart I turned my head towards the door. Something was differend all of a sudden. The taste in my air was almost metalic... the sweet smell of something gently burning... then it was gone. There was a familliar presence in the bar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Perhaps it didn't want to be found, I mused to myself, but there, in the corner booth, was a cloaked figure that even the light seemed to shy away from, a carefully cut out piece of sky devoid of stars. A breath caught in my throat when I realized who it was.

"Nupraptor..." I whispered as his head moved, a glint of his eyes fading ever so quickly as it appeared. Silently, I moved over towards his table, as if drawn by a power I could not resist.

Mar 27th, 2002, 04:19:59 AM
When one spent all of their free time studying the currents of power as Nupraptor did, they learned how to notice even the most minute of changes. Such as a Force user taking notice of you. His lips curled upward in a wicked smile. He could feel his jaw working as metallic clenched together, a bitter taste filling his mouth.

"Yes that's right, Leia dear. I've come back. I mean to finish what you began."

Slowly, with all the arrogance befitting one of his standing, he lifted his head to face her. His eyes opened millimeter by millimeter, casting an ever-increasing red glow across the tabletop. And then he saw her - and his smile faltered...


Yes, blue. The irridescent glow of his mechanical eye mingled with her normal skin tone to create a sort of purple-ish spot across her face. Certainly, not who the Dark Jedi had been expecting. He turned his face away in disgust.

"What do you wish of me? Come to try and find redemption in my soul? A noble task, I'm sure. But I assure that I have no soul left to save."

Ryla Relvinian
Mar 27th, 2002, 04:23:25 AM
"You assume so much from me. Is it too much to assume I wish only to talk?" I stand there in front of him, feeling the digust billow off of him like a rotten piece of sewage. He made no attempt to respond to me, or to hide his emotions from me. "Can we not talk, simply as two people who used to know each other? I know it's too much for you to admit you used to be friends with a Jedi."

Mar 27th, 2002, 04:35:32 AM
"Friends?", he scoffed, practically incredulous. "I used to number myself among your ill breed. But I fear..."

Kill her!

"... I fear that the person I seek has decided to alter our dinner plans."

Without even averting his gaze, the former Jedi stretched out his hand to his side, a glass floating effortlessly into his grip. It was brimming with a dark concoction that could only be his drink. He raised it to his lips, imbibing but a small sip of it before returning his eyes to those of Ryla.

"Very well: talk. But don't presume I am listening."

Ryla Relvinian
Mar 27th, 2002, 04:51:09 AM
"I was away. I see you have been as well. I just wanted to know where life has taken you since last we met." I pull the chair out from my side of the table and sit down. "Listen, I am the last person who is out to get you here. Your choices are just that... yours. I am not here to talk you in or out of anything! I am simply curious. Life has a funny way of going on when you aren't there to experience it..."

Mar 28th, 2002, 02:20:22 AM
In his mind, the insect let out a long and searing hiss. Its host, however, simply raised a hand and waved it, dismissing it without another thought.

"Life? Life has taken me full circle, it seems. From a killer, to a saviour... to a madman."

He tilted his head downward, again taking another draught from his drink.

"I'm afraid I don't know what I'm doing anymore. I'm hopelessly lost in a maze of moral relativism - gaaah!"

His voice trailed off as pain shot through his frontal lobe. The darkside centipede which resided in his head was obviously displeased. After several moments which felt like ages, the pain subsided. His breathing was haggard and sharp.

Darkside Centipede
Mar 28th, 2002, 04:39:04 PM
:: the creature spoke, only audible to it's host ::

"You live to sssserve Vicet now. And you ssstay alive, asss long asssss you pleasssse her. Never forget that."

:: then the creature became still again ::

Ryla Relvinian
Mar 29th, 2002, 04:06:32 AM
"Hey!" I exclaimed. "Man, are you all right? Perhaps I should just let you be... you don't seem like the talking type tonight."