View Full Version : Arrival of the New

Aing Tii Psycho
Mar 30th, 2002, 10:57:38 PM
In a Dark Corner of M.Y. B&G at an empty table, the story begins. A spike of the force here and A Being pops out of no where in front of the Table. The air arround his body Is Displaced annd there is a small crisp pop as he hits The floor. He Is a of a Reptillian Race, with armor covering his body. The force in his mind is different, and yet he is not one with it though he knows every moecule arround intimatly, able to rebuild any thing in his mind. He is an Aing-Tii master of the same named race. He Has no mouth, vocal cords, but can comunicte in the universial language of telepathy.... HE Sits looking for buisness...

Mar 30th, 2002, 11:25:29 PM
s'Il stepped into the bar and grill, pulling her sunglasses from her face with a smooth swipe and casting her metallic gaze at the bar's interior before her. She stopped briefly at the guard's station, checking her weapons before stepping the rest of the way inside.

She was weaving through the tables on her way to the bar when the space next to her, which was previously very unoccupied, suddenly became occupied. s'Il jumped, startled to say the least, and a string of curses flew from her mouth as she stumbled back, crashing into another patron and spilling his drink on him.

With a mumbled "sorry" to the disgruntled man, she looked at the creature that had startled her with its appearence; she did a double take. "What the hell...."

She wasn't quite sure, but the thing looked like an Aing Tii. She'd only heard of them, never had she actually laid eyes on one.

Without thinking, she sat in the disgruntled man's lap, ignoring his protestations as she openly stared at the Aing Tii. The man gave up and simply let her sit there, drinking whatever rest of his drink was left in the cup.

Aing Tii Psycho
Mar 30th, 2002, 11:31:36 PM
Psycho looed curiously at the human female. It was her fault he almost landed on her. When he began there was nothing in th are he chose. He noted she looked the buisness type. he spoke through the force into her mind.

=F= Hello, sorry to startle you. My name is Psycho Centipede. Imnew here and you look like the bussiness type.=f=

He walked to the bar ordered a drink an teleported the drink as well as himself back to the corner booth.

Mar 30th, 2002, 11:45:14 PM
s'Il only stared at the creature, watching as he made his way to the bar, ordered, and reappeared back at the booth. She was a little taken aback, but looking around her, she stood slowly. The man on whom she'd been sitting grunted and stood as well, stalking off to the bar for another beer.

"Well, uh," she started slowly, "Apology accepted I suppose, and I guess you could say I'm the business type." She still cast cursory glances around her, then slid into the booth opposite the Aing Tii. A server droid shuffled by, and she flagged it down, ordering a bottle of sake and a cup. With a simple nod, the droid went back the way it'd come to get her order.

"Uh, pardon me for asking, but, uh, where did you come from?" she leaned forward as she spoke, her eyes narrowed; not in anger, but in complete confusion.

Aing Tii Psycho
Mar 30th, 2002, 11:53:52 PM
=f= I orginated in Kron Drift , but awke from my trances the secon that I appeared here. I am not sure where I am and wher I came from.Tell me Where am I?=f=

The Being Stood Up and pulled a Blade from its sheath at his side. It Appeared to be a vibro blade but almost a meter lng and much much sharper. He Glanced over at the bar an noticed a clean cloth Hanging behind the Counter. In a second it was in front of him, and he began to polis the blade. The Sword gleamed magnicifiantly in the low light of the place.He placed it in its sheath.

=f=So you seem intrsted in me.Tell me about your self....=f=

Mar 31st, 2002, 12:16:05 AM
"Uh, you may want to check that at the door," s'Il said quietly, motioning a hand at his blade, "but uh, hell, that's your call I guess."

The server trundled up to the table with a tray holding her sake, and after it had set the bottle and cup in front of her, walked away to find someone else to serve. Glad for a distraction os sorts, s'Il uncorked the bottle, taking a sniff of the aromas that emitted from it's depths.

"Well," she began, pouring the amber liquid into the small cup, "You're on Arcan IV in Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill. A Jedi bar." She sipped lightly, letting the liquid travel down her throat and settle in her stomach. She smiled lightly to herself, leaning back with a sigh.

She looked at the Aing Tii through half-closed eyes as she continued. "Well, when something pops out of thin air right next to me, I'm naturally a little confused; curious too, I guess."

At his reqest to tell him about herself, she pursed her lips, trying to think of the right words to describe her job. "I'm into aquisitions and transportation mostly. You know, 'special deliveries' of certain sorts."

She bit her lip. Did Aing Tii have any concept of smuggling? She hadn't the foggiest, but he had asked, and so she answered the safest way she could in her current surroundings.

Aing Tii Psycho
Mar 31st, 2002, 12:29:16 AM
If He would have had a mouth he would have Smiled at the thought of checking his weapon a the door.

=f= If I check my weapon then I was here. I dont like to leave a Mark. Besdes your the only one who saw me come here. So smugaling. Intresting. You couldsay Im "in the bussiness". Tell me, have you any Needfr an Ang-Tii master?=f=

He looked around noticing more patrons lookig his direction. Prabally shoulnt Stick arroud much longer.

Mar 31st, 2002, 12:44:08 AM
s'Il waved her hands at him, then made a cutting motion across her neck with her hand. "Nononono, not smuggling," she tried to cover herself, but gave up with a shrug. Might as well go down with the boat.

She poured herself another cup. "Do I have any need for an Aing Tii," she repeated quietly, her mind working through his offer. "I might. You have any past experience you can tell me about?"

Aing Tii Psycho
Mar 31st, 2002, 12:49:25 AM
=F= I have not Smuggled before or have been apart of Illgall activty. I have 2 restrictions to my code. I cant kill unless to save an innocent, and I am a strict oponant of slavery. I Can Read all but the Deepest shielded minds of force masters, I can Send telepathy across the Galaxy and transport anything capital ships sized and below across galxies. Enough Expierience?=F=

He sat backand placed his reptilian fingers on his mouthless chin...

Mar 31st, 2002, 01:06:10 AM
"I hate slavers as well," She grimaced, sipping her sake.

s'Il set the cup down on the table softly. "Ok, I'm interested. I have a few errands to run, so if you could meet me on Yagh'dul at my ship, The Rascal King in a few days, I'd appreciate it."

She leaned forward, extending a hand out for a handshake, then paused and pulled it back. She had no idea what Aing Tii customs entailed, and rested the same hand on the tabletop, drumming her fingers lightly.

Aing Tii Psycho
Mar 31st, 2002, 01:14:05 AM
He Noded.

=F= There is no Need for Directions, I will be There. I look forward to Helping you. Perhaps this will be very Rewording. Im going to stay here and planet hop a bit before I met you there.=f=

He Extended his hand after the human female did. Then Witdrawing it as she did strangely enough. These humans could be very strange....

He looked arrund for others...

Mar 31st, 2002, 01:19:58 AM
s'Il gave him an odd look before grasping her bottle and cup and standing.

Nodding back at him, she turned and headed for the bar to finish her drink in solitude.

Aing Tii Psycho
Mar 31st, 2002, 01:48:51 AM
Psycho watched Her walk away. Humans were interesting.

He got up and walked to the bar droping him a few credits. After a few seconds of standing Their There was a spike in the Force, an Psycho was gone from the planet to his Orbiting Aing-Tii Sanderheim Ship, Wich Also dsapeared in a flash.