View Full Version : Who's The Boss? (open)

Avolon Bisel
Mar 24th, 2002, 12:37:14 AM
"Who's the boss!" Avolon replied to the NR soldier in front of him. "Who the hell is the boss?"

The soldier trembled but replied with a stiff and proper salute. "You're the boss--Sir!!!"

Avolon nodded and waved him off.

"Men's Bathroom, now! Take the mop!" Avolon ordered at the soldier.

"But sir, that wasn't the General's orders for me. He asked me to be storeroom guard."

"Well, I'm reassigning you. You're new official job is to guard the urinals. Make damn sure no cakes are stolen," Avolon said with a wry smile.

"Yes sir.." the guard said defeated. He walked away to his new assignment.

"Damn, Max, look at this."

Avolon turned back around to the bar. The entire bottle shelf had callapsed after the guard had ran into it. Broken pieces of glass littered the floor and liquor was flowing farther and farther out from the accident site. Some eager booze hounds resorted to licking the mess up.

"Horseplaying punks," Avolon muttered to his 'droid.

There was one other soldier left next to Avolon. He had been one of the two. They had thought it a great idea to play a rather stupid punching game. Got out of hand.

"You--clean this up--then join your buddy."

The soldier snapped to. Being the more dutiful of the two, he knew when he was out of line. He would take his punishment with a smile, just to prove his strength as a soldier. Avolon would let them off, but they had to learn a lesson first. He was the chief of security and in charge of these snot nosed kids.

Avolon sat on a barstool, his 'droid beeping beside him.

"Sing it brother. Sing it."

The 'droid went on in it's beeps and whistles about how kids today didn't have the disipline as those of yesteryear. Avolon agreed. But these boys were young, young enough to make mistakes. They reminded Avolon of someone.. although he wouldn't admit it.

Mar 24th, 2002, 08:02:46 PM
s'Il sat at the bar, nursing a glass of whiskey sour while reading over a datapad. Engrossed in her reading, she paid no heed to the man who had taken a seat on the barstool beside her.

And then he spoke to his droid. She was in the process of bringing her glass to her lips, but as soon as she heard his voice she stopped, a memory tugging at her. Pausing, she thought for a moment before setting the glass on the bartop. She turned slowly to look at him.

"You," she breathed as his face and voice finally registered. She recovered quickly from her surprise though, and reaching a hand up, slapped him across the cheek. "That's for shooting me in the head."

Avolon Bisel
Mar 25th, 2002, 03:22:14 AM
Avolon grabbed her wrist just as the hand it was attached to left his face. Damn! It stung like a green tailed Correllian hornet. He layed a hand on his blaster as he looked her square in the eyes, still holding her wrist.

He didn't see any holes.

"I haven't a clue what you're talking about."

His eyes looked her up and down. He didn't remember her. He didn't remember many of the scuffles he was involved in over the years. The mark of a good soldier is learning to forget the battles. It keeps you sane. Safe from shellshock. And he couldn't imagine why he'd shoot a pretty thing like her.

"You look like you could use a drink."

Avolon looked at her scotch.

"Another one."

Mar 25th, 2002, 03:43:02 AM
s'Il's metallic eyes narrowed, and she extricated her wrist from his grasp.

"You shot a suppression round into my head," she said flatly, staring him in the face, "I had a headache that lasted for three weeks after that."

Reaching behind her, she untied her blonde hair and let it fall down and around her shoulders. She'd worn it down the day he'd shot her, and hoped that with it loose, it'd trigger his memory.

Avolon Bisel
Mar 25th, 2002, 05:01:29 AM
Avolon shrugged as the 'droid rolled a new scotch up to the lady.

"Sorry, babe, don't remember."

The 'droid repeatedly rammed Avolon's leg, beeping loudly and annoyingly.

"What?" Avolon yelled at the Astromech, hand poised for smacking.

The 'droid gave Avolon the history of the event. 'Droids have better memories than humans, especially Avolon.

"Oh, that was you?" Avolon smiled. "You look a lot prettier without an indentation on your head."

Before she could respond Avolon waved her off.

"I know, it stings. I'm sorry, okay? I was just doing my job. You had committed a felony after all," Avolon laughed. "Let's start over."

Avolon was obviously attracted to her. Even if he wasn't, he'd act the same way. He didn't like to hold grudges. War was War. This wasn't war, here in the bar. No reason the two should be linked.

Mar 25th, 2002, 05:24:36 AM
s'Il raised her eyebrows "Charm your pants off, this one, can't he," she muttered to the droid, accepting the drink.

When he mentioned starting over, she merely looked at him from over the top of her glass as she took a sip. She set the glass on the bartop, then turned to face him.

"Lok s'Ilancy."

Avolon Bisel
Mar 25th, 2002, 05:45:57 AM
The 'droid mumbled something in electronic song about how she was dead wrong. About how he was the most annoying and obnoxious men in the galaxy. How she should run away now, before it was too late. Avolon kicked it slightly to make it shut up with it's unstoppable rambling. It didn't help, he continued as Avolon spoke.

"Avolon Bisel, Lok," he announced extending his hand. "Incredibly pleased to meet you."

The 'droid grunted an insult at his corny line.

Mar 25th, 2002, 06:11:25 AM
She took his hand, shaking it. "You're too kind."

Leaning on the bartop, she nestled her glass in her hands, inwardly laughing at the droid's tirade. "I've already tried running," she said to the droid tapping her head, "didn't work."

s'Il took a drink, relishing the liquid as it traveled down her throat, then went on, addressing Avolon with a slight laugh a motion towards the astromech. "I take it this is your better half."

Avolon Bisel
Mar 25th, 2002, 09:01:53 AM
"Other way around."

The Astromech clearly took offense to this.

Out of the shadows loomed a rather odd looking figure. It became more clear as it exited the darkness. There, in all it's metallic splendor, was a rusty, old, green Protocol 'droid. Kalvin.

<font color="#66cc99">"I_highly_disagree, sir. Two_ independant_entities_cannot_be_classified_as_halfs . They_are_two_wholes. I_find_otherwise_highly_outragous!" The wide eyed protocol 'droid exclaimed.</font>

Avolon shook his head. The harder he tried to keep it quiet, the more impossible that feat seemed. Avolon couldn't find his off switch, he wasn't even sure if they did, so he taped his mouth shut and tied him to a post. Apparently the 'droid thought he was of so much service that he had to break free.

"Kalvin, it's an expression. It means he's the good side to my bad!" Avolon explained rather unpatiently.

<font color="#66cc99">"In_that_case, I_must_take_the_lady's_side. She_does_make_a_rather_good_point. On_more_ than_one_occasion_you_ha--"</font>

The 'droid droned on.

"Try to ignore him," Avolon, even though he found it woefully unfunny, managed a chuckle.

Mar 25th, 2002, 06:20:23 PM
s'Il only watched, periodically sipping from her drink while resting an elbow on the bartop. She laughed slightly at Avolon's attempts to quiet the droid.

"Your entourage seems to think you're nothing but trouble," she grinned. "I'm inclined to believe them."

She hadn't forgotten that this man had ratted her out to Cline, and she remained cautious; ready to bolt if need be. For now though, she was content to sit and talk.

Avolon Bisel
Mar 27th, 2002, 01:52:58 AM
Avolon began to spout one of his usual lines of comments. Something mocking and insulting to the 'droids, yet still possessed of damage control. He didn't want to lose her company yet. Just as his mouth opened, the every interjecting protocol 'droid started in.

<font color="#66cc99">"Oh_Mr._Bisel_is_a_common_brute! A_barbarian! You_mustn't_give_into_his_advances! A_most offensive_man_he_is! Especially_for_a_woman_of_your beauty!"</font>

If he didn't know better, Avolon would swear the little green automata was hitting on her. Sure, Avolon was a little on the gruff side. He didn't have the classic manners of a man with more education. But he wasn't a brute. The prissy 'droid obviouslly thought of excessive drinking and braggart behavior offensive. Everytime Avolon recalled a story of heroism, the 'droid's eyes cringed with disgust and horror. He wans't one fore excitement.

The Astromech, Max, was enjoying this show thoroughly.

"Listen, the only thing he's good for is language translating. I don't even think he understands half the things he translates. Don't listen to his insane ramblings."

A <font color="#66cc99">"I_most_certainly_do!"</font> was stated as Avolon spoke on.

"So, what do you do?" Avolon asked, trying hard to change the subject.

Mar 27th, 2002, 02:23:31 AM
s'Il raised her eyebrows at the green droid's assessments. "A brute and a barbarian, eh?" she repeated quietly, taking a drink.

She looked at Kalvin. "And how do you know I don't like my men rough around the edges."

"You know," she said, not giving him time enough to answer while flicking a thumb at the protocol droid, "my sister accidentally blew up my last protocol droid while trying to fix him, I could have her take a look at this one here."

It wasn't a lie; Kyry really had destroyed s'Il's droid, and quite spectacularly, too. The offer itself though, was a bluff; her own method at silencing the droid.

At Avolon's inquiry of her profession, she frowned ever so slightly. "Well, she began, "I'm mostly into..." she paused, trying to find the right words, "...the aquisitions and transportation business." She offered a smile.

<img src=http://syriuscline.clanpages.com/silancy.jpg>

Avolon Bisel
Mar 27th, 2002, 02:34:25 AM
In the background Kalvin and Max conversed.<font color="#66cc99">"Oh_my! What_a_terrible_thing_to_do! Did_ you_hear_what_she_said?!"</font> The 'droid exclaimed.

Max beeped a series of soothing comments.

<font color="#66cc99">Yes, 'humans'_indeed!"</font>

Avolon and Lok continued to communicate, despite the mumbled ramblings between the two 'droids.

"I know the field well," Avolon gave a nod. He had once been a Bounty Hunter. "Don't worry, I won't arrest you. You haven't done anything today," he added a wink.

Mar 27th, 2002, 02:41:37 AM
"You're too kind," s'Il grinned almost evilly, "but the day isn't over yet."

Brushing an unruly strand of hair from her eyes, she lifted her now empty glass and spoke to the astromech. "You wanna top me off, here, pal?"

Avolon Bisel
Mar 27th, 2002, 03:04:08 AM
Avolon smiled. Before was "big time". The diamond she had ripped off was worth a big price. Plus there was probably a reward. Now, he actually felt bad for her. All people that do bad things, are not bad people. He wasn't evil, he had actually killed a lot of evil people, but some thought otherwise. He was growing fond of this woman. Although as of now he didn't think of making a romantic move, she was extremely intruiging. Maybe he would come to see her in that romantic light soon. It didn't matter, it was just Avolon thinking. He hit on every woman that entered the bar.

<font color="#66cc99">"Max! You_mustn't_get_her intoxicated! Who_knows_what_she_might_do? She_wants_to destroy_me! She_said_so!"</font> the green 'droid pleaded.

Max shrugged him off with a few sing-song notes. The far too literal 'droid often got himself worked into frenzies. The Astromech did as told, and she was refreshed promptly.

"Why is it you haven't gone into a more legitimate field? There are tons of chances for us fringe folk."

Mar 27th, 2002, 03:22:07 AM
She accepted the refill greatfully, laughing at the protocol droid's sumation as she took a sip. "Legitimacy is too stifling."

A thought occured to her, and she smiled devilishly. "I remember you calling me a bad thief, but you know the funny thing?"

She looked at him, resting an elbow on the bar and her cheek on her hand. "That stone was a fake. I had the man who came to appraise it make the switch in the bathroom. Nobody caught the slight. He replaced it with the replica I stole 7 years ago, and walked out of here with the real deal."

s'Il couldn't help but laugh a little. "You don't honestly think I'd keep something like that in here for longer than necessary, do you?"

She wasn't drunk; far from it, but she was warming up to the man. He seemed charming in his own right, and he piqued her curiosity.

"So how about yourself," she asked lazily.

Avolon Bisel
Mar 27th, 2002, 03:28:27 AM
He laughed at the story. He didn't remember any of what she told him, but he nodded along.

He smiled granderously when she asked about him, his pride kicking in.

"Well, I run this bar. Chief of Security at your service," Avolon tipped an imaginary hat. "Plus I keep it together. From cook strikes to storage shorting. Otherwise things have been boring. No one's given me a reason to shoot them lately," he was genuinely disappointed by this.

Mar 27th, 2002, 04:08:03 AM
"You sound a little sad about that last part," she murmered, tapping her glass with a finger.

s'Il looked around the establishment. "Well, you do a good job of keeping this place in order, if that means anything."

Bringing the glass to her lips once more, she took another sip, resolving that this would be her last. She wasn't in the mood to get as smashed as she had a month or so ago with Blake. Although, it was pretty fun.....

"And chief of security to boot." she grinned. "I'll be sure to behave whenever I stop by."

Avolon Bisel
Mar 29th, 2002, 05:00:17 AM
"Yeah, I keep a tight ship. Problem is, that there isn't much to do. Don't get me wrong, I love peace, but my action meter kind of gets restless."

Avolon sighed.

"How about you? Seen any action lately? Don't worry, I can't arrest you on any information you give me, only when I see it with my own two eyes."

Mar 29th, 2002, 09:48:44 PM
s'Il finished off the rest of her drink, setting the glass down with a dull clink. Still resting her elbows on the bartop, she gave him a sidelong glance and flashed a quick grin.

"I've been doing nothing of consequence; sold a few cloning cylinders, a few 'deliveries' here and there, but that's mostly it."

She let out an almost hissing breath from her lips. "After the last few months, I'm glad business is a little quiet at the moment. I mean, between the incident with the Oracles, a brief sojourn in industrial espionage, and my merger, I welcome the down-time."

s'Il turned her head, staring at the bottles that lined the back wall behind the bar while running a hand through her hair.

Avolon Bisel
Mar 30th, 2002, 02:48:19 AM
One of the latrine guards(the first one he dealt with) came in front of Avolon and saluted sharply, Avolon didn't return it. He looked at his harshly, making the soldier stammer.

"S--sir, the latrine is secured!"

Avolon didn't blink.

"Soldier, do you know what a swirlee is?"

The soldier shook his head and added a sharp. "No, sir!"

"Well, you'll get one if you don't get your sorry behind back in there."

The soldier ran back into the restroom. Avolon turned to Lok.

"See what I have to deal with?"

Mar 30th, 2002, 02:56:26 AM
s'Il smirked. "You poor thing," she joked lightly.

"What did you used to do," she asked, then gestured around her to the bar, "Before coming here."

Avolon Bisel
Mar 30th, 2002, 03:10:16 AM
"Long story," Avolon said. "In short, I was a member of the Rebellion, then a Bounty Hunter, now I'm back in their ranks."

Mar 30th, 2002, 03:21:20 AM
She watched him through half-closed eyes. "Something of the prodigal son, eh," she offered idly.

Taking a breath, she turned around and propped her elbows on the bartop. "Any plans on the future?" she queried, genuinely curious.

Avolon Bisel
Mar 30th, 2002, 05:05:22 AM
Avolon shook his head.

"Not really. You?"

Mar 30th, 2002, 06:10:41 AM
She smiled. "Nope. Here and now, I always say."

Casting him a quick glance, she noted his cheek had been getting redder as they'd been talking, and for an instant she felt a twinge of guilt; until she remembered why she'd slapped him.

"You know," she ventured, "you're lucky I didn't do to you what my mechanic did to Cypress Oracle after catching up with him. You'd probably have a shiner instead of a red mark."

She smiled sheepishly before looking away, watching patrons as they walked in and out of the bar and grill.

Selena Kyle
Apr 1st, 2002, 12:32:41 AM
**Standing by the bar trying to mind her own business, was Selena, Yoghurts Bar & Grill Waitress. Selena could not help but find herself eavesdropping on Avolon and SiLancy especially after the fact, that SiLancy clocked Avolon in the face. Maybe he deserved it and then again, maybe he did not. Selena knew all to well that Avolon was such a cassanova at Yoghurts, since when was there one night he did not hit on a lady. But even so..what was really getting to Selena was the fact that this girl had the nerve to rub it in his face. This was more than Selena could bare**

**Throwing down the towel that she was drying some glasses with, Selena quickly grabbed a fresh one and wrapped ice inside of it. In a very hasteful manner, the tall blonde waitress made her way to the twos' table**

**Shouting out in disgust as she approach them..Selena stopped infront of SiLancy**


**SiLancy looked up at Selena with confusion**


**Needless to say it was apparent Selena was slightly miffed by the girl**

Where do YOU get off clocking Avolon?! HUH?!!

**Her blue eyes began to narrow angerly at SiLancy before turning to Avolon's attention. The waitress then proceed to carefully apply the towel full with ice to Avolon's cheek**

There you go, Avolon. That should help ya some.

**Once again, Selena turned her attention back to SiLancy**

Well.....Care to explain yourself girl?!

Apr 1st, 2002, 01:15:07 AM
Confusion turned to mild amusement, and s'Il had to smile. Being called a girl was slightly entertaining to her, considering the fact that she was only three months away from the big 3-0. She leaned back and watched as the other woman applied ice to Avolon's face.

"Well," she stated matter-of-factly, "he shot me in the head the last time we saw eachother."


Selena Kyle
Apr 1st, 2002, 01:22:56 AM
**Gently pulling back the towel off Avolon's face, Selena turned to SiLancy once again**

Oh....is that SO?!!!

**The tone was definetly hinted with sarcasm from the waitress. This was confirmed by the mere expression on her face and a slight raise to her right eyebrow**

**Selena turned to Avolon, giving him a smirk**

So..Av..tell me...did she deserve it?!

Avolon Bisel
Apr 1st, 2002, 01:48:27 AM
The only way he had ever gotten anywhere with a female is by numbers, bulk. Hit on 100, you might get 1. But right now he wished he could read women's demeanors like he could normally. It seemed Selena might be turning on the old cowboy. Avolon stammered for words... He had to put it elequently.

"Uh... Well, see the thing is... uh.... Yep."

'Yep'? That was the best he could do? He quickly added:

"She desearved it."

Maybe Selena would buy that. The truth was that Avolon could have easily belted her with a good backhand, but he wasn't one for subtlety. That day, way back when, he just wanted to shoot her. Not completely by the book, no.

The fact of the matter was that Avolon was enjoying this squabble. It wasn't often that women fought over him. More like they joined together to fight him.

Selena Kyle
Apr 1st, 2002, 01:57:18 AM
**Selena pondered Avolon's response some. She knew that Avolon was always honest with her and would always tell her the truth. **

Sooooo...she did deserve it then. Why Avolon, what did she do? Or would the lady like to defend herself here?

Apr 1st, 2002, 02:01:02 AM
s'Il laughed outright, rolling her metallic eyes as she leaned forward and slid off the barstool. She shook her head, her laughter fading away as she looked at Avolon and Selena.

"Well," she said, addressing Selena, "I'll let you finish icing Mr. Bisel's wound."

She'd actually enjoyed talking to Avolon and would have liked to continue talking with him, but hell, if Selena already had eyes for him, who was s'Il to step in? She headed for a back booth, motioning to a server droid to bring her a menu and meet her at the table. "Have fun, you two," she called good-naturedly over her shoulder.

Selena Kyle
Apr 1st, 2002, 02:08:07 AM

**Is all Selena could say as she watched s'il leave. Turning her attention back to Avolon while applying the ice back on his face, she noticed he winced for a second**

Ooops! Sorry about the numbiness Av! And..ummm..

**Selena began to act shyly and very apologetic**

Seems like I might have interferred where I shouldn't have. Sorry if I did and I scared away a possible girlfriend for ya.

**Selena felt awful. Maybe she should have just stayed put behind the bar and mind her own business for once! All she could do was now just let out a soft *sigh* **