View Full Version : Speak No Evil

Sage Hazzard
Mar 24th, 2002, 04:11:34 AM
<font color="#6495ed" face="times new roman">For some reason, the establishment had more faces today. Or maybe that was simply the way it seemed, because of the reason he was here today. In any scenerio, it was packed. An exceedingly good thing for the day's training.

Training? No, not for the Jedi Master. For his Padawan, a deaf/mute named D'Mourning Orb. Sage was wearing an ancient looking Jedi attire. Jedi Robes, Jedi Gi, Jedi Cloak, Jedi Belt, Jedi Boots, it was a cliche every non-force user in the bar used. The definition of a Jedi. How they drew them in story books. His Lightsabre even looked ancient. It might have well been, it was his first. Peace, he called it. It was the instrument that he fought with to protect the ideal, his main goal. The goal for all Jedi. The Jedi were peacekeepers at core. It was the ability, that he used to uphold the sworn duty of a Jedi, that he was passing on daily to his Padawan.

The Padawan seemed to follow him constantly. Although this wasn't the case. Rather, Sage dragged him everywhere. Although the Padawan was free to do as he wished, and go where he wished without supervision, Sage dragged him everywhere he decided to go. It was an onsite training.</font>

<font face="arial">"D'Mourning, look around. These are the most important people in your life today. Do no forget that. Ever."</font><font color="#6495ed" face="times new roman">

The Padawan watched his lips intently. He had to, so he could tell what his Master was teaching. This fact gave Sage a twinge of guilt. It reminded him he took his ability to speak for granted. It was the same ignorance that the masses had for the Force. He felt that same feeling when he joined the Jedi and learned there ways. How big a fool he was, to ever take the Force for granted. This made Sage certain that his Padawan would listen--look closely. D'Mourning seemed to have a flavor for life that he admired, maybe even was jealous of.</font><font face="arial">

"We'll sit. We'll drink. Then begin."</font><font color="#6495ed" face="times new roman">

Sage felt stupid again. As he talked, he acted out the things. A hand raised to his mouth to simulate drinking, and so on. It was the same way people shouted at beings who spoke another language.

The Jedi Master led his Padawan to the bar. As he got there, he placed his usual order.</font><font face="arial">

"Water. Chilled."</font><font color="6495ed" face="times new roman">

Sage turned to D'Mourning, who was watching him still for guidance, eager to begin training.<font face="arial">

"Your order?"</font>

DMourning Orb
Mar 24th, 2002, 04:51:05 AM
He turned to face the bartender. "Water. Chilled." D'Mourning mouthed. He smiled turning back to Sage. Raising a finger to his head, pointing at Sage, then back to himself, D'Mourning related that the two of them were of like mind. In more ways than one, he thought to himself. They both had a quality about them that braved all perils, not just physically, but psychologically and emotionally. They believed in something: the good of mankind. It was a belief which was lost on most people these days. They were Jedi. They were
supposed to feel that way, of course. But, even in their smallest of mannerisms they exuded it. People were drawn to them. As they walked the corridors of D'Mourning's Living Quarter's that morning, people greeted them. Not just your average greeting mind you. They stopped to delve into the two's lives. They awaited the words that feel upon their ears.
Why? The answer was simple: They showed an interest first.
Treat others as you would like to be treated, his Mother used to say, God rest her soul. The motto paid off. But, neither D'Mourning, nor Sage were considerate of others because they expected the same in return. No, they just loved conversing with people, sharing ideas, being an ear of sorts to fall on; expressing a ray of hope that awaits the rise of every sun. It was the way of the Jedi: belief in people. Belief in the goodness of every man or woman's soul. But, they did not have to be Jedi to follow any such motto. They lived the way they did, were who they were, because they were good people. Genuinely good people. There was nothing fake about them. Needless to say, D'Mourning was proud to be in the presence of such an incredible man. His heart far outweighed his title: Jedi Master.

They had come to the bar, for what reason he did not know. D'Mourning, look around. These are the most important people in your life today. Do not forget that. Ever. When he saw the words form on Sage's lips a smile came over his face. He didn't know why at first. It was an undescribable feeling. One of hope and comfort. A breath of fresh air filled his lungs to the the furthest reach of expansion. He trusted that this night would be a hallmark of sorts. His Master's eyes told him that much.

Sage Hazzard
Mar 25th, 2002, 05:39:44 AM
<font color="#6495ed" face="times new roman">Sage sat on one of the bar's many unoccupied barstools. His Padawan followed with taking his own seat.

Sage took in the scenery before addressing his Padawan. It was in anticipation of his upcoming lesson.</font>

"D'Mourning, you must learn one thing before you ever dream of becoming a Jedi Knight. The Force should not be looked at as a tool for righting the wrongs in the world. First, it must be used to bring Peace and balance to oneself. Only with Inner-Peace will you be able to accomplish Outer-Peace."<font color="#6495ed" face="times new roman">

This was the one thing most Padawans, even Sage's past apprentices, had trouble grasping. Although Sage had came to understand, in time, it was his fault. He hadn't embraced this perticular understanding of the Force until after he had became a Jedi Master. How was he to know to teach it to his Padawans, when even he didn't think of this lesson as worthy. He used to think of the Jedi as policeman, who used the Force as a tool to enforce law. Now he knew that Peace was the true goal of a Jedi, inner and outer. Before he only used Peace as an excuse to police the galaxy. Inner peace was essential to accomplishing outer Peace, otherwise you were a walking contradiction. Only of late did Sage find inner Peace. Luckily it was before D'Mourning had became his Padawan. The Jedi Master hoped to give his Apprentice the proper start he only aquired at the end of his journey to Masterhood.

His next question, he knew the answer to. He wanted to see the look in his Padawan's eyes as he slowly tried to understand the question, then in relising the answer would he understand what his Master intended for today. Oh, how he looked forward to the glint in the eager young eyes.</font>

"D'Mourning, what would you..." Sage stopped himself from sayingsay "...think is one of the most obvious thing keeping you from Inner-Peace? Holding you back from feeling like a complete and equal person?"

DMourning Orb
Mar 25th, 2002, 10:24:31 PM
Bowing his head, in a state of deep concentration, he thought about the question for several moments. The most obvious answer came to mind. The world new the answer. It was obvious. All of his life he had been different, in the arrogant eyes of those persons who did not deem him worthy of their standards:a complete human being. In their eyes, he was not their equal, he never could be.

He pushed away those thoughts. He had never thought of himself that way, and he never would.

Looking at Sage, he mouthed meticulously, "I am a man. I will always be whole. I will always be a complete human being... but, I do know what you mean."

The truth was that he wanted Sage to say it. D'Mourning was a man of great integrity. To admit that not being able to speak or hear was a handicap would be a mark against his character. He knew that he was different, to the world. But, to himself he was just another human being, with a good heart and a good soul. To him, that was all that mattered. Prejudice was a notion lost on D'Mourning.

He waited for Sage to say it....

Sage Hazzard
Apr 1st, 2002, 03:43:30 AM
<font color="6495ed" face="times new roman">Sage nodded, he was only beginning to know this strange man.</font>

"I emphasize with you, D'Mourning. I know what you're going through. Although you have come to accept your disability, you will never be fully confident until you can express yourself. Mouthing words will not help in the battlefield or in life. Plus, this is a good lesson to teach you regardless. And I do believe this will be a good stepping stone to your inner-peace."

<font color="6495ed" face="times new roman">Sage overlooked the bar again.</font>

"Are you ready to be guided, Padawan?"

DMourning Orb
Apr 1st, 2002, 11:28:53 PM
He nodded his head slowly.

I am.