View Full Version : What torrrment jis thjisss?

Kajeela Tarruurri
Mar 26th, 2002, 04:28:00 AM
The KAR Director approached the table that two individuals had just left. It wasnt the usual table that one sat and drank or ate at. It was bigger, bulkier and had rods going thru it at intermittent spaces with little figures attached to them.

Kajeela looked at it curiously.

In the center was a small ball and at either end were two openings...To the Cizeracks mind, the openings were placed rather stupidly because the ball could roll into them and be lost.

Either ends of all the rods protruded the outter side, almost like handles of some type and as Kajeela spun one, the rod moved and one of the little figures, a gungan she thought, kicked the little ball and it rolled the length of the table surface and - as the Director had earlier assumed, disappeared down the opening.


She looked around guiltily to see if anyone noticed she had lost part of the furnishings. No one seemed to care. Leaning over, and scratching along a small trough with her claws, hoping to retreive the peice, to her amazement, there it was.


Returning it to the center of the table, the Director spun the same handle again to see what would happen, but the same little figure only hit air this time.

Frowning, her long ears twitching in incomprehension, she stared, thinking this was not a very satisfying passtime.

Neejaarri Saaneessorr
Mar 26th, 2002, 04:38:33 AM
Neejaarri slinked in as quietly as possible to Yoghurt's Bar. It wasn't always he got the chance to meet with the KAR Director. Although they'd had a few 'encounters' together, it wasn't always convenient for the two to meet.

He slipped up to her, watching as Kajeela attempted to get the 'men' on the table to do what she wished.

"Would jyou ljike any help Djirrrectorrr?"

Kajeela Tarruurri
Mar 26th, 2002, 04:45:02 AM

The Director's greeting was genuinely warm. Neejaarri was her newest treat, and because Kajeela couldnt access him whenever she pleased, him being here was twice the bonus.

She nodded to the table.

"jYou have sssseen thjisss beforrre?"

Kajeela Tarruurri
Mar 28th, 2002, 01:50:30 AM
Reaching a slender arm over she touched a few of the figures and flicked with her thumb and forefinger.

The little body moved back and forward and her nose crinckled curiously.

Darting her eyes from one rod to the next, the Director twisted another of the handles and saw the movement it caused, unintentionally tapping the ball again. Her long tail elevated slightly as she studied the table closer.

Tilting her head, an indicator of her mind processing the whole objective of the furnishing, she smiled delightedly.

"jIt jis a game, Neejaarrrrrrrji....?"

Neejaarri Saaneessorr
Apr 2nd, 2002, 12:10:01 AM
"Asss farrrr asss jI know, Djirrrectorrr," Neejaarri spoke as he walked up behind her.

He set his hands on top of hers guiding them onto the handles of the table.

"Now, jyou'rrrre sssupposssed to tap the ball jinto the holesss on the table but the onesss opposssjite what thejy'rrre colorrr jisss. jI thjink at leassst..."

He whacked the small ball into one of the holes, watching a number 'One' come up on a screen above the board.

"Sssseee, Djirrrectorrr?"

Kajeela Tarruurri
Apr 2nd, 2002, 12:28:52 AM
She tilted her head back a little, nuzzling against Neejaarri's chin.

"jYou arrre good at thjissss.."