View Full Version : Dark Fury : Flames of the Past
Darth Turbogeek
Feb 9th, 2002, 06:10:05 AM
A dark night, a raining night. a night with a biting wind as area was in winter, a vile and foul night. A putrid rain that washed the crap off the walls and made it run ankle deep on the streets below. Misreble strays ran about the silent streets, crashing over bins to get scraps to feed their empty stomachs. A hobo slept in a doorway, wrapped in old blankets and pissing his pants to stay warm. It was an ugly place, a place where you had to be scum to want to live or so it was said
Like most nights in this -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-hole of a town, thought Darth Turbogeek. Misreble, mind chilling and strewn with a flat six inches of crap over every surface. Why the frell did anyo want to live in this dump? Even in his year of life, he had seen so much better, so many other places where the beings of power could go.
It made no sense to him why the Jedi and allegedly the most powerful military force the Republic had, made this rancid -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-hole home. Nothing seemed to have changed since he had been here last and since he had entered thorugh the doors of the Bar and Grill without disguise. Last time, he had run from here with the Man with No Colour out to kill him. Tonight, Turbogeek had business here and even the spectre of that Man would not put him off.
His blades were hidden and they were sharp. They were not on his person, but they were already in place, after a well placed bribe of a cleaner. The Dark jedi seemed to have aged since he had been here last, creases on his skin, his eyes carrying a weight they did not before and indeed, he was not the same - he was not the naive clone, but now he was beginning to grow into his powers and knowledge. Normally, it would not happen in such a short time as a year, but there was an advantage he had that others didn't. He had the life of a Jedi Master in his mind and that had served him well. Now, it would be put to a stern test.
Someone was going to die tonight. He had been hired through Assasins Inc, hired and given a huge sum, for only the best could even think about doing what he was slated to do - and as he came up to the lights that was Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill, knew he could do it. Not even the guards at the door and those inside, not the Jedi were goign to stop him. There were allies he had tonight, good ones, strange ones.
And ones that were for now and for the future
His smile grew wicked. The name Turbogeek was going out in a blaze of glory
OOC : Some notes....
A) The usual fighting rules are hereby suspended for this thread only.
b) the good guys are fully and completely free to join in. The bad guys are not. You must join in DT's allies, which you can do by contacting me and finding out what is in mind
c) The thead will end when DT completes 50 posts, not before.
d) Fighting will not break out for a either do some set up work until it does as DT will strike first, or sit back and watch the show. And I guarenttee, this is going to be one killer of a show.
e) One more rule will appear in 40 post's time - or I should say, is removed. Common Sense and Fair play will not be removed and will be used rigourously once the rule is removed. Yoiu will see why at that point.
:: Cracks knuckles ::
I suspect your joining to love this. Join in if you can.....
Aurelias Kazaar
Feb 9th, 2002, 06:20:47 AM
Kazaar sat in Yoghurts drinking his usual bourbon and smoking a dark, oily cigar. It'd been only a week since he'd dropped off the Jedi Padawan, Estelle Russard, and now he was itching for some action. He eyed DT as he entered the bar.
Well...this is it. Looks like I'll get some action tonight.
He kept his eyes on the man as he took another drink of his bourbon. A puff of his cigar later, and Kazaar was ordering another burger.
"And get me a steak sandwich too. Be quick 'bout it. Go!"
Kazaar took another puff...and watched.
Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 9th, 2002, 06:56:52 AM
:: From a corner booth, the old man's head raised at the sight. For a moment, he stopped chewing at the end of his Zansanar sprig, his eyes following the man's movement.
Darth Turbogeek. A visage of the past indeed. Even through his third-person gaze into history, Anbira knew the man well. He was an integral part of his life, and many a turning point he experienced was brought to catalyst by that man's actions. Yet something of the man's aura was...different from that which he remembered. It puzzled him greatly,
Anbira sent a subtle message to the man's mind. ::
Over here...
:: It would be interesting to meet Turbogeek, for the first time, in a strange way ::
Elieen Cross
Feb 13th, 2002, 04:23:10 AM
Sittting in the spot where Tohmahawk used to be, I would casually look over any arrivals coming into the bar, looking for anyonewho might cause trouble. It was something I enjoyed doing and it made me feel more than just a part of the furniture.
I watched a new person come in. He was in some sort of weather beaten cloak and as he came in, he swept his hood off.
I think I nearly dropped dead with shock. He was chiilingly like someone who was supposed to be dead! And not just anyone, but Turbogeek! It took me a moment to collect my thoughts and I had a stray memory, someone tellign me that there was a clone of the once famed but @#%$ up Jedi Master. So, the rumour was true, someone had cloned him
This was going to be interesting. The last clone was a screwup. I wondered what this one would be like.
Arya Ravenwing
Feb 19th, 2002, 04:18:07 AM
Trudging through the sidewalks of Arcan City, the dark haired woman kept her head down against the winds that whistled through the buildings. The spaceport was behind her, and hopefully there was a bar in front of her...somewhere. The shuttles from the spaceport had all been out of commission due to the sudden wind storm that had sent most sentients scuttling for cover.
It had been worse at the spaceport, and had taken some tricky manuevering to get The Wing of the Raven landed at all. In fact, Arcan City Control had advised against trying. Strongly. Never one to listen to reason, Arya had approached the spaceport anyway, and exectuted a nearly perfect landing. Updrafts and all. She smirked into the wind, which seemed to be dying down somewhat.
This was nothing like Whitetown and the horrid winter blizzards she had experienced. The weather patterns here in the capital were more mild, and a little less unforgiving. Ravenwing grimaced, stopped walking, and scraped the sole of her boot on the edge of the sidewalk, getting whatever it was she had stepped in off of her foot.
Arcan IV was dirty, unpleasant, and all together unappealing. Keeping that in her mind, the smuggler shouldered her way into the door of the Bar and Grill, fighting against the wind, and unwrapping herself from her jacket as soon as she was out of the cold air.
Aurelias Kazaar
Feb 19th, 2002, 06:17:54 AM
Kazaar watched the woman as she walked in the bar. He kept puffing on his cigar as he ordered another bourbon.
So...what's goin' on? Why does the guy who walked in earlier look like that Tohmahawk bastich who ruined a fine glass of bourbon about a month ago? And who's the chick?
He sat, continuing to watch the events unfold.
Darth Turbogeek
Feb 20th, 2002, 05:53:35 AM
It wasn’t too bright inside the doors of the bar and grill, nor was it noisy. In fat, it was rather a pleasing atmosphere. Homly even. A good place to spend a few hours, while he waited for the right time. A good drink and a good meal too would be great. Eyes that were keen looked around the room, while the strange second vision, the one that could tell him who was a lightsider, whom was dark and whom had no force ability at all identified exactly who could be a threat. Grey tinged meant no real problem. Dark, potential ally. Light…. Enemy. Strangely, there were not many Lightside.
Hmmm. I wonder why, Turbogeek thought. Well, it just made this job easier if they ll stayed wherever Jedi stayed when they weren’t circle jerking.
Come here
Someone was trying to beckon him with a word in the Force. To him, it was like a spoken word. He knew his lack of telepathic abilities disturbed his Master, but that was what he had been given. He could hear, but he could not speak in return by the same method. Now, he wondered, who had tried to summon him?
He coudln't tell. The lack of telepathy was annyoing, bnut it dod have some interesting trade offs. Like he could not be lied to or that his mind was just a blank wall to anyone.
Unpreturbed, he went to the table that he had been guarentteed would be availible - and it was. Excellent. He took a seat, swung his feet up onto the table and made himself at home
Sia Lan Darkheart
Feb 20th, 2002, 12:38:11 PM
Sia-lan walked in from the windy streats. She shook the cold out of her as she had steped into the warmer environment. She glanced around quickly as a habit of hers and steped over to a booth she usualy had. It was occupied at the moment by someone she had never met befor. She didn't like the looks of him so the jedi walked away to a different booth accross the room. She kept an eye on the new comer as she ordered her drink. Not many of the other jedi were around at the moment so she hoped that nothing would start up. Leaning back, she relaxed for now thinking that she had but to uptight for a while. She watched the room in silence.
Pierce Tondry
Feb 20th, 2002, 08:35:18 PM
In the corner's undisturbed shadows, a man in black commando armor sits. He has one leg propped on the seat, and next to that leg is the barrel of a blaster rifle, which presumably is connected to the rifle itself somewhere underneath the table.
The man says and does nothing, other than take a pull from a Chandrilan Duster, speaking only long enough to order another.
Arya Ravenwing
Apr 2nd, 2002, 03:57:36 AM
Arya followed a serving droid to what was to be her table, and bumped into a man's shoulder as he walked in the opposite direction.
Flames leaped around her, and she was peering though the fire, trying to see...trying to see... Krasst, it was too smoky, she couldn't see anything, but there was something out there. And it....he was stepping closer, reaching through the orange flames with a gloved hand...
Arya spun away from the man she had bumped, and found a steak knife in her hand. How it had gotten there, she didn't know, but a Rodian was complaining from the table behind her. She blinked down at the knife, and then almost followed through with her instinct to gut the male that was before her. Then she looked up - and dropped the knife to the floor with a clatter.
Turb? He was still alive? Uncertain what her reaction should be, she took a half step forward and punched him in the arm. "Watch where you're going, nerfherder." Arya grinned, and faked another punch. He moved to block, but she didn't complete the move. "Its been ages. What on earth have you been up to?"
The serving droid whistled, and she waved it away, indicating she knew where her table was.
Darth Turbogeek
Apr 2nd, 2002, 06:28:42 AM
He looked up as someone punched him on the shoulder. Preparing to rip the bastard limb for limb... he stayed his hands as he saw whom it was.
"Arya! Hey, I havent seen you in a long time! Sit down with me!"
Arya Ravenwing, one of the few people he counted as a freind when was the last time he saw her? Some of the boyish enthusiasm came back as he watched her take a seat opposite him.
"What have I been up to? Well, I do some odd jobs here and there..." He lowered his voice, so only she could hear. His voice changing to a serious tone she never heard him use before. "Maybe I shouldn't tell you here, but I smuggle medical equipment. It's big buisness and I'm working on cutting a niche for myself. Also.... keep this card to yourself"
He put a hand in his pocket and drew out a simple chip that had the simple legend "Assasins Inc"
Arya Ravenwing
Apr 3rd, 2002, 06:16:06 AM
Arya sat across from Turbogeek, and put her feet up beside him, stretching back against the seat. She took the chit he handed her, and turned it over between her fingers. Assassins Inc? He was hitting the big time. Killing for hire really wasn't her bag, but if he made his living that way, who was she to judge. One illegal act was much like all the others. Who was she to say that smuggling was "better" than bounty hunting. Or assassinations.
"Medical equipment, huh?" Arya glared at the droid which whirred by, moaning disapprovingly as it realized she would not be sitting where it had wanted her to sit. "I've never done that sort of job, myself." Not that she was going to tell him about the cargoes she'd carried. Slaves, spice (on occasion) usually for the Hutts, and various other "illegal" substances. What was legal on one planet might be considered harmful on another. You could smuggle anything you wanted, as long as you found the right people who needed it.
She caught a waitress' attention. "Guinness, please." The woman nodded and walked towards the bar. Arya turned back to Turbogeek, "Well, I got booted from Vjun almost as soon as you disappeared. None of those Force-using psychos ever much liked me, I don't think. Also, I don't think I ever thanked you for saving my life. So..." she bit her lip, "Thanks."
Darth Turbogeek
Apr 3rd, 2002, 06:19:54 AM
"Oh errr..... "
He didnt really know how to accept her thanks, so he hid his embarrasment and awkwardness with a question of this own.
"What have you been up to since I saw you? Been doing anything interesting?"
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