View Full Version : An assasin enters

Nomi Kun
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:09:23 AM
Through the bar doors a young woman; about 5,6 in height; slender; and dressed in black armour; walks in. She takes a seat at the bar, but before she sits she says,

" My name is Nomi Kun of the planet Onderon. I am an assasin and have come for the newly claimed Jedi, Clay Dennatta. My sources tell me he is the padawan of Xazor Dawnstrider. Can any of you tell me where he is right now?"

With that said she sits and asks the bartender for some wine.

The Shadow Jedi
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:16:40 AM
From a table nearby, a hooded and concealed figure spoke

"How about you think about what you just said. Your in a Jedi Bar. You name yourself Assasin. You claim to come for a new Padawan"

He paused, lighting his pipe.

"Dont you think that makes you sound a bit stupid? Do you really thiny a Jedi is going to allow that to pass? Maybe you should rethink yourself before one of the many fine Jedi in here put your head on the end of a Pike, or however Jedi deal with ones who try to hunt their own"

Nomi Kun
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:18:29 AM
" How about you rethink the way to talk to aa ex- Sith Dark Lord. I don't think you want to die anytime soon now do ya."

Avolon Bisel
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:20:11 AM
"Where he is? Wouldn't you rather know who I am? I'm the one holding the gun."

Avolon walked from behind the bar, carrying a loaded blaster. He held it at his hip as he spoke.

"Alright, lady, what in the heck are you doing? Do you like bullet holes in the head or something? You think you can waltz in here and ask to be shown where you can find your prey? What kind of operation are you running here?"

Apr 6th, 2002, 04:22:16 AM
Xazor stepped up behind her Jedi friend. The Knight crossed her arms over her chest and looked at the one who called herself an assasin. Her blue robes touched the floor and her hood was neatly placed on her back. Her blonde hair rested on her shoulders and reached to her waist. She gently brushed a stray piece out of her eyes and shook her head in the "assasins" direction.

You have no business with my Padawan.

She stated calmly. She had just acquired him as her first student and she was not about to lose him.....

The Shadow Jedi
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:23:05 AM
"ooooh, an Ex Sith Lord! Oh I'm soooo frightened!"

His voice changed, from soft and quiet, to far more stern and weighty

"I suspect I'll be alive a lot longer than you will be. I estimate your life expectantcy to be about 2 minutes carrying on as you are. Let me repeat - Jedi Bar. Lots of Jedi. You. By yourself. Do your sums"

Apr 6th, 2002, 04:24:50 AM
And if you want my student.....you'll have to go through me first. I highly doubt you will get very far...

She growled at the assasin, her Garou canines showing as she spoke.

Nomi Kun
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:26:12 AM
The once great Sith Lord used one of her many powerful spells that she called Denial of life to make her point not to mess with her. This spell caused there to be no oxygen in the surrounding areas away from her. All those in the bar started to not be able to breath. She stopped it a couple seconds later( cause she was only proving a point) and she said,

" Would you like to rethink what you are to say to me or would you like me to do that again?"

Little do the jedi around her know, but that spell took alot of her strength away cause she was never strong enough to do that that well any way.

Apr 6th, 2002, 04:28:05 AM
Xazor shook her head.

The Sith are as weak as their "magic".....

The Knight laughed, her arms remained crossed over her chest as she glared down at the woman.

The Shadow Jedi
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:29:07 AM
The response was incredibly fast. She suddenly found herself slammed into the roof head first, once, twice three times, She was let go and slammed viciously into the floor.

"Your life is now forfeit. LOCHABRE! LIFESTEALER!!"

He pointed just as a vicious snarl made the area go quiet.... and the people who had seen what was about to happen jump for cover.

Nomi Kun
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:29:49 AM
" It's not there magic that is weak young Jedi Knight. It is the Sith themselves."

Nomi Kun
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:32:46 AM
In retaliation to the young Jedi's attack Nomi brought out her double-bladed violet lightsaber she had crafted so many years ago.

" This saber has got me through more than you can imagine. Now draw your saber and fight!"

Apr 6th, 2002, 04:32:50 AM
Xazor laughed to herself. Is that not what she just stated? Obviously this woman couldn't hear her or something. She was messed up in the head. It was great then when her Jedi friend called on Lochabre...

Oh little "assasin".......you do not know what you have gotten yourself into this time.......

She muttered under her breath....

Apr 6th, 2002, 04:33:55 AM
ooc: There are no weapons in the bar.........

Lochabre Stonewing
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:34:32 AM
It was sitting in it's usual corner, where the nice Fleshed one would be. Elieen had not been here for a while, her friend was however. The Gargoyle was watching the bar and a few of the fleshed ones speak when a call came out.


It's head ripped up and it stared wwith it's blazing red eyes intently. The cloaked Unseen One was pointing at a smaller fleshed one at the the place they called the ''Bar'. Snarling, Lochabre unfolded, coming up to it's full 3 meter height, claws and teeth becoming very, very evident.

"Weeeee haaaattttttesssss....."

With a screaming bellow, Lochabre pounced forward, coming up to the side of the Cloaked one

Nomi Kun
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:35:02 AM
ooc: sorry bout that forgot were i was for a minute. my bad

Nomi Kun
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:36:37 AM
" oooh...A little pet how cute."

Apr 6th, 2002, 04:38:03 AM
Xazor smiled up at Lochabre. She had many conversations with Elieen and him. She smiled at the extreme shock on the woman's face when he pounced up.

He doesn't like you.......and neiter do I.....

She growled, again showing her canines quite visibly.....

Nomi Kun
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:41:53 AM
Feeling pretty darn frightened right now Nomi started to back off.

" I will see thee again Xazor. When the death of your padawan comes near."

See quickly ran out the bar door and used her ability of levitation to fly back to her ship and rest cause that took alot of her strength away just to run away.

The Shadow Jedi
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:42:33 AM
"Yes, quite a nice pet."

He stood up, next to the snarling beast.

"And one we finally learned how to control. Aw damn, she ran away. "

Lochabre Stonewing
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:45:44 AM
The Gargoyle looked dissappointed, if that was possible. It was about to do the Unseen ones suggestion and stuff the Fleshed one down what they called a "toilet". It seemed to sigh and slinked back to it's corner, folding itself up again.

Avolon Bisel
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:47:27 AM
Avolon laughed as he moved to the door. He watched as she glided away.

"Think I can shoot her out of the sky?"

Avolon laughed, holstering his blaster. He didn't really intend to kill her. He was joking. Avolon turned back to the Xazor and the hooded man... and that spooky gargoyle.

"This bar attracts the biggest nutjobs in the galaxy. Believe me, I've been a Bounty Hunter. If she pulled that stuff anywhere else, she'd be fried up and served for supper."

Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:47:57 AM
:: Anbira watched from across the room, his brow furrowing in concern. ::

Apr 6th, 2002, 04:48:35 AM
Xazor shook her head, greatly in doubt.

You won't live to see my padawan die.......

She growled under her breath as she watched the woman scramble away. She shook her head and turned back to her Jedi friend.

Can you believe that? No one comes here and threatens my padawans......ever........

She said, crossing her arms over her chest once again and watching Lochabre slink off to his corner once again.

The Shadow Jedi
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:53:12 AM
No one ever said you had to be intelligent to be a Dark Sider Xazor. Announcing you want to kill a Padawan right in here, that is stupidity. I think our beast is a bit unhappy it didnt get to flush the Sith down the bathroom like I asked it to

Apr 6th, 2002, 04:55:03 AM
Xazor nodded and laughed slightly.

I think you are right.....

She said softly. Still, though, this whole thing troubled her. Someone was after her padawan for no apparent reason......and she had to keep close watch on him.....