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Vargo the Hutt
Mar 13th, 2002, 04:45:11 AM
(The green mound of quivering blubber known as Vargo slithered down the ramp of his caravel at the Arcan spaceport. His normally-orange eyes were heavier toward a shade of reddish-orange, bloodshot and glazed from the hookah of glitterstim he had spent on the way over. With a gurgling sound in the water bowl, Vargo sucked down the last remnants of his cache, the smoke whisping out his slitted nostrils as his eyes narrowed to slits. He shifted his tremendous weight, waves of blubber vibrating down the length of his sluglike body as he passed the spent hookah to a nearby Weequay lackey.)

Bora cha ba banto ba!
-To the bar and grill!-

(Vargo slithered forward, his entourage flanking him and trailing behind him. A Jawa junk peddler waddled toward the behemoth Hutt, holding up a gyrostabilizer that looked beyond use. A stream of squeaky words issued forth from the shifty varmint, as he tried to persuade the obese Hutt that he should buy his junk.)

Teebatabeeti..ani...utini! EEE!!

(Unfortunately for the Jawa, it sufficiently irritated the Hutt to dire measures. The giant slug's drooling mouth gaped open wide, and its slimy tongue snaked toward the hooded peddler unerringly. The Jawa squealed, dropping its junk and turning to run...but was wrapped up in Vargo's tongue and its gooey embrace. High-pitched squeals of protest were silenced as the Jawa was pulled, kicking and screaming, into Vargo's salivating maw. The Hutt chomped down once, twice, and three times to finish off the poor Jawa, whose two little legs disappeared through the green Hutt's slurping lips. Vargo's eyes closed contentedly as he swallowed the annoying alien, his tongue sliding greedily along the edges of his mouth to finish the job.)

Da hocha wanto ba binki tanto ma!
-Damn, spice always gives me the munchies!-

(...the slimy Hutt said aloud, belching as his lackeys laughed. Unopposed, the nefarious group continued toward the bar and grill, until they arrived at the door.)

Saarreeaa Meorrrei
Mar 13th, 2002, 06:21:37 AM
She checked her chrono, and blew a piece of hair from her eyes. Jussst ljike Sssanjisss to be late. They were about to leave for Carshoulis, and he had already taken their bags to the Layla.

He was coming back to pick her up, allowing her an hour to eat a meal in peace. Relative peace, that is. She couldn't help feeling that she was about to be attacked on either side, and found little consolation in the fact that every being was disarmed at the door.

It obviously hadn't done a bit of good a few days ago when Sanis' apartment had been blown to tiny particles by a red armoured madman. Her ears were still healing from the concussion of a missile going off at close range. Bacta had taken care of the rest. Saa picked at the remnants of food on her table, and reordered her drink.

Vargo the Hutt
Mar 13th, 2002, 06:37:21 AM
(It was a marvel that the obese Hutt could even fit his ponderous girth through the double doors of the B&G. Yet somehow, the giant slug managed just that...his fat belly squeezing through the door frame as his tail undulated him forward, leaving a visible residue of mucus on the frames. It seemed that an ocean of tables and chairs parted around him, allowing the Hutt to ply his enormous bulk as he pleased. His lackeys advised those ahead to find other seats, and then moved the unoccupied ones away. As Vargo slithered to a table in the center, he stopped. An exotic, tan-skinned female sat seductively...as if waiting for him to come for her. The sexy humanoid had a healthy appetite, like all big girls should, having put away an amount of food that would equal a Hutt snack. Of course, the drug-hazed Hutt also failed to notice the striped skin, elongated ears, and lazily-swishing tail that would have indicated that she was a Cizerack...a creature that Hutts never found to be very agreeable, and were strong enough to assert their negativity. However, Vargo didn't see the warning signs, as his tongue flopped out of his mouth to mop away a ribbon of drool.)

Banka cho meem ja jando wan chee mang!
-Tell the pretty one to dance for me-

(Vargo drooled once again, imagining her in chains, against his affluent belly)

Saarreeaa Meorrrei
Mar 13th, 2002, 06:52:39 AM
She couldn't help but notice the entrance of the Hutt into the establishment. He was large enough that he really should have been using a repulsorsled, but somehow managed to keep his enormous bulk moving through the doors. It made her a little nervous, thinking about the spice cache Sasseeri wanted to pinch. Saa steeled herself as the gargantuan slug positioned himself opposite her booth.

As his command was relayed to her through a droid, she was visibly shocked. "He commandsss me?" Saa was incredulous. "Tell hjim, not jin a mjilljion ljifetjimesss."

Vargo the Hutt
Mar 13th, 2002, 07:00:17 AM

(Vargo's belly laugh shook the chair under Saa, as the other lackeys around him also laughed. He undulated closer to her, his slimy girth making a rhythmic sloshing sound across the floor.)

Cha doja wee chamba booku gangi!
-Dance, pretty thing. I can make you a rich woman.-

(The bulky Hutt licked his chops, eager for whatever pleasure he could get from her.)

Saarreeaa Meorrrei
Mar 13th, 2002, 07:19:55 AM
Saa remained in her seat. "jI don't thjink jyou underrrssstand. jYou rrrepulssse me, pathetjic excussse forrr a ssspecjiesss. jYourrr rrrace doesss not even enjojy the Burrrnjing prrroperrrljy. Asssexual rrreprrroductjion. The verrrjy thought fjillsss me wjith rrrevulsssjion." She raised an eyebrow disdainfully.

Vargo the Hutt
Mar 13th, 2002, 07:31:11 AM
(The Hutt suddenly noticed exactly what kind of woman he was dealing with. Even with his mass, Vargo seemed to recoil, both in disgust of her, and to protect his own soft, blubbery hide)

Ba soonga nee ba dendo cha unti! Yo orska krendo ja wando ba Vargo da!
-You loud-mouthed Cizerack tramp! What are you doing here, in Vargo's presence?-

Gorgja the Hutt
Mar 13th, 2002, 03:29:01 PM
Coom judah! another booming voice came from the entrance, Yo orska krendo ja wando ba Vargo ta Gorgja da!

Yes little one, what are you doing in Vargo and Gorgja's presence!

If one Hutt could barely fit into the Jedi Bar and Grill, imagine how two could. Yet, here came another Hutt...as ugly, smelly, and foul as the first. Yet, in some strange way, Gorgja actually looked a bit healthier than Vargo did.

Vargo, tome kacka twine. Trim dar Gorgja tabo!

Vargo, good to see you. Why did you call the Great Gorgja here?

Mar 13th, 2002, 10:22:15 PM
Growing tired of the argument between the Jedi and the Sith, s'Il leaned an elbow on the bartop and let her gaze sweep the rest of the establishment. That's when the Hutt had entered the bar and grill. s'Il swiftly moved from the bar, weaving her thin frame through tables and patrons and found a booth towards the back; as far into the shadows as she could get. She observed with narrow, metallic eyes at the exchange of words between the giant slug and the Cizerack woman, and as she lifted her whiskey to her lips, took a guarded sip. When the second Hutt appeared, she merely drummed her fingers on the tabletop. She'd recognized them both, and was content to watch them from a distance.

Vargo and Gorgja; both major players in the Hutt spice cartels. She herself was heavily involved in the Kessel guild, as one of their major distributers. Then there was Blake, but s'Il hadn't seen her friend in a long time, and hadn't been able to talk to her at all.

Business had been very good for a while now; her spice was being sold, she'd stolen 2 ships within the last week, and she'd sold a set of very expensive; very stolen paintings. While she'd been expecting the other shoe to drop, she wasn't expecting it to be in the form of two Hutts. At least she hoped it wasn't.

"Gods I hope they're just here for Arcan's wonderful weather," she muttered to herself sarcastically, sipping once more at her drink. A few strands of blonde hair fell into her face, and she brushed them back with an idle hand, wishing she had her guns.

Saarreeaa Meorrrei
Mar 16th, 2002, 03:41:55 AM
Saarrreeaa took in the two Hutts, and stepped out from her seat, putting the table between her and their henchmen. "jI wasss jussst leavjing, jyourrrr sssslobberrrjinessssss." She hissed at the disgusting fleshy males, and made her way towards the bar.

Vargo the Hutt
Mar 16th, 2002, 06:01:04 AM
(A thick, hefty, and slimy tail flopped into Saa's escape path as Vargo cornered her. The spice-influenced Hutt's glazed eyes closed to dangerous slits as he laughed, his immense gut shaking the ground)

Ho ho ho ho ho!!

(As he laughed, half a dozen Weequays and four Gamorreans began to slowly flank the antsy Cizerack. They were unarmed, but nonetheless, thuggish. One of the pig-guards jerked the separating table away, enabling their bloated boss to undulate forward.)

Gambo, e bok yando gambo ba?
-Leaving? No, I don't think you are leaving.-

(The giant slug's tongue snaked out of its wide mouth, mopping away drool. One Weequay approached him with a bowl, filled with liquid and several frog-like animals)

Yuba, bok choba da naya, gaku.
-You will please me, Cizerack. One way or another.-

(The Hutt plucked a straggler out of the bowl, his stubby arm tossing the flailing amphibian into the air, as someone might do to a piece of candy, or popcorn. Try as the creature might, it could not avoid the salivating mouth that gaped wide beneath it, as it dropped right into the hungry Hutt's snapping jaws.

It was meant as an unspoken warning, and they both knew that the appetizers could get much bigger.)

Saarreeaa Meorrrei
Mar 16th, 2002, 06:10:19 AM
Saa jerked away from the tail, and faced the humongous Hutt as the table was removed. She looked around, but no one seemed willing to interject into the Hutt's business.

"Varrrgo, orrr whateverrr jyourrr name jisss, jyou wjill be betterrr off jussst to let me be." Her eyes narrowed, and she tightened her muscles, tensing for the conflict she felt must come. Being eaten by a Hutt wasn't her idea of pleasure.

Mar 16th, 2002, 08:18:48 PM
s'Il had seen enough; her drink forgotten, she stood. She didn't particularly like Hutts, and Vargo the Hutt was no exception. Her eyes narrowed to steely slits as she watched the guards surround the other woman, and s'Il involuntarily cracked her knuckles in anticipation. She didn't want to fight, but if things came to that, she was prepared to bust in some skulls.

Making her way through tables, she reached up and tied her hair back. Her whole body tensed in readiness and she approached the Hutt from behind, then shouldered her way through the guards to stand next to the Cizerack. "What's your business here," she said firmly, addressing Vargo.

Vargo the Hutt
Mar 17th, 2002, 05:21:32 AM
-Get her!-

(Two Gamorreans waddled toward Saa, snorting. As the other woman approached, a pair of Weequays barred her from further approaching their boss.

Morgan Evanar
Mar 17th, 2002, 03:21:30 PM
"She may leave if she so wishes it." he stated as he rose to his full two meters.

Morgan's nose protested being fifty feet from the slimy hutts. It was one of the few times he regretted having a keen sense of smell.

Saarreeaa Meorrrei
Mar 17th, 2002, 08:42:03 PM
Saa allowed the two grunting Gammorreans to approach her, their fat hands extended to grab her arms. She pivoted on one foot, grabbed the goon on the right and threw him into his partner. The two Gammorreans crashed into a table, arms and legs waving frantically as they squealed.

Her nose wrinkled against the rank odor from the combined presence of two Hutts and their stinking entourages. Claws unsheathed, Saa ducked a wild swing from another Gammorrean, and then she struck out in self defense, slashing the pig-like alien's throat. Blood spurted onto her and she threw the dying creature to the side. The smell of blood excited her, and she anticipated her next fresh kill. Gammorreans and Hutts were not good to eat, but perhaps Weequay were different.

Morgan Evanar
Mar 18th, 2002, 12:26:49 AM
The snap hiss of Morgan's lightsaber was not heard through the scrapping, but the impact of a .50 caliber round against a metal support was. A resounding clang echoed through the Bar & Grill, and everyone involved had the good sense to freeze.

"May I have your attention please!" His voice boomed through the establishment.

Saarreeaa Meorrrei
Mar 24th, 2002, 03:25:12 AM
Saa ducked behind a table as the shot rang out, ears down in fright at the tremendous report of the gun. She looked around at her attackers and found them frozen in place as well. Her eyes narrowed at the Hutt, who was laughing still.

Mjy clawsss could tearrr a hole jin jyourrr thrrroat, and then who would be laughjing?

Mar 24th, 2002, 06:58:08 AM
s'Il jumped at the gun shot, stopping herself from the roundhouse she was about to plant in one of the Weequay's face.

Deciding to keep her mouth shut, she stared at the Hutt; waiting on his next move.

Vargo the Hutt
Apr 6th, 2002, 09:27:31 PM
Vosko ba janbo wa ti.
-You have my attention-

(The girthy Hutt shifted his weight so that he could see the gunman. However, his eyes didn't stray far from the felinoid upstart, who had already done the disservice of slaying one of his guards. She would pay dearly, one way or another)

Saarreeaa Meorrrei
Apr 7th, 2002, 03:32:02 AM
Saa edged for the door, staying low, and moving towards the Jedi.