View Full Version : of all the bars.....

Tris Romero
Apr 7th, 2002, 02:12:12 AM
Tris Romero's first thoughts on entering Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill were simple. Why the hell did I quit my job and come here? Criminy, I need to quit listening to s'Il.

The young woman gazed around the bar's interior before her green eyes settled on the bar itself, and she started forward with a resolute pace. She had no weapons to check, and therefore wasn't bothered by the door gaurd.

The place did have a rather quaint feel about it though, and Tris had to smile. She'd worked at bars on Corellia, Coruscant, Bespin, and a host of other planets, but they were all high-end joints. She'd never worked in a place this......out of the way, so to speak.

Pulling herself up onto a barstool, she leaned over the bartop, peering at the selection of liquor along the back wall. Satisfied for the time being, she sat back a little, waiting for the barkeep.

Danya Sedirna
Apr 7th, 2002, 02:17:55 AM
Danya spun a bottle like one might spin a revolver, twisting it about until she drained its contents into a glass halfway full of ice cubes and lemon juice. Once full, she placed the bottle where she pulled it, sliding it down the bar to a man with a receeding hairline. She then proceeded to grab a rag, wiping away a small bit of spillage from somebody's drink, when she spotted a blonde-haired girl.

"What's your poison?"

Tris Romero
Apr 7th, 2002, 02:26:13 AM
Tris smiled, a small laugh escaping her lips. "I don't really drink 'em; just make 'em. Though I do enjoy a Zombie every now and then."

She rested her elbows on the bar, a grin on her face. "You got any more moves?"

Danya Sedirna
Apr 7th, 2002, 02:43:09 AM
Danya played the small talk game.

"Yeah, they say I make a mean grilled cheese, too."

She snagged a few bottles from the shelf behind her.

Tris Romero
Apr 7th, 2002, 02:58:42 AM
"So how long you been tending bars, if you don't mind me asking," Tris started. Bartending, to her, was the ultimate game. She was constantly challenging herself to learn new tricks and skills; after all, that's what gets you tips.

She'd been to flair competitions all around the galaxy, and every one she loved. Tris was an eager learner when it came to new tricks she didn't know, and she was always willing to share what she already did.

Danya Sedirna
Apr 7th, 2002, 01:24:50 PM
"About five years. That, and whatever odd job is open on this one-horse planet."

Danya arranged the bottles on the bar, mixing up a red snapper for a man down the line. She looked up at Tris.

"You want that Zombie? Or just wanna watch?"

Tris Romero
Apr 7th, 2002, 03:59:00 PM
Tris grinned, but shook her head. "No thanks; I'll just watch for now. I'm actually looking for someone around here. Some guy named Avolon."

She shrugged as she said this, then leaned once more on the bar. "Hey, you wouldn't mind if I got back there with you, would you? I mean, I know you got things under control and all, but being on a ship for three days makes a person just a tad itchy, you know?"

Danya Sedirna
Apr 7th, 2002, 04:52:21 PM
"Avolon, you got company!"

Danya turned her head, yelling to the back. She finished up another drink, sliding it down the bar, as she looked at Tris again.

"You looking for work?"

Tris Romero
Apr 7th, 2002, 07:20:00 PM
Tris nodded, a single finger tapping the bartop. "Pretty much, yeah. I used to work at Tini Biggs back on Bothawui, but a friend of mine recommended I come here, so I quit and hopped the first transport out here."

Another shrug. "I honestly don't care what kind of a bar it is; just as long as I can make drinks and have fun doing it."