View Full Version : Pistols Are Pointing At A Poor Man's Pockets (open)

Avolon Bisel
Apr 1st, 2002, 05:12:39 AM
Avolon strummed his fingers on the bartop. What an utterly boring day. The 'droid at Avolon's side, the Astomech Max, expressed the same sentiments.

Four rather scummy looking men entered the bar, fully masked and covered. They carried loaded shotguns and blasters. Avolon spoke into his lapel comm.

"Guys, let me handle this, please. It's too boring around here," Avolon pleaded, seeing that the soldiers were moving for their weapons.

The many New Republic agents in the vicinity laughed and answered with acknowledgements. Avolon answered back to one perticular soldier.

"Of course I know what I'm doing. Oh yeah, I forgot, you guys have never seen this old rebel in action. Well, watch the Master boys. Maybe after this I'll finally get a damn promotion."

The four men walked up to the bar rather confidently. They pointed their four shotguns at Avolon's head, chest, and genitals.

"Alright, nerfhearder, hand over the moolah!" The leader commanded.

Avolon laughed. "Why?"

"We're the ones with the guns @!%hole. Don't ask questions!"

"Oh yeah, I'm unarmed," Avolon said, smiling broadly. "Max!!"

The Astromech popped open one of it's several secret compartments. Out flew a four gun holster, completely stocked with blasters. They were the ballistics kind, Avolon's favorite.

The veteran span, arms akimbo, the straps slid over his hands and stopped at the shoulders. The shots rang out from the shotguns as Avolon darted towards the end of the bar. He dove onto the bartop, twisting onto his back.

He pulled two guns from their holster. He started firing as he slid down the bar.

"This is too easy," Avolon mumbled to himself.

The four men dived apart, hiding under tables. One jumped the bar itself, crouching behind the counter.

Avolon let himself fall off the end of the bar, he turned mid-air and landed on his knees. He stood immediantly and walked steadily towards the man behind the bar.

The man had dropped his shotgun and taken up a blaster of his own. Avolon tredded on. The bullets flew past him as he deftly dodged them. Avolon holstered one blaster. He reached into his boot, revealing an extremely long hunting knife. He flung the knife at the gunman like an old pro, which he was. It hit him right above the gun hand. Avolon pulled out his second blaster again, shooting with twin guns. They pelted the man several times in the chest, killing him.

One of the braver gunman rose up, leveling his shotgun at Avolon. Bisel ducked instinctively, avoiding the shot. He holstered his two blasters and exchanged them for the Blast and Smash Rifle that layed in front of him, taped to the bottom of the bar. He rose back up and fired one of the grenade rounds. It lodged itself in the man's chest cavity before exploding in a brillaint flash of light.

The other two gunman had taken up postition behind their respective overturn tables. They shot blaster rounds over the top.

Avolon hopped the bartop, still holding his rifle. He shot one grenade over the tables, the men immediantly hopped over the furniture. The blast flung them through the air as they were already airborn. Avolon picked them both out of the air with normal rifle rounds.

All four layed dead on the ground, no civilain casualties. Avolon scoffed as he dropped his rifle.

"Waste of ammo."

The soldiers in the bar were stunned by the grizzly veteran.

"What did I tell you? Hail to the King," Avolon said without flinching. He'd done this a million times before.

Eden Sorne
Apr 1st, 2002, 08:05:46 PM
Eden watched the whole thing going on. Her blue eyes not showing an ounce of impression, her lips resting closed. The Sith shrugged as the soldiers ran out of the bar, giving out a light mocking chuckle, going back to her drink as she ran her hand through her orange-red hair.

"Pfft ..."

Avolon Bisel
Apr 2nd, 2002, 06:45:56 PM
Avolon ignored the girl. She obviously didn't notice a perfect human specimen when she saw it. Although Avolon was a wee but bias.

"Cowboy!" A soldier shouted from behind him, it was Avolon's nickname. It was a warning yell, the Chief of Security could tell from the tone and volume. The voice added, albeit late, "Ya, got bogeys on your twelve!!!"


The air shot by Avolon's face so fast he could hear it in his ears. The bullet luckily didn't draw blood off his dodging nose.

"I hate it when people shoot at me. It's not very healthy for them," he said grimly, drawing two handguns from their holsters.

Two men had taken posts behind rather large trees. They were decorative, Avolon noted mentally to have them torn down. He rolled along the ground, throwing his rifle in front of him. The old rebel slammed against the door frame. However he was clear from fire for the time being.


The Astromech was way ahead of him. They seemed to share a common soldiers bond. The 'droid shot out a miniture vibroblade. Avolon holstered his guns again. His hand caught it deftly as he turned his attention towards the door hinges.

Cutting along the bolts, the hinges soon gave way. The door started to topple back into the bar but Avolon caught it. He hoisted it by it's door handle. The handle was shaped well enough for him to hold and support the door with his shoulder and arm. His left one, incidently.

Avolon stood fully erect, one blaster not held in his right hand. He walked in quick choppy steps out the space which used to be a door.

"Ahhh!!!!!" A warcry. Not an inventive one, but a warcry none the less.

Avolon reached around the door, shooting random shots as he ran to his right. The return fire was caught well by the sturdy durasteel door. Although it was slowly giving way, dents and cracks starting to appear.

Avolon got to the first goon, he shot a bullet purposely off target. It sailed past the man's ear, making his yelp and jump towards his tree. Avolon slammed the door against him, a human sandwhich. He reached around and shot him twice in the chest for good measure. His shots were avoiding the face for good reason, they might need to identify them in case they're part of a known crime organization.

"I'm coming for you, you bastard!" Avolon yelled, not even looking at the other man.

By now the man had ran over to clock Avolon in the back of the neck. He groaned as he dropped the door, and his weapon. Through years of training and field time, Avolon had learned to remain balanced. He quickly squared up to the man. He could ignore that his opponent was holding a gun, leveled for his face. The man didn't need to identify Avolon. Good for him.

"Come on man, I got a wife and kid," Avolon lied.

The man started to lower his gun... he then stopped his compassion to a halt and brought the gun back up. Avolon swiftly kicked his wrist, sending the weapon flying. Bisel drew his own blaster and pointed it at the man.

"Come on, I got a kid," the man pleaded. Who knew if he was lying?

Avolon holstered his gun. He undid the holster from his body, letting it hit the ground.

"Now, I don't believe that, but I'll give you a chance, just for trying," in actuality, he intended to take him in alive. He had to play by the book some of the time.

The man threw a poor right cross, easily intercepted. Avolon grabbed it with his right wrist, stepping into the man. He switched the hand that he held the wrist, so his right arm was free. One-Two-Three, he elbowed him in the right ribcage. He threw him back and away after the third hit. The bartender wasted no time dilly daddling, he followed with a strong right punch to the nose, then a left gut slam. As the man bent over, Avolon grabbed his collar and threw him towards the ground.

The man was nimble at this moment. He put his hand down, stumbling forward. He dove for his dropped gun, spinning onto his back as he started to squeeze the trigger.....

<font size=5>BLAM</font>

.....Avolon crouched down, a miniture handgun in his possesion. A ankle holster was shown now, his pant leg slightly raised. The other man now slumped to the ground, dead. Avolon sighed as he dropped his ankle gun, then stood. He shook his head as he walked back to the bar, leaving his weapons. He'd get them later. It was time for a drink. A hard one.

Eden Sorne
Apr 2nd, 2002, 08:04:34 PM
"No more entertainment ?"

The young woman said, without turning around. She tilted her head to the side slightly, her blue eyes closing as she waited for an answer. Ever since she came, he's been running around killing people. Not very Jedi-like ... She told herself. But then again, it's not very Sith-like of me to care ... Her grin faded as she took a last sip of her drink, a completely transparent yet hard alcoholic drink. It was left half-full, and she decided not to touch it anymore. Drinking the whole thing would make her head dizzy and her vision blur ... Which was not a good decision for a lonely Sith in a Jedi bar.

Avolon Bisel
Apr 3rd, 2002, 05:25:58 AM
Avolon chuckled.

"Maybe we'll get a circus in here tomorrow," Avolon scoffed at the mess, answering Eden's query as well. "What, did you not find that impressive? Maybe I should have let you handle them, eh?"

Avolon was in the mood for flirting, as he always was.

OOC - Avolon is not a Jedi. He's a New Republic Special Forces member, and Chief of Security at this bar.

Eden Sorne
Apr 3rd, 2002, 01:54:52 PM
"Even clowns running around, dropping buckets of water on themselves is more entertaining."

Eden said dryly. From the way he was talking, she was now sure he wasn't a Jedi. Probably something else ... Bah, why should she care ? She noticed he was being flirty, but then again, maybe it's only his usual self. She didn't know him and didn't care.

Selena Kyle
Apr 7th, 2002, 12:02:51 AM
**After hearing the commotion from inside the bar, Selena pushed open the doors from the back kitchen and rushed over to Avolon in a hurry**

Oh my gosh!! What just happened in here Avolon?!! Looks like some kind of war zone.

**Selena did not pay much mind to the sith patron, but was more concern with what just happened in the bar. She now eagerly awaited Avolon's response**

Avolon Bisel
Apr 7th, 2002, 12:32:33 AM
"You missed a show, angel. Robbers. But I dealt with them the old fashioned way."

Selena Kyle
Apr 7th, 2002, 12:40:35 AM

**Silence fell momentarily over the waitress' lips**

Oh my gosh Avolon. Thank the heavens you were here and are alright. Do you think they will try coming back here?

Avolon Bisel
Apr 7th, 2002, 12:56:37 AM
Avolon laughed.

"Not likely babe. People don't rise from the dead... well, unless their a Sith," Avolon joked, but saw it wasn't a good one. "Kidding! Kidding! They're dead. Dead as wood."

Avolon was facing the door, Selena was not. A man held a MK-47 and pointed it at Selena's back. He was many meters away, at the door, but Avolon's eyes widened. His Astromech, Max, wasn't slow to the uptake and quickly dispatched a blaster. Avolon caught it deftly, Selena didn't even notice. He shot the man once in the head from the hip, then quickly threw the gun back to Max, behind his back. Selena never knew a thing, the gun having a silencer on the end of it. Avolon smiled like nothing had happened.

"Dead, dead, dead."

Eden Sorne
Apr 7th, 2002, 04:19:06 PM
Though the waitress probably didn't hear the silent gun, Eden had taken the time to notice it. That Avolon was no ordinary man. But she shrugged, going back to her drink.


Selena Kyle
Apr 8th, 2002, 12:02:18 AM
**With a frighten look predominantly on her face, Selena replied to Avolon**

Kidding...Kidding!! OH MY GOSH...I sure hope you were just kidding!!!!

**Selena could not help but feel unsure of her surroundings. The only thing that made the waitress feel better about this whole crazy situation was knowing Avolon was around and he was a great gunman**

Ok..Av..I take your word they are DEAD! I mean..if they have not got off from the floor yet, I don't think they will any time soon.

**With that Selena gave a sigh of relief, she just hoped that the butterflies in her stomach would stop churning soon too**