View Full Version : The Land of Opportunity?

Lorcan Clucas
Apr 3rd, 2002, 01:49:37 PM
Arcan. Arcan IV to be exact. It wasn't much, but it was home and there was something in the air that rang out from the heavens saying, "Lorcan, you're home!" Lorcan hated space travel, plus the events that led up to this (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=12405) were enduring enough, so naturally he was relieved to step out onto the ramp once it had lowered from the shuttle. He stepped out onto the the solid, dull landing platform of the Arcan City spaceport.

In his right hand he held a large, bulky bag almost bursting at the seams with what little worldly possessions he owned. A strong breeze caught his thick fringe of dark hair, and he took a deep breath. The air was rather sickening actually but homely and welcoming nevertheless. It wasn't a beautiful day but neither was it cold, it was a little dull but not too bad. It was good enough.

"Pop! Come on down, how are you feeling? Can you walk alright?" He turned shouting back into the shuttle.

Pa Clucas
Apr 4th, 2002, 09:24:44 PM
"'Course I can walk okay. Waddya think - I'm a geriatric or somethin'?.....I ask ya - kids these days...!"

Pa continued to grumble and mumble to himself as he made his way down the ramp. Scian was standing next to Lorcan at the bottom. The leather bag slid down past him and landed with a slight thud on the concrete paving. Pa stepped off the metal ramp and onto the ground. He inhaled long and hard. Not bad for home. Things certainly had changed. Lorcan shouted to his father, letting him know tere was a cab waiting, but he seemed to not hear him.

"See if you can hail a cab boys!"

Pa looked over, and felt slightly embaressed, but didn't let it show...

"Why didn't you tell me, boy? Get in, lets go!

They climbed into the cab with their luggage, and then zoomed off from the spaceport...

Lorcan Clucas
Apr 4th, 2002, 09:40:54 PM
"Pop's hearing is goin', Scian-" Said Lorcan gravely, looking across to his brother just before their father reached them, "-Heeey! Let me get them for ya, dad." He put the luggage in the little droid-cab of sorts and the three squeezed in.

"We need to find a place where we can stay for a couple o' weeks; somewhere friendly, cheap and is accessable. Somewhere so-"

"Master Yoghurt's it is then, sir!" The cab's voice interrupted. They looked at each other with suprise, then going with the flow, sat back and enjoyed the ride.


Fifteen minutes later, they stopped outside a pretty descent looking place, not at all grand, so it would be cheap but from the outside it looked welcoming. The cab had told them it was a Jedi favourite, which was a concern as they weren't too fond of Jedi, curious folk who can read minds and invade your thoughts. They decided they best be on their gaurd, they didn't want the Jedi to know that they faked their father's illness so that they could return home.

Once inside, they spoke with a service droid at the entrance, told it of their situation and it called over a second droid and together the two droids shuffled off with their luggage, taking it to their rooms. Within ten minutes they had pre-paid for their stay, had been shown to their rooms and had recieved a genuinly warm welcome.

"That was a pretty smart cab, pop! This is exactly the place we were looking for."

Pa Clucas
Apr 7th, 2002, 08:45:00 PM
"I'll say! Look at this! We've even got our own bathroom - WITH a shower!"

Pa walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. His bedroom. Lorcan and Scian were sharing a room next to his.

"We've even got Holonet! Probably some really good movies on tonigfht. Holonet always has good movies on! I meant to ask for Holonet on the bill - don't mind paying for it since we've got some extra cash"

He opened his case as he spoke...

"Hey boys. Waddya say we go get somethin' to eat down at the Bar & Grill? Sound good?"

Scian replied with a "Great idea, pop!" whilst Lorcan spoke after him "Yeah, I sure could use some nice grub in my stomach." Pa closed the case, holding a new shirt in his other hand.

"Good boys. My treat, huh!? Hehe! I'll be there in a sec..."

Pa picked up a leaflet off the viewscreen, scanning through the holonet listings...

"Bah! Useless pile o' junk! That's the thing with Holonet - there's never anything good on! I suppose we're being charged extra for something we didn't even ask for! We're strapped for cash as it is!"

he shook his head in both disapproval and disagreement, before joining his boys at the door...

"Okay boys. Onward - to the Bar & Grill! Heheheh...!"

Lorcan Clucas
Apr 8th, 2002, 08:55:09 AM
Shaking his head slightly as his father contradicted himself, Lorcan thought to himself, "His age is beginning to catch up with him!" He looked concerned for a minute, then smiled as he caught his father's eye.

"Whilst we're down there I'm gonna go off and get any information around here about possible employment, I wouldn't mind a part-time job at the bar downstairs y'know, but nothing permanent, I'm gonna make you proud, pop!"

With a smile the three went downstairs into the Bar & Grill area, it was large and certainly accomodating with a friendly atmosphere. They found a seat near the center of the space available, Pa and Scian took their seats and Lorcan crouched down by the table.

"I'm gonna have a natter wuth a few people around here," He looked over his shoulder, "Well, at least those that don't look too threatening! See what I can find out about work in this place, won't be long...oh and order me a plate of steamed Bantha strips, I haven't had them in ages! And anything to drink, thanks."

With that Lorcan went off, moving abpout the bar talking to several different people, some as they entered, some serving behind the bar or sitting in front of it, whoever he could whip up into a conversation.