View Full Version : A man swaggers to the bar

Inigo Madine
Apr 8th, 2002, 02:05:55 AM
The curiously-adorned man checked his sidearm, and exsquisite duelist's rapier, at the door to the NRSF guard with a grandiose bow. The guard didn't know what to make of such courtesies, and just gruffly nodded. Inigo smiled as he entered, removing his cap and adjusting his ebony locks of hair, and his immaculately-trimmed mustache. With sweeping motion, he made his way to the bar.

"I would like an Amaretto and Kahlua, with a dash of cinnamon."

Tris Romero
Apr 8th, 2002, 03:12:30 AM
Tris couldn't help it; she had to get behind the bar. If someone yelled at her, she didn't care. She was going stir crazy not working her "magic" so to speak. Throwing caution to the wind however, she trotted to the end of the bar and skirted around to the back, making her way to the man who'd just ordered.

With a swift hand, she plucked a rocks glass from the speed well, and tossing it into the air, caught it behind her back before filling it with ice. Reaching behind her, she grasped a bottle of kahlua from the rack along the back wall, and turning around once more to face the man, flipped it into the air. Tris let it make a full rotation, then caught it by the neck; upside down with the pour spout an inch from the glass, emptying two ounces of the coffee flavored liqueor into it.

Replacing the bottle, she searched for the ameretto, and when she'd found it, removed it with a deft hand. With a flick of her wrist, she launched it from behind her back so that it's trajectory would end in front of her. She caught the neck expertly, and the amaretto joined the kahlua. She carefully put the bottle back in it's place along the wall.

Setting the glass before the man, she sprinkled a little bit of cinnamon on the top. If there was such a thing as a Flair Jedi, Tris Romero was a master to say the least.

Inigo Madine
Apr 8th, 2002, 03:45:49 PM
"Many thanks I give to you, m'lady. With your prowess of spirit, it must taste as alluring as you look."

Inigo took a drink, relishing in its deep flavor.

Tris Romero
Apr 9th, 2002, 12:59:21 AM
Tris merely smiled, leaning casually on the bartop. "No problem. You're gonna have to find someone else to pay though, cause I don't really work here."