View Full Version : A Look Through A Hunter's Eyes
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 14th, 2002, 03:40:10 PM
After dropping off her weapons at the door, a young Cizerack woman walked into the Bar and Grill. She growled for a second since she hated parting with her weapons especially when they had made her give them every single one, usually she could keep one or two hidden but not this time. But since Motssumi was still under the urges of the Burning her anger soon faded as she caught sight of how many forrda males were in the bar. Although dressed in light armor that was customary for the average hunter, Motssumi otherwise looked like any normal Cizerack woman her age except for the fact that she had a recent thin cut on her cheek from the last outlaw she had tangled with.
Walking up to the bar, she leaned on in a bit as she waited for service. When the bartender came up, she looked over at the person closest to her.
"Gjive me whateverrr he'sss havjing."
As the bartender walked away, Motssumi sat down and looked around the bar a bit while she waited.
Taajeerro Zaajuurree
Feb 14th, 2002, 07:34:03 PM
::Comming through the door, Taa looked around at the bar. He'd been in worse scrapes like the one he was walking away from, but not many. But those three idiots would not be bothering anyone untill they got their knee caps, elbows, and ribs fixed, but they could of left that pipe at home. Taa would have a headache for a week. Taa then walked to the bar, looking for something that would, for the time being, take away his headache.::
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 14th, 2002, 09:08:44 PM
Motssumi had turned to look away since her drink had come so she didn't notice Taajeerro's entrance at first. But at the scent of blood in the air, she turned to look at him. She looked at him with her icy blue eyes and noted his injuries. As she looked she noticed even though the male seemed hurt, his injuries were light by Cizerack standards. Still her interest was piqued, it wasn't often a male just wandered in and she was in need of one but she was still going to be cautious at first in case this one was already owned.
"What happened to jyou?"
Taajeerro Zaajuurree
Feb 15th, 2002, 03:17:02 AM
::Taa looks over at the female Cizerack who just spoke to him::
Oh the fjight jI wasss just jin, nothjing much. Jussst a couple of jidjiots who decjided that mjy bjike wasss worrrth stealjing. Thejy sssoon found out that thejy would be much better at bujyjing one themsselvess. But unfortunatljy forrr me they got jin a few good hitsss.
::Taa gets impaitant and beats his fist on the bar. He's a little nervious talking to the female Cizerack. With his heart racing a bit he decides to ask a question.::
Bjy the wajy, what isss jyour name? I haven't ssseen jyou arrround herrre beforrre?
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 15th, 2002, 03:54:27 AM
Motssumi listened to him speak, smirking when he said he had fought off three at once, strength was always a good thing in a Cizerack male.
"jI'm Motssssssumji Rrrosssssskaarrrrrru, jI jussst got herrre about an hourrr ago ssso jyou wouldn't have ssseen me arrround beforrre."
Taajeerro Zaajuurree
Feb 15th, 2002, 04:11:59 AM
::Taa could feel that Motssumi was evaluating him for something, either that or his heart was going to tear out of his chest. He could control his nerviousness, for now.::
Well, mjy name jis Taajeerrrro Zaajuurrrree, jI can show jyou around jif you want. jI'm a tourrr gujide, worrrkman, orrr whateverrr. jI mostljy ljive on what everrr jI can fjind outherrre.
::Taa was still nervious after speaking, he went back to scanning the bar, looking for the bartender.::
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 15th, 2002, 04:28:52 AM
Motssumi watched him a little, noting the fear in his scent but she knew that was because of her since all males were fearful of new females.
Rrrealljy now? A tourrr could be jinterrressstjing, jI need to get the lee of the land anjywajy.
Taajeerro Zaajuurree
Feb 17th, 2002, 03:05:11 AM
::Taa looked at Motssumi, and smiled hiding his nerviousness.::
Ok then, jI can ssshow jyou arrround..How about a njice vjisjit to the nearrr bjy New Republjic base? Or a ssstop at the local hangerrr and shjip jyardsss? Orrr jif jyou had a djifferrrrent place jin mjind, just name jit and jI'll fjind a wajy to get therrre.
::Taa coutinued to look at Motssumi, wondering what her answer would be.::
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 17th, 2002, 03:10:12 AM
Ssshow me whateverrr jyou wjisssh, jI've got sssome tjime beforrre jI have to get back to worrrk.
Motssumi answered as she watched Taaj, hoping that he wasn't this nervous the rest of the time.
Taajeerro Zaajuurree
Feb 21st, 2002, 06:40:33 PM
Okajy then, jI'll show jyou the hangerrrs fjirst then we can go anjywhere jyou want. The hangerrrs arrre wherrre mossst of the ssshjipsss arrre placed, fjixed, and loaded for trrransssporrrt. Ssso arre jyou rrready to go?
::Taa breathed a sigh of relief that he was able to say that without studdering. He was still nervious, but the walk would do him some good.::
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 21st, 2002, 06:48:29 PM
Motssumi nodded as she looked into his eyes for a moment, her mind was elsewhere but it was best not to say what she was thinking just yet. Partially her thoughts were on if he would do well as a servant but her other thoughts were under the influences of the Burning. Stretching a little as she got up, she looked to him again as she waited for him to move.
Feb 21st, 2002, 07:19:35 PM
Edit-Linked accounts...Bahh!
Taajeerro Zaajuurree
Feb 21st, 2002, 07:21:29 PM
Verjy well then, letsss go.
::As Taa turned away he could feel Motssumi still watching him. He really didn't know why she was watching, observing him, but he could tell that it had nothing to do with the tour of the Hangers. He wondered what she really wanted. But anyways he got up from the bar, and began to walk toward the door of the Bar.::
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 21st, 2002, 07:31:32 PM
Motssumi waited a moment, watching him for a few seconds, trying to gauge how he was normally. He seemed all right for a servant but the question still remained if he was owned or not. But she didn't feel like asking him just yet, so instead she just followed until she caught up with him, still then she thought of a way that it was an easy enough question that he wouldn't balk at answering.
Ssso jyou ljive on whateverrr jyou can fjind? Arrre jyou alone out herrre?
Taajeerro Zaajuurree
Feb 21st, 2002, 09:12:10 PM
jYes I survive on mjy own and on what jI can fjind, and jI am alone, but jI mannage. jI've been dojing jit forrr jyearrrsss, and jI've ssseen people do worrrssse.
::Taa continues to walk, slowing down a little. He wonders who Motssumi is, and why she is asking so many questions.::
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 21st, 2002, 09:19:56 PM
With her tail swishing behind her, Motssumi briefly stopped to pick up her weapons before catching up with him. She continued to walk with him, watching him out of the corner of her eye.
Ssso jyou don't have a mjissstrrressssss? how djid jyou manage that?
Motssumi asked, she hated having to be so obvious in her questioning but she wanted to know more about him to see if she wanted to take him in.
Taajeerro Zaajuurree
Feb 21st, 2002, 09:51:09 PM
::Taa is puzzled, not knowing what was ment by mistress.::
Mjissstressss, no jI don't have one. jI've been ljivjing on the strrreetssss sssjince jI was 9 jyears old. Movjing frrrom home to home, and eventualljy out on the ssstrrreetsss. jIt'sss a harrrd ljife, but jI've been able to survjive here.
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 22nd, 2002, 02:59:57 AM
Motssumi chuckled at the look on Taa's face.
jYou don't know what a mjissstrrresssssss jisss do jyou? jIf jyou werrre back home, jyou would have djid jyou get herrre?
Taajeerro Zaajuurree
Feb 22nd, 2002, 03:39:41 AM
::Taa looked at Motssumi, still a little puzzled.::
jI've mossstljy ljived herrre. Mjy motherrr and fatherrr were traderrrsss in the Galaxjy. Mjy mother worrrked forrr the New Rrrepubljic as a trrade mjinjisssterrr to the Clusssterrr whjile my fatherrr wass herrr husssband. Thejy had a houssse herrre, but it doesssn't exjissst anymorrre.
::Taa felt his nerves calm down from making him crazy to just slightly above normal. At least if he kept talking he could calm down, at least for a little while.::
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 22nd, 2002, 03:55:44 AM
Motssumi lowered her eyes for a moment while thinking that was a bad question to ask him, the way he made it sound something bad had happened to his parents. She soon looked up and smiled at Taa though.
Out of mjild currrjiousssjitjy, how good arrre jyou wjith weaponssss?
Feb 22nd, 2002, 04:28:28 AM
*Kicks Ezboard*
Taajeerro Zaajuurree
Feb 22nd, 2002, 04:36:00 AM
Weaponsss, what kjind of weaponsss?
jI've pjicked up a few, and used them beforrre. Although mossst of them have been taken bjy the authorrrjitjies a ljittle whjile ago. But jyesss jI am verjy good wjith weaponsss.
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 22nd, 2002, 04:49:25 AM
Motssumi set down the bag she had been carrying which contained various types of weapons from rifles to daggers, etc. Looking through it for a moment, she drew out a rifle.
Could jyou fjirrre thjisss well?
OOC: gtg for a few days, be back on Sunday night......
Feb 22nd, 2002, 05:27:57 AM
frell... Getting used to a Master account is hard work..
Taajeerro Zaajuurree
Feb 22nd, 2002, 05:29:37 AM
::Taa took the rifle. It was in excelent condition, but he could tell that it had been fired recently. Motssumi was someone who obviously used her weapons alot, what for Taa didn't know. But one thing Taa had learned is that you never turn down a gift.::
jYes, jI can ussse thjis weapon verrry well. jI've fjired rjifles ljike thjis beforrre
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 25th, 2002, 02:48:09 AM
Motssumi smiled briefly, but she still wanted to see if he could, she didn't feel like training him to be a marksman. She reached up and grabbed the barrel of the rifle, lowering it to firing level.
Ssshow me......
Taajeerro Zaajuurree
Feb 25th, 2002, 03:22:21 AM
Verrry well then. jI'll do jit!
:: Taa takes the rifle from Motssumi's grasp, lightly but firmly. He gets into a kneeling position, and aims in at a row of barrels that are located outside of the Hanger's control area, approxmitly 300 yards away.
Taa sighted in on the middle barrel, breathed in, relaxed and let his breath out. At the end of a slow and steady trigger pull the bullet left the barrel of the rifle. It hit the barrel in the center, a little off from the center, but close enough to send the barrel over on it's side.::
jI wasss a ljittle of on that ssshot, but afterrr I adjussst thesssesss sssightsss jI will hjit jit dead on.
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 25th, 2002, 03:40:09 AM
Motssumi watched, noting how he did but she wasn't quite content with that.
How about sssomethjing a ljittle sssmallerrr?
He was a good shot as far as hitting almost where he had intended but she needed to see a little bit better.
Feb 25th, 2002, 04:09:02 AM
(This message was left blank)
Taajeerro Zaajuurree
Feb 25th, 2002, 04:10:28 AM
Verjy well then. Somethjing smaller...
::Taa aims in on the remaining two barrels that are upright, on top on the barrel to the left is a small paint can, about 11 inches in size. Taa takes aim, breathes in, relaxes, and breaths out. A tenth of a second later the bullet flies out of the rifle and into the paint can, destroying it, and splattering paint everywhere.::
Somethjing smallerrr perrrhapsss?
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 25th, 2002, 04:18:19 AM
Motssumi smirks slightly, her tail swishing back and forth behind her.
Betterrr but how about sssomethjing a ljittle sssmallerrr?
Taajeerro Zaajuurree
Feb 25th, 2002, 04:37:07 AM
::Taa looked downrange again and saw on the barrel to the right a small bottle cap on top of it. Taa took careful aim and relaxed as he pulled the trigger. He squeezed off three rounds, aiming at the bottlecap. The first one hit the top of the barrel sending the bottlecap into the air. The second one nicked the top of the bottlecap, making it spin top over bottom, and the third shot hit it directly in the center, making a nice neat hole in it. The bottlecap hits the top of the third barrel, and rolls off onto the ground.::
jI hope that meetsss jyourrr expectationsss.
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 25th, 2002, 04:42:29 AM
Motssumi smirked and briefly ran her tongue lightly over one of her canines. (Yes, he'll do quite nicely) She thought to herself before she answered.
Verrrjy much ssso, everrr thought of enterrrjing the bountjy huntjing trrrade? jI'm jin need of a new parrrtnerrr.......
Taajeerro Zaajuurree
Feb 25th, 2002, 05:05:54 AM
::Taa gets up from his kneeling postion, releaved that this test was over. He looked into Motssumi's eyes, and found it hard to say no. Here he was living on the street, stealing and fighting to survive, and with Motssumi's offer he could leave that behind. Also who could turn her down, as he felt his nervousness return a little. She was very bueatiful after all.::
jI'll do jit! jI'll do jit! What elssse do jI need to sssay?
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 25th, 2002, 05:13:53 AM
Motssumi smirked, an eager male was always good by Cizerack standards. Her tail swished back and forth behind her as looked up at him.
hehe, calm down therrre, jyou needn't sssajy anjthjing elssse.....jyou'rrre hjirrred then plajin and sssjimple......
Taajeerro Zaajuurree
Feb 26th, 2002, 09:28:00 PM
Thatsss Grreat! jI wjill not let jyou down!
Now what do we do fjirst?
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 26th, 2002, 09:41:01 PM
Motssumi's tail flitted back and forth behind her as she mulled over few ideas over in her head.
Well what do jyou feel ljike dojing?
She asked as one of her ears went up, for some reason, she felt like leaving the decision up to him this time besides it wasn't like she had a busy schedule or anything anyway.
Taajeerro Zaajuurree
Feb 26th, 2002, 11:39:45 PM
::Now with everything over, he really didn't know what to do either. He was starting to feel kind of nervious again.::
Well jI guess jI can take jyou back to the bar... Unless jyou have another place jyou can stajy.
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 28th, 2002, 06:05:04 PM
Motssumi smirked at that as her tongue ran over one of her canines again which was a habit of hers when she was in a good mood.
jI have sssomewherrre to ssstajy but the njight jisss stjill jyoung, jit'sss too earrrly forrr sssleepjing. jI guessssss the barrr wjill do forrr now unlessssss jyou can thjink of sssomewherrre morrre jinterrresstjing.......
Taajeerro Zaajuurree
Feb 28th, 2002, 08:55:37 PM
::Taa, still a little excited, watched Motssumi's tounge run over her teeth amaized. He quickly regained his composure and decided that the bar would be a good place to relax and get to know Motssumi better. After all there was alot he did not know about her, and a few things about himself that he could find out about.::
Ok, then back to the barrr, majybe thejy wjill have the drrrinksss that we orrrderrred rrready forrr usss.
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 28th, 2002, 09:01:14 PM
Motssumi started to walk forward until she forgot that she hadn't paid attention to where they had been going so she couldn't remember the way back. With her tail swishing back and forth behind her, she looked up at Taaj.
Well then lead the wajy, jI could ussse a drrrjink afterrr that long ssshjip rrrjide to get to thjisss planet.
Taajeerro Zaajuurree
Feb 28th, 2002, 09:30:29 PM
::Taa took in the look of Motssumi's body. She was very bueatiful...
Taa decided that he would need that drink to keep his composure and find out about who she was. Otherwise he did not know what he would do. Whenever he got this nervious, he would get into a fight or do something else stupid. So he would need to relax and get some answers to somethings, like his nervious tendicies, that he didn't know.::
jIt's thjis wajy back to the barrr.
::Taa pointed the way back to the bar, and then lead the way.::
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Feb 28th, 2002, 09:46:50 PM
Motssumi followed, watching him as she had on the way before. She noticed the scent of slight fear coming from him but she paid it no attention, her mind on other things. She just followed quietly until they came to the bar, sat down and ordered a drink. Her icy blue eyes scanned the bar occationally but most of her focus was on her new partner. It was then that she noticed the silence, flashing him a brief smirk, she then spoke.
Ssso, jI asssked jyou a lot of quessstjionsss earrrljierrr, arrren't jyou the leassst bjit currrjiousss about me?
Taajeerro Zaajuurree
Mar 2nd, 2002, 03:46:55 AM
jYes jI do have sssome quessstjions.
::Taa's head was filled with alot of questions, but it was important to get to know Mossumi a little better.::
jYes jI wasss wonderjing what sssome of the otherrr placesss are ljike out therrre? jI've hearrrd ssstorrriesss about them, but jI've neverrr been to anjy of them.
::Taa thought that question sounded stupid, but it would atleast get the ball rolling. But it aggravated him, just like waiting for his drink was aggravating him. First nervious then aggravated, he wondered if next he would go crazy and make him beat the stuffing out of a waiter...::
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Mar 2nd, 2002, 04:10:58 AM
Dependsss on wherrre jyou go, sssome placesss arrre hossstjile and otherrrsss can be tame bjy comparrrjisssjion and therrre'sss ssstjill otherrrs wherrre jyou majy lossse sssomeone.....
Motssumi looked away briefly, her thoughts drifting as she remembered the death of her previous partner.
Taajeerro Zaajuurree
Mar 4th, 2002, 03:47:10 AM
::Taa knew that most of the other questions about other planets could be answered later, but there was one question on his mind.::
Ssso how jis Carrrssshouljisss Prrrjime thessse dajysss. I rrrealjy haven't hearrrd anjy newsss frrrom therrre sssjince mjy parrrentsss passssssed awajy.
::Taa was still nervious and aggrivated, and still waiting his drink.::
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Mar 4th, 2002, 03:56:12 AM
The scent of fear from Taa hit her again, he had no reason to be so nervous about her, her enemies were the only ones who had anything to fear from her. Reaching over, she mussed up his hair a little before smirking.
Calm down a ljittle, jI don't bjite....harrrd......
She smirked again, running her tongue briefly over one canine before she spoke again.
Well the lassst tjime jI wasss therrre, jit wasss prrrettjy norrrmal......
Taajeerro Zaajuurree
Mar 4th, 2002, 04:31:51 AM
Hajy, cut that out!
::Taa growled a bit, but Motssumi's touch did take some of the edge off.::
Sssorrrrrrjy about that, jit's jussst your the fjirssst Cjisssserrrack jI've seen jin a verrrjy long tjime. And rrrealljy the fjirrrssst female one jI've ssseen at all. Ssso jif mjy mannerrrsss arrre a ljittle on the jimpoljite sssjide, jI appologjize...
::Finally the waiter brought Taa his drink, and set it on the table. Taa, no longer angry with the man, let him just walk away with out even noticing him as he looked into Motssumi's eyes. And reached out and took her hand in his.::
jI don't know whjy jI'm sajyjing thjis, but rjight now jI would do anjythjing forrr jyou.
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Mar 4th, 2002, 05:39:48 AM
Motssumi raised an eyebrow and one ear to that, not that she minded but it was a bit sudden.
jyou've known me forrr onljy a ljittle whjile, whjy ssso sssurrre?
Taajeerro Zaajuurree
Mar 10th, 2002, 03:13:44 AM
Well, jyourrr not ljike otherrr people in thjisss town. Beforrre jI neverrr knew had sssomeone who gave me the chance ljike jyou have. No one wanted to sssee mjy skjills before...
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Mar 10th, 2002, 03:24:30 AM
Hmmm, well somethjing about you caught my eye, the otherrrs just may have been too djimwjitted to see what jis rrrjight therrre jin frrront of them.
Motssumi's tail swished a little bit behind her as she looked back at him but her eyes soon looked away to check out the locals. As a bounty hunter, Motssumi almost never let her guard down even when there was no danger to be had.
Taajeerro Zaajuurree
Mar 10th, 2002, 03:45:35 AM
::Taa wonders why Motssumi is looking around, she never seems to stop watching her own back::
jIs therre trrrouble about? Anjy thjing jI can do?
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Mar 10th, 2002, 03:50:02 AM
Motssumi looked over at him out of the corner of her eye and smiled.
Habjitsss neverrr ssseem to djie, jI'm jussst keepjing mjy ejyesss open forrr thjingsss, jit'sss nothjing to worrrrrrjy about.
Taajeerro Zaajuurree
Mar 10th, 2002, 04:19:03 AM
Ok then jif jit jis nothjing to worrrrrrjy about, then jI wjill not worrrrrrjy about jit.
::Taa wondered what she had ment about old habits, but if she had said not to worry about it, then Taa wouldn't worry about it, unless something happened...::
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Mar 10th, 2002, 04:25:31 AM
Her eyes flicked back up to his, watching him for a few moments.
Therrre'sss nothjing rrrealljy to worrrrrjy but one can neverrr be too carreful and jI'm not rrreadjy to leave thjisss worrrld jussst jyet.
Taajeerro Zaajuurree
Mar 10th, 2002, 04:45:41 AM
Ok, jI hope not, otherrrwjise jI'd have to get anotherrr job. And jI would thjink that would be jin a long whjile, seejing thjis jis the fjirrrst rrreal job that jI have gotten.
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Mar 10th, 2002, 04:57:49 AM
Well jI won't be leavjing jyou jif jI can help jit but fate majy have otherrr plansss jin ssstorrre forr me, one neverrr knowsss when jit'sss gojing to be thejirrr tjime.
Motssumi then smiles
But jI'd rrratherrr not dwell on that, mjy focusss jisss on the herrre and now.
Taajeerro Zaajuurree
Mar 14th, 2002, 03:23:52 PM
jI know how jyou feel. And jI hope that jI won't let jyou down.
::Taa smiles and takes a sip of his drink.::
So what kjind of mjissjions do jyou usualljy go on?
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Mar 14th, 2002, 03:32:45 PM
Motssumi ran her tongue over one of her canines again.
jI doubt jyou wjill let me down. Asss farrr asss mjissssssjionsss go, majinljy jI do the hunt down the outlaw tjype but prrrettjy much jI do whateverrr jI want and jif the prrrjice jisss rrrjight.
Ravourro Mirrassa
Mar 19th, 2002, 07:53:41 PM
(Meanwhile, outside the bar)
The sky was growing dark and allready the planet's twin moons were begining to make their appearance. There Ravourro stood, aloof from the bar's entrance like an android awaiting for instructions. He had been sent by his mistress Sorreessa Tarrineezi in search of a specific individual, who that was yet, he was not certain. All he had been told was to arrive at the Bar and Grill over on sector 8-A and play the message on the recorder attached to his ear. Well... he had arrived, now for the message. Rav reached for his ear and activated the device. Its micro-hard drive hummed softly for a few seconds before it transmitted.
Sorr: "Grrreatjings Rrrav"
(Rav heard the distinct voice of his mistress in his ear)
Sorr: "You have been assjinged to ssseek out a Mjiss Motssumji Rrrosskaarrrrrru and brjing back to me as much jinfo on herrr as you can. JI have prrrovjided you wjith a pjicturrre of herrr enclosed jin yourrr left pocket"
(Rummaging through his left pocket, Rav pulls out a white envelope with which he slices open using the claw on his thumb. Inside he finds a small 3" x 4" photo of a Cizrack female. Cocking his head to the side, Rav studied the photo. The picture had obviouly been taken secretively on the count Motssumi wasnt looking directly into the camera.)
Sorr: "Once that has been accompljished, you arrre to rrreport back to me. Do jI make my self clearrr?"
(Rav nods, even though she was not around to acknowlege it)
Sorr: "Oh, and one morrre thjing... she jis a bounty hunterrr so do be carrre full. jI dont want to be fjindjing myself jin need of anotherrr manserrrvant anytjime soon."
:Transmition ends:
(A look of concern swept over Rav's face.)
"B-b-b-b.... Bountjy hunterrr?"
So this is why she chose to explain the mission to me by recording rather then directly, Rav thought to himself.
(Rav averted his eyes back to entrace of the bar.)
"Well.... letsss get thjisss overrr wjith," Rav said with a sigh.
Once inside, he scaned over the residents of the bar, taking note of any Cizerack presence. He smirked to himself, he felt that now he had become the bounty hunter in search of his prey. After one quick pass, long and behold he saw what appeared to be a Cizrack woman from the back. That must be her, he thought to himself. It was then he noticed a large arsenal of weapons and ammunition mounted on the wall aside from him. And those must be hers, he gulped.
Rav bagan to meander his way over to her, wondering all the way how to best approach this situation. Haulting in his tracks, Rav sniffed the air around him. He detected the distinct sent of female pheromones lingering in the air. She must be under the influence of the Burning, he thought. Rav inhaled deep one last time, indulging in her sent before letting it all escape in a subtle purr. Hmmm... this could come in handy, he thought to himself with a sharp-toothed smile.
Pulling up a stool next to the counter, Rav immediately ordered one of the house's nonalcoholic beverages as to seem not so suspicious. He wasn't allowed to consume any alcoholic substances for in fear that it might impair his ability to function and carry out his mission. As Rav waited, he turned his attention to Motssumi who seemed to be preoccupied with another Ciz male companion. Sorr had not mentioned that Motsummi might have what appeared to be a manservant. Oh well, he would obtain information on him aswell. Kill two birds with one stone so to speak. Before anyone could take full notice of him, Rav fumbled to his ear to activate the recording divice.
As he opened his mouth to introduce him self, Motssumi's male companion interrupted by asking her a question similar to what he would be asking. What luck, this male was practically doing all the work for him. Rav buttoned his lip and leaned in, deciding it would be best to just eavesdrop for now..... well, untill noticed.
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Mar 19th, 2002, 09:18:09 PM
Motssumi's ear flicked over at the sound of the newcomer but she didn't look, her sense of smell told her most of what she needed to know. The newcomer was fullblooded Cizerack, about 20 or so and was already owned since he smelled of another female.
(What does he want?)
She wondered but she knew better than to look at him since he would guess she was looking to check him out. Noticing that her drink was gone, she pretended to look around for a bartender but all the while using that to check out this newcomer. In her brief scan of him she noticed one thing that wasn't good about him, the small recorder on his ear.
(Kei'Ai Reei? What do they want with me? I have nothing to hide.)
But none of her features showed her concern as she looked back at Taaj but she knew Taaj would have no idea what the Kei' Ai Reei was since he was only half Cizerack. Her thoughts wandered for a moment as she tried to think of something to get Taaj talking again so she wouldn't have to sit in silence with the other male waiting to gather info. Perhaps, the sooner the officer got what he seemed to need, the sooner he would leave her alone.
Besssjidesss ljivjing howeverrr jyou could alone, what elssse djid jyou do out herrre? jyou ssshoot prrrettjy well forrr sssome who jisssn't trrrajined to do ssso......
Ravourro Mirrassa
Mar 22nd, 2002, 04:14:46 AM
With the final sip of his elixer, Rav placed the now vacant glass on top of his many, completeing his construction of what appeared to be a pyramid he assembled out of previous empted glasses. With a tiresome sigh, Rav leaned back to marvel at his creation. Hours had gone by and to his surprise Motssummi had not said a single word to him. Surly she knew of his presence? Its not like a woman to just ignore a Cizrack male like himself. After much pondering, Rav came to the conclusion that she was aware of his being, she just wasn't interested in him. Oh well, he had gathered more then enough information to satisfy his mistress and considering he was dealing with a ruthless bounty hunter, it was the best he could have ever hoped for... however... it's not the same without getting into a little bit of danger.
Rav hoisted his body out of the seat, his bones cracking in place as he stood. Reaching into his pocket, Rav dumped what ever credits he had onto the counter, guessing that it would suffice the amount he had accumulated on his tab. Taking one last glance at Motssummi, Rav headed for the exit.
Bar tender: "Excuse me sir."
Rav stopped and peered over his shoulder to find a baffled bar tender clutching the credits in his palm.
Bar tender: "You have paid way more then what was necessary for your tab. Do you wish for your change?"
Rav smirked and with a quick lash of his tale, swept the intire bottom row of glasses clean from underneath his pyramid causing it to tople over and shatter into a dazzling display of glistening shrapnel.
The noice must of startled the occupants of the bar for everyone of their eyes locked on Rav, including Motsummi.
And with a look of satisfaction, Rav tottered out the bar.
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Mar 26th, 2002, 04:14:22 AM
Motssumi looked up at the crashing sound, the male seemed a little different to say the least, she had heard his sighing but it still seemed odd to her that he seemed to want to get her attention. She watched him walk out before she shrugged her shoulders, it wasn't her way to figure out why others did the things they did. Turning her attention back to Taaj, she watched him again, wondering if he was getting used to her yet.
Taajeerro Zaajuurree
Mar 28th, 2002, 04:10:45 AM
OOC: Sorry
::Taa waited for the unknown Cizerack to leave before he could speak again. It was either be quiet or shove one of those glasses down the guys throat. And besides there were times when not getting into a fight with someone you didn't know was a good thing.::
Who was that perrrson? Oh and as forrr mjy otherrr jobs jI've been a pjilot and a thejif so jI know my weapons and tools. And jI'm a prrroven fjighter who can get jinto trrrouble at the drrrop of a pjin.
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Mar 28th, 2002, 04:27:42 AM
Motssumi raised an eyebrow when Taaj mentioned thief but said nothing about it.
Nothjing rrrealljy, all jI know jisss he worrrksss forrr Cjizerrrrack jIntell, hjisss earrrrrjing wasss actualljy a rrrecorrrderrr that thejy ussse.....but that'sss nothjing to worrrrrjy about, jI have nothjing to hjide......
jInterrressstjing, sssoundsss ljike jI'll have fun worrrkjing wjith jyou......
Taajeerro Zaajuurree
Apr 2nd, 2002, 03:57:12 PM
Well then jit looks ljike jI wjill have fun as well. Although jI don't rrrealljy know what wjill happen next though. But jI was wonderrrjing jif jyou had a place to stajy for the njight, rrrjight now jI kjind of ljive on the strrreet.
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Apr 2nd, 2002, 06:38:09 PM
Well sssurrrprrrjissse jisss what makesss ljife interrressstjing....and of courrrssse jI have sssomewherrre to ssstajy, the hotel jI'm ssstajyjing jin jisss jussst a ljittle bjit up the ssstrrreet.....
Even though, she knew Taaj's question was most likely completely innocent, her thoughts still wandered as her tail swished back and forth behind her.
Taajeerro Zaajuurree
Jun 4th, 2002, 12:47:26 AM
::Taa felt like he was going to explode for some reason, his nerviousness getting the better of him and with all the trouble with some people prying into his new partners busness, he decided that the bar would be a bad place to discuss what else he wanted to know about Mot.::
Thats good, because jI'm all out of jideas for tonjite, so lets go back to jyourrr place. After all that wajy jI can have mjy fjirst chance at bejing jyourrr bodjyguard...
::After saying that, Taa felt more nervious then ever before. Had he said the wrong thing?::
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Jun 4th, 2002, 12:51:56 AM
:Mot smiled at that, her thoughts wandering a bit but it couldn't be helped considering that she was still under the influences of the Burning. She ran her tongue over one canine before she spoke.:
jIf jyou want, therrre'sss nothjing rrrealljy to do herrre afterrr all....
Taajeerro Zaajuurree
Jun 4th, 2002, 01:18:01 AM
::Taa felt his heart skip a beat as Mot said yes. He stood up and offered to take Mot's chair when she stood up. After all Taa wanted Mot to see him as a gentleman as well as a fighter.::
Ok then, we'll go to jyourrr place for the rest of the njight. jI'm surrre we'll fjind somethjing morrre entajinjing therrre then herrre jin the barrr.
::He calmly took her hand as she stood up, offering to help her up out of her seat.::
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Jun 4th, 2002, 01:25:41 AM
:Mot smiled a little before she purred slightly, as usual, her thoughts were wandering. She swept her tail over Taaj's back before making a nip at his ear.:
jI'm sssurrre we'll thjink of sssomethjing to do......
:She said quietly as she stood next to him, running her tongue over one canine again as a mischievous glint shone in her icy blue eyes:
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