View Full Version : A Jedi Detective Entered The Bar....

Syrius Cline
Apr 7th, 2002, 12:48:58 AM
He had recently joined the Jedi Order. His past was filled with sceptism and 'realist' views. He was a detective, part of the R.S.C., director in fact. But now he had traveled out to this place, in hopes of becoming a Jedi, and in hopes of understanding what he possessed. It was something he never considered before. Him? A Jedi? A doubtful conclusion to his life's path, but it was true. Although he was still sceptical of the Force, thinking it might be a hoax, he was now devoting his time to learning it.

He had no weapons on him, never did. This pleased the NRSF staff, no hassle for the moment. Although he was certain he'd be given a lightsabre in due time. That wasn't such a bad thing, didn't seem like a tool of war, more of peace. In the right hands of course, anyone gullible to believe otherwise wasn't worthy of his time.

"Beer mate, whatever you've got."

Avolon slid a cold mug across the bar. Syrius recieved it with a head nod.

"Thanks," he mumbled under his breath as he comprehended what he had just done. Him? A Jedi? Who knew?....

Syrius Cline
Apr 7th, 2002, 11:24:02 PM
Syrius turned on his barstool, drink in hand, to face the bar. His back leaned against the counter as he draped an arm across it. He did want company after all. So he looked for a friendly face, or an unknown stranger that was up for a sit.

Xanatos Etanial
Apr 7th, 2002, 11:41:21 PM
::Xanatos took a seat next to the man and ordered a usual chardonnay, he glanced over and gave a nod to the individual next to him::

Syrius Cline
Apr 7th, 2002, 11:44:12 PM
Syrius nodded back.

"Evening mate. What's your story?"

He was curious. This was a new place, new surroundings. He wanted to get a feel of the land, feel of the people, before he settled in.

Xanatos Etanial
Apr 7th, 2002, 11:57:13 PM
::he raised an eyebrow::

"You're kidding right?"

::X smirked and looked him over::

"You're a Jedi aren't you, probably a padawan if I don't miss my guess."

Exar Kil
Apr 8th, 2002, 12:27:24 AM
A man dressed in all black and had a blue sash around his waist came in and sat a couple seats away from the other two at the bar. He ordered a Scotch.

Syrius Cline
Apr 8th, 2002, 06:40:02 AM
Syrius gave a slight head nod to the newcomer, then address the man he was speaking to.

"Yeah, mate, matter of fact I am."

He had absolutely no clue who this bloke was, and why he was so amazed that he was known.

"Is there a reason your avoiding answering my question?"

Syrius was not a man of subtelty, he was as blunt as a caveman's club.

Helenias QDunn
Apr 8th, 2002, 07:47:36 AM
"That's because he is a Sith"

I walked passed Cline, speaking as I went to my normal table

Syrius Cline
Apr 8th, 2002, 08:13:58 AM
Syrius nearly leapt from his seat. His beer sloshed heavily, dripping a small bit on his shirt. He sat it down hastely on the counter. Syrius' fists balled as he exlaimed angerly at the.... Sith?

"You bloody well explain yourself. If the girl's right, then we have some discussing to do, mate, outside."

Syrius was not hip to the bar rules. He didn't know there was a no fighting rule. The detective never carried a weapon, and that was why he seemed like he understood the regulations. He had just recently killed a Sith, or someone convinced to destroy the Jedi, on a case, aided by Xazor Dawnstrider, his new Master. The Padawan didn't have any reserves about bringing this one's life to an end if it came down to it. Syrius was a pacifist at heart. Although he felt threatened by a Dark Sider and thought it was the role of a Jedi to protect and serve his community.... but why was this Sith not attacking? Syrius assumed he would, so readied himself. He was, after all, a foolish Padawan, new to this Jedi work. He hadn't a clue that this was common form, for a Sith to be in the bar.

Azhure Darkstone
Apr 8th, 2002, 08:35:15 AM
::Azhure put a hand on the jedis shoulder, new herself::

No fighting rules around here. besides, the sith arent worth it.

::She waited until he stopped attacking and then looked at the sith::

Sith do not deserve a jedi's anger unless in a battle, and there it is time to defeat with light not dark.

Syrius Cline
Apr 8th, 2002, 08:45:48 AM
Syrius didn't even acknowledge her. He knew nothing of what she spoke, he was absolutely new to the Force. And right now, nothing was more important than forcing this man's identity to the surface.

OOC - I didn't attack, just balled my fists in anger.

Xanatos Etanial
Apr 8th, 2002, 01:37:04 PM
::Xanatos nearly doubled over in laughter::

"Yep, you'e definately a padawan. Otherwise you wouldn't be stupid enough to challenge ME."

::Etanial stopped laughing and extended a hand with a wry grin::

"Xanatos Etanial's the name. And if you want to know about me, it's this simple. I was in the area, I was thirsty, and I came in for a drink. It's not that uncommon. Jedi and Sith don't like each other, true, and I probably more so than most, but a bar's a bar."

::X patted his his sheathed Sith Blade which rested against his back::

"I'd be more than happy to kill you, just not here. I'm sure we'll meet on the field of battle one day, THEN I'll kill you."

Apr 8th, 2002, 05:30:40 PM
Whoa.....hold on here.......

Xazor walked up and gently laid a hand on Syrius's shoulder and looked betweed he and Xanatos.

I could sense your anger from across the bar! You do not need to become angry....besides, the Sith are not worth it.

She took a seat beside her padawan and smiled at Xanatos.

You especially do not want to fight this one right now......someday you'll be able to take him.....

She laughed at her small joke and ordered a Daiqueri from Avolon.

Xanatos Etanial
Apr 8th, 2002, 05:39:55 PM
::X chuckled slightly a sly grin coming over his face::

"Ah laugh it up Xazor, because the final laughs on you. I've been thinking about who your "father" is. You know, Verse?"

::X began to chuckle louder::

"So just keep on laughing at your little joke, niece."

Apr 8th, 2002, 05:49:06 PM
Yes....he adopted me.....what's the big deal about that?

She respoke his words in her mind and then stopped.

Niece?! What are you talking about......I cannot be your niece....that would make you......

She shook her head and took a large sip from the drink in front of her.

Xanatos Etanial
Apr 8th, 2002, 06:09:25 PM
::He laughed heartily::

"Ask Verse about Chaos's mother, ask him who her brother is. That's right dear little, Xazor, Verse is my brother-in-law. And your "Brother" Chaos Alexander? My nephew, which since you're adopted into the family, makes you my niece."

::He gave her a twisted smile::


Apr 8th, 2002, 06:37:02 PM
Xazor rolled her eyes and looked away.

I should have known that there'd be Sith in my family......

Xazor sighed and took another sip of her drink and looked at Xanatos. Xazor had been trying to get to the root of her family situation lately. She had made yet another mission to Cysaria and found out that her father actually lived.....though she was unsure of her mother. Others had told her the had been killed.....but she found evidence to support otherwise. Though she did not know them.....she had been told she looked very much like her father and she had been given discriptions of him. How she wanted to find them....though she felt very much connected and at peace with Verse. She smiled to herself and nodded.

Well....uncle......I suppose maybe it would be a kind gesture on my part to buy you a drink...?

She offered to him with a smile.

Xanatos Etanial
Apr 8th, 2002, 06:47:17 PM
"Thank you but no thank you. I think I've had my fill. Good day."

::He stood up and tossed a few credit chips to the barkeep, then glanced over to the man he was sitting next to::

"If you want to know more about me, talk to a few of the older Jedi, mention my name and see what they say."

::X turned away from the two with a smirk and walked towards the exit::

Ryla Relvinian
Apr 8th, 2002, 09:28:54 PM
I was watching Xanatos' confident swagger as he exited the bar. Walking up the counter I motioned to the droid for a drink and turned to Xazor. "Don't let little Xana toast there get to you. It's not worth your trouble." I picked up my drink and took a sip. "Think of it this way... at least you have a family. My mother is dead, I don't even know who my father is."

Apr 8th, 2002, 09:29:55 PM
Xazor sighed and shook her head, then watched Xanatos leave the bar. She had tried to be nice to him...but like just about every Sith she had ever crossed paths with, refused her cordiality.

There is no luck with that one.....

She laughed to herself and finished off the Daiquerie that sat in front of her on the bar top. Xazor then noticed her friend Ryla.

They are not my real family.....I never knew my parents.....I have never even seen a picture of them! To my knowledge I never had any real brothers or sisters.....so I fill my life with the people here. My Force brother, and first "family member" is Satine Capashen......my Force sister is Natia Lerf....also known as Mara Enjeru....my Master, Verse Dawnstrider adopted me and I am his daughter. His son, Chaos...now known as Alex, is my brother and just joined the Jedi after being a cold blooded Sith....and now I find out I have an uncle and other members that are Sith! I just can't win.....ya know......

She laughed to herself and ordered another Daiquerie from Avolon, the bar tender. She smiled as it was delivered to her and she took a sip off the new drink.

Azhure Darkstone
Apr 9th, 2002, 04:26:05 AM
OOC: shes assuming your ready to attack by the movement, sorry i misunderstood syrius =).

Helenias QDunn
Apr 9th, 2002, 05:26:43 AM
"The Sith are not your family Xazor, even by blood"

I was at my place, watching the exchange with some interest.

"You true family is here. Xanatos is not as powerful as he thinks he is, I have witnessed him before. I am not impressed."

I turned my attention to Cline.

"You seem a touch wound up. Remeber, Peace and calm is a Jedi's way"

Syrius Cline
Apr 9th, 2002, 07:48:48 AM
"Are you people insane?"

Syrius jumped out of his seat. This woman spoke of the way of the Jedi, something he had no clue about. Why was it that everyone here assumed that everyone knew everything about the Force? It wasn't like they gave you a brochure when you joined up.

"Why is it your so passe with this nonsense?"

Ryla Relvinian
Apr 9th, 2002, 12:48:08 PM
"It's not that we don't care, or are bushing it off, just that it's far more productive to uplift and protect our members than it is to incite needless fighting. The sith have chosen their path, and that is the path of destruction. We have a different way to walk."

Azhure Darkstone
Apr 9th, 2002, 11:28:33 PM
Survival. They want to kill us and we want them to stop destorying all innocent people. Everything, or mostly everything we stand for is opposite of them. read the jedi code sometime.

::She smiled at him in a friendly manner then took a sip of her drink::

Whats your name? you seem new.

Exar Kil
Apr 9th, 2002, 11:47:01 PM
The man who had entered earlier, who had said nothing, finnaly decided to talk,

" You and the Sith are very complexing people. I can't believe for one second that even in a bar where there is no fighting no one would attack eachother. What's going to happen if you do fight, get arrested? To bad you could just fight your way from the security guards. You people are just so full of code you don't know what to do with eachother. A bunch of bantha foder if you ask me. "

The funny thing is, is he has lived by the Sith code on Onderon under the leader ship of Ulic Dennatta for many years. He is just to drunk to think straight and says what ever comes to his mind. He is know a Bounty Hunter and kind of a drunk part time if you know what i mean.

Avolon Bisel
Apr 10th, 2002, 12:30:45 AM
"People don't fight their way from security guards in this place. They beg for their life if anything, to that Gargoyle in the corner. Then of course, there's me."

Avolon chuckled, turning to Syrius and Azhure.

"His name's Syrius Cline and he must be a new one for your ranks, 'cause last I checked he was a detective on Coruscant."

Syrius chuckled and nodded, looking over at Avolon. He knew the gruff bartender simi-well.

"Let me explain, pal, it's rather simple. Imagine a Jedi/Sith cease fire. Everyone throws a party, gets drunk, and no one gets hurt for a short time. Well, imagine that's this bar, and the cease fire never stops. And since the battlelines between Jedi and Sith are so thin, that they often pass each other, most are happy to stop fighting. Jedi don't always like war or fighting, they prefer peace. This place gives them a look at how things could be if this never ending war would just go away."

Avolon looked at the Jedi, himself being a mere mortal.

"Am I right, esteemed Jedi?"

Azhure Darkstone
Apr 10th, 2002, 04:58:02 AM
::She smiled at never ending comment. there was one way it would end, but that would not be for a long time and sith would always arise. She then turned to the bartender and Syrius and smiled, offering an invisable hand of friendship to the new jedi::

Yes you are right. But what is in here will never be for two reasons. The sith will want to kill you Syrius, for being jedi and therefore are not too trustworthy.
The jedi are your people, the ones you must rely on and also in return help. It took me a while to accept that.
The jedi are here to protect the people from the dark doings of the sith, and what is popularly called right, and this we must not fail at or we shall have another darth vader era.

::She grimaced::

And nobody wants that.

Apr 10th, 2002, 06:22:45 PM
You should take to heart, all that these people have said. It is true......we are the peacekeepers. We do not go looking for a fight. Though, fighting is sometimes necessary......and that is why I am a Warrior. I keep the peace but if I must fight.....I do. That is alright...just don't go looking for trouble. The Sith are not worth your time.....

She smiled gently on her padawan, hoping he understood where they were coming from.....

Syrius Cline
Apr 11th, 2002, 11:59:36 AM
"Not worth my time?"

Syrius scoffed.

"If I'm a peacekeeper, aren't they the main cause of chaos? Shouldn't they be my main concern?"