View Full Version : Darkness Approacheth

Reborn Dark Jedi
Apr 8th, 2002, 02:46:52 PM
Through the streets of Arcan IV, a procession of thirty hooded men slowly approached Master Yoghurt's Bar & Grill. They spoke to nobody, made no sound, and walked in utter unison, forcing passerbys out of their way from sheer presence. Some wore orange hoods, some wore green, some wore red, and a few wore blue. At each of their belts, a utilitarian lightsaber was clipped. They did not stop until they reached the front door.

Lady Vader
Apr 8th, 2002, 02:56:26 PM
*It had been a wile since she'd graced the Bar & grill with her presence. But it so happened the day she decided to stop on Arcan IV for a drink, this group of beings would enter the bar. They wreaked of dark side energy, and yet something seemed odd about them .Like they were not natural. Not to mention the brightly colored hoods made them look like a walking Easter basket.*

*She watched with amusement as those beings in the aisle they were walking in, got out of their way. Well, they certainly did attract attention and instill awe in some.*

*Intrigued, she watched them from her lonely table, curious to see what they were here for.*

Loki Ahmrah
Apr 8th, 2002, 03:26:09 PM
Outside, somehwat of a commotion had been kicked up and even from his quiet spot where even the noise of the Bar & Grill was ambient, Loki had found himself being disturbed. He leaned over to one side, after placing his book down and with narrowing eyes and wrinkled nose, he stared curiously towards the entrance.

"Good grief!" He said quietly to himself. There was great many people all dressed similarly outside, perhaps they were demonstrators of some sort.

Interested, the little Padawan made his way towards the bar, halving his distance from the door when suddenly he felt a little uncomfortable and took a seat. He felt a little light-headed and his stomach turned, he wasn't ill and had never felt like this before.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to relax, when he suddenly sensed in some unconcious fashion, that the source of his nausia had a direction, it came from outside, from amongst the extravagantly dressed individuals, each carrying-

"Lightsabers!" He thought with fright, he stood up suddenly, nocking his chair back and made his way quickly back to where he once was, he lifted up his book and sat down, almost hiding behind it.

Lorcan Clucas
Apr 8th, 2002, 03:32:45 PM
"Do you mind if I take a seat?" Came a voice from behind Lady Vader, she turned to see a pretty average looking man who broke eye contact for a second to glance over towards the door, "I hope you don't."

Before she could answer he pulled a seat back and sat down so that he was facing the entrance to the Bar & Grill. He looked over to the young lady and smiled.

"I just thought an attractive, young lady such as yourself might require some company if indeed the rabble outside are out to cause trouble." He said this with a half-smile, grinning almost knowingly towards his newly acquired company.

"I'm Lorcan by the way," he declared holding out his hand to shake hers.


Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 8th, 2002, 04:29:20 PM
Cirrsseeto was hard at work dismantling and wolfing down a whole raw grouper, hungrily chomping away wide swathes of meat from the fish, when a strange noise caused his ears to flutter. It was the sound of lots of footsteps, walking completely in unison, like soldiers in the army. Cirrsseeto paused, raising his head to look up, a fish fin sticking sideways out his mouth. His blue eyes narrowed, as he gulped down the rest of his bite. Something was wrong here.

Nathan W3st
Apr 8th, 2002, 05:00:59 PM
West had a theory: Administrative positions bred nasty caffine addictions. The evening meal (which he normally had delivered along with a stack of sigh datawork) usually came with a cup of coffee.

Only the location and the lack of a data pad changed the ritual. The mug of ever-present black coffee stayed. Instead of the normal bantha burger, he had a nice steak and greens on the side.

None too distant, the guard at the door asked the group of hooded men to turn over thier lightsabers. It stunk of some weird sort of cult, but worse yet, the whole thing felt wrong.


Trouble. Frell. Frell frell frell. The first good meal in two weeks spoiled by some hooded jackasses with lightsabers.

Apr 8th, 2002, 05:25:39 PM
Towards the far end of the bar, s'Il tipped the last of her Bothan Tequila down her throat, letting it settle in her stomach for a few seconds as she smiled faintly. She could have sat for a few more hours, but she was a busy woman; she had things to do and places to wreck. Digging through her jacket pocket, she dropped a handfull of credits on the bartop and stood.

s'Il turned, intending to head for the door, and froze.

She stared at the black-robed group that had just entered, her metallic eyes narrowing to steely slits. She watched as they refused to relinquish their sabers.

Gods I hate those things, she inwardly cringed, wishing now more than ever that she had her guns. Without thinking, she dropped into the nearest booth; and found herself face to face with a book. Just a little confused, she leaned up over the table and peered at the boy buried behind it.

"Uh, hi," she started, "hope you don't mind sharing a table."

Reborn Dark Jedi
Apr 8th, 2002, 05:27:52 PM
"Check your weapons before entering", the NRSF doorguard said.

However, the throng of hooded men did not move. At the forefront, a man in a blue hood slowly and deliberately crossed his arms.

"You will not be allowed in without checking your weapons." the guard said, with more edge this time.

The one in the blue hood laughed, a rolling, evil laugh. Without warning, the NRSF guard found himself thrown against the far opposite wall of the bar by a Force Push. The wind knocked out of him, he got to his feet quickly enough, but not before thirty Dark Jedi stormed into the Bar & Grill, red lightsabers ablaze in evil fury. The hooded warriors sneered with malice.

"The Jedi and their friends shall die!"

Lady Vader
Apr 8th, 2002, 05:30:13 PM
*LV took her attention away from the group of brightly hooded beings to look up at a young man, speaking to her. As he moved around to sit down, she raised an eyebrow, somewhat surprise that he acted as though he didn't know who she was. Perhaps he didn't know. Or perhaps he was a good actor.*

*She chuckled softly at his remark about her being alone with the "rabble outside". He amused her. Not to mention he had guts "keeping her company". Most men avoided her like the plague, due not only to her volitile personality, but to Lord Vader being somewhat... possessive.*

*She extended a hand, grasping his and shaking it firmly, the strength in her arm evident.*

A pleasure, Lorcan.

*She released her grip, eyeing him cooly with her green eyes.*

You may address me as Lady Vader.

*She flicked her head in the direction of the bar's door.*

As to the "rabble", I'm not worried about them. Though they may seem like trouble, and indeed they can produce quite a bit of it just by sheer numbers, they are not difficult to deal with.

*As though to confirm her words, the beings made their move. Now she knew for sure they were Dark Jedi. And what she had been feeling before, that strange feeling, it was that they were reborn. Not natural.*

*Upon seeing 30 some odd sabers ignite all at once, she extended her hand towards the door where her weapon had been stashed, and called it to her, one end of the dual phase saber springing to life like an angry red fire.*

*She heard their words. heard they were after the Jedi. But she still didn't trust them.*

Sanis Prent
Apr 8th, 2002, 05:34:05 PM
(I was no stranger to the sound of a lightsaber. I'd been at the business end of quite a few of them. But it seemed the floodgates had opened. I heard lightsabers by the dozen, turning around on my barstool.)

I'll be damned...

(The whole place had lit up like some bloody candelabra. Lightsabers everywhere, wielded by strange, hooded men, who all liked colors that clashed. Something was going down here, and I didn't want to be in the mix when it hit the fan.

I reached for my shell gun, but realized that it was empty. I'd checked the bandolier at the door, with the rest of my weapons that weren't priceless heirlooms.)


(I downed my bourbon in one take, planted my left hand on the counter, and leapt over the bar in one swift motion.

Time to get the hell out of Dodge.)

Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 8th, 2002, 05:40:46 PM
:: Anbira's eyes focused on the lightsaber-wielding foes. He had sensed a disturbance in the force long before, but its definition was vague, and the auras of these Dark Ones were confusing. Only now did he see the threat before him. He stood with quickness deceptive of his age, his chair falling behind him. He turned to Loki, his voice serious. ::

Loki, summon the Jedi, now! Go quickly!

Loki Ahmrah
Apr 8th, 2002, 05:47:48 PM
Loki jumped a little, already shaken he was quite startled when his book on hydro-electronics began speaking to him. He looked up then gave a quiet sigh of relief, he settled almost forgetting about those at the door.

"Oh hi!" He smiled and spoke in a friendly tone, "Not at all, please do stay." His voice had an edge of fear, he was releived that he had been joined by an adult.

"I'm Loki Ahmrah, who might you-"

Crash! The man who had once been gaurding the door was slammed against the back wall just to the right of Loki and his company. He jumped with fright, his eyes snapped open in shock as he heard the heavy footsteps charge inside. He looked at the young lady with dread, then began muttering, the child in him coming out.

"They, they have weapons...we've got nothing! What are we gonna do?" He said, he trembled a little with fear.

"Death to the Jedi and all their friends!"

At first he was frozen with fear. Suddenly he heard his masters voice from afar, Anbira's voice seemed very distant, very quiet, the boy shook his head. Then his adrenaline kicked in, right on cue as it always does, he looked upwards remembering where there was a ventilation shaft. Then not hesitating jumped onto the table and began losening it. He called back to his lady company.

"Could you give me a boost up? I'll get help, and weapons!"

Lorcan Clucas
Apr 8th, 2002, 05:59:43 PM
"Lady Vader, you say!" He repeated with suprise, and smiled, "I've never met a celebrity before!"

He chuckled when suddenly the inevitable happened, the gaurd was sent soaring across the room and crashed into the wall behind. Before the Force-user dressed in blue began to speak, Lady Vader had already called her lightsaber to her. She ignited it immediatly and Lorcan jumped in his chair, a little worried at the sight of lightsabers he quickly stood up.

"I - umm - I'll..." He looked around the room, then saw the gaurd slumped against the wall, "...see to him!" He ran over to the gaurd and picked him up, slinging him over his shoulder and ran upstairs with him. He'd leave him in his room where he'd be safe.

Apr 8th, 2002, 05:59:57 PM
"Gladly," s'Il said quickly as she leapt up onto the table. The hum of lightsabers filled her ears, but she gritted her teeth and helped the boy; Loki as he'd called himself, pull the ventilation grating off.

With their combined efforts, it came away easily. "Call me s'Il," she smiled thinly, dropping the grating to the floor. Interlocking her hands, she created a step for Loki to use. "Ok Loki, here you go."

Apr 8th, 2002, 06:04:43 PM
:: AB was taking a leisurely walk towards the Bar & Grill when her senses went on full alert, the Force warning her there was something wrong. becoming more alert and more tuned to the Force, she searched for the distrubance and found it to be eminating from the place she had been walking to. She hurridly made her way to the entrance, catching sight of Loki jumping from the vent in the side of the bar, and heading round back. She sensed from him distress and determination. ::

:: Not having time to understand what he was doing, she put a foot in through the doorway and was greeted by a mass of beings with the stench of the Dark Side permeating the air. And all of them had activated lightsabers. Her eyes were wide. So many sabers in such a small area! ::

:: Her own saber activated on impulse, it's amethyst blade springing to life. With her free hand, she "grabbed" a handfull of the Dark beings within the bar, and yanked them through the door. They flailed their sabers, the blades cutting through the wood and plaster at the door, but none touched them or another living being. Soon half were essentially outside and half inside. ::

:: She stood her ground, eyeing the group of Dark Jedi surrounding her. ::

Loki Ahmrah
Apr 8th, 2002, 06:19:51 PM
He placed his foot in her hands and before he knew it he was in the dark, empty shaft, crawling along on his hands and knees not knowing exactly where he was going.

"Thanks s'Il! I'll see you in a minute!" She heard him call from down the shaft.

He navigated his way as quickly as possible not caring how much noise he made, as they wouldn't hear it over that racket and an adult couldn't follow him through here. After a moment, he was surrounded by darkness and couldn't see his hand in front of his face, he looked right, nothing then he looked left and saw a bit of light coming from another direction, hitting the inside of the metal interior.

He crawled along and the light caressed the side his face as he came to a junction and turned to find a second grating. The mid-day's light creeping through. He sat facing the grating, he brought his knees up into his chest then kicked forward forcefully.

"Argh!" With that the grate came clean off and he leapt out onto a watse container around the back of Yoghurt's establishment.

He ran back inside, where there was an office but there was no way the Dark-siders could get here unless they thought to come round the back. He activated the HoloNet tranceiver and relayed a message (http://pub56.ezboard.com/fgjofrm1.showMessage?topicID=395.topic) to both the Jedi and local New Republic Forces.

Lochabre Stonewing
Apr 8th, 2002, 06:27:38 PM
Nice day. Lochabre sat quietly, waiting for Elieen Fleshed one to come by. The little Fleshed one was friends with the giant beast - and had explaned a few things to Lochabre after a rather destructive temper explosion. But i t was in Lochabre's blood to destroy disgusting Life Thieves, it was a religion almost.

Lochabre had been given another job, one that suited it by Elieen. Bouncer. The Gargoyle did not understand why Bouncing was a job, but it had been told to stop bad fleshed ones from causing trouble.

Wasn't that guard duty? In it's long life Lochabre had done that. Define what was wanted and Lochabre would do it. Elieen had told it that only certain people were allowed in with a "weapon". It was also told to stop hostile fleshed ones to the Jedi from entering. Being an experienced Guard Duty, it knew where to sit to watch entrances.


"Death to Jedi!!!"

Bad fleshed ones! Attacking it's designated protection!

With an almighty scream, Lochabresnapped out into full form, standing 3 meters tall, wings unfurling, claws extending. Many with burning glow things....... that was not a real problem. Lochabre spat at the closest that had come through the door, acid hitting the face and chest. Enraged that anyone would dare attack designated protection from Elieen, It spat again.....

Reborn Dark Jedi
Apr 8th, 2002, 06:28:16 PM
Two of the Dark Jedi ran to where they saw a pair of feet disappear through a ventilation shaft, saber glaring a fierce red they swung simultaneously at the lady on the table, from both sides. One ferocious blade aimed for her neck, the other for her waist.

"Do not waste your time, old man!"

One of the red-hooded Dark Jedi called out with a wicked sneer on his face, glancing around at their numbers he was quickly joined by two green-hooded Dark-Siders. With a grunt the red-hood suddenly dragged Anbira towards them, the duo either side of him held their sabers forward, ready to skewer the old man's chest.

Nathan W3st
Apr 8th, 2002, 06:29:05 PM
West growled, throwing his table onto its side and drawing his blaster.

He turned to the nearest hooded saber-weilder and nailed him in the shoulder.

"Foolish man! Blasters are of little worry to us." Nathan shot at him anyway, and the bolt was reflected into the ceiling.

"Oh, I know." He dropped the blaster and quickdrew the railgun, blowing the hooded creep's brains out.

Apr 8th, 2002, 06:39:52 PM
After Loki had disappeared into the shafts, s'Il turned grimly to the carnage within the bar. The amount of lightsabers in such a confined space made her cringe.

And then two of the Dark Jedi, seemingly materializing out of nowhere, swung at her from both sides. In near panic she scrambled back until she hit the wall roughly, the saber blade aimed at her neck missed by mere inches, but the other one burned easily through her shirt and lightly grazed her stomach.

Here comes another scar, she winced, gasping slightly in pain. One hand went over the wound as she fell to her knees and the other grasped a salt shaker. Popping the top off, she flung a handfull of salt crystals at her assailent's faces.

Gav Mortis
Apr 8th, 2002, 06:42:01 PM
As the group of Dark Jedi lunged at the Lightsider, two where suddenly lifted from their advancing feet and pulled high up into the air. The speed at which they were lifted gave the impression that the laws of gravity had just reversed. Crying out with fear, the two lightsaber wielding individuals were quickly released and began to plummet towards the ground then suddenly crashed through the roof of the Bar & Grill.

As AmazonBabe began to engage with the Jedi, a second lightsaber, differing in colour to that of the Dark Jedi's began to clash with their firey blades. As he guided a reverse thrust through the abdomen of one of his foe's, Gav shouted out to the Jedi in a light-humored manner.

"This has got to be a first for me, don't say I don't do you guys any favours!" He smiled, glad to be in the thick of the battle, catching the ladies eye as she did battle with the Dark Jedi. Then with a quick jerk, brought the ominous black lightsaber blade up the centre of the man's body, literally cutting him in two.

The Sith caught the red lightsaber's hilt as it fell from it's wielders lifeless hand, smashing it into the nose of an oncoming foe he continued began fighting with two lightsabers as opposed to the one.


Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 8th, 2002, 06:45:38 PM
:: Anbira suddenly found himself being pulled toward a trio of darksiders. Using their momentum, the Jedi dove into a roll, zipping below and past where the Dark Jedi expected to run him through. They hesitated but a moment, until a shaft of white light burst from one of the green-hood's chest. He gasped as Anbira withdrew from his backstab, wrenching Gallanthor's blade from his heart, and letting the dead man fall. The red hood growled, swiping with his saber. But Anbira was no longer caught unawares. His hand extended, and the red-hood's blade ceased moving toward him, instead, turning back on its owner, despite the Dark Jedi's best efforts to prevent it. Against his will, the red-hood ran himself through with his own blade, falling to the floor.

Anbira held his blade close, preparing to do away with the second green-hood. ::

Apr 8th, 2002, 06:56:05 PM
:: She raised an eyebrow at the Sith opposite her, as she landed from her jump and flip out of a circle three dark Jedi had begun to encase her in. She engaged a nearby Dark Jedi, a blue hooded one, crouching and rolling, bringing her saber around to slice his legs from under him. The Dark one went down with a scream, tossing his saber at her. It spiraled towards her, and she swatted it out of the way, lunging at the Dark Jedi and slashing her saber downward, removing his top from his bottom at a diagonal cut. ::

:: Panting, she looked up at the Sith as he dispatched another Dark Jedi. ::

Never... said you didn't... do... us any... favors.

:: She grunted, in between saber blocks and slashes with two Dark Jedi. ::

Just never... seen you...

:: She skewered one Dark Jedi through the neck and kicked the other in the gut. ::

...actually do us any...

:: The Dark Jedi returned and she met his attack with full force, pushing him from her, grabbing him, and slamming him against a protruding drain pipe at the side of a building. There, he became impaled and perished, a gruesome site. She wrinkled her nose, turning to meet another Dark Jedi. ::

...favors. But thank, none the less.

:: She locked sabers with another Dark Jedi, fighting fiercely. ::

Loki Ahmrah
Apr 8th, 2002, 07:01:50 PM
Loki ran back round the front, seeing Rie as he went on his way he couldn't even afford a half-smile, now was not the time, not even for manners. He was just by the front door when from inside a large number of Dark Jedi came flying outside, a couple of humming red blade narrowly missed him as they passed through the Bar and Grill's wall. He'd leapt aside where he found the ungaurded container, filled with a whole variety of weapons.

He turned, back against the wall reaching down picking up a blaster, watching the movement of the Dark-Siders outside with Rie and a newcomer, a male whose face Loki did not recognise. The Dark Jedi had not noticed him and he stepped into the doorway. He immediatly thought about s'Il but at that moment, he saw from behind Anbira an orange-hooded individual lunge towards him whilst Anbira dealt with the green-hooded Dark-Sider in front of him.

"Master!" Loki cried out in terror, and at that moment, the orange-hood cried out in agony, one hand releasing from his lightsaber and gripping the back of his leg. The little Padawan looked down at the smoking barrel of the plaster pistol he was holding.

He picked up another blaster and a round object. He looked at it, the shiney ,etal gleamed in the sunlight, his finger slipped, moving a switch and the thing began to bleep. Loki's eyes widened with suprise and out of doubt more than anything else, switched the device back to the way it was and put it back in the container. In place of the spherical device, he picked up another pistol, an odd looking weapon but he didn't take the time to figure it out. He just ran in.

"S'Il, here!" He cried out as he saw her throw something at her oppressors, a cloud of white powered hit their faces. Getting her attention he threw her one of the blaster pistols then dived behind the bar to find Sanis Prent. He looked at him for a moment, lifting up the blaster pistol and the odd-shaped one.

"Take your pick!"

Master Yoghurt
Apr 8th, 2002, 07:08:10 PM
In entered a 3 feet tall character, annoyed by having his little meditational nap disrupted by thumping noises from the Bar & Grill area, he was determined to find the source..

Grumpily, he uttered
"What this noise is.. who dares my beauty sleep disturb?"

Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 8th, 2002, 07:15:03 PM
Cirr ducked and dodged frantically, as two men in red hoods swung their glow swords at him. The way they cut through tables and chairs, he didnt' want to be in their path. His ears folded back as his claws extended from his fingertips. The lead red-hood moved for a slow, heavy overhanded chop, which was just slow enough for Cirr to make his move. He ducked underneath, a strong clawed hand grasping onto the Dark Jedi's wrist, sinking his talons into flesh until he felt the man's wrist break. The lightsaber clattered to the floor. With his other hand, Cirr grasped the flailing man by the neck, holding him high in the air as his lips peeled back, showing his deadly fangs.

<marquee><font size =50><font color=990000>RRRROOOOOUUUUURRRRRRR!!!!</font></font></marquee>

Cirrsseeto's roar shook the bar, rattling glasses and windowpanes, as he threw the Dark Jedi across the room. Wasting not even a split second, the agile felinoid pounced through the air, landing violently atop the dazed and bewildered enemy. He grasped the man's hood, yanked his head back, and in a gleam of flashing canines, clamped his jaws across the man's throat in a killing bite. Just as he felt the man cease to struggle, however, an invisible force grabbed him by the throat, pulling him up into the air. Gasping, he looked down at a blue-hooded Dark Jedi, who had him in a force grip. Cirrsseeto, strong as he was, was helpless against this, and struggled in vain, the bloodflow slowly being cut off from his brain.

Sanis Prent
Apr 8th, 2002, 07:21:18 PM
Gimme the corellian one, kid!

(I extended my hand out, glancing over the bar to catch a glimpse of the action. Suddenly, a red blade dove down toward my head. I jerked back against the wall.)


(He reached back for another strike, and my off hand flailed around for...something. I grabbed a brown bottle, lobbing it at his head in desperation. With his force-adept skills, the Dark Jedi easily slashed through the bottle before it hit him. However, he also ignited the 100 proof whiskey inside, which splashed out all over him, coating him in fire. I gave a lopsided grin. Not bad for a stab in the dark.)

Lady Vader
Apr 8th, 2002, 07:23:38 PM
*All hell had broken lose, and LV was in the thick of it, fending off a Dark Jedi that had decided to pick on her. She exchanged a few blows with her saber, becoming annoyed. Suddenly, she snarled, grabbing the man in a Force vice grip, yelling at him.*


*Irritated beyond words, she closed her hand tightly, hearing the bones in his neck snap. The man went limp before he could impliment another move, and she tossed the lifeless body to the side, disgusted at the stupidity of these brainless beings with bad taste for hoods.*

Apr 8th, 2002, 07:40:02 PM
Ignoring the pain lancing through her lower midriff, s'Il reached a hand out, catching the blaster by its barrel as it sailed toward her. She'd have to thank Loki when this was all over.

Flicking her wrist, her fingers wrapped around the grip. Faster than anything she opened fire at her two attackers, her shots aimed at their knees. Disoriented by the salt in their eyes, the two screamed as blaster bolts seared into their kneecaps, and they dropped, writhing as they hit the floor.

s'Il rolled from her position atop the table, landing in a heap on the floor next to the two Dark Jedi. She jammed the barrel of her blaster into the closest's temple, looked him in the eyes, and pulled the trigger. "That's for your color coordination," she growled. Readjusting her aim, she pointed the blaster at the second; and was thrown through the air and over the bar. He'd picked her up with the force and flung her away with a snarl.

Crashing over the bartop, the pain in her gut was forgotten as shards of glass jabbed into her back, and she rolled over the edge, landing with a grunt behind the bar; right next to Prent. "Hello again," she muttered.

Sophia Harten
Apr 8th, 2002, 07:40:11 PM
Sophia rounded the corner, tearing down the street at a dead run, her blaster drawn, her tsandard issue rail pistol tucked in it's holster. She'd received the distress call from a young Jedi not moments before on the wide band frequency used for the Jedi and NRSF. She could see the commotion being caused by the hooded beings. There were a number of them outside, and from the looks of it, a number inside the bar.

She aimed her blaster, scoring one shot at one of the Dark Jedi outside. The shot however only grazed it's intended victim, he having turned to avoid it. Blast! He's sensed it. Though he ignored her again to engage the two that were fighting the horde outside. One a Jedi that she recognized, but the other she could not pin.

Coming to a halt at the bar's door, she peered in, ducking at the last moment as a blaster shot zipped by her, missing the top of her head by centimeters. Getting in through the front would be bad. She would be exposed.

Doing an about-face, she ran around to the back of the bar, kicking in the locked back door, and running through the kitchen to pop out behind the bar. Again, she ducked as one of the Dark Jedi swung at the bar. The man was greeted by a bottle of liquer, the bottle shattering and the liquid igniting, covering him in wisps of flame. He screamed and flailed about, attemtping to extinguish the fire.

She peeked, over the counter and saw the mess in the center of the bar, so many lightsabers going at once. Ducking back down, she checked the charge on her blaster and looked over to her left, to find a man crouching there, peeking over the counter top. From the looks of him, she recalled his name being Sanis Prent, from the NRSF profiles.

Some party they're having, huh?

Sarcasm dripped from her voice as she stood, firing off a volley of blaster fire into a group of Dark Jedi, stopping momentarily as a woman came flying towards the bar top and landing beside Prent. She shook her head and grit her teeth, ducking and firing.

Yeah, definitely a party gone wrong.

Reborn Dark Jedi
Apr 8th, 2002, 07:41:15 PM
One green-hood went down from Lochabre's acid spit, but another dodged it, hurling his weapon at the gargoyle, where it stabbed into its shoulder. A red hood approached from behind, slashing across its back.

Sanis Prent
Apr 8th, 2002, 07:46:04 PM
It must be fate that brings us together.

(I smiled melodramatically, reaching the blaster over the bar, and hitting a Dark Jedi with his back turned. Even shooting at these guys was nerve racking. I hit the microfield generator at my belt. If these clowns reflected shots back, I could take a few if need be.)

Master Yoghurt
Apr 8th, 2002, 07:56:33 PM
"I said.."

He narrowed his eyes.. the group intruders obviously took no notice.

"... enough of this"

Master Yoghurt hit a naturally concealed switch on his walking cane, and a small chamber opened. A spring mechanism bounced out the hilt of a lightsaber which in a motion blur was pulled to Yog's hands with the aid of the Force. His green tiny hands hit the activation lever, and in a blinding flash, the blade extended outwards, releasing a green flickering glow cascaded along the floor. The lightsaber blade gave a humming noise, and seemed to mysteriously phase to different colors..

<img src=http://www.thegjo.com/sig/Arca.gif>

The Jedi Master seemed to draw energy from somewhere deep inside.. and almost appeared to grow in size as he made some ritual combat movements before the battle.

<img src=http://www.thegjo.com/yog/yoda.jpg>

He then directed his attention toward the group of Dark Jedi. Breathing slowly, he reached out with the Force..

Reborn Dark Jedi
Apr 8th, 2002, 08:02:37 PM
Two green-hood's had followed an NRSF agent from the battle outside of the Bar & Grill, round the back of the establishment they ran at an abnormally fast speed. Through the kitchen they burst through the door that led out behind the bar, the large door came off it's hinges and hit the woman they had followed who was aiming from behind the bar. In the instant that she was trapped between the bar-top and the door, one of the Dark Jedi brought his saber up to run her through. The second, ran past and lunged at another picking out his fellow Dark Jedi from behind the bar, a man with a blaster. The green-hood swung his saber with firey aggression, lunging forward with a grunt, aiming for the man's hip.


Two other orange hoods advanced on s'Ilancy after witnessing her being hurled across the room whilst the green-hood who had thrown her, took up his fallen comrades saber and threw it through the air at Lady Vader, who had just broken the neck of a red-hood. Instead of spinning, the weapon screamed through the air, in an arc like a javelin ready to pierce her stomach. In order to make sure his attempt to kill her suceeds, he holds her by the throat like she had done with one of his fellow Dark Jedi.


The moment the small, green creatures blade came to life, it attracted the attention of an orange, green and a blue-hood. Their heads snapped around to watch him, he wasn't as short as he had innitially appeared to be. Not taking any hances, the orange-hood pushed him against the wall to the right of the entrance, then the green-hood took a stronk grip about his neck and with a wicked glare began lifting him up against the wall, his feet leaving the ground whilst the orange and blue-hood advanced on him.

"You will be one with the Force very soon, my little green friend!"


Outside, there were six Reborn Dark Jedi left to deal with, three orange-hoods, two red-hoods and a blue-hood, all engaged in a saber-locking battle with, strangely enough, a Dark-Sider and a Light-Sider. A blue hood lifted the female Jedi from the ground, several feet up, then allowed her to drop when two orange-hoods threw their sabers towards the point where she would land. AmazonBabe looked down, to see two swirling lightsabers ready to dismember her.

As for the Dark-Sider, the male - two red hoods were engaged in a fierce, racey saber confrontation with him whilst the orange-hood would occasionally intervene, pushing or pulling at him through the Force, his antagonistic antics an effort to distract him long enough for one of his Dark Jedi brothers to make the fatal blow.

Garrett Blade
Apr 8th, 2002, 08:03:45 PM
The Great Gate.

Blue Danube.

Duel of the Fates.

All he knew was that it was some kind of classical music. he bobbed his head to and fro as the sensual instruments soothed his ears through the headphones connected to the minidisc strapped to his belt. Garrett's eyes were closed as he wafted the magazine before his face, cooling him. He was completely oblivious to the goings-on around him at his table in the centre of the room. Without opening his eyes, he reached for his cup of tea on the table edge. He sipped is gently - the hot liquid singing his throat a little. It was exquisite. One of the best cups of tea he'd ever had. He opened his eyes and placed the cup back on the table. He then resumed reading his paper. Who could tell what Garrett's reaction would be once he realised he was in Yog's Bar & Grill rather than the Meltdown Cafe. To his knowledge, this was just another normal night and the Meltdown. He turned to one of the Dark jedi as they landed on hsi tble, missing his cup of tea by mere inches...

"Splendid evening, no? Do you mind?"

He waved his hand at the impish prune, causing the cur to blast off the table and into the floor near the bar itself, leaving an impressive hole.

"Much obliged. Give my regards to the planet's core."

It would only be a matter of moments before Garrett noticed Yog in the room - then he'd be somewhat annoyed...

Lochabre Stonewing
Apr 8th, 2002, 08:05:46 PM
The burning glow intersected with the Gargoyle.... cutting before bouncing off before going too deep. Lochabre bellowed, leapt forward and seized the fleshed one who caused pain's head in one enormous fist.... It heard something approach from behind. It swung aroundto see another fleshed one trying to attack from behind. Still with the first fleshed one in its palm it swung.... using the first fleshed one as a makeshift sword / club, it parried the attempted blow. The burning glow the second Fleshed One carried burned through the one Lochabre bore... and gave the Garyoyle enough time to reach out with it's other clawed hand, grabbing the arm of the Fleshed one and with it's extreme strength, snapped the arm like a twig. It shifted the grip up higher, on the body, before spinnign around and with all it's stregth, hurled the second fleshed one at the doors of the "Bar". It missed, instead the body smashed through the wall next to the door frame.

Now it was really angry. Burning glow had hurt the Gargoyle. It rage, it hurled the remains of the fleshed one it had, into the back of another evil one. The third fleshed one went bouncing away... to be impaled by and upturned table.

Apr 8th, 2002, 08:31:54 PM
"Prent! Check your back!" s'Il managed to call as she stood awkwardly, backing away as fast as she could from two more orange-hoods as they advanced on her, their sabers slashing the air where she'd previously just been. She was starting to lose the battle with both the pain in her stomach and her fear of lightsabers. Her metallic eyes darted between the two Dark Jedi, and her hands fumbled for a weapon; any weapon.

One hand closed around the neck of a bottle of 151 proof rum, and the other dug an old lighter from her back pocket. Still retreating, she held up the bottle. "Got a trick here for you, you frakkin' mynock sniffers," she said quickly, tipping the bottle up and putting the pour spout to her lips.

She'd seen a friend do this before at another bar years ago, never expecting to do it herself; let alone using it as a defense of sorts in a bar fight. The rum burned the insides of her mouth, and she had to fight the urge to spit the liquid immediately out. Holding the lighter out in front of her, she flicked it on.

And then she spit the rum out. In a fine spray, it ignited on its path through the lighter's small flame, and a fireball flared up in the faced of the Dark Jedi.

Loki Ahmrah
Apr 8th, 2002, 08:36:04 PM
"Let's have a little peek-a-boo!"

For a second Loki mustered up the courage to look over the bar and survey the chaos, trying to immitate the way Sanis held his blaster taking shots at different Dark Jedi. His master seemed to be coping well, s'Ilancy was ina spot of trouble but just when Loki was about to intervene with his blaster he noticed the large Cizerack who had shook the building to it's very foundations with it's battle cry.

He seemed to be struggling, he loked in a great deal of pain to and his face was turning a dreadful colour, like he couldn't breath. What was going on? Cautiously Loki stood upright when he realised that the Cizerack's feet where several inches from the ground and he clinging to his throat. The little Padawan scanned the area then caught sight of the very Dark Jedi who was strangling the life out of the poor Cizerack.

Loki carefully lined up his sight and took aim, and just like his father had told him he held his breath so that the weapon didn't move and gently squeezed the trigger. The red blaster bolt screached out of the barrel but just narrowly missed the Cizerack's attacker. He was momentarily distracted, his grip on the Cizerack weakened for a second but he quickly resumed, more fiercely than before. A second blaster bolt from the little boy hit him in the shoulder and crying out in pain he quickly released his victim.

"Right on target!"

Master Yoghurt
Apr 8th, 2002, 08:38:50 PM
The Jedi Master let tendrils of the Force extend outward in the room. He could feel the Force flowing through the room, between him, the chairs.. the tables.. the walls.. the ceiling.. the touch of a Dark Jedi's boots on the floor. A deep trembling sound echoed as the duracrete floor vibrated, and the Dark Jedi was suddenly launched upwards as some invisible hand picked him up. The DarkSider spinned helplessly 10 feet up into the air for a few seconds as tables and chairs also started rise up into the air. A Corellian dinner table hovered for a bit, until it catapulted toward the Dark Jedi still hanging in the air, knockin him over, sending him tumbling down on a slot machine "One Armed Palpatine", which the Arcan IV Bar Management had purchased for the guests leisure. Shards of splintered glass flew everywhere, bolts of electricity and sparks dancing across the floow. A thick billowing cloud engulfed the DarkSider. The arm of the slotmachine, pulled backwards and the wheels spinned rapidly..

<font color=red size=3>Jackpot!</font>

"That should pay for some of the damage.."

Sophia Harten
Apr 8th, 2002, 08:39:40 PM
The door slammed hard into her back, and she went down.


She was cursing and swearing, shifting her line of sight to see who the prankster was that had decided the door looked best on her than on it's hinges. What greeted her wasn't exactly a happy sight. There, before her, was a Dark Jedi, lifting his saber, ready to cleave her in two, door or no door.


Thinking abd acting quickly, she reached for her rail pistol, still tucked away in it's holster, unseen by the Dark Jedi. Using the blaster at such close range would have been to easy for him to deflect. Removing the pistol, she reach around the door and aimed the barrel at his gut.

Give Satan my regards.

She firmly pressed the trigger, letting several rounds go into his stomache, the force of the ammunition sending back through the opening her had come through. Wincing, she placed the pistol back in her holster and used her bent legs to prop the door off her. She'd have to talk to the manager about not using such heavy doors for the interior of the building.

Once it was off, she stood, every part of her body screaming with pain. But she had to ignore it. She had to stop these maniacs from killing everybody, letting off another volley into the mess of Dark Jedi.

Sanis Prent
Apr 8th, 2002, 08:42:17 PM
(I ducked and rolled out of the way, but the green-hooded fighter's blade contacted, causing a cascade flash on my microfielld. I didn't even look back, sprinting towards the door, and ducking another swiping lightsaber. I made it to the door check, rummaging through dozens of stowed sidearms, until I found what I was looking for. I slid my shell bandolier on, and ducked out the door...

...and into even more Dark Jedi.)

Damn, how many are there?

(Fortunately, they didn't seem to notice me off the bat, which was a good thing. I loaded up a blue shell and a black shell, snapping the breech shut.

I caught the blaster the uniformed woman tossed me, leveling it off for a shot. Unfortunately, the shot was easily deflected, and hit my shielding squarely, dropping it to critical.)

So much for that idea!

Apr 8th, 2002, 08:46:27 PM
:: AB was suddenly hurled into the air and dropped, two sabers simulatiously caming to gether where she would land, intent on making mince meat out of her. Deactivating her lightsaber and clipping it to her beklt, she faced both pawns downward and PUSHED. The fall stopped, and instead took her in the opposite direction, allowing her to take control of her flight through the air and flip to land behind one of the Dark Jedi that had thrown his lightsaber. As she landed , her own saber was already in hand, and she cleaved the Dark one in two at the waist, both sections sliding in opposite directions from each other. ::

:: She lunged at the other Dark Jedi who had not yet retrieved his saber from it's throw, and also did the same to him, this time making an overhead cut, slicing him in half from head to pelvis. Both sides slip from each other, flopping down to the ground with a wet thud. ::

:: She whirled, panting from the exercise, and advanced on the one that had tossed her like a rag doll into the air. ::

Lady Vader
Apr 8th, 2002, 08:57:09 PM
*They weren't giving up. And they were even more foolish to mess with her. LV's temper had grown, making her volitile and powerful, the Dark Side flowing through her veins like a molten river of lava.*

*She grabbed for her throat as one of the Dark Jedi tossed the saber of the one she had dispatched, intent on keeping her there with Force Grip and dismembering parts of her body. He would never get the chance. She Force Pushed him back, slamming him against a wall, making him lose his grip on her. Bringing her saber up, she activated the other end and seperated both blades so that she essentially had two lightsabers now. With one she deflected the oncoming saber, slicing the handle in half, silencing the saber. The other one she threw at the Dark Jedi, guiding it with the Force. The Dark Jedi had already come around and was readying himself to deflect the saber, when she sent the other at him. Two sabers barreled down at him, one aimed low, the other aimed high, both coming to fly at the same speed. He was able to deflect the one headed for his upper body, but was a hair too late to deflect the one heading towards his lower body. The Dark Jedi went down, screaming, his legs having beem removed from his body.*

*LV caught both sabers expertly on their return trip and walked defiently towards the fallen Dark Jedi, silencing his scream with a saber jab through his heart.*

*She'd had enough of these impudent beings. Who had made them? And why would they say they are here for Jedi and then attack a Sith? Someone's head was going to roll for this. But first, a few more Dark Jedi needed to lose their heads.*

Nathan W3st
Apr 8th, 2002, 09:17:12 PM
West dispatched another yellow hood with a bullet through the head.

A red hood turned to face him, and Nathan aimed for his head, with a defiant smirk, he moved his blade in the path of the slug, turning into a molten metal mist.

"MY EYES!!" He screamed, dropping his saber to the floor and reaching for his face. The NRSF General closed the distance, and mercilessly pistol whipped him into unconciousness.

This one would be saved for interrigation.

Master Yoghurt
Apr 8th, 2002, 09:20:28 PM
Yog watched as the DarkSider was knocked out unconscious, coins from the slotmachine raining all over the Dark Jedi in a giant heap of shrapnel, glass and metal debris. Yog, then directed his attention toward a couple of orange hooded Dark Jedi running toward him with sabers raised.. perhaps to avenge their fallen comrade? Either way, they would be stopped.

With a fluid and controlled motion, the Jedi Master threw his lightsaber out into the room. The blade twirled and spin as it arched outwards.. toward a giant chandelier mounted at the center of the roof. The chain supporting its weight snapped as the saberblade sliced right through. The blade continued flying, but at a curved path it turned and twisted in midair. Pulled by the Force it returned back to its owner as a boomerang. Meanwhile, gravity pulled the giant chandelier straight down at two unsuspecting orange DarkSiders, as they run straight into its falling path. With a crash, the chandelier hit the floor trapping them as it was a cage..

Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 8th, 2002, 09:34:01 PM
Cirrsseeto slowly rose to his feet, gagging and wheezing as he caught his breath. His ears fluttered as he regained awareness of his surroundings, and watched as a chandelier fell, encasing two disarmed Dark Jedi. Cirrsseeto growled loudly as his energy returned to him. He was getting mad, now! These hooded forrda may be magical, but they could still bleed. The large Cizerack bounded forward, tossing away the chandelier easily, and catching both unarmed men by the hoods. He roared loudly, swiping a clawed hand across one man's chest, cutting four deep swathes into him, and batting him across the room, where he smashed through a wall. The remaining Dark Jedi looked wide-eyed at his comrade's fate.

"No, no, MERCY!"

Cirrsseeto lifted the man up, smiling...and showing his teeth. A growling snarl grew, as the Cizerack threw the man to the ground, and began to eat him alive.

Master Yoghurt
Apr 8th, 2002, 09:35:50 PM
Yog turned toward to Garret Blade for a brief second as two more Dark Jedi caught notice of the little green Jedi Master...

"Pardon the mess and noise.. it is uh, cleaning time. It should not last much longer"

Yog then focused his attention toward the two green hooders flipping and sommersaulting towards him. Strangely enough, they did not seem to care much for the value of quiet news paper reading..

Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 8th, 2002, 09:41:17 PM
:: Anbira's brow furrowed at the blue-hooded attacker. With most of the others having been dispatched already, he already knew the battle was won. He even lowered his lightsaber, pacing around his angry foe. ::

Your minions are slain, and if you continue, you will join them. To what end? Who has sent you?

:: Anbira's eyes gazed piercingly at him. ::

You will answer. You no longer have the choice to fight.

:: The lightsaber was wrenched from the man's hand, falling forcefully to the floor. Then inexplicably, the metal of the hilt was crushed flat, paper-thin...by an unseen force. At the same time, the blue-hood rose into the air, his body as straight as a ram-rod, and unable to move his extremeties. ::

Now, you will harm no one. And I have all the time in the world to hear my answers.

The Lounge Lizard
Apr 8th, 2002, 09:52:29 PM
OOC: Thats 30, if I count correctly (I think <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)"> )

Master Yoghurt
Apr 8th, 2002, 09:52:31 PM
Filled with rage, the two DarkSiders leaped at the Yoghurt for the kill. Calmly the Jedi Master stood waiting, and in the very last split second in a moment of surprising agility, he flipped over the attackers, skillfully twirling his lightsaber in a figure eight configuration in a combined movement, so swift and efficient for the naked eye, it merely appeared as a motion blur. A *thump* could be heard. Then another one.

The Jedi Master sighed.

"Talk about losing head"

Garrett Blade
Apr 8th, 2002, 09:56:54 PM
OOC: Yog, why not team up and kick ass - could be quite funny.


Just then, another large group of maniacs barge into the B&G...

OOC: Party pooper. Besides, I was just getting started!


Garrett's eyes widened. Something in the back of his mind triggered some suspicion. And unless there was a minature gun embedded in his cerebral cortex, he felt something was very wrong in the Force...

"Yog!?! What are you doing on Nar Shaddaa?"

Garrett looked around frantically. it was only now that he realised that he was on Arcan IV, in the Bar & Grill. He stared into nothing ness - even though it was a patch of floor at the foot of the bar. As he sat deadly still, seemingly enraged, with a fiery look in his angry eyes, he curled his lips up in a snarling fashion, and slammed his fist down on the table - the same hand that held his skrunched up newspaper. The cup of hot tea was sent spiralling into the air. A laser blast shattered it - scoldering liquid splashing into the face of a Dark Jedi who was about to impale Yog in the back. He fell to the floor, screaming.

"And here's me sitting here, thinking they were here for my Mardi Gra'!"

Garrett pushed his chair out from under the table, winding another hooded darksider as he ran past.

"Nobody disturbs my party and gets away with it!"

Garrett stood up finally, revealing his early birthday present from himself - a brandspanking new pair of bright pink tracksuit bottoms. they went quite well with his black cloak and red saber.

Gav Mortis
Apr 8th, 2002, 10:31:33 PM
OOC: These three were the ones I gave myself to fight earlier, they should be part of the thirty I think, it should work out right. When the different Dark Jedi were assigned to different characters earlier, I left two out for lee-way.

"A pleasure!" Gav replied to the Jedi, gracefully parrying the blade of one of his red-hooded opponents, with his blade on top of theirs, pushing their blade down caused them to lose their footing and begin stumbling forward.

With heavy aggression, the Sith brought the hilt of his own saber upon the back of the Dark Jedi's unprotected neck, under the force of such an attack he fell to the floor, dazed. Simultaneously he had elegantly parried the onslaught from the second red-hooded foe with the red lightsaber he had obtained before.

"It's a shame we can share moments like this..." Gav began, calling over to the attractive Jedi female, when suddenly he was pushed forward by the third Dark Jedi, not as skilled as the ones he clashed sabers with but still making his lurking presence imposing tot he point of being iritating. The orange-hooded Dark Jedi found himself pushed with an ungodly strength backwards, he slammed against the wall with such brute force that it knocked him out cold.

"...because, my dear, regardless of the future, I will have to kill you."

For the time-being it was just him and the two red-hooded Dark-Siders, they snarled hatefully towards him, yet he didn't show signs of hatred or anger, mild annoyance at best. A Sith in control of his emotions would be a dangerous weapon if there ever was one. So the duel began.

The first lunged forth, and found his lightsaber parried downwards whilst Gav put his weight onto his left foot and blocked with the red lightsaber in his left hand his second opponent's attack, whilst sliding his right leg up and landing a perfectly placed kick square on his first attacker's jaw. He was knocked back for a moment whilst Gav dealed with his second attacker.

As his right foot landed, he pivoted on it escaping the saber lock, but before the Dark Jedi could innitiate a second swing, Gav's own black-bladed weapon in his right hand had returned in an attempt to decapitate his opponent. The red-hooded Dark-Sider brought his saber up to block then had difficulty parrying the attack from Gav's second lightsaber once he'd complete a full rotation.

However he had achieved it by slipping his blade vertical, pointing downwards, both of Gav's blades were hissing against the right side of the blade when he noticed the first of the two red-hood's coming in to exploit Gav's unprotected right side. With his weight still on his right foot, he pivoted back the way he came, except holding the other's lightsaber still in a lock with the lightsaber in his right hand. Not fully turning, so that he still had control ofver the second of his opponents, he made a quick unexpected jab to the oncoming Dark Jedi and the red lightsaber blade passed straight through his chest.

Now it's your turn!" He shouted out as the other Dark Jedi saw his comrade fall down dead.

With a flick of his right wrist, he seemingly effortlessly made the remaining lightsaber wielder to lose his balance having become accusted to having his weapon locked with Gav's. The Sith's blade rotated so that he held it vertical against his back and he stepped forward, the dark Jedi falling forward a bit, his leaning horizontal against Gav's own.

"Losen your wrist, imbecile!" Gav's instruction was not merely a piece of advice but a prelude of what was to come. He flicked his right wrist once more, and completed his unfinished rotation, his momentum and the contact between sabers sent his opponent into a spin. Gav returned to face the Dark Jedi before he was seen and with his the red saber in his left hand severed his foe's right hand at the wrist and it fell to the ground lightsaber and all.

The red-hooded Dark Jedi screamed out in agony, but it was too late, by the time his momentum had carried him to face Gav, his head was severed by a black blade, then his right arm by a red blade, his left arm by the black one, at the waist by the red and finally at his knees by the black. In total, eight different body parts were what remained of the Dark Jedi.

Thowing the now deactivated red lightsaber he had used to the ground, he said, "I said your wrist!"

Casually he approached the third Dark Jedi who was climbing to his feet after regaining conciousness only to find all that remained of his comrades were many little body parts. He backed up against the wall in terror, his quivering hands ingnited his lightsaber with hesitation. He swung for the now unarmed Sith. Gav grabbed him by the wrist stopping him from attacking, holding his hand firm in place so that he didn't drop the lightsaber.

"Now listen-" he begun very quietly, the sound of the Jedi female finishing off what was left of the remaining Dark Jedi, "-I am going to spare your life, on one condition..." In that moment he caught the simple-minded man in his endless glare, his eyes pierced his mind, taking control. The Dark Jedi went still, he stood in an almost mindless awe. "...you will return to the one who sent you, who created you and you will tell him that I wish to make a deal with him, I assure you it will be for our mutual benefit. The next time you come back, you will come to see me personally and inform me of a time and a place, if not-" He activated his lightsaber, and brought the searing, black blade upwards and scorched his forehead, "-I will remember who you are, and I will make you wish you were never reborn!"

He released the Dark Jedi from his hold and walked off, the orange-hooded quickly looked around, then fled in fright.

Garrett Blade
Apr 8th, 2002, 10:52:36 PM
As the nancy boy fled from Gav, Garrett stuck a foot out, causing him to fall over and smack his chin on the bottom corner of the front door to the establishment. Garrett held a fist in the air and shouted out in triumph...

"Score one for team Yog-Blade!"

Helenias QDunn
Apr 9th, 2002, 05:39:13 AM
I came in with my morning cup of coffee, still ont quite awaye... to see that all hell had broken loose. Lochabre was at present using a red cloaked human as a bat. Other red cloaks were lying in crupled heaps as Jedi and a few others dealt with them A NRSF trooper shot one in the face, removing everything above the neck with a Rail Gun.

Surprised, mouth gaping, it took me a moment for my mind to catch up. In a second, I had grabbed an old style shot gun and a NRSF Assault gun. Wit one hand, I fired the shot gun, the boom loud and attention getting.


I pointed the Assault Gun in the general direction of the fight... as it was. There were more like lots of red cloaks in various stages of dismemberment, and a few Jedi.


Some idiot Red cloak made to throw a sabre at me. My reply was an Assault Gun volley that blew it's torso to micemeat. I reloaded and made it quite clear that anyone who did not drop their weapons would be next.


Morgan Evanar
Apr 9th, 2002, 12:02:26 PM
OOC: We're done, and rail guns don't boom. There's a slight crack, but its not even as loud as a paintball gun.

Rail gun != stealth.

Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 9th, 2002, 01:05:24 PM
Until the situation is ascertained, that would not be advised.

:: Anbira spoke, his eyes shifting as he stretched out with his feelings. These Dark Jedi had a peculiar feel in the Force. Not just twisted by the Dark Side...something else entirely. For the moment, he was still very much on guard. ::

Nathan W3st
Apr 9th, 2002, 01:11:21 PM
"Shut up and stand down, Cross. We've got it under wraps." The only person who West would take orders from right now was the Chief of State. Anyone else was free eat dirt.

Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 9th, 2002, 01:15:10 PM
:: With a sleight motion of his hand, the totally immobilized blue-hooded Dark Jedi began to levitate toward West and Elieen. ::

It seems we managed to keep a few of our brazen enemies alive.

:: Anbira glanced at the still-struggling warrior ::

I think I'll leave this one to you and your trusted interrogators.

Lady Vader
Apr 9th, 2002, 03:17:11 PM
*LV deactivated her lightsaber as she saw the resistance brought on by the 30 some-odd Dark Jedi subside, only one left alive inside, and from what she could feel, one alive outside.*

*She eyed Anbira, and the the Dark Jedi, waiting for him to answer the Jedi. But he said nothing. Idiots. The lot of them. She was still in a fighting-frenzy mood, and contimplated lunging at Anbira, but thought better of it.*

*She laughed as some NRSF woman walked in demanding all put down their weapons. She was either daft, or completely full of herself. Ignoring the woman, she walked to the doorway, stepping over bodies with brightly colored hoods, and made to leave the bar.*

Lorcan Clucas
Apr 9th, 2002, 03:18:25 PM
OOC: LOL! LV, talk about timing, I'm gonna have to do some editing now - you weren't meant to see Gav. =) Foiled my plans again... =P

Below scene takes place shortly after scene with LV and Gav.

"Woah! This place is a mess." Came a startled voice form behind Lady Vader and the others, as Lorcan emerged from the staircase, with the gaurd from earlier who was now awake but Lorcan was helping him to walk, "Take it easy now."

He pulled out an undamaged chair, a rare thing at the moment and sat the man down on it. He surveyed the damage and then looked up to Lady Vader and with a grin asked, "So what did I miss?"

Sophia Harten
Apr 9th, 2002, 03:26:35 PM
Sophia was about to take another pot-shot at the last remaining Dark Jedi, when she saw one of the Jedi deal with him in his own way. She holstered her weapon, and vaulted over the bar, or what was left of the wood. She walked over to where Commander Cross had come to stand beside the large Gargoyle bouncer, with General West, as the Jedi named Anbira brought the Dark Jedi to Cross.

To restrain a Force-sensitive, they would require a special Force cage, used to restrain Force users. They were rare, and in most places banned, but a few groups had them: bounty hunters, and large military groups, such as the NRSF. She looked to Cross and West.

Shall I have NRSF weapons and technology bring a Force cage on a hover lift?

Lady Vader
Apr 9th, 2002, 03:32:53 PM
OOC: Guh! GAV! <img src=http://www.thegjo.com/forum/smileys/bash.gif ALT=":pan2">


*As she moved towards the door, she surveyed the damage and had made a decision to go home, when a voice came from behind her. It was Lorcan... again.*

*She turned to regard him.*

You missed these Dark Jedi making a mess, mostly. Nothing that wasn't handlable.

*She was a woman of little words, and nodded her head.*

If you'll excuse me for a moment.

*She walked out of the bar, and looked around. To one side, she found Gav fighting along side a Jedi. Both eyebrows raised. It was an odd sight, and somewhat amusing. Gav's last remark broguht a laugh out of her, as she moved towards him, as he "caught" the last Dark Jedi. She heard his words as she stopped just short of him, ignoring the Jedi, watching the Dark Jedi run off.*

Do you think he'll do as you have asked?

Gav Mortis
Apr 9th, 2002, 03:35:04 PM
Gav turned suddenly, suprise to hear Lady Vader's voice so near, she had heard him and he hadn't even felt her presence. He turned, and with a smile replied, "He'd better! It would be to his benefit."

He walked towards her, his face became more serious, and he added quietly, "You did not hear me have a conversation with that...thing, back then. I don't want you involved-"

He sighed briefly, a heavy, troubled sigh; he didn't want to offend her but she had a right to not be left in the dark.

"My path has taken me down a different road now, old friend, and if you continue this way of life, our paths might cross and I don't want that." He paused a moment, then with frustration continued, "This is very difficult to explain so please don't take this the wrong way. But if we both continue to live under this cursed life, it will be our mutual end."

Gav looked down, letting go was something he'd always had touble doing, he looked up and caught her eye, his face creased with sadness, "I don't want to be your enemy, it isn't too late for you or the others." With that he turned and began walking off down the road.

Apr 9th, 2002, 03:39:07 PM
:: AB heard the Sith's words, but didn't pay them much heed. Not at the moment, at least. He was after all, to busy with the last remaining Dark Jedi. Instead of killing him, though, he gave him a command, and the Dark Jedi sped off in fright. Whatever the Sith had said, had made the Dark Jedi run like the devil himself were after him. ::

:: Just then another Sith she recognized walked out. She was curious as to what damage the bar had received, so she made a salute with her lightsaber to the Sith that had aided her. ::

Until next time.

:: Then she made her way to the bar, stepping over a pile of rubble at the entrance. Inside, the bar was a mess, but not such a huge mess that it could not be cleaned in a day. She saw that there was a Dark Jedi in the custody of the Jedi and NRSF. Perhaps they would finally get some answers as to why they were attacked. ::

Lady Vader
Apr 9th, 2002, 03:58:09 PM
*LV stood silently, watching him walk off. His words had confused her, and she could only think of one thing that he could be refering to, and it made her uneasy.*

*Still pondering his words, she went back to the bar, keeping her lightsaber at her belt, in the event another horde showed up. Besides, the place was a mess, there was no guard at the door, the bin that normally held weapons was shattered, and everyone was just to weary to do any fighting anyways.*

*She sat herself in a chair, still mulling over gav's words, and deciding whether to inform LW of it or not.*

Lorcan Clucas
Apr 9th, 2002, 04:16:23 PM
"I'm glad to see that you aren't injured, m'lady." Lorcan said, upon seeing her return, he joined her at the table and noticed her mood.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but is everything alright? You seem a little troubled."

Lady Vader
Apr 9th, 2002, 04:34:47 PM
*She looked up at the young man, waving her hand slightly.*

It's nothing. Just going through one of my favorite past-times: thinking.

*She looked at him, raising an eyebrow.*

What about you? You haven't told me much about yourself, and why you would be conversing with a Sith that could easily lob your head off before you had time to blink.

Lorcan Clucas
Apr 9th, 2002, 05:02:12 PM
"Now would why anyone want to do such a thing!" He said grinning with the utmost confidence, "Besides, could you do that to a face like this?" He said friendly.

He stood up and walked over to the bar for a moment and got himself and the lady a glass of cold water. Returning, he placed the glass down in front of her, and after taking a sip of his own, he placed the tumbler down and caught her eye to make conversation.

"Seriously though, the reason why I am talking to a Sith is bevause I prefer to believe in people; I doubt you'll gain much from taking anymore lives today." He smiled yet she still seemed troubled, but he didn't want to interrogate her.

"I've not long been here, this is my homeworld. I've returned with my father, Pa and brother, Scian and I'm looking for work. I'd like to join the New Republic forces, it's accessable work and interesting. So what brings you to Arcan?"

Lady Vader
Apr 9th, 2002, 06:02:07 PM
*LV shrugged.*

I frequent here when time permits. It's come to be somewhat of a neutral ground.

Helenias QDunn
Apr 10th, 2002, 07:35:54 AM
OOC : I'm aware of how loud a Rail Gun is. That is why I grabbed a standard shot gun fand first that first.

I didnt take too well to West's exclaimation at me. I was feeling miffed enough somone seemed to have fallen asleep and allowed these red cloaked kooks this far

"Listen to me General. I dont care if your my superior officer, you will not speak to me like that again. This is supposed to be my responsibility the security of this establishment and right now I dont take kindly that a group of this size was able to walk unrestrained and then attack. Now take this pathetic piece of poodoo out of here and do whatever you do to idiots like this. Yes Harten, get a Cage. I'm quite certain General West has much questions to ask of this idiot"

I'd probably apologise to West a bit later, but right now I was not in the mood. I was feeling like I had let people down in my duty and I was feeling like I wanted punch a wall in frustration. I walked over to where one red cloak was still relatively in one piece, bending down to have a look.

I looked up, thinking. Another dead face I could see and I frowned. I looked back at the face of the dead red cloak near my feet.

"Am I imagining things, or do these seem to be clones?"

Garrett Blade
Apr 10th, 2002, 10:26:57 AM
"Come on Yog! Jump on my back! We'll take them all on. Drive through them we shall! They cannot stop our combined might!"

Garrett leaped over a trashed table that was lying in a puddle of spilled liquor. He barely managed to avoid slipping as he landed, but his sure feet never failed him. He sprinted over to the "officer girly" as he mentally referred to her. He removed one of his black gloves, which seemed to come out of nowhere, and raised the hand he held it in...

"It's time someone taught you a lesson wench!"

He flicked her across the nose with the glove loosely, then turned tail and ran back, jumping behind Yog and taunting her from behind the Jedi Master...

"A-ha! Victory! Did ya see that, there! Too fast, eh! Bwah-hah!"

He initiated a solo staring-out contest with her. She didn't take a blind bit of notice to the wide-eyed Garrett peeping over Yoghurts shoulder across the room...

Garrett Blade
Apr 11th, 2002, 06:25:33 PM
From his safe-point behind the mean, green, small machine, Yoghurt was able to give Garrett excellent cover from any nasty looks the woman cared to throw at him. So to discourage her from even trying, a nearby glass full of lum levitated off the table and poured itself down her chest.

"Ooh, good one Yog!"

Sophia Harten
Apr 11th, 2002, 06:52:07 PM
Sophia looked from Cross to West in quick succession, coming back to look at Cross, saluting quickly.

At once, Commander.

She stepped to one side, pulling out a comlink, and speaking into it, giving orders to have a Force Cage brought to the bar.

When she had finished relaying the order, she retruned back to where the Commander and General were, only to catch Cross' last word "clone" with the sentence ending in a question. Slightly confused, she looked down to where cross was looking. And then it dawned on her. She'd been so busy fighting these bastards off, she hadn't taken notice of their features. Only now, when things had calmed down, did she realize they all looked the same, save for the different colored hoods.

By the Force...

She did a short double take from the Dark Jedi being held by Anbira and the dead one at Cross' feet. It made her pale. The last thing they needed was another clone war. And Force adepts at that.

It was about this time four NRSF soldiers came through the door, leading a hoversled with an oval shaped cage in the center. The cage was activated, letting off a soft hum, while the bars let off a soft glow. The door was opened and the Dark Jedi placed within, spitting and yelling obsceneties. Once the door was closed, the Dark Jedi was trapped within, unable to manipulate the Force.