View Full Version : Happy thoughts with a friend (open for Loki Ahmrah, friends)

Natia Lerf
Mar 31st, 2002, 05:54:46 PM
*Natia sits quietly at a table in the B&G. She is wearing a nice light blue jumpsuit and her hair is tied back loosely with a blue ribbon. Her crutches are on the floor next to her. As she looks around the room, she is waiting for her friend Loki to show up since she can't wait to see him.

A droid came up to her and asks what she would like to order. She quietly asked for two glasses of soda, plus a pitcher of the same soda. After a couple of moments, the glasses and soda's are brought to her, she looks around, seeing nobody watching, digs into her pouch and pays for the soda. She then sits around watching and wating for Loki to show up*

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 31st, 2002, 09:19:58 PM
Thud. There was that familiar sound, except there was no little face to be seen anywhere, Natia was expecting Loki's head to pop up from the chair in front of her, but he was nowhere to be seen.

Underneath the table was a small figure dressed in a creamy Jedi attire, crouching out of sight and wearing a mischievous grin. He had to avoid getting kicked in the face once or twice by Natia's swinging legs. She hadn't noticed him, good. Now was his chance.

He suddenly lunged forward to grab one of her legs, then paused, seeing her crutches and shook his head thoughtfully. Then suddenly lashed out a second time and grabbed one of her arms, not too roughly but just enough to startle her and accompanying his little joke he let out the best impression of a Cizerack roar he could accomplish.

"ROOOOAAAAR!" He growled fiercly.

He waited for her response, then jumped up beside her with a broad, cheeky grin, "Hi Nat, how are you today?"

Natia Lerf
Apr 1st, 2002, 04:30:08 PM
*Natia after hearing the familiar thud, looks at the chair next to her, expecting to see Loki sitting down there. She frowns at not seeing him there and looks around. After a moment, she jumps slightly as she feels someone grab her arm. She lets off a loud and peircing scream and immediatly after, she hears a roar from under the table. After a moment, she sees a familiar looking boy sitting on the chair next to her*


*Natia gently punches his arm, not strong enough to hurt him*

Please, don't do that.

*Natia then smiles and shakes her head*

Good to see you. I'm doing rather well, and yourself??

Loki Ahmrah
Apr 2nd, 2002, 12:41:33 PM
Loki smiled when she punched his arm, it was a sign that she was definately growing in confidence.

"What's that matter? Scare ya, did I?" He asked rhetorically, with a friendly grin and a wink.

Then settling down he said, "It's good to see you too! I'm doing great, I've just been outside watering the plant's for Avolon over there." He nodded in the direction of the bartender, "I do it every day now, it's a good way to start the day."

"Is this for me?" He asked, slightly picking up one of the glasses of soda, she nodded and he promptly took a sip. With a smile he thanked her and asked, "What would you like for breakfast?"

After she had ordered, he took a glance over the menu and then looked back at his friend, "So tell me, how is your training going? I wanna know eeeverything. Who's your master?"

Natia Lerf
Apr 2nd, 2002, 07:00:05 PM
*Natia shakes her head slightly and smiles*

Yes Loki, you did scare me, at least startled me anyway.

*Natia takes her glass of soda and takes a sip from it*

So, you have fun watering the plants everyday??

*Natia looks at Loki with a jealous look on her face as she orders herself a small plate of two pancakes without syrup or anything else on them. She still looks rather skinny for somebody her age, almost as if she's not eating enough*

My trainings doing

*Natia pauses for a moment as if she's not sure how to answer or as if she is hiding something before continuing*

My trainings doing rather well. I haven't had any problems learning the things that I'm being taught.

*Natia says this last bit very quickly, acting like she is hiding something right now*

My Master is Sia Lan Darkheart. She's a really nice person to and I trust her so that's very important. Sia also gave me a kitten which I really like. It's the only pet I've managed to keep for this long without somebody killing it. There's not much to tell right now since Sia hasn't taught me alot yet, but then again, I am just beginning to learn.

*Natia takes another sip of her soda*

So, how's your training coming Loki.

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 2nd, 2002, 07:55:41 PM

(Taataani bounded in, sweeping the little boy in a greeting hug, and quickly setting him back in place. She looked to his little girlfriend, a knowing smile on her face)

And hello Natjia. What arrre jyou cubsss dojing todajy?

Natia Lerf
Apr 2nd, 2002, 08:06:39 PM
*Natia smiles as she sees Loki scooped up in a hug. She watches this with a very slightly envious look on her face, kinda wishing that there was someone who would do that with her*

Hello Taataani. Loki and I are just having a conversation and I was going to show him some of my impressions of some of my friends here because I want to show him some things that I learned back home.

How are you doing this morning Taataani??

*Natia motions to one of the empty chairs at the table*

Do you care to join us for a bit?? That is if Loki doesn't mind of course.

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 2nd, 2002, 08:25:02 PM
Of courrrssse. jI'd love to jojin jyou!

(Taa smiled, taking a seat as she ruffled up Loki's hair)

jI'm dojing alrrrjight, Nadjia, thank jyou forrr assskjing.

(She smiled sheepishly)

A ljittle hungrrrjy, majybe. Up ssso earrrljy, and wjith no brrreakfassst. jI hope jyou two arrren't ssskjippjing anjy mealsss! Cubsss need thejirrr vjitamjins!

Loki Ahmrah
Apr 3rd, 2002, 12:31:31 PM
"I wouldn't call it fun, I just find plants relaxing and it's about the most responsibility someone our age is allowed to have!" He said with a smile, no doubt Natia would know where he was coming from on that one.

Loki order a bowl of hot, brown oat porridge; it was both great tasting and a healthy way to kick-start the day. The doind scuttled off to see to their orders and the two chatted away whilst waiting for breakfast.

"Good to hear your training is coming along well. Sia Lan! Oh I know her, we spent a couple of months together on a mission to Aurash not very long ago. She is a lovely person." Loki confirmed, he'd grown quite close to a number of people in the Order after going on the two missions he had so far, such excursions brought people together.

"A kitten?" He repeated, with suprise, "Cool! I've never had a kitten before, in fact I've never had a pet before, except for 'Protius' but he's my plant, not really the same thing. Have you given him or her a name yet?"

At that moment the smell of piping hot porridge filled the room and he looked over to see the droid nearing with a tray of his big bowl of steaming, thick porridge and a small plate of pancakes. Loki returned the favour of Natia's paying for his drink and paid for Natia's breakfast on top of his own. He took a concerned look at her plate.

"Are you sure that's enough for your breakfast?" He asked, "You should eat more, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, or at least that's what mom tell me."

He began digging into his porridge happily when the familiar big, strong arms wrapped around him with a cheerful, "Lokji!" He smiled, no longer embarressed by Taataani's motherly embrace, it helped him through the day.

"Good morning Taataani! How are you?" He chirped pleasantly.

"Natia and I were just discussing training after I'd just given her a little Cizerack scare!" He laughed looking over to Natia's pouting face.

"In fifteen minutes I'm meeting Master Hicchoru over by the water fountain, he's helping me to develop my ability to listen to what he calls the 'Living Force, young Padawan! When you empty your mind, things will suddenly appear. They may make sense, or they may be quite silly. But you should always listen to them.' " He immitated his master's deep, commanding voice as best he could, waving his finger to emphasise the joke.

"He's a fantastic teacher but sometimes I'd just like to be able to discuss my development with someone who is experiencing the same things." He went silent for a moment, then with a moment of inspiration, said, "Hey! How about we help each other out, we'll be experiencing similar things as we go along, I think we'd make a great team, Nat!" He smiled happily at the thought.

After a moment, he turned back to Taataani and put her mind at rest, "Oh don't you worry, I wont be going hungry anytime soon!" He pointed to his large bowl of porridge, "Fancy trying some? It's lovely y'know!" His nose wrinkled and eyes narrowed thoughtfully for a moment, then he considered, "But I could imagine what you'd really like is a great moutain of fresh, hot pancakes smothered in sweet, thick syrup. How does that sound?"

Natia Lerf
Apr 3rd, 2002, 02:05:26 PM
*Natia smiles reassuringly at Loki*

Don't you worry about how much I'm eating Loki. I'm used to way less then this, and besides, I'm getting three healthy meals a day so I'm not going to starve.

Thank-you for paying for breakfast today Loki.

No, I have not named my kitten yet. I don't know why I haven't, but it could just be the last time I did have a pet, a puppy, it got killed by my Father in front of me.

*Natia gets a mischeif look on her face as she straigthens up and sits the exaxt same way that Xazor sits and in a voice that is almost exactly the same says*

Natia, Loki, you both should not have soda for breakfast

*Natia sits back to her normal way and giggles slightly since this is her first time imitating somebody else for quite some time*

Loki Ahmrah
Apr 4th, 2002, 08:42:06 PM
Loki nearly spat out his soda when Natia did her impression of Xazor, it was uncanny, finally he swallowed and let out a hearty laugh.

"Your father did that?" He said with shock, finally settling down, "That's really mean!" He paused then said with an afterthought "Well I bet you'll be a great pet-owner, I don't know much about pets unfonrtunately."

He frowned, then after a moments silence he suddenly chirped, "Mind you, Taataani; would you like to be my pet? That way myself and Natia could both have cats!" He chuckled jokingly.

"By the way, my mom and dad will be arriving in a few days time. It's my ninth birthday next week and I'm really looking forward to seeing them again!" He said excitedly, then said to both Natia and Taataani, "And I'll be able to introduce you both to them. But don't worry, Nat, my father is a really great man, you have nothing to be afraid of, I promise."

Natia Lerf
Apr 5th, 2002, 02:19:47 PM
*Natia smiles at Loki's reaction*

That's not one of my best imitations unfortunately. But I can do better ones when I know her better.

*Natia shrugs off Loki's comment about what her Father did to her puppy as if it was normal what he did*

I look forward to meeting your Mother Loki. I'd introduce you to my parents, but well, there both kinda dead so I can't.

And who said I was worried about your Father??

*Natia says this last bit rather defensively, but knowing full well that she is worried about meeting Loki's Father. She then grows silent as she starts eating her breakfast*

Loki, what would you do if you found out one of your friends is a killer?? Would you still want to be there friend??

*Natia questions Loki curiously*

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 5th, 2002, 08:06:11 PM
Be jyourrr pet??

(Taa laughed)

Oh that jisss verrrjy sssjilljy. Who everrr thought of a cat forrr a pet?

(She ruffled Loki's hair as her breakfast arrived...three dozen whole mackerel. She winked at Loki and snatched up one of the fish, chomping its head off and quickly following by eating up the rest of it. And just when Loki was concerned she might choke on a fish bone, she daintily put her hand to her mouth, depositing a pinch full of fish bones, picked clean as a whistle)

Natia Lerf
Apr 7th, 2002, 12:27:38 PM
*Natia chuckles slightly at Taataanis reaction to Loki's silly question*

So Taataani, do you have any good impressions of ppl that you know?? If so, I would love to hear them.

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 7th, 2002, 01:19:54 PM
jI wjisssh jI djid, Nadjia...but jI don't know how to do an jimprrressssssjion. Besssjidesss, jit would prrrobabljy not be good, becaussse of mjy accent.

(Taa picked clean two more fish as she spoke)

Loki Ahmrah
Apr 7th, 2002, 07:51:34 PM
"A killer?" Repeated Loki, rather suprised by the question, "Well technically most of my friends here at the Order are killers, not by choice, but if that is what the call of duty demands of the Jedi, then so be it." He paused in thought, considering the question carefully.

"Although I don't believe in violence or killing and I will never take another's life, despite what Master Hicchoru would refer to as justice for the unrepentant. Nevertheless, I will always stand by my friends; friends are very important and special to me."

He sat back a little, not realising how much he'd suddenly opened himself up to Natia and although he had felt perfectly comfortable, it was odd. He'd never really thought about the importance of a friend before, mainly because he'd never had any friends. He sighed then tucked into his porridge once more, then with suddenly realisation asked, "Why do you ask?"

Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 7th, 2002, 08:02:05 PM
:: Anbira approached the table, smiling ::

Good morning, young Padawan. Might I join you and your friends?

Loki Ahmrah
Apr 7th, 2002, 08:16:02 PM
"Master Hicchoru!" A startled Loki stood up, and turned to face Anbira, he regained his composure and settling said, "Good morning. Please do join us, take a seat."

He smiled warmly at his master who thankfully had not arrived moments earlier to hear his attempted impression of the wisened, old man. Once Anbira had taken his seat, Loki gestured first to Natia, "This is Natia Lerf, a Padawan Learner under Sia-Lan's guidance, and here," He turned to Taataani, who was just removing a long chain of fish bones from her mouth, "We have Taataani Meeorei, both of whom are very good friends of mine."

Loki called over a droid to take away his empty bowl, "Would you care for something to eat, master?"

Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 7th, 2002, 08:44:31 PM
Toast and jam.

:: He nodded at the serving droid ::

Oh, and tea, please.

:: He looked to Natia and Taataani ::

And hello to you as well. Friends of Loki's are friends of mine.

Natia Lerf
Apr 8th, 2002, 11:37:19 AM
That's all right Taataani, not everybody does impressions of ppl.

*Natia takes another sip of her soda as she listens to Loki's answer*

Oh, just no reason in paticular. I'm just curious, that's all.

*Natia goes silent as Anbira approaches the table, she was just starting to become completely relaxed. She frowns slightly as Loki invites him to join them, but says nothing about it. She has to fight with herself to keep her eyes from becoming hostile towards him so she just looks down at her breakfast and quickly finishes it off and she then continues staring down at her empty plate. After a moment, she looks up at Anbira, so as not to be rude to him, but her eyes are full of mistrust and dislike, boardering on hatred*


*Natia says this in an almost cold voice, but she knows if she doesn't say something, it would be considered rude*

Loki Ahmrah
Apr 8th, 2002, 12:31:03 PM
Loki could smack himself in the face for how stupid he'd been not to ask Natia, he'd forgotten about how she behaved towards men. Even though it was part of who she was, in this case it did seem to really bother him; he heard that icy voice accompanied by eyes glaring with hostility. He knew Anbira was completely trustworthy and the little boy took offence to the way Natia treated him.

"She doesn't know any better," He thought to himself, shaking his head, "But it is a trait that she has to overcome."

Hatred is of the Dark Side and what little Loki knew of it, he knew that is no good for not only the people Dark-Sider's harm but the Dark-Siders themselves. He gave a look of concern towards Anbira. He wished he could speak with him, so that he wouldn't be offended by Natia's behaviour, but was it too late?

"Hey," He said to Natia, trying to distract her from his master's presence, "After I've finished my training with-" He raised his hand to gesture to Anbira then dropped it suddenly, "-my training; I - err - was, was wondering if you'd like to join me for a couple of hours going to the outskirts of the city. Yesterday I visited a family there and I promised to go back for a couple of hours everyday to teach the children how to read and write. They have no father and their mother has to work all the time. They have no access to an education, so I thought I'd lend a hand. I think of it as my own little mission (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=12742)."

He smiled genuinly, looking forward to going back to see Nile and Yvevian.

"What do ya say?"

Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 8th, 2002, 01:48:21 PM
:: Anbira said nothing, leaving the two to interact together. But what he sensed from the young girl...was a dangerous feeling. His eyes stayed on her, as he stretched out with his feelings. ::

Falcon Gyndar
Apr 8th, 2002, 03:59:42 PM
Walking into the B&G, Falcon's eyes immediately settle on his adopted daughter....He gives her a hug from behind when he reaches her...

"Hello Natia...how's my young girl doing? Mind introducing your friends?"

Natia Lerf
Apr 9th, 2002, 01:09:18 PM
*Natia looks at Loki as she hears him starting to speak and smiles at what she hears him wanting to do*

Sure, I'll help.

*Natia's voice is cheerful and kind as she speaks to Loki. She looks back to Anbira briefly and then looks away. She leans closer to Loki and whispers*

You do understand the way I feel towards adult males, right?? Please don't take offense to this.

*Natia lets out a squeel of surprise as she feels Falcon give her a hug from behind. She quickly turns around to see who it is and smiles upon seeing it's her adopted Father Falcon*

You want to join us for a bite to eat??

*Natia waves to the chair which is empty beside her, feeling more comfortable now knowing that Falcon is here. She then whispers to Falcon while pointing to Anbira*

Is he trustworthy??

Falcon Gyndar
Apr 9th, 2002, 04:58:06 PM
Falcon smiles...

"You got me at the right time. Boy am I hungry, kid. I'll have whatever you guys are eating."

He whispers back to Natia..

"I'm not telling you this time. I'll let you try and figure that one out for yourself."

Natia Lerf
Apr 9th, 2002, 05:52:51 PM
*Natia smiles slightly at Falcon's comment as she orders him a huge bowl of porridge and a small plate of pancakes with a little bit of syrup as well as a glass of soda. After a few moments, Falcon's breakfast arrived. She then hesitantly looks at Anbira and smiles faintly, all hostile looks are carefully hidden under a mask of calm*

I'm sorry about the way I acted earlier. I should remember that I am around friends and that I am also safe here.

*Natia looks down at the table again as she takes another sip of her soda. Her voice is quiet, but steady with only a minimal touch of coldness to her voice*

I have a hard time trusting adult males due to my past. Given time I may be able to trust you, but since I have just met you, I can't trust you.

*Natia glances at Falcon to see how he reacts to this. She then looks at Loki since she was able to tell earlier that he was slightly offended by the way she immediatly reacted to Anbira*

Falcon Gyndar
Apr 9th, 2002, 06:07:49 PM
Falcon smiles, with a mouth full of pancake, soda, and porridge. He gives a enthusiastic nod to Natia, then swallows...He whispers to Natia..

"Good. See, it's not that hard, now is it?"

Natia Lerf
Apr 10th, 2002, 11:36:14 AM
*Natia smiles slightly at Falcon*

It's easy to talk to them Falcon, it's not easy to trust them. Remember when we first met. I wouldn't let you come within 4 feet of me and when you did, I hit you with one of my crutches.

*Natia finishes her glass of soda and pours herself another one from the pitcher which got brought over to the table. She also tops off Loki's glass, her face getting a slightly distant to it for a brief moment before snapping back to reality*

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 10th, 2002, 12:38:53 PM
(Taa simply watches everybody coming to sit, smiling in a friendly manner although she has no idea what is going on. She snatches up another fish, biting it in half and chewing thoughtfully)

Falcon Gyndar
Apr 10th, 2002, 04:39:46 PM
Falcon winces slightly at the memory...

"Yeah, you pegged me good, kiddo. That hurt. You've got quite the arm on you. I had that bruise for over a week."

Natia Lerf
Apr 11th, 2002, 12:47:14 PM
Again, I'm sorry about that, but you do understand right??

*Natia takes another sip of her soda, hoping Falcon won't disapprove of her breakfast beverage. She then looks at Loki*

Loki, this is Falcon, my adopted Father and one of few adult males I actually trust.

*Natia then looks at Falcon*

Falcon, this Loki, one of my few friends I have made here. He's 8, almost 9.

*Natia leans over to Loki and whispers*

I kinda feel slightly stupid in asking this, but how much do you trust your Master??

Loki Ahmrah
Apr 11th, 2002, 06:37:27 PM
Loki smiles, content with the attempt Natia is making to talk to Anbira, "It must be so difficult for her," he thought, looking at her with concern whilst she spoke to the new arrival, her adopted father, Falcon.

The little boy chuckled as they spoke of Natia attacking him with her crutches and Loki admired the way he was helping her to overcome her fear of trusting men. He leaned across the table to shake the man's hand and Loki gave a cheerful, "Pleased to meet you, sir! How do you do?"

Loki was happy to finally meet the gentleman who cared for his friend, to whom he turned to and said quietly, after taking a brief glance over to Anbira, "Natia, I would trust him with my life!"

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 11th, 2002, 06:43:57 PM
(Taa glances down at Loki)

Rrrealljy? He looksss ssso frrrajil though. Sssurrreljy he ssshould be jin bed, rrressstjing!

Loki Ahmrah
Apr 11th, 2002, 06:50:15 PM
"You wouldn't be saying that if you had seen him dealing with those Dark Jedi last week! Looks can be deceiving and in Master Hicchoru's case, that's certainly true!" He answered enthusiastically then lowered his head a little after realising he was speaking a bit too loud.

Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 12th, 2002, 02:51:37 AM
:: Anbira smiled at the padawan, the corners of his eyes creasing ::

Oh, but I doubt that even I have the kind of energy that Taataani has. Sometimes, I do feel old.

:: He looked away in a distant stare, then snapped out of it, smiling. ::

But I always find something to make me feel alive, and young. Like young Loki, here.

:: His voice got very scornish and proper ::

He keeps me from being a boorish old prude, I think ::

Natia Lerf
Apr 12th, 2002, 12:52:49 PM
*Natia sits back in her chair, looking down at the table, her hands resting gently on her lap and she is silent. Her eyes seem to unfocus and a distant and longing look comes to her eyes then. One which Falcon has seen in her before she came here. A single tear comes to her eyes when she refocuses her vision and smiles up at everybody*