View Full Version : Playing Games....Quite literally.

Master Akira San
Apr 11th, 2002, 03:41:43 PM
:: in one of the many corner tables of Master Yogurt's Bar and Grill, a young man and one of the patrons are engaged in a test of wills, they are playing Chess ::

"Your turn Kid." the patron mumbled to the young man sitting across from him.

:: Akira stared at the chess board for a second then moved his rook taking the patron's queen ::

"Checkmate...And now you owe me $50." Akira held out his hand waiting for the patron to pay up."*mumblemumble* Find, here you go" the patron said grumpily handing over the money then standing up to leave. "Stop by again." Akira said grinning, counting the money quickly and putting it in his pocket.

Need a new opponent... he thought to himself, looking about the bar.

Master Akira San
Apr 12th, 2002, 03:22:31 PM
:: since it seemed noone was interested Akira had put away the chess board and started playing solitaire when a serving droid rolled by him ::

"Hey, droid. Can I get a glass of chocolate milk, please?" Akira asked holding out some of his winnings from the game he just played awhile ago.

Reuven Nightshade
Apr 12th, 2002, 04:08:29 PM
:: Reuven smirked slightly to himself. This kid really liked to keep occupied - with games. He lifted up his drink and took another sip, all the while keeping his eye on the kid. ::

Master Akira San
Apr 13th, 2002, 02:10:24 PM
:: the droid rolled back with Akira's drink and his change, Akira took both quickly noticing Reuven looking at him ::

What's his problem? Guess his parents didn't teach him it's not polite to stare

:: he took a sip of his drink and went back to concentrating on solitaire ::