View Full Version : Not your property (Cmon Cizerack, surprise me!)

Granger Blomquist
Apr 4th, 2002, 10:01:51 PM
He was tall, even for a Cizerack, powerfully built in a pin perfect uniform of the NRSF. Recently recruited into the ranks of the elite fighting forces of the Republic, the cat like creature came for the first time to the bar Commander Cross had asked him to have a look at - the Bar and Grill, a Jedi establishment. At the the doors were a few burly guards, who saluted and allowed him to enter with his weapons - two daggers at his waste and a Rail Gun on his hip. He had heard selected Jedi and the NRSF were the only ones allowed in with weapons of any sort, which did make sense to Blomquist.

He entered the brightly lit bar, looking about.

Nice place. What was the food liek? He wondered as he found a booth and sat down. A serving droid came, took his order of a glass of water and the biggest and best cooked steak they could manage.

Appartently Cross and Lochabre were here every now and then, Xazor Dawnstrider too. Maybe Lt Bisel? Well, no matter, he would just see whom he met.

Avolon Bisel
Apr 5th, 2002, 02:00:30 AM
Avolon leaned against the bar, sitting on a swivel stool. He wiped down a mug as he smoked on a cigarra.

"Water? We've got to start charging for that. Seems everyone's a god damn fish now days."

Max grumbled an insult at Avolon's foulness as he wheeled the Cizerack's order back to him.

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 5th, 2002, 03:28:40 AM
(A hand ran seductively through the large male's mane of black hair from behind, as a prehensile tail rubbed lazily against his leg. Taataani sized up the male, wondering what he was doing in this place, without a female to claim him. There was the chance that he was alone...and that intrigued her very much.)

jYou look alone, and jI wasss lookjing forrr companjy.

(The small talk was a habit from the hyuu-manns. On Carshoulis, she would have simply seen if he was claimed or not, and taken what she wished.)

Granger Blomquist
Apr 5th, 2002, 03:36:16 AM
He reacted out of reflex, military trainign come to the fore. He spun up and out fingers going for the throat.....

And looked rather startled as his claws backed off from their deadly strike. What the.....A being that looked much like he did?

"Errrr.... please excuse my jumpiness. I'm not used to someone just touching my back"

He looked up and down, his face creased with puzzlement and surprise.

"Are you.... a Cizerack?"

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 5th, 2002, 03:46:49 AM
(Taataani's ears immediately folded back, in a response to the threat. Her sharp claws emerged from fleshy fingertips, and a throaty growl rumbled, seemingly not belonging to Taa's demure and almost mousy figure. She bared her fanged teeth in anger to the male's insolence, and then stopped...confused.)

jYou...talk ljike a Hjyuu-mann.

(It took her off guard, as her blue eyes scoured his face. Then she thought of his question...which was strange and rather silly.)

Am jI a Cjizerrrack? Of courrrssse jI am!

(She looked taken aback, and drew up a little, her height straightening up as she poked her chest out ever-so-slightly.)

What kjind of fooljissshnesssss jisss that to asssk?

Granger Blomquist
Apr 5th, 2002, 03:50:39 AM
"Foolishness? No, I have never seen another one like myself"

His Basic was very, very polished, almost posh. Not that he knew any different.

"Cizerack speak differently to humans? I/m not aware of this. Oh, how impolite of myself. I am Sergeant Granger Blomquist of the New Republic Specail Forces. And whom do I have the pleasure of addressing....?"

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 5th, 2002, 04:01:43 AM
(Everything about this male went above and beyond the scope of lunacy. Taa's eyes looked distant as he spoke. Never seen another Cizerack? Not aware of their language? A hyuu-mann name, and even an officer in the New Republic.

Taa put a hand on his chest, a sign for him to stop. She pushed her glasses up on her nose, her ears fluttering.)

We rrrealljy ssshould talk...Grrrangerrr.

(She pulled up a seat without asking, her blue eyes narrowed at him)

How have jyou ljived awajy frrrom jyourrr people?

Granger Blomquist
Apr 5th, 2002, 06:19:38 AM
"36 standard years. I am apparently a cub that was abandoned on a mining world. I have lived with humans all the life I can remember and yes you are truly the first of my knid I have ever seen"

Even with his upright, some would say stick up ass mannerisms, he was getting excited. Finally a chance to know what the Cizeerack were really like! He had read datapads on them of course, but to actually meet another one? Now that was incredible.

Sasseeri Reeouura
Apr 5th, 2002, 09:25:48 PM
Sasseeri entered the bar, tired out after a long day sitting in a transport, and ready to take out her needs on the first unsuspecting male she found. As all Cizerack, half or full breed, her body was almost always ready and raring to go. On Carshoulis Prime they referred to the mating instinct as "the Burning," and it was almost worshipped. Sasseeri didn't worship it, but she had no qualms when it came to satisfying it.

There were two Cizerack full breeds ahead of her sitting at a table. She could tell they were full breeds from their appearance, and the smell of the female. But the male, he seemed...different. His odor was not as strong as a typical Cizerack male.

And then she froze. The female was her half sister. Taataani.

Too late. She'd been seen. Jaw set resolutely, Sasseeri walked over to her sister, who she hadn't seen in many years.

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:08:47 AM
jI'm the fjirrrssst Cjizerrrack jyou've everrr ssseen???

(Her jaw almost went agape. The Cizerack were generally aloof, and it was rare for the felinoids to venture out far from the Pride, and even more rare for one of their kind to grow up apart from others. After all, they were the most evolved species in the galaxy, and perfection deserved company. Taa could barely imagine a Cizerack cub in the care of Forrda. The demands to be met would be nearly mind-boggling, from enough food to eat, to dealing with a rambunctious youngster who had sharp claws and teeth.)

jI can onljy jimagjine how djiffjicult jyourrr hjyuu-mann parrrentsss mussst have found rrrajisssjing jyou. jYou'rrre luckjy to be aljive.

(He seemed to be obviously an educated person. That was a very disconcerting feeling. True, she'd gotten used to the freedom that hyuu-mann males enjoyed, but a Cizerack male was completely different. He should be some female's pleasing manservant, not...well...whatever it was he did now. It was all wrong.

Taa scrutinized him, inching closer as she took in his scent.)

That mussst mean jyou've neverrr...

(Taa stopped, as another scent was sensed in the air. She turned around, noticing a familiar-looking half breed)


Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:20:50 AM
Not too far off in one of the dimly lit corners of the bar, Sorreessa watched and listened intently. Her scent would not be noticed since a nearby forrda was smoking a cigar and the smoke drifted all around the close vicinity. Sorreessa of course knew all of the Cizerack that were there now by their files but in being an officer of the Kei Ai' Reei, she was required to spy whenever the opportunity arose.

Granger Blomquist
Apr 6th, 2002, 05:00:42 AM
"I dont know - I was well looked after and....."

He glanced up at a newcomer.... and was really taken aback. Another of his own kind!

"Good day to you kind m'dam" he said to the newcomer. He paused as his steak turned up along with his carafe of water. He picked up his knife and fork.

"Excuse me whie we talk - I have not eaten all day. I know this is quite rude, but would you forgive me?" He cut a bite and started to consume the vast blade of meat

Sasseeri Reeouura
Apr 6th, 2002, 05:21:45 AM
Sasseeri barely glanced at the male as she sat down at her sister's table. "Taataanji, jits been a long tjime." She looked at the male approvingly, "One of yourrrs? Wajit," her eyes caught the uniform, "NRSF? What joke jis thjis?"

Granger Blomquist
Apr 6th, 2002, 05:48:07 AM

He swallowed his bite.

"Oh, the uniform. I am Sergeant Granger Blomquist, of the Special Forces. And whom do I have the pleasure of addressing?"

Sasseeri Reeouura
Apr 6th, 2002, 05:59:34 AM
Sasseeri started, and stared at the male. "You'rrre rrreally jin the NRSF?" Ignoring her sister, she turned her full attention on the male, who was eating his large portions quite ...neatly. "Yourrr female allows jit?" She frowned, not comprehending this male. At least, for a Cizerack male, it was quite unusual. And he had no accent -?

Granger Blomquist
Apr 6th, 2002, 06:04:45 AM
"My female allows it...? Madam, up to now I have never seen a female of my species"

Female allows it? Blomquist was confused at that.

"Could you please explain? What is meant by female allows it? Allows what?"

He took another bite of his steak. It had a really nice cheese garnish, melted delightfully and mingling with the juices of the meat.

Sasseeri Reeouura
Apr 6th, 2002, 07:31:14 PM
Sass leaned forward onto her elbows and studied the male. "You arrre unljike any Cjizerrrack male jI've seen. Orrr maybe you'rrre just stupjiderrr than the averrrage male. 'Yourrr female allows jit' means just that. You do have a female on Carrrshouljis, do you not?" She leaned back, muttering, "But jI don't see a collarrr."

Sasseeri turned to her half sister. "Taataanji, jis thjis one yourrrs? Arrre you sjimply playjing wjith the unjiforrrm? jI must admjit, you almost had me forrr a second therrre." Ugh, she's stjill wearrrjing those rjidjiculous glasses. How many tjimes djid jI tell herrr to get rrrjid of those when we werrre grrrowjing up? They made her look older than she really was.

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 6th, 2002, 08:10:06 PM
He'sss not mjine. Frrrom what jI can tell, he hasss been rrrajisssed bjy hjyuu-mannsss.

Granger Blomquist
Apr 7th, 2002, 03:06:52 AM
He was getting more and more confused.

And insulted.

"Madam, Not only do I take offense at the presumtion I am stupid, I have clearly stated I have up to now not known anyone of my species up to the moment both ladies present arrived. While indeed I have been raised by humans, I am no one's property, and I wish for my question to be answered"

He cut off another bite, chewed and swallowed.

"My question being... What in buggery are you talking about? Please enlighten me"

Sasseeri Reeouura
Apr 7th, 2002, 03:20:44 AM
Sasseeri raised a perfect eyebrow, and leaned back into her chair. "Well. What jI meant by my statement jis that on Carrrshouljis Prrrjime, all Cjizerrrack males arrre subject to a female. jIts what the humans call a 'matrrrjiarrrchy.'"

Her eyes narrowed, "jI am only a halfbrrreed, but yourrr otherrr companjion jis a full brrreed Cjizerrrack." She refused to look at Taataani, who was probably enjoying her humiliation at explaining this to the male. But he was tall, and handsome, and refreshingly intelligent for a Cizerack. Perhaps she would take him as her mate, and finally be able to concieve something more pure than she was. "Therrre jis qujite a lot to explajin, actually. jI am consjiderrred a 'black sheep' because jI am not purrre. Not even my famjily fully accepts me. And full brrred males arrre even lowerrr than half brrred females, but not by much."

At the mention of family, Sass could almost feel the tension at the table rise, as her half sister sat across from her. She smiled prettily at Taataani.

Granger Blomquist
Apr 7th, 2002, 03:33:02 AM
He had to admit.... what a completely primitive culture. It sounded more like slavery and a class system to him. Who would be uneducated enough to accept something like that?

"A Caste system?. Has the Republic only just come to .... errr.... what did you call your home planet again? I didn't quite make it out. I personally would never consider myself subject to or lower than anyone else. My human surrogates blieved in education and I was well schooled. Such a thing would not be tolerated elsewhere... so why has it persisted on..... whereever your planet of birth is?"

Or it could be his as well. Well, not like he could know. He continued to eat the steak and also sip at the cold and clear water.

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 7th, 2002, 03:37:19 AM
jIt doesssn't help that jyou'rrre a crrrjimjinal mjisssfjit, Sssasssssseerrrji.

(Taa's voice had an edge to it)

jYou couldn't jussst worrrk jin the famjiljy busssjinessssss, jyou had to do jit jyourrr wajy. jYou even drrropped jyourrr lassst name, and go bjy jyourrr mjiddle name.

(Taa huffed, fixing her glasses on her nose)

Sasseeri Reeouura
Apr 7th, 2002, 03:48:35 AM
Practically ignoring the male, who's name she hadn't caught, Sasseeri snapped at her sister, "jIf my famjily would have allowed me what jI deserrrved jin the fjirrrst place, jI would neverrr have had to leave." Sasseeri almost snarled, chosing to leave the middle name part of Taataani's jab alone.

She turned on the male, "Carrrshouljis jis backwarrrds, perrrhaps, but she prrroduces competent trrraderrrs. jI fjind jit almost jimpossjible to beljieve you have neverrr hearrrd of the Cjizerrrack trrrade corrrporrratjions."

Granger Blomquist
Apr 7th, 2002, 03:52:57 AM
Ho. Tensions here. It seemed there was a good deal of hostility between these two.

He wasnt exactly seeing the only two others he had even seen of his race in a good light. Hopefully, he could steer a course that would keep the two ladies from fighting... and so he could find out more about his own race!

"Trading corporations? amdam, I am a soldier. I know little of commerce as it does not really interest me"

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 7th, 2002, 01:26:58 PM
Doesssn't jinterrressst jyou???

(Taa gasped)

But...jitsss ssso jimporrrtant!

Sasseeri Reeouura
Apr 8th, 2002, 01:44:18 AM
Sasseeri kept her eyes on Taataani, but reached out a hand and grabbed a waiter by the seat of his pants. Surprised, the man turned towards her. "jI need a drrrjink. Somethjing strrrong." She patted his posterior as he walked off, shaking her head at her sister.

"Therrre jis morrre to ljife than sjimply trrrade, afterrr all. Don't forrrget the Burrrnjing. jI'm surrre you had a qujite jinterrrestjing adolesence, ...Grrrangerrr, was jit? Yes, anyway..." Sasseeri winked at him. "Most males have a female at that tjime, to gujide them, but you werrre all alone. Howeverrr djid you manage to satjisty yourrrself?" She licked her lips, and settled back in her chair, one foot sneaking across under the table towards his leg.

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 8th, 2002, 01:55:30 AM
(Taa ignored the jab from her half-breed sister, smiling sweetly to Granger)

jYou know...jit jisss neverrr too late forrr prrroperrr female gujidance. How betterrr to get jin touch wjith jyourrr Cjizerrrack rrrootsss than to learrrn frrrom a full-blooded female, who can gjive jyou....handsss-on experrrjience.

(Taa smiled at Granger, the tips of her canines protruding from between her moist lips as she purred. His scent was delicious. Surely her charms were being similarly noticed by him. For a male with no proper way to release his urges, it should be quite compelling)

Granger Blomquist
Apr 8th, 2002, 01:57:18 AM
"Trade is of no use to a soldier. And besides, many wars have been started over trade disputes. Sometimes I believe that trade is a root of evil for all the destruction I have seen it cause"

He sensed a loaded question from the..... rather forward female. It took him a moment to work out exactly what she was hinting at, before he replied.

"Sexually you mean, yes? I would also remove that foot from it's present postition.... before I forceably remove it. You are being extremely rude and more forward than I like"

Sasseeri Reeouura
Apr 8th, 2002, 02:08:21 AM
Sasseeri tried to hide her smile as he complained about her foot, which she'd barely started touching his ankle with. To get that riled over that...she must have guessed correctly. She withdrew her toes, and slipped her shoe back on. "jI don't know what you'rrre talkjing about, Grrrangerrr. And, please, call me Sasseerji." The waiter returned with her drink, and she accepted it without even looking at him, her eyes fixed on the male in front of her.

Taataani or not, this one would be in her bed before morning. She always got what she wanted. Just take Sanis as an example.

Granger Blomquist
Apr 8th, 2002, 02:22:24 AM
Something here was going on and he went carefully through what both of the females said.....


Now he understood. They were either thinking he was one of their enslaved males.... or wished for him to become one. Oh charming. He had only just met two of his kind, for the first time and they already wanted him to be drawn into what sounded like a primitive and restrictive society?

Not a chance.

But if they wanted to fight over him.... well..... He had learned how to manipulate human females - for some reason, they seemed to find him desirable - quite well when he needed to for his own ends. His mind began to race, thinking exactly what to do here. He was a soldier and quite a cultured one, but he was not above a little bit of fun. Taking a sip of water and finishing off the steak, he leaned forward, eyes becoming quite intense.

"I think you do Sasseerji. I wonder what a fine upstanding woman like yourself would see in a humble soldier like me? And... " he turned to the other female Cizerack "I must say, those glasses set off your face quite nicely"

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 8th, 2002, 02:31:19 AM
Rrrealljy? jYou thjink ssso?

(Taa practically beamed, her smile broadening as her ears perked up, eager for more compliments)

jI've alwajysss ljiked them. jItsss ssso harrrd to fjind cute glassssssesss, essspecjialljy when bad ejyesssjight jisss well...rrratherrr embarrrasssjing to Cjizerrrack. But jI decjided to ljive on the edge. jI'm an olderrr woman, and jI have nothjing to prrrove.

(She propped her chin on the table with her hands, her purr was an audible coo)

Sasseeri Reeouura
Apr 8th, 2002, 02:54:18 AM
Sasseeri kept herself from glaring at her beaming half sister, who was simply eating up the compliments. And the glasses did not compliment her face, they made her look bookish and unattractive. "jYes, well, Taataanji, they do make you look yourrr age." Sass smiled sweetly, and turned back to Granger, sipping her drink, and accidently spilling a little on her thin blouse.

The clear liquid soaked through, leaving an almost transparent area on her chest. "Oh, clumsy." Sasseeri blotted at the spill with a napkin, and adjusted her blouse a little. There, better. She looked into the male's intense eyes, "jI fjind powerrrful men qujite jintrrrujigjing. You see, jI don't buy jinto everrry jitem of Cjizerrrack culturrre. jI am half human, afterrr all."

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 8th, 2002, 03:07:42 AM
(Taa hissed at Sass's age jab. That was a low blow.

In a similar manner to Saa's grab for a waiter's attention, Taa slapped one on the backside as he walked by)

Wajiterrr, jI'm hungrrrjy...brrrjing usss two dozen Klatoojine paddjy frrrogsss, and two dozen Sssajoji.

(The waiter walked off, bewildered and a little sickened by the order. He never could abide handling live food. Not even fishing the lobster tank.)

Granger Blomquist
Apr 10th, 2002, 02:00:29 AM



Granger kept a straight face as he observed the beginnings of the crossfire. Normally he would decry what he was about to do - but for what he was now thinking, it was perfectly logical. Now he didnt know how they would expect a male to act, so maybe he wasnt goign to be so outrageous. He stood up, undid his pants, dropped them and gave his underpants a rearranging. He pulled his pants up, then sat back down.

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 10th, 2002, 02:14:03 AM
(Taa's eyes fixated on Granger as the equivalent of a Cizerack Red Flag was waved in front of her. She grinned luridly, growling in a manner that was less aggressive, and more...hungry...if anything)

jYou arrre a qujick learrrnerrr, Grrrangerrr. Let me ssshow jyou the rrrressst!

(Taa slid astride Granger's lap, her claws extending as she undressed him further with her eyes)

Sasseeri Reeouura
Apr 10th, 2002, 02:27:33 AM
Sasseeri remained seated, and watched her sister jump into Granger's lap, ready to shred his uniform right there and then. Sass raised her glass to him, and downed her drink.

"You know, jif yourrr clothes arrre too constrrrjictjing, jI'm surrre my sjisterrr herrre would be morrre than wjilljing to help you rrremove them. Of courrrse," she slapped the table with her open palm, "the tables arrren't that sturrrdy. Trrrust me, jI know."

It would be in bad taste to throw herself at the male, with her sister practically drooling on him already. But she wanted him, oh how she wanted him. Sass could almost taste the salt on his skin, and she was sure he could detect her readiness to mate with him. It was almost obvious that he thought he was smarter than she was.

But he figured wrong. No one outsmarted Sasseeri Reeouurra. No one. But she let her jacket slip open a little more, exposing more bosom to his greedy eyes. Frrrell, he jis deljicjious lookjing.

Granger Blomquist
Apr 10th, 2002, 02:33:24 AM
Granger slid expertly from out of under the female that had sat on his lap. Other human females tried that - a lot. It was almost an occupational hazard.

He stood up straight, before making his uniform straight. Good grief they were almost drooling

"Why ladies... there's is no need to fight... over me..." He added a nice little purr on the end that human females seemed to like.

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 10th, 2002, 02:44:02 AM
(Flustered at having been removed from the male, Taa pouted. As he spoke, she smirked, glancing to her sister.)

What jisss therrre to fjight overrr? Sssasssssseerrrrrrji knowsss herrr place. Therrre arrre otherrr malesss forrr herrr.

(She licked her lips, as the waiter arrived, with her food)

jI choossse jyou.

Tevit Ramadon
Apr 10th, 2002, 02:49:03 AM
A table away from the three Cizeracks at the bar, Tevit sat rocking in silent laughter. He had watched the whole scene unfold, and was working as hard as he could to keep from exploding with racous laughter and banging his glass on the table.

Being a Nehantite and looking partially animal, he himself was often hit with the stereotype that Cizeracks were, but his culture was far from theirs. Faaaar from theirs indeed.

As Granger dropped his trousers, tevit watched the faces of the two females with sheer glee, biting his lips together to retain a fit of the rollicking guffaws from coming out, and as the male Cizerack continued to toy with them, it became even ahrder to hold his laughter in. His red eyes were welling with tears at the pain it took to keep from crying out loud, and at this rate, he knew he couldn't last much longer. This was by far the best laugh he had had in months, and Tevit only hope it would get better. One thing was for sure; he was going to congratulate Granger on finally doing what he had alwayus wanted to see a male Cizerack do. Heck, he's even buy the brave sucker a drink, if not a whole case of something, the show was so doggone funny!

Sasseeri Reeouura
Apr 10th, 2002, 03:01:08 AM
Sasseeri's ears laid back. "Thjis jisn't Carrrshouljis, dearrr sjisterrr. jI -" Her eyes narrowed, and she looked around to see if there were any high ranking Cizerack about. There weren't.

"jI have just as much rrrjight to hjim. Besjides, he's so 'ljiberrrated,' perrrhaps he won't go to bed wjith you. Perrrhaps therrre jis somethjing ...wrrrong wjith hjis equjipment, so hjis parrrents abandoned hjim, knowjing he was useless." Sasseeri spread the insults around thickly, and stood to her feet, walked two quick steps, and was pressed against Granger's body.

"Of courrrse, jI doubt that therrre jis anythjing wrrrong wjith you. You appearrr qujite, undamaged." She reached her hand down and checked, just to be sure. Her face was upturned and her lips brushed his neck.

Granger Blomquist
Apr 10th, 2002, 03:40:02 AM
His hand snapped down, grabbing the female's wrist as it ... well....yeah, whatever it was going to do. Probably going for a grope.

"In civilised places, we didn't kiss on first date". He gave the female a lurid come-on look, before turning back to the Cizerack who wore glasses.

[i] I think I understand something here. She's the one with some power with the Cizerack. This other one is some sort of outcast. This in itself is useful to know. Now what exactly am I going to do? There is no way one of these Cizeracks will claim me as property as they so clearly intend. The one in the glasses would be a goldmine of information about my race while the other.... Sexd was a powerful weapon if used right. </I.

Even as cleanly logical as Granger could be, he was still subject to urges. He had learned to control and repress to the time was right.

So how about now he went for a more direct approach?

He stepped backwards, taking a seat.

"Really ladies, your attention is flattering. But dont you already have life partners?"

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 10th, 2002, 03:00:30 PM
(Taa remained in Granger's seat, sitting spread-eagle and waiting for him to return to her company. She idly plucked a Sajoi from the food box on the table, wrapping the chirping rodent's long tail around her finger as he spoke.)

Of courrrssse we do. Ssseverrral.

(She smiled sweetly, uncoiling the sajoi's tail from her finger, and dangling it in the air, another finger batting it around in bored play)

jYou act ljike therrre jisss sssome rrrule about onljy havjing one.

(Taa arched an eyebrow at the thought. How very silly! Only one male? She needed variety, and besides, there was always so much work to do around the house. Who would massage her feet? Who would feed her? Who would dance seductively as she was being massaged and fed? One indeed, ha!

She laughed at the thought, and popped her little chirping prey into her mouth, and watched the wriggling tail draw up through her lips as she swallowed.

Sasseeri Reeouura
Apr 11th, 2002, 02:32:27 AM
Sasseeri pouted a little as he kept her hand away from its target, but pressed against him all the same, squeezing his hand a little. At his suggestive glance, she purred a little. Forrrget Taa, jI can't wajit any longerrr.

He was teasing her, playing with her by pretending to be interested in her bookish half sister. While Taa filled her stomach, Sasseeri approached Granger's chair, stanind behind it, and letting her slim hands run through his hair. She had other, equally voracious, appetites in mind.

Sass let her hand brush his shoulder as she walked around his chair, and then she put a leg over his lap, straddling him in her short mini skirt. "Ljife parrrtnerrrs arrre all well and good, but therrre jis always tjime forrr a good, old fashjioned rrromp jin the hay." Her hands toyed with the buttons on his shirt.

Jasseeri Arreearruu
Apr 11th, 2002, 06:42:27 PM
The Huntress Admiral could only stair, like one would strai at a train wreck. It was almost embarrassing to watch, and yet had such a comedic effect. She'd all but forgotten about the drink in her hand, the condensation pooling around the glass' bottom. She didn't even notice the bar tender come by to wipe up the water. She was just too transfixed by the oddity these two females were placing before the male Cizerack.

She wanted to laugh, she really did, and it took all her inner self contstraint to keep herself still and quiet. She didn't dare ruin the show.

Though, she herself was interested in the male, soley because he was not only attractive, but of the military. A feline after her own heart, dedicated to duty. It wasn't everyday one came across an intelligent Cizerack male in the military. True, Keerrourri was one. But he belonged to the Pride Mother. And that meant hands off.

But, for the sake of pride, she remained sitting at the bar, watching the drama unfold. This was most definitely better than the holovids.

Granger Blomquist
Apr 13th, 2002, 03:57:40 AM
He picked Saasserri up and put her to one side - he also grabbed hold (gently of her jaw, making as if to kiss her)

"I wonder if you have taken the hint yet madam" he said so only she could hear. "I am very interested in what you suggest... But on my own terms and later. I am more interested right now in finding out about what my own kind are. If you help me, I will give you what you want - as long as you understand I am no one's chatteral. My terms or not at all. Am I understood?

Sasseeri Reeouura
Apr 13th, 2002, 04:10:31 AM
A man who isn't afraid to take charge. It was a refreshing change from the usual males who quivered in fear of her, or were more than willing to enter her bed. Sasseeri took his hand in her smaller one, and nodded slowly. "jI underrrstand. jI may have an accent, but jI am not dumb."

She looked over to the stairs that led to the rooms above the bar. "Perrrhaps we can djiscuss yourrr terrrms jin prrrjivate?"

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 13th, 2002, 04:14:35 AM
(Taa pouted visibly)

Whjy learrrn frrrom herrr? Ssshe wouldn't be able to help jyou. Ssshe'sss half-brrreed rrrabble!

Granger Blomquist
Apr 13th, 2002, 04:18:04 AM
Very quietly in Saasseeri's ear he said.....

"No. For now I wish to satisfy my curiousity first. If you help me sponging what I can from the other with glasses, then we go upstairs."

Out of the side of his eye, he saw another Cizerack! Unlike these two however, she was only sitting and watching - and was military. So not all Cizerack were sex starved animals like these two?

Sasseeri Reeouura
Apr 13th, 2002, 04:36:06 AM
Sasseeri raised her eyebrow, "You don't thjink jI can tell you all you need to know and morrre?"

She stepped back from him, "You don't need my help to get jinforrrmatjion frrrom herrr. She jis morrre than wjilljing to gjive jit to you. But jif you stjill want to come upstajirrrsss..." Sass whispered her room number into his ear, and then walked towards the bar.

Jasseeri Arreearruu
Apr 14th, 2002, 06:51:58 AM
The Huntress Admiral was in the middle of observing the trio of Cizeracks chatter away, when the male looked in her direction. Her left ear twitched slightly, the only reaction that she had seen the male look in her direction. And with a bit of curiosity at that.

She picked up her glass and downed the rest of her drink, sliding off the stool and heading to the table where the trio was. When she reached the table, she looked at the male square in the face, ignoring the other females, and saluted to him in the customary fashion of the Cizerack military: her right fist over her left breast. It was a sharp salute.

I could not help but notjice the commotjion jin thjisss corrrnerrr of the barrr. jI am Jasssssseerrrji Arrrrrreearrrrrru, Huntrrressssss Admjirrral of the Cjizerack fleet.

She extended her hand in the human fashion to shake his, having been versed in other customs and cultures.