View Full Version : A Restless Night For A Jedi

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 3rd, 2002, 01:45:59 AM
The dream, vision, nightmare ... Navaria couldn't really tell, came back again tonight. The Knight had thought that the reoccurring premonitions had stopped. It had been weeks since she had them last.

Usually a walk through the Courtyard would ease her weary mind but today Navaria could find no comfort in the colorful vegetation that surrounded her. She felt nothing and that was what caused her to worry ...

Catching a transport to Arcan, she entered the Bar and Grill. Slipping into a both, she shed her outer robe and placed it neatly at her side.

Underneath her eyes, a faint discoloration was seen if one looked hard enough. It was the only sign that Navaria was not her usual self.

Ordering some coffee, which actually caused the droid to do a double take, the Jedi Knight took a deep breath and calmed her mind; trying hard to concentrate on the images that haunted her.

Sanis Prent
Apr 3rd, 2002, 02:16:18 AM
You know, I don't think I'll ever get used to the robes.

(Navaria's coffee came with a friendly waiter. I'd liberated the cup of java from the protesting serving droid, doing it a favor and giving me a dramatic entrance. I set the coffee down for her, my other hand fingering the rough fabric of the Jedi garment)

Seems like a part of you I'll never understand.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 3rd, 2002, 02:26:04 AM
It was still a big mess of images and sound. Chaotic. Still no insight came.

She rubbed the bridge of her noise, disappointed.

Navaria was looking down when she heard a familiar voice. The smile came naturally as she lifted her head, running a hand through her hair to push it away from her face. Literally, he was a sight for sore eyes. He always seemed to show up just when she needed someone to talk to ....

The smell of the coffee was inviting and as she took a sip, Navaria listened as Sanis continued.

"Besides them being warm?"

Already her mood was lightening.

"Well, I thought the same when I was in your line of profession. Why would anyone want to limit themselves when there is an entire universe out there to be had? Too bad you don't choose these things."

Sanis Prent
Apr 3rd, 2002, 02:36:57 AM
(She hit the nail on the head. It sure was funny the way things worked out. I'd always told myself that if I could make it big washing dishes, that I would wash dishes for a living. Maybe money and fame were only half of it. I was a victim of circumstance, and addicted to it to boot. I think she fit the same glove, but on the other hand. She was no Jedi I'd ever seen before, but it was obvious she followed their path. Maybe if she could be what she wanted to be, she already was. Maybe there wasn't a group to put Dalee in...

No, not Dalee...Navaria...

...the awkwardness was always difficult. Maybe we wouldn't know where we stood until it hit us on the head like a hammer blow. It was like things had never changed, and at the same time, like we'd never met before. They say in the important things of life, you never get a second chance...

...maybe Murphy's Law isn't such a bad thing after all.)

Yeah, its funny how they work out. We could've been a hundred different people in a hundred different places, and I think that no matter what, we'd still find a way to be the same.

(I sat down across from her. She smiled, but there was something to her smile, and the way her eyes looked at me, then past me.)

Something wrong, Nav?

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 3rd, 2002, 03:03:52 AM
You know, Sanis."

Navaria couldn't help but have this sheepish grin on her face.

"You almost sounded like a Jedi there."

As much as this was a pleasant distraction from her problem, her outward appearance didn't fool Sanis one bit. He picked up on the way her eyes were as alert as usual or held the warmth that most at the Order saw reflected.

She sighed and took another sip of coffee, focusing briefly on how it good it felt to have something hot to drink.

"It's nothing really .... just not sleeping well."

Navaria forgot to add 'again' and she highly doubted that Sanis would leave it at that.

Sanis Prent
Apr 3rd, 2002, 03:11:10 AM
Thats scary. It usually takes me a few pints to get all philosophical.

(I smiled, watching her sip her coffee. She explained the look on her face, and for once, I didn't have an answer to it. It must be something to do with Navaria, not Dalee. Dalee never had trouble sleeping.)

Like...a bad dream?

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 3rd, 2002, 03:19:17 AM
Absently, she pushed the handle of the cup ninety degrees to the left and started at the black liquid. Her eyes swallowed up every detail. From the color to the distorted images reflected back at her.

Navaria forced herself to snapped out of it and tightly closed her eyes, trying to shake off what happened. She really hated that when those spells occurred and was caught off guard.

She looked at Sanis and wondered how long that one lasted.

"A bad dream? I'm not sure really. It might be but what I see when I sleep is all one big confusing mess. I've been trying to sort it all out ..."

Navaria frowned.

"... and I've come up with nothing."

Sanis Prent
Apr 3rd, 2002, 03:39:21 AM
(It wasn't exactly an area of expertise. I admit, I'm not a very empathetic guy to begin with, but dreams were even more of a riddle to me. She was the one with Force powers here. I was just a guy)

Well, it doesn't help that I can probably count the number of dreams I've had in the past year on one hand. I never seem to have em. And when I do, I'm usually falling down a staircase or something stupid like that.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 3rd, 2002, 03:37:52 PM
"Yes you are."

The sentence left her mouth before she could stop it. It was in response to his thoughts and it seemed that spell was taking another form. Being this close to Sanis, Navaria was acutely aware that his mind was completely open to her. Out of respect, she dampened that considerably but seems that his stronger emotions were leaking through the cracks.

She tried covering it up.

"I mean, I wish I had dreams as simple as that. Wouldn't be so confused as what to is going on."

Yeah, that was smooth and Navaria wasn't flustered at all...

Sanis Prent
Apr 5th, 2002, 04:37:04 AM
I am?

(Then I realized...she'd half-answered my own thoughts. It happened so much with Dalee, I was amazed that it suprised me now.)


(I laughed, ordering some good coffee to wake up)

So tell me about this dream. What do you remember? It wasn't me, was it?

(I smiled)

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 8th, 2002, 10:28:36 PM
Sanis was surprised at what had happened but he didn't seem to mind, otherwise he would have said something. His laughter brought a smile to her face that quickly washed away any embarrassment that Navaria was feeling. Memories of another time made her feel the contagious effect his good natured humor brought ... It was a feeling she could get used too ..

Quickly her eyes closed tightly as Sanis ordered some coffee. What was she thinking? She was with Luke ... She was worried about him since he disappeared ... She loved Luke ... At least a part of her still did but ...

As she opened her eyes in response to Sanis' question, that part of her that was Daleethria, couldn't help admit the attraction.

"Well ..."

Navaria had to grin.

"If you were in my dreams, I wouldn't know. The images I see are so random and quick, that they are too chaotic for me to understand. All I get are feelings of intense hatred and someone wanting to kill me. I sense danger and fear ..."

Her brow furrowed in deep thought.

"... it's not my fear. It's the fear for someone else."

Sanis Prent
Apr 9th, 2002, 09:17:22 PM
(So it wasn't a happy dream. I wasn't exactly qualified for psychobabble, but a dream like that made me a little concerned. Sometimes, things Jedi imagined in their heads came to happen with regular frequency)

It seems you can't make it through this galaxy without a handful of people that want to take you out of it.

(I took a slow, thoughtful sip of coffee, looking at our reflections in the cup.)

For what its worth, you know I'd never let a damn thing happen to you. I may not have the force to protect you, but I have stuff where it counts, and you can take it to the bank.

(I laughed)

Who knew I'd give freebies?

(But it had grown into something more than a favor. More than a freebie. Her life was my vested interest. It seemed natural, like Dalee had never died. I didn't know what the true story was. Maybe I'd have to be a Jedi to understand it. But to me, she was Dalee, as much as Dalee in the flesh. The worst thing I could see is losing her again.)

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 10th, 2002, 12:59:09 PM
She stifled a chuckle by chewing on her bottom lip in thought. Sanis wasn't the type of being that went around saying the things he was saying right now to her. There was always a price tag attached. No matter what the deal.

It made Navaria almost unsure of what was happening here. Was this what Daleethria had planned on since coming to her deep within the jungles of Yavin.

Looking into Sanis' eyes, she tried to open herself up, trying to see what lay ahead for them. Instantly, Navaria made herself aware of his thoughts again and realized that one day, she would have to explain what happened to her. It was only fair that he know the truth ... The truth to what Daleethria did for her ...

Then something else came and it hit her hard while she was staring at Sanis. Her body became rigid, almost frozen in place, as Navaria stared blankly ahead. But .. she wasn't staring ahead in shock ... somehow she lost her ability to see and now her body was growing cold .. so very cold ....

Sanis Prent
Apr 10th, 2002, 02:27:04 PM

(She'd suddenly stared off into space. I tried to snap her out of it.)


(I put my hand on her shoulder, and she still didn't move.)

Nav, wake up!

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 10th, 2002, 02:47:04 PM
Sanis found that her skin was cold to the touch and that her breathing had become shallow. The time between each breath was longer then usual.

Navaria was not like most Jedi. When visions were seen, they were flashes of possible futures and hints to dangers that lay ahead. Because of what Daleethria had given the Knight, her body reacted differently. Physical sensations felt in the mind actually became somatic to Navaria. Her tactile senses were extremely heightened so she could feel Sanis touching her, but it was too much. Daleethria would have had an easier time with this but Navaria's mind was still adjusting...

So much like the clone, Navaria stared off into space, fighting what the vision has triggered inside her mind and body.

Sanis Prent
Apr 10th, 2002, 03:08:06 PM
(She was cold as ice...and it was something that had just happened. I watched the color seem to leave her skin, and little dots raise up as the goosebumps hit. Her eyes were fixed and unblinking, no matter what I did. Maybe I overreacted, but I had no idea about these things. It could have been one of those meditations Jedi did, or it could be something worse.

I looked around frantically, for somebody who might know what was wrong.)


(I stood up)

Somebody help!!

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 10th, 2002, 03:48:55 PM
The fight to control her own body continued. She had only gone through this once before and tried to focus on that moment. It was difficult to concentrate on two different things, but it had to be done.

Navaria remembered feeling just like this. Lost in every sensation that she could feel, taste, and touch. It also included sight, but whatever Navaria had foreseen had robbed her of her vision.

The soothing mental presence of Daleethria was what she remembered next.

Don't try and force your body to relax. As it is this heightened, you will slip further in the sensations. Be one of the senses and close it off one by one. If necessary, speak with your mind through the Force. That way talking physically doesn't interfere with your concentration. The Force is easier to communicate with as I have learned. It could be for you ...

Different circumstances, same principal.

First, Navaria concentrated on her sense of smell, since it wasn't overwhelming. It gave her a center to begin with and it was quite easy to then close it off. Next came her sense of hearing. She could hear Sanis calling for help. He was scared and felt useless that there was anything that he could do to help. It was mere instinct that told her if she focused on Sanis too long, she probably would end up making her situation worse. Her probing into his future is what caused this ...

And so her sense of hearing became closed off.

Now her cold body was painfully clear. Muscles were stiff and Navaria was unable to move them. Each breath was a challenge and now the Knight was acutely aware how tired she was. The need to fall asleep was powerful and overwhelming by itself.

This is what Navaria had to fight. Returning to that place in the jungle again, she found her center and began dulling her senses again slowly. The coldness started to fade, color slowly began to return to her skin, her breathing became erratic because of the stress but ...

She blinked.

Sanis ...

He heard Navaria's voice in his head.

I'm ... all right. Mostly... Please ... calm down.

Sanis Prent
Apr 10th, 2002, 04:01:42 PM
Calm down? Nav, you went frigid. And thats not just an exaggeration.

(I looked at her, and at her eyes. She was wrestling with something. Some of which she didn't know, and some of it she did, and just didn't want to talk about it. She'd mentioned another...

I calmed down, holding her hand.)

Its me.

(I sighed)

Isn't it?

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 10th, 2002, 04:13:05 PM
Navaria wondered how she was like that and tried to get herself to breath more normally. Daleethria was right. Speaking through the Force did help.

Sanis felt her squeeze his hand.

I was trying to see what the Force said about ... ... you.

It was only half a truth and not befitting for a Jedi.

About ... us.

Her eyes flashed with concern for Sanis' safety.

The future is always in motion but I know you're going to be in danger.

Sanis Prent
Apr 10th, 2002, 04:29:07 PM
(Danger was something I always knew could happen at any time. But to hear it like that...was a bit uncomfortable to say the least. I didn't mind the licks I took, but if I was gonna get any, I didn't want to see em coming. Sometimes, the expectation hurt worse than the real pain.

I smiled, to defuse the situation.)

Since when has a little danger ever stopped me?

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 11th, 2002, 12:19:58 AM
She shook her head at Sanis' flippant attitude about the situation.

No, you don't get it. You will die ... could die. I'm not sure. I just know something from your past is going to come back and take revenge on you.

Navaria thought about this more and that little voice inside her was telling her that this was somehow related. The bad dreams she was having brought her to the bar. Sanis showed up and wanted to talk to her which led to the terrible vision she experience and felt physically.

The Force worked in strange ways and you couldn't get more stranger then what was going on tonight.

Sanis Prent
Apr 11th, 2002, 06:02:28 PM
(The smile slipped from my face, as I was unable to console her.)

You have the Force to believe in. I have luck. All I can do is hope you're wrong. Look, I don't know a thing about these visions you have, and I don't think I'm ready to, either.

(I held her hand carefully)

But you can't think about those things. Real or not. Cause then you're just living life thinking about death.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 11th, 2002, 10:47:52 PM
Navaria took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

"They are visions after all ... and like I said..."

A tiny smile started to form.

"The future is always in motion. There is a chance that what I felt won't come to pass .. although ..."

Her eyes feel down to where Sanis was holding her hand.

"... I know that we will always be connected... no matter what."

Sanis Prent
Apr 15th, 2002, 12:26:52 AM
Yeah, but I don't know what that means.

(I sighed, looking away. As much as I wanted her to "be" Daleethria, and for everything to return to the way it was, I didn't know how to do it. Navaria was her own person...to a degree. Where I fit in it all was a mystery.

I stood up, sliding my coat on.)

You know, I spent forever and a half figuring you out the first time. Starting from scratch is harder than just talking about it.

(I walked away, as if I could physically distance myself from the emotional storm that had drifted up on both of us.)

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 15th, 2002, 12:36:08 AM
Her hand rested on the table where it once held Sanis'. Navaria didn't get up or turn around to watch him leave. Tonight was alot for him, as it was for her. Sanis needed space ... and alot of it from what she was sensing.

Where tonight would lead them, she had no idea. From what it sounded, maybe he didn't want the trouble of seeing her again but if that was completely true, why did he come to her table in the first place?

"Whatever you want ... I'll respect it."

She said to no one and stood up, making sure to pull the hood over her face before departing the Bar and Grill.

The trip was to help shed some insight into what was bothering her in the dreams that came to Navaria each night. Now all she had were more questions then answers ....