View Full Version : Continuance....(Syrius Cline)

Apr 17th, 2002, 10:53:50 AM
Xazor offloaded her weapons at the door of Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill. She stepped into the cheerful place where many were gathered in small groups and conversing while enjoying great food and drinks. She looked around for a moment before heading off to the right of the establishment. There was an empty wooden table with some chairs around it. Taking a seat, a dark figure that had followed her in, sat across from her.

Lessons do not need to take place in the Academy for you to learn things. Be mindful of all around you and you shall learn much more than you expected (http://pub56.ezboard.com/fgjofrm3.showMessageRange?topicID=357.topic&start=1&stop=20)

She said to the one who had followed her in. It was her padawan, Syrius Cline. Both of them needed to eat, and just relax after their travels. He had gone without food to begin his training and now it was time for leisure....and learning....

edit: TTT...where are you Syrius? <img src=http://www.thegjo.com/forum/smileys/wavey.gif ALT=":wave"> I am here!

Syrius Cline
Apr 19th, 2002, 02:31:45 AM
He had almost forgotten his jacket. That would be a costly mistake. By the looks of this place, he would be hard pressed to find a leather clothing store.

"Of course, love. I don't have an off switch. You should know that much by now."

Syrius smiled as he layed the jacket in the one empty seat.

"Where's the order placed, Master?" He was just starting to get used to calling her Master, it showed. "They do serve food, right? The 'grill' heading isn't just an attention grabber, I hope."

OOC - Oops, sorry. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)"> Actually, I've been busy making a Episode II Desktop theme, complete with icons and cursors. Not done yet, though. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

BTW, I'd like this to be OPEN. That should be implied, by the lack of a closed heading. Just in case anyone's wondering.

Apr 19th, 2002, 03:34:12 AM
Jhyx was starting to like this place; with the exception of the little mishap when he'd first arrived. But other than almost being eaten alive, he thought the bar and grill was a rather charming place to be. He'd already made a few friends, and he was looking to make more.

He entered the bar and grill using his normal method; slipping in when someone else opened the door, and stopping once more to look up at the door guard, he bounded up onto the counter. "So how's things goin' for ya," he asked, "did you get that staring problem we talked about fixed?"

The guard only stared at him.

"I guess not."

Disappointed that the man hadn't sought help for his ailment, Jhyx shook his head in exasperation as he crouched down, ready to pounce on the nearest table and begin his journey to the bar. He leapt forward, landing nimbly on the first table, and bounded easily to the next, his tail working as a counterbalance as he flew through the air.

Landing on a table occupied by two people, he was just getting ready to jump when he heard a snippet of their conversation.

"--they do serve food, right?

Putting on his brakes, the little creature skidded to a halt right before the edge of the table. He turned to the man who'd spoken. "They sure do, buster!" he began, "and I'm not it, so you can just squash all your grand ideas of making me your next meal."

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 19th, 2002, 04:10:00 AM
(This was said, just as Taataani managed to pass by. She smirked, turning her head slowly to the small creature as she pressed her glasses up on her nose.)

Then jI sssuppossse jI wjill have to fjind sssomethjing elssse.

(Before the little guy could scamper away, Taa snatched him up, holding him upside down by his tail, and raising him to eye level. She smiled sweetly...as sweet as a Cizerack could)

jYou wouldn't have anjy....sssuggessstjionsss?

Apr 19th, 2002, 04:25:53 AM
Dangling from Taa's grip on his tail, Jhyx attempted a menacing growl. Coming from him, however, it wasn't very menacing in the least; in fact, it was just about two steps up from an elongated squeak.

"You better put me down, Catwoman," he squeak/growled, crossing his arms in his inverted predicament, rocking slightly from back to forth.

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 19th, 2002, 04:30:14 AM
Oh rrrelax, forrda.

(Taa laughed, taking a seat with the creature still in hand)

jI thjink jif jI wasss ssstjill jintent on havjing jyou forrr djinnerrr, jI would have done ssso bjy now. Consssjiderrr jyourrrssself sssparrred. Hjyuu-mann peculjiarrrjitjiesss make fjindjing a prrroperrr bjite to eat djiffjicult.

(Taa placed him on the table, idly rubbing her hand down his furred back)

jI sssuppossse jI'll have to fjind a fjittjing sssubssstjitute to...well...whateverrr jyou arrre.

Apr 19th, 2002, 08:18:23 AM
Xazor nodded slightly.

Yes my padawan, they have excellent food here. I would recommend the raw chi....

She paused, recalling that he was more.....human...than she was.

Scratch that idea...you wouldn't much care for it. Maybe try...the cheeseburger? It is one of the best in the galaxy...

She grinned, but then suddenly noticed her friend Taataani ready to devous a poor little creature. She smiled at the Cizerack and spoke.

Hey Taa....I don't think you should eat that little guy...he is not the...best tasting, if you know what I mean. Anyway...how is my father?

She winked slightly and laughed to herself. Xazor turned back to her padawan and smiled.

Many interesting creatures reside on Arcan IV....this is a very different place....

She grinned, exposing her Garou canines. It was then quite obvious to him, that she was of a different race.

Apr 19th, 2002, 03:06:59 PM
As Taa set him on the table and ran her hand down his back, Jhyx looked at the other woman who'd spoken.

"Catwoman already tried to eat me," he explained, "but as soon as she saw what a tough customer I was, she stopped." He ran a hand over his ears as if to slick them back. "Heeeeeeyep. It's not easy being as rough around the edges as me."

He sat down heavily, still more or less in front of Taa, and looked at the other woman. "And you better not try to eat me either," he remarked, noticing her teeth when she smiled.

Apr 19th, 2002, 03:10:20 PM
Xazor laughed heartily, still exposing her canines.

Don't worry little one. I may be Garou, but I'd prefer a salad over you any day of the week.

She smiled gently and patted the little creature on the head.

I don't eat things like you...to me, you are just another friendly creature that I should care for. That is how it is with me and all living things...except for the things I know are food...

She laughed once again and smiled at the little creature.

Apr 19th, 2002, 03:17:33 PM
"You hear that, Catwoman," he said with a smug tone, "I'm a friendly creature; not a yummy creature. Got it?"

Glad that the woman would sooner eat a plant than himself, Jhyx flashed her a sloppy grin.

Apr 19th, 2002, 03:19:28 PM
Xazor smiled gently.

That's right, Taa....he is a friendly creature, one to be appreciated. I don't like a lot of meat all the time anyway. Once in awhile is good...but salad is even better. Strange to some, I know....but have no fear. I'd never eat you, or any other creature...

She said reassuringly. He was a cute little thing...it would be heartless to eat him....

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 19th, 2002, 03:28:23 PM
(Taa slammed a clawed hand on the table, her sharp talons digging into the wood as she shrilled with her high-pitched voice)

Would jyou both qujit jyammerrrjing??!!! jIt'sss gjivjing me a headache!!

(Taa made a face, snapping her finger at a passing waiter)

Wajiterrr, brrrjing me a Rrred Moon Wjine and a dozen Sssajoji!

(Her ears fluttered in annoyed vexation)

Xion Darksun
Apr 19th, 2002, 03:33:10 PM
Forget this.....

Apr 19th, 2002, 03:39:09 PM
Xazor suddenly looked at Taataani, when she had her outburst.

Whoa........Taa.......chill out. This is a bar, and people talk here. We are having a conversation.....if you don't like it........why don't you leave?

She was getting slightly annoyed by the Cizerack's actions......

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 19th, 2002, 03:48:17 PM
Perrrrrhapssss jyou ssssshould change the ssssssubject.....

(Taa hissed out from gritted teeth. Her frustration at not eating the little annoyance alive was enough to spoil her mood, but having it brought up at every occasion only made her seethe. She closed her eyes, breathing heavily twice, in through her nose and out her mouth, crossing her arms over her chest to curb her boiling temper)

Apr 19th, 2002, 04:23:47 PM
(Raunkks didn't frequent the bar much, and it seemed everytime he did, there was something interesting going on, which lead him to believe everyday at the bar was an interesting one. he made a note to come by more often.)

(It was a that point he watched a curious creature bounding across tables, one of which was his, though the creature didn't seem tonotice the big Barabel behind the newspaper he was reading. He had set his newspaper down to watch the creature come to a screeching hault at a table and strke up a fast-chattering conversation with a Jedi and man. While he watched, he saw a Cizerack come in and walk past the table, stopping short to say something and pick up the creature by it's tail.)

(He shook her head, and continued to watch as the conversation between the odd mix of beings around the table escalate into an argument, in which the Barabel could smell the anger rolling off the Cizerack. He snorted softly. Whoa! Those Cizeracks had a strong scent when angry. And if it got any stronger, there was going to be a catfight.)

(Standing, he quietly came up to the table, placing a gentle, yet firm hand on the Cizerack's shoulder. He gave the Jedi a stern look, though it was still one of respect. His species respected the Jedi, for long ago they had saved their race from an internal conflict, in which would have ultimately ended with their destruction.)


(He wasn't much for words, and a private being, but when he spoke his voice was deep and rich, with a slight hiss every now and then. His intelligent black eyes darted between both females.)

...I think it'd be best for all to calm down. We wouldn't want to make a scene.

(He smiled warmly, though his smile ended up being a show of a mouth full of long sharp teeth. Yet the warmth and freindliness carried in his eyes.)

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 19th, 2002, 04:33:25 PM
(Taa huffed angrily, shrugging the ugly alien's hand off her shoulder)

Ssscene? Therrre'sss no ssscene herrre.

(The waiter arrived, with Taataani's wine and a small box of Sajoi.)

Apr 19th, 2002, 04:42:05 PM
(He lifted his hands up, and hiss softly through his teeth.)

Sure could have fooled me.

(The scent rolling off the Cizerack had turned from anger to annoyance and he felt it was time to depart. Turning to the Jedi, he bowed in respect.)

Lady Jedi...

(He was about to leave when he felt a somewhat hard slap against his scales. He knew of only one person who would have the nerve on sneaking up on him like that.)

Syrius Cline
Apr 19th, 2002, 04:43:02 PM
Syrius had known her species long before she said it. He knew species, just not the Force. Of course, he always had that keen detective 6th sense, what he was now told is the Force.

Jedi were supposed to be peacekeepers, right? Mediators..... Time to act like what his title implied. He picked up his plate, filled with hamburgers and fries, it had arrived already, and walked over.

"Excuse me..."

Syrius tapped Xazor's shoulder, indicating her to let him talk. Maybe it could prove fruitful to his development.

"I understand you don't mean to devour this bite sized creature and that is highly commendable. Acting on your past actions, my Master was simply trying to stop what she thought was to occur. A noble deed as well. As I see it, no one is too blame here. Our mistake. Please, go back to conversing with your friend."

Syrius indicated the tiny creature. From what he saw, she was playing with him. Although he would normally be her food, she had learned to be friendly. Or so it would seem.


Syrius handed her the hamburger.

"Since we disrupted your day and since I'm not really hungry anymore."

It was a lie, but he wanted to make a peace offering. He was certain the little man was in no danger, that was not why he offered food. It was a sign of good will.


Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 19th, 2002, 04:52:28 PM
(Taa pushed it away)

Keep jyourrr food, hjyuu-mann, and drrrrrrrop the ssssssubject....

(Taa reached into the box, plucking out a chirping sajoi, which became the victim of her ire as she snapped its head off in a quick bite)

Clive Jerrard
Apr 19th, 2002, 04:56:51 PM
(Clive slapped Raunkks on the back, pulling his hand away to shake out the stinging.)

Hey Raunkks! What party you got going here?

(He looked down at those at the table and around it, and saw none were really smiling, except for the blonde haired man. And even then, it seemed like a half nervous, half pleading smile.)

Uh... did I come at a bad time? Who died?

(At that moment, the Cizerack female snapped and tore off the head of some sort of rodent. He grimaced.)

Bad choice of words on my part.

(He began to tow his partner to the table he had been reading his newspaper at.)

Time to make a retreat, pal.

Syrius Cline
Apr 19th, 2002, 04:57:06 PM
He almost dropped the plate as it swung back at him. Luckily, he had a firm grip on the edge, keeping it from flying out of his grasp. He righted himself and chuckled. Although it was a rude way of doing things, he saw this as her way of saying all was well.

"Xazor, let's leave these two and go back to our table. Hmm?"

Apr 19th, 2002, 05:02:12 PM
(Raunkks grunted something inaudible, and followed Clive back to his table.)

Apr 19th, 2002, 05:03:55 PM
Watching Taa as she tore the hapless sajoi in two, he waggled a foredigit at her and scrunched his face up. "Tsk tsk, Catwoman, you should learn some manners."

As the man mentioned going back to his own table, Jhyx scrambled to the edge of the table he was currently occupying. "Hey, wait for me!"

Clive Jerrard
Apr 19th, 2002, 05:14:43 PM
(He had almost reached the table when something orangish and furry rushed by him.)

Eh? Wha...?

(His question was answered when before him he saw the same furry creature that he had only glanced at early, sitting on Raunkks newspaper. He started laughing.)

Too hot over there for ya too, huh?

Apr 19th, 2002, 05:23:01 PM
Xazor growled deeply and snorted once at the Cizerack. She did not have a liking for the cat race....but it was understandable for the wolf that she was made up of at the core of her soul. She turned around and smiled at Syrius.

Yes....let us back to our table. Hold on one moment......

She said softly. Departing from her padawan's side, she approached the table of the giant man with sharp teeth and scales, and his friend. She bowed her head slightly and smiled, her eyes showing her true gentle self.

Sir....I could not help but notice that you called me, Lady Jedi. I have not heard that in a long time....and I wanted to thank you. It reminded me that I am a peace keeper...and should have not gotten into a silly argument like that.

She bowed once again, truly grateful for the rememberance.

Apr 19th, 2002, 05:24:22 PM
An ear twitched, and Jhyx grinned. "Actually, he began, flicking an unseen speck of dust from his left arm, "I was the one getting too hot."

He winked. "Girls always fight over me."

Clive Jerrard
Apr 19th, 2002, 05:34:18 PM
(Clive couldn't help but smile and sat himself down.)

Uh-huh. I completely understand. It happens to the best of us.

(The lil guy amused him, and reminded him of himself when he was a teenager; cocky, suave, and sometimes just a tad ignorant. Wait a minute? He was still cocky!)

(He extanded a hand to shake the creatures hand... paw... appendage... watever it was he used to manipulate things with.)

Names Clive Jerrard, weapons dealer. A pleasure meeting ya.

(It was about this time that the Jedi woman had made her way to the table, speaking with Raunkks. The big brute had stood from his seat to bow to her. He rolled his eyes slightly. Barabel's and their respect for Jedi. He'd learned to live with it, but it still amused him.)

Apr 19th, 2002, 05:38:15 PM
(Raunkks watched the small creature speaking with Cluve, but immediately stood as the Jedi made her way to him, addressing him. He bowed, crossing both arms over his chest, each fist over an armored breast. It was the traditional way of greetings to the Jedi soley by the Barabels.)

It is an honor, Lady Jedi. I merely wished to keep an argument from escalating, much like the Jedi long ago kept my people from destroying each other.

Apr 19th, 2002, 05:44:46 PM
Xazor smiled and nodded. She laid a gentle hand on his shoulder and bowed her head.

Sometimes a Jedi needs a reminder also. We are not perfect.....

The Knight couldn't help but notice the little creature that was now sitting on the table. She smiled gently on him and laughed slightly.

All creatures, great and small, are to be respected......thank you for helping with that situation. I would have been saddened if we lost something like this little guy.

She said softly, looking into the eyes of the large alien like creature that stood before her. She was still in awe at the respect he showed for the Jedi. It was something that was rarely seen.....

Apr 19th, 2002, 05:53:30 PM
(Raunkks gave a low growl/grunt, looking at the creature sitting comfortably on his newspaper, his indication that losing any life today would have been bad.)

(He turned back to look at the Jedi woman, the bony ridges above his eyes rising slightly.)

You have never seen a Barabel before, Lady Jedi?

Apr 19th, 2002, 05:58:51 PM
Xazor shook her head slightly.

No.....I am afraid I have not had the pleasure! You are of a very interesting race, I assume!

She smiled, showing her canines. They did have something in commen.......the teeth factor. She thought about this and laughed slightly.

I know of many races, but have never come across the Barabels. I myself, am a Garou....you know....werewolf....

She said with pride. Not many people she spoke to knew of the Garou, or Lupine race. Sure they had heard the term, but never knew what it really was......

Apr 19th, 2002, 06:01:35 PM
Jhyx swelled with pride at the Jedi woman's comment, and he straightened his shoulders and stood up just a little taller. "I'm Jhyx," he stated, taking Clive's large hand and shaking it to the best of his ability. "I'm a writer. A bard; a poet; one of the last and greatest," he announced, spreading his arms wide, "I write epic ballads, rowdy bar songs, and much more!"

Clive Jerrard
Apr 19th, 2002, 06:13:04 PM
(He shook Jyhx's paw, being sure not to shake to hard lest he end up looking more like a gavel than... whatever he was.)

Don't forget to add woman-magnet to that list.

(Clive laughed and pulled a waiter aside.)

I'll have a Corellian whiskey.

(Turning to Jyhx, he waved his hand in the direction of the waiter.)

What poison would you like for this evening? My treat.

Apr 19th, 2002, 06:16:02 PM
Xazor looked over at the Large creature's friend. She smiled and extended her hand towards him.

Greetings friend.....I did not wish to appear rude.....I am Jedi Knight Xazor. It is a pleasure to meet you.

She bowed her head in greeting and smiled warmly.

Apr 19th, 2002, 06:16:59 PM
(Raunkks paused momentarily to make a quick order to the waiter, ordering one of the famous wines made from the grapes on Barab I. He then turned his attenton back to the Jedi.)

Yes, I have heard of the Garou, and met a few in passing. A noble race. But I have never met a Garou that was a Jedi.

(He bowed his head again.)

You are truely blessed by the gawds, Lady Jedi.

Apr 19th, 2002, 06:21:32 PM
Completely overjoyed that someone was offering to pay for his drink, Jhyx flexed his pearly whites as he drummed the table with his forepaws. "Two pina coladas!"

Apr 19th, 2002, 06:21:58 PM
Xazor turned her attention back to the large creature.

Thank you sir, I feel very blessed as well. Indeed.....the Garou are a noble race, as I am sure your race is as well. To show such humility and respect for the Jedi is a sign of that in itself.

The Warrior smiled gently, sending commendation to him through her eyes.

Apr 19th, 2002, 06:30:47 PM
(He raised his fists to his chest again in the same fashion as his previous greeting.)

Once again, you honor me, Lady Jedi.

(He straightened.)

My respect to the Jedi comes from the deep-seeded root of gratitude. Many years ago, before I was hatched, my world was under a devestating veil of war, several clans fighting each other. There was much blood shed. We would have surely brought ourselves to extinction had it not been for the Jedi's intervension. They showed us how to live at peace and to cooperate with one another.

Since that time, our planet has seen no wars, and the Jedi are free to come and go as they please.

Apr 19th, 2002, 06:35:47 PM
Xazor bowed once again to show her respect for his powerful being.

Thank you sir. Your tale is quite interesting.....one filled with passion and one that shows the true nature of the Jedi. Yes......if I was a Jedi then....I too would have helped. Though...unfortunatly, I was a Sith.

She sighed slightly, for her past still haunted her to this day. It was not very well by her choice....at first anyway, that she was a Sith. She found the true path of her life only a year ago.....

Apr 20th, 2002, 12:26:52 AM
(He hissed softly.)

A Sith?

Clive Jerrard
Apr 20th, 2002, 12:30:03 AM
(Clive was in the middle of a conversation with Jhyx about some vastly over-exaterated bar fight, when he caught the last snipet of Raunkks and the Jedi girl's conversation. He quickly put a hand on Raunkks' forearm.)

Hey, ho, easy!

(He knew that hiss he had made could turn ugly, though he doubt the big reptile would do anything to the Jedi. Stiil, just to be on the safe side. He addressed the Jedi.)

Sorry... you said the "S" word. He reacts badly to the "S" word, sometimes.

Apr 20th, 2002, 12:30:59 AM
Xazor lowered her head, her eyes meeting the floor.

Yes.....I was a Sith. It was not entirely my choice either. I was forced into it...but because I knew not differently, I grew to love it....until my eyes were opened and I became a Jedi. I would never go back to the Sith ways. I always say.....I would rather die as a Jedi than live forever as a Sith. My heart truly lives to that....

She said softly. She did not wish to make her new friend distrust her.....it was always difficult to tell someone new about her past. She was fortunate, though, for most accepted her.....but she was not sure with this one. Then the large creature's friend spoke up.

I apologize.....it is a part of my past and I can do nothing about it. Sir....if you wish me to leave, I understand.

She looked back at Syrius to make sure that he was still waiting for her. He was, but he knew that he would grow impatient soon....

Apr 20th, 2002, 12:36:06 AM
(Raunkks looked at his partner in crime and snuffed softly. Clive released his forearm and went back to his conversation. The reptile then looked at the Jedi.)

There is no need for you to withdraw. Even the darkest of beings are allowed redemption. It is the nature of their hearts afterwards that shows truely whether they have truely changed or not.

And your words have been of the Jedi.

(He smiled, though once again, it ended up being a show of sharp teeth.)

Apr 20th, 2002, 12:44:12 AM
Xazor bowed her head and smiled.

Once again, grace has been bestowed upon me when I did not deserve it. I thank you for your kindness and may you be blessed in all of your years...

She bowed to the large creature, smiling as she looked up into his eyes. Though he had large sharp teeth, and an enormous frame.....behind all of that was a creature who had given her a chance....a being that actually cared....

Syrius Cline
Apr 20th, 2002, 01:42:22 AM
"Evening, mates. I see the party's moved here for now."

Syrius placed his plate on the table, moving beside the small creature.

"Syrius Cline."

He outstretched his hand to all three of the strangers.

Apr 20th, 2002, 02:06:32 AM
Jhyx looked up from his drink which was already mostly gone. Thankfully he had another one right beside the first, so he was in no danger of being empty anytime soon. Glancing at the newcomer, he grinned and wasted no time in introducing himself.

"The name's Jhyx," he said, taking Syrius' larger hand in a pseudo-handshake.

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 20th, 2002, 02:11:29 AM
(Taataani merely watched everything around her with a sour expression on her face. She picked up another sajoi, wrapping its long tail around her index finger as she watched the rodent tread air in a desperate attempt to escape. She sighed...it seemed that today was destined to be simply rotten.)

Apr 20th, 2002, 02:12:43 AM
Xazor diverted her attention to Syrius. With a smile, she gently rested a hand on his shoulder.

This is my padawan.....

She said with pride. She had great confidence in him, even though training was starting out slowly. She wanted him to know that she had faith in him.....