View Full Version : The Return (Part III)

Captain Tohmahawk
Apr 20th, 2002, 02:30:16 AM
Follow this to understand how he is back

<a href=http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=12948>Man or Machine</a>





His boots stepped on the dirt of the street, marking his steps as he walked down the street of the capital of Arcan IV. It was twilight, the sun shining on windows and glinting off steel in a surreal light. His footsteps was slow and measured, for many steps he walked until he reached the front doors of a particular place.

<font color=red> /vision input = sign

process input

Language auberesh Master Yogurt's Bar and Grill

Des var create action</font>

He turned on his heel slowly, before walking in the same precise and slow manner up to the doors. He paused as two of the several guards came before him, stopping his porgress. All of them were looking and not bothering to hide stares.

"Guns please Sir. No weapons allowed inside"

The man glanced at the guard, before looking up and then around. A hand came up to the pocket of his duster, pulling forth an id card. The still staring guard accepted it, seemingly reluctantly, before tearing his eyes away from the man and running the id through a scanner. The man waited patiently, accepting his id back when the guard finished with it.

"My apologies... General. You may keep your guns."

He turned his head to regard the guard, befre a soft, raspy and menacing voice repiled. "Thank you Corporal. Have a good day". The man moved, coming up to the doors of the Bar, which he pushed aside.....

<font color=red> /process image

Compare memory

Compare complete all clear resume program </font>

And Major General James T. Tohmahawk, listed missing for four months stepped foot back in his haunting grounds again. Not a lot had changed, but there were new faces he didn't recognise. However, his corner seat was availible, so he went back across to it. As he did, one or two of the guards saluted and one added "Welcome back Sir. It's good to see you"

"It's good to be back. Someone get me a cup of tea before I shoot someone"

Apr 20th, 2002, 02:37:40 AM
Xazor was sitting down when she saw someone she had not seen in a long time. He had been around when she first joined the Greater Jedi Order.....but she had not seen him since them. She rose to her feet and approached the man.

Greetings Captain Tohmahawk.....it has been a long time......

The Jedi Knight bowed, remebering how in her second week here, he had broken up a fight in the bar, close to where she was seated. She smiled gently, glad that he was back....

Captain Tohmahawk
Apr 20th, 2002, 02:44:37 AM
<font color=red>/ process image

Human in parameter with change

refer matrix known human

name xazor update

download............. done</font>

"And good to see you too. I hear you have joined the Warriors with Commander Cross. That marks you as someone I'll listen to."

He grinned as his hand swept around

"Unlike the peace loving hippies. Nothing like a damn good fight to settle matters. Or a rail gun."

Apr 20th, 2002, 02:48:58 AM
Xazor nodded and smiled with a slight laugh.

Yes, I have joined the Warriors. Though I battle.....I love peace more, and have been taught to realize that to achieve peace, one must fight sometimes.

She smiled gently as the man spoke of a rail gun. She had recieved one of these powerful weapons from her mentor, and she cherished it...

Avolon Bisel
Apr 20th, 2002, 02:49:20 AM
He jumped the counter without the aid of his hands. When he was on a mission, nothing stopped him.... He'd been missing for a while and had left Avolon in charge... he hoped he wouldn't choke him for letting the place get dirty.

"ATTENTION!!!!!!" Avolon yelled at the top of his lungs. "COMMANDING OFFICER IN HOUSE!!!"

The troops around him came to a sharp turn towards Avolon. What they saw was something they had never seen, Avolon innitate a salute.

"General, it is good to see you back, sir. Damn good."

Avolon noticed a nearby soldier who was not on any perticular duty. He grabbed him by the shoulder.

"Tea, on the double!"

Captain Tohmahawk
Apr 20th, 2002, 02:49:55 AM
"Good kid. Now, who's been keeping this place quiet while I've been gone?"

<font color=red> /Process image

Image matrix Avalon

Update download............ done </font>

"Dammit Bisel, didn't I tell you that saluting makes you look like a -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-?" he replied to Avalon with a smile on his harsh face

Avolon Bisel
Apr 20th, 2002, 03:02:52 AM
Avolon laughed, lowering the hand. He pulled up a chair, sitting in it as he did.

"Maybe. Or maybe it was me who explained that to you. I can never remember these things."

Avolon hated saluting but this man desearved it. He was the only person he'd met that desearved an honest sign of respect.

"Did you get sucked into the Maw or did you just go to sleep for a long time?" Avolon asked about his absence, a thin smile on his face.

Captain Tohmahawk
Apr 20th, 2002, 03:08:47 AM
"Something onf an ambush Bisel. I then took some time to go and make sure those cplwns wouldnt try anything like that again. I went gentle on most of them - I just simply blew them to atoms. The rigleader... well.... he's in a hospital, consious, but unable to do more than think and feel pain. Detached his motor synapses with my fingers without anesthetic, after I broke every bone in the scum's body slowly. Oh and then there was salting his wounds...."

Avolon Bisel
Apr 21st, 2002, 03:31:26 AM
Avolon grunted.

"Would have used alchohol too, to make the wound really burn. Then threaten to torch 'em, but of course we all have different styles." Avolon laughed. The ol' General was a toughy.

His tea had arrived and was placed gingerly on the table, the soldier making EXTRA sure no spillage took place. He scamperd away afterwards. Avolon motioned for Xazor to sit. Her dogs must have been yelping from standing there.

"Still... four months. Would have taken me less than two. You slippin' in your old age?"

Apr 21st, 2002, 08:37:16 AM
And that's when the orange ball of fur landed none too gently on the table, having been brushed off the shoulder of an unwilling and very irate wookiee who didn't enjoy the little creature hitching a ride to the bar. One swipe was all it took to dislodge the small hitchiker, and growling, the wookiee continued on his way without breaking stride. Jhyx had hit the table hard, jostling the cup of tea that had been set down and spilling at least half of its contents over the sides.

"Oh yeah?!!!!" Jhyx yelled at the retreating wookiee, sitting up and dusting himself off, "Why don't you tell that to my face??!!!!" Making sure that nothing but his pride had been injured, the little creature finished patting himself down with a final "Hmph," then looked up at the two men and a woman above him.

His ears twitched as he stared up at them, and his tail remained motionless. He looked at each face in turn a few times before breaking the silence. "So. Anybody got this week's lucky numbers?"