View Full Version : Keshia Kou & Demon Night! I have business with you (ope

Bastion Merreow
Apr 19th, 2002, 09:48:34 AM
*bast walked into the bar and looked around.he made his way to the bar and sat down,waiting for a server driod or a bartender to come take his order.he shifted uncomfortably as people stared at him.he was a half-breed cizerack and human.he hated being tied to the cizerack pride and evrything to do with it.thats why he was thief and worked full-time with keshia kou in that type of business plus it was fun to steal from unsuspecting fools.when the bartender came to take his order, bastion looked up at him with red eyes and smiled* i'll take a bottle of jd please*he laughed as people gasped at his palin english accent.he knew they were thinking he would have the cizerack accent.*take a picture it will last longer

Demon Night 666
Apr 19th, 2002, 10:13:43 AM
*demon stomped into the bar and headed toward the familar blue-haired half-breed*damn you bast what the hell do you what?*dem was slightly nervuos about where bast was concerned.he had attached himself to her and claimed her as his mistress and would never leave her alone for very long.when she told him about tempist he had literly liost control and went away for a long time.she sat down beside him and looked at the bottle of jd the bartender handed him* you better be sharing that furball...

Bastion Merreow
Apr 19th, 2002, 02:23:03 PM
furball?im hurt that you would call me that demi my love*bast motioned to the bartender to bring him another glaas and turned toward his mistress.he smiled at her and leaned closer* well demi i think we could share a drink but we must save some keshia when she gets her.this is an importent matter between us three...

Demon Night 666
Apr 21st, 2002, 04:36:46 PM
what the hell is s importent that you would have to call me instead of coming to get yourself??*demon raised an eyebrow at him.her yellow eyes flashing with wry humor*