View Full Version : The Important Things.......(Verse, CLOSED)

Apr 16th, 2002, 07:20:34 PM
It was a warm evening on Arcan IV as Xazor made her way to the bar and grill. The Knight needed to speak with her father about many things. Much had happened in the recent and Xazor needed to get some things off of her chest. She offloaded her many weapons at the door and entered, stopping slightly to look around. Her red robes followed behind her like an ocean wave and collected like sand at her feet.

Noticing an empty table, she slowly approached it and sat down, pulling up an extra seat with the Force and setting it across from her. A server droid immediatly came over to her to take her order. With a smile, she ordered a Daiquerie and a bottle of Ale for Verse, knowing that he would come once he recieved her note. With a few beeps, the droid hummed away to retrieve her order. She sat for a minute or so in silence before the noisy machine brought the drinks back and set them on the table. She took a sip of her drink and smiled, looking out the window to pass the time as she waited for her father.

verse dawnstrider
Apr 16th, 2002, 07:43:16 PM
::Verse entered and kissed his daughter slighty on the cheek. He then took his bottle of Ale and sat down.::

"I got your note. Is there something on your mind?"

::That was kinda a dumb question. The note said she had stuff on her mind and needed to talk. He knew his daughter would be worried about something. She had lots on her mind for someone as younge as her. It was common in the Jedi. It was hard to be peaceful and sane when you have to see some of the stuff that goes on.::

"Tell your father what is wrong."

Apr 16th, 2002, 07:57:18 PM
Xazor greeted her Father with a smile as he took the seat across from her. She nodded in agreeance that there was much on her mind.

Yes father.....I have been thinking a lot lately......and I have some things to ask you as well as some things to tell you......

She paused for a moment as she collected her thoughts, trying to think of where to begin. She sighed, remembering that she had not even formally informed him that she was Garou.

Okay, I will tell you somethings first, before I ask you my questions. First off.......you probably already know because of that time when I almost died......but I am Garou.....

She nervously looked down, hoping he did not think less of her for not telling him sooner. She was anxious to see his response.....

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 16th, 2002, 11:42:23 PM
(Taa walked past, her tail slapping against Verse's leg, sliding up his shirt forcefully as she licked her lips, winking in a saucy fashion as she giggled)

verse dawnstrider
Apr 17th, 2002, 07:09:50 AM
::Verse smiled at Taa.::

"Not now, Taa. Maybe later. Me and my daughter are having a family meeting."

::Taa gave a pouty face, but soon saw another man to mess with and was gone. Verse turned back to Xazor. He took another sip of his drink and smiled.::

"I know. I have Known. I can smell the Garou sent on you. When you get to be my age you can tell things like that. Starts to make me wonder who your real parents are. I never really know many other Garou. Vega's family is the only other Family I know."

::Verse took his daughters hand in his own and gave her that loving father's smile.::

"All will be ok. This news brings joy to an old wolves heart. Anything else we need to talk about?"

Apr 17th, 2002, 08:23:29 AM
Xazor smiled, glad that her father was understanding about this. His hand and smile were great comforts to her...but she had much more to tell him. This was only the tip of the iceberg.

Yes...there is more. I too have been wondering about my real parents. I went back to Cysaria twice...I lied....I told you I only went once, but I went twice. I did not wish for you to worry about me. I went for different reasons each time..but the second time was to find out information about my past. That is where I learned that I was Garou. That is also where I learned that my parents....well, at least my father is not dead. The people I was speaking to did not have much knowledge of my mother.

She looked across the room for a moment, almost appearing distracted. With a quick sign from her hands, suddenly a large grey wolf was sitting at her side.

I found him there too....he is the brother of my deceased wolf companion. His name is Kai and he is deaf, but Force sensitive. I have been housing him for a month...

She looked down, knowing that she had hid much from her father. These were only a few things though...there was still even more.

That is not all......you are....well, I...um...

She didn't know how to explain this, but knew that there would be time. He gave her another reassuring smile and she continued.

You have a granddaughter. Natia Lerf....I adopted her because we became really close and she does not have a mother and thought of me as hers....

She did not know how Verse would react to all of this. The last thing she wanted to do was give him a heart attack. She smiled gently, hoping that he would take all this in...but there was still more she wished to speak to him about.

verse dawnstrider
Apr 17th, 2002, 09:04:48 AM
::verse just kept smileing.::

"Garou take many into there family pack. The more the merrier I always say. I also can't control where you go. If you wish to make a habit of going there, that is your choice. The wolf is ok. I have a pet dire Wolf I did not tell you about. Chaos has one as well. Golith is mine, and Greel belongs to Chaos. I would like to met my grand daughter. That is if it is ok with you. Also, do you know the name of your father?"

Apr 17th, 2002, 09:20:59 AM
A few happy tears escaped Xazor's eyes. This was going better than she had planned. She smiled, glad that he wanted to meet his granddaughter.

No, I never knew his name. People tell me he is a strong warrior and that he is alive. I have never known his name....I have never even seen a picture of him. I was going to go in for blood typing and try to find him that way...but there are so many people that would have to go through it. I don't know where to look anymore. It is not that I am unhappy with you or anything...I have a curious longing and it tells me that he is closer than I think...but everytime I explore that avenue, I seem to hit a dead end!

She explained with a sigh. This problem had been heavy on her heart for weeks.

I want to know more about my beginnings. I want to learn about the Garou...I want to endulge myself in the ways that I know are mine!

She longed for the heritage to fully belong to her, as she could see it in her father. She smiled slightly, with thoughts of how she could learn more....how much there was to know...

The Lounge Lizard
Apr 17th, 2002, 04:23:21 PM
OOC: Don't ever write my action out for me again, Verse. Ever.

verse dawnstrider
Apr 17th, 2002, 08:51:50 PM
OOC: It was nothing against you dude. Me and Xazor were having one of those important 'Father to Daughter' talks. Sorry if it offended you. I shall remeber it for the future.

IC: "The Garou are a simple, yet complex race. Most Garou frown on being alone. That is why many dislike me. Even though I work for the greater good, I don't run with a pack. They just don't like. The hardest thing to learn is the 13 tribes and the 5 Moon phases. The rest is just common sence."

The Lounge Lizard
Apr 17th, 2002, 09:00:08 PM
OOC: That is beside the point entirely. Next time you want no interference, you can put a (CLOSED) tag into the title of the thread. As it is, Taataani is a nosy character, and her butting into your situation is a natural development for her, as much as a father/daughter chat might be. I'll make my leave now, but I would advise you to be more mindful next time.

verse dawnstrider
Apr 17th, 2002, 09:27:48 PM
OOC: Advise me? Look dude, I said I was sorry. I said I would remeber it for the future. I will do no more no less. I apologized. I can do no more. No need to make a big deal about it. It was a simple mistake.

Apr 17th, 2002, 09:32:17 PM
ooc: Yes, please get off of it now. I thought by putting his name it would hint to the rest that it was our RP, and the storyline only involved us. If I put "closed" chances are, are that the whole title wouldn't have fit. Sorry if you don't understand, but I only wanted to speak with him and without interruptions. Verse shouldn't have to apologize for that.......I would have done the same thing.


Xazor nodded, not understanding what he was speaking of, but acknowledging it nonetheless.

Why did you ask the name of my father? Maybe you know him perhaps?

She questioned curiously. She took a sip of the drink in front of her and set it back on the table top.

verse dawnstrider
Apr 17th, 2002, 09:43:07 PM
"I have been many places. I also try and keep record of all the Garou. there are few of us left. We are a dieing race. I remeber a Garou woman came here once. Talked to me once, then left. Never saw her again. There is a chance I have heard his name. If not my brother may have."

::Verse sipped more of his Ale.::

"If I don't know the name, that means there may be another Garou pack out there. If that is the case there may be more of us. Not many right now."

Apr 17th, 2002, 09:51:54 PM
Xazor sighed to herself. Yet another thing had to be revealed to him.

I also discovered that I was not born on Cysaria.....I was taken from my parents by request and sent there.....raised to believe I had been born there as well.......

She said softly, looking out the window before returning her eyes to him.

verse dawnstrider
Apr 18th, 2002, 07:10:11 AM
::Verse turned his head slightly as if thinking.::

"Do you know the name of this Planet? I thought all Garou were on my home planet, Eden."

Apr 18th, 2002, 09:29:14 AM
Xazor looked down and sighed slightly.

Yes.....I know the name of the planet for it is the one you speak of. I too am from Eden, but know nothing of it...or my parents. All I know is that they raised me until I was four and then the emperor...Kama, requested me to be brought to him...to be trained in the ways of evil. All I know is that they thretened to kill me if I did not go. My parents must have felt obligated to my life...and let them take me. I have dreams of playing with my father. He was a Jedi....I have dreams of us playing with wooden swords...he always let me win.

She laughed slightly, recalling these dreams in her mind. With a sigh, she spoke once again.

It seems as though Kama erased my memory of those times...or something. It is almost as if my life began with him...

She shook her head, unsure of what to make of these things. She felt so close to the answer....yet so far away....

verse dawnstrider
Apr 18th, 2002, 04:49:07 PM
::Visions seemed to fill Verse. Like he was remebering a dream. Pieces of one really. Like when you wake up and can not remeber all the parts. Only a memory or two. The rest seemed fuzzy. It warmed his heart though.::

"It is the great curse of our race. If you don't remeber the exact age, then we don't know how old you reall are. We Garou age really slow. I mean really slow. I have few memories of my real younger days. I may look 25, but in fact I may be around 40-60. Death is a disease. Our bodies....fight that illness. All to well. With me and you being Jedi, there is a stronge chance of us living to be 450-600 years old. A Jedi's body last longer and ages less than normal people because of the Light Side. Add that to our healing system. You may be only 17 years younger than me, or 35. We both both know. I plan to record my history soon. I will let you look at it when I am done."

Apr 18th, 2002, 05:16:23 PM
Xazor listened to what he said.....but then replayed what he said about his age over in her mind. That was how old her father should have been. She shook the thought out..... No......that's impossible..... She thought to herself. She smiled at him, and took a sip of her drink.

I would like to view your history when you have it finished. It is quite a shame that I cannot remember anything before the age of four. Maybe if I met my biological father....he could tell me. I just wish I had a complete past.....like everyone else.

She sighed slightly to herself, thinking of what this would be like.

verse dawnstrider
Apr 18th, 2002, 10:23:09 PM
"We all do. Parts of mine are fuzzy. Most is ok, but some parts make no sence. It is strange. It seems that some of the things you have said fits with mine even though we are far apart."

Apr 18th, 2002, 11:02:53 PM
What he said drew her attention to him even more. Her eyes shot up at met his.

It does...? I was going to say the same thing about you....but decided against it.

She laughed softly and took another sip of her drink, before setting it back on the table top.

It seems to me, the more I talk to you....the more "dreams" I can remember. I am not sure whether they are really dreams...or perhaps, memories....

She said, thoughtfully looking out the window.

verse dawnstrider
Apr 19th, 2002, 11:38:42 PM
::verse shrugged::

"Who knows. I don't think so though. How can a person forget thier daughter?"

::verse stared into space. Vision flashed into his mind. He was taken back to another time.::


"Back away scum. My brother may be peaceful, but I will gut you like a fish if you come any closer to my niece."

::A dark haired man stood beside his brother. He pointed at the stranger as he spoke. The other held a girl close. His blond hair was long and he held a short sword in his other hand. He growed as the 'Sith' came closer. teh darker haired one jumped at the stranger. He stopped suddenly in the air. He held his throat and was thrown back. The Blond haired man caught him. The two twins growed and attacked together. A flash of light. The world spins. Feels like someone is ripping their brains out. Suddenly. Nothing a blank. Why was everyone out here?

-End Flash Back-

::Verse shoke his head and rubbed his temples. Something felt strange.::

"I think I remember..."

Apr 19th, 2002, 11:57:18 PM
Xazor watched Verse as he seemed to.......go to another place. He stayed that was for a few minutes until he was hit in the face by reality again.

You remember? Remember what, tell me.......

She said softly.....hoping that it was what she had longed to hear for sixteen long years....

verse dawnstrider
Apr 20th, 2002, 12:38:06 PM
::Verse grabbed and held her close. he places a hand on her head and let her see the new memoires as teh flooded into his mind. Kama. He stole them away. Now they were back. Tears came down Verse's eyes as held his daughter. Not adopted, but one of his own flesh and blood.::

"I am your Dad. Your own flesh and blood. Those years ago, Kama stole mine and your memories as well as the ones in our pack. That way he could twist you into his own. Now we are together again. We must wipe his evil from the world. We need to let Pivo and Chaos know. Then we all can take back what is ours. Release the planet he holds in his grip. Gather all you wish to help. We will can make a haven for Garou Knights and there kin. Chaos and Pivo may follow the Dark Side, but both fully believe blood is thicker than water. Thanatos, Shade, Marcus, Helenias, They are our family. It is time he had a home. What do you say?"

Apr 20th, 2002, 01:59:34 PM
The memories he was having flooded into Xazor's mind and she quickly began to remember. Everything came back so fast...and now her past seemed complete. Tears also streamed down her face as she looked at her Father......her real Father....her Dad. Not by adoption.....but by blood. She wrapped her arms around his neck and cried joyful tears into his shoulder. This day.....this very meeting was a miracle for her, something she had searched for for sixteen years. She could say nothing as her Father held her in a tight embrace, speaking about taking back what was theirs. She smiled and nodded, pulling away slightly to look him in the eyes.

I will gather many. He took what was ours and now we shall take it back! We, you and I, have come against all odds Father. Today is truly a glorious day! And now, in the midst of our joy, we shall gather together.....bare up in arms, and charge in to take back our home.

She had a large smile on her face....a kind not seen on her face ever before. She had finally found him and her heart sang with joy. Only a few years were lost compared to the many that they would have together now.....

verse dawnstrider
Apr 21st, 2002, 06:20:21 AM
::Verse smiled.::

"Me and you will be together for a while. 400 years seems about right. I hope you can put up with me for that long."

Apr 21st, 2002, 09:40:32 PM
Xazor laughed to herself.

It almost doesn't seem like enough....

She said softly. Today was such a wonderful day....one she would remember and cherish forever.

verse dawnstrider
Apr 21st, 2002, 09:53:05 PM
"400 years is a very long time. You will see the great-great-great-great-great-great grandchildren of your friends die before you will."

::verse ordered another drink and started on it.::

"You will see Shade die long before you even begin to look old."

Apr 21st, 2002, 10:00:48 PM
Xazor had never thought of this before. She smiled slightly to herself.

Wow......that is a long time. Shade will not live long.......these things are not for me to dwell on right now. Let us enjoy this moment......the present. The future will come and keep coming until we die. This moment will only last for a short time compared to that mass ahead of us.

She smiled once again, thinking of what she could accomplish in such a long time.