View Full Version : An Unexpected Meeting (Closed)

Keanda Arylar
Mar 29th, 2002, 05:03:55 AM
:: The young Padawan Keanda Arylar had been busy reading books in her quarters when she received a message via the GJO internal communication network. Upon playing the message, she heard the familiar voice of her Master, Figrin D'an, as he instructed her to meet him in Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill within the hour. Filled with nervous anticipation, she rushed around and grabbed her cloak to head for the bar.

She had only been to the bar once and had met a nice man named Thanatos VanDerveld who seemed to be rather partial to an unusual drink called a Bantha Blaster. The only other person she met briefly was Xazor when she first moved into the living quarters a while back. Keanda preferred to keep to herself so that she could concentrate her time on her studies and learn all she could from her Master. Walking in the entrance slowly, Keanda looked around but did not see Master Figrin anywhere so she took a seat at an empty table and waited for him to arrive ::

Aura Allei
Mar 29th, 2002, 01:22:11 PM
Aura nodded to her fellow Padawan as she entered the bar, thinking she should introduce herself. She got up from her table and walked over, bowing to Keanda.

"Hello, I am Aura Allei. I do not believe we have met."

Keanda Arylar
Mar 30th, 2002, 05:50:32 AM
:: Keanda smiled as the woman approached. Even though she was meeting Master Figrin, Keanda didn't think he would mind if she passed the time speaking with someone. She rose and returned the polite bow and then pointed to a seat across from her as she took her seat once again ::

"Hello, won't you join me? It is nice to meet you Aura. I am Keanda Arylar, Padawan to Figrin D'an. Are you a member of the Order as well?"

Aura Allei
Mar 30th, 2002, 11:06:01 AM
Aura nodded while taking a seat. She let out a deep sigh at her inquest, wishing she could train again soon.

"Yes, I am Padawan to Master Jubei. He has been busy with his meditation sessions. Being a monk, he strives to procure the Force at every waking hour. My training has been temporarily arrested, but I await his beckoning call to resume the practice."

She ordered a Corellian ale, as a passing doid set one down at her request. Smiling, she took the glass.

"So, how goes the training with your Master, Keanda?"

Keanda Arylar
Mar 30th, 2002, 10:56:51 PM
:: Keanda ordered a glass of Corellian Ale as the droid delivered a glass to Aura ::

"Yes Aura, but patience is the way of a Jedi. I'm sure your Master will attend to your training as soon as he can. After all, good things come to those who wait."

:: Flashing a small smile, she accepted her drink from the droid as it returned and took a small sip before continuing ::

"Master Figrin is an excellent instructor in the ways of the Force. I am so fortunate that he accepted me as his sole Padawan. He has provided me with limited access to his personal library via the GJO library network to read up on Jedi philosophy and history which have proven very insightful. I also was entrusted with two holocrons as well.

As far as physical training, Master Figrin employs a non-traditional format preferring to guide my progress with instruction on the battleground itself. He believes that a more practical application of force studies lends to a better grasp of skills needed against the Dark Siders. It is a very different and exciting way to train, and I will admit I was a little nervous at first. But I know he won't let any harm come to me. Master Figrin is an accomplished keeper of the peace and I look forward to learning a great deal from him."

Aura Allei
Mar 31st, 2002, 12:40:28 PM
"Sounds like you have quite a challenge in store for you."

Aura took a sip from her ale as she continued on.

"Master Jubei's divination on philosophy is like an art in itself. Words escape his lips in harmonious affinity with the world around him. He is practiced in martial arts, and will not use any weapons in battle."

Aura paused as if something was troubling her.

"You mentioned patience before when I said my Master has been busy. While it is true a Jedi must harness the trial of patience to ascend in training, I feel as a Knight, I could be of better service to the GJO, so training on a regular basis is important. I am lucky enough to have been asked by Jedi Master Sage Hazzard to assist with my training at my Master's absence. He is a superlative warrior, with an enduring retention on the Force. Much like Master Jubei, but Jubei does not employ sabers."

Keanda Arylar
Apr 1st, 2002, 05:49:49 AM
:: Keanda listens to Aura speak and nods her head in understanding ::

"Your Master sounds very skilled indeed, Aura. I should like the opportunity to meet him some time. I do not know that many fellow members actually."

:: The young Padawan pauses in thought before continuing, taking another small sip of the ale first and then setting the glass down slowly ::

"With regard to how one can best serve the Order, I adhere to the thinking that no one necessarily contributes more than anyone else. Now despite our given title or rank, no one is any less in their conviction of serving the forces of good and justice in the galaxy. We all just do this in our own way and in our own time based on our experiences in life. A title is just a word...our actions define who we are in the force. Or at least that is my thinking on the matter."

:: She smiles politely and looks around the bar before returning her attention back to Aura ::

Aura Allei
Apr 1st, 2002, 03:17:42 PM
Aura nodded in agreement.

"Yes, I do concur with you on your keen insight and acumen, Keana. I however feel rank is given to those whom have aspired in the Force, ascending at a higher level with acquired melee combat skills and martial arts techniques, equivalent to the accomplishments of others of that rank, say it be Knight or Master," Aura paused as she added to the discussion.

"True, we all of the GJO are in the service of the ethical populace, its people bearing the trials of life with the tyranny of oppression, delivered by the relentless Darksiders. Rank merely is the title gained by ones achievements and capabilities to serve these unfortunates in their perilous journeys through life's myriad labyrinths."

She smiled taking a drink.

"I see we share similar concepts."

Keanda Arylar
Apr 3rd, 2002, 01:48:01 PM
:: Keanda smiled at Aura ::

"Indeed we do. I am glad we met today, Aura. I think it can only be the beginning of a wonderful friendship."

:: Smiling again, she took a long drink from her ale and looked around the bar ::

"So, have you found a room in the living quarters and settled in? I seem to spend a great deal of the time in my room with my studies, actually."

Aura Allei
Apr 4th, 2002, 07:23:44 PM
Aura glanced over to Keanda.

"No, not yet. I have been staying at the stable with my horse, Guardian. I find the company of animals, soothing. I have a suitable room set up for me there. Sith Master Jedah Lynch seemed to have annexed much more than my past knowledge."

She briefly paused in reflection, then ingested an ample amount of her ale. She could tell Keanda felt her inner turmoil churning like an active river.

"I am also over joyed to have met you Keanda, I have kept to myself, but I sense a bond of comradeship, I have felt with no other. Perhaps we share similar past experiences. Have you ever fought a Sith?"

Aura lifted a brow in curiosity.

Keanda Arylar
Apr 5th, 2002, 12:01:39 PM
:: Keanda looked over at Aura and nodded slowly with a smile ::

"I am very glad that we met as well, Aura. Regarding my battling a Sith, I have only seen one Dark Sider and that was on my journey here to the Order. An honorable Jedi Master was already facing the Sith so my skills were not needed at that time. I am trained with weapons and have mastered some beginning level force skills though, and I am always ready to step forward to defend the innocent against evil. Have you faced any Sith in battle?"

Aura Allei
Apr 6th, 2002, 12:23:30 PM
Aura nodded to her.

"Yes, quite recently, and in my past before my plight with the Sith Master. I must be cautious when exercising Guardian outside the Academy's perimeter. Luckily no one was hurt too badly after the encounter subsided."

She smiled to her.

"You sound very adept as a Padawan, and will make a promising Knight. Surprisingly, I have retained my saber skills after the mind wipe, but I need to augment my Force attunement."

Figrin D an
Apr 7th, 2002, 03:22:53 AM
*** The door to the Bar & Grill flew open with little effort from the Jedi Master. A torent of a storm whipped through skies above; a windgust nearly threw Figrin into the doorway as he stepped forward. He pulled back his damp hood and coarsely ran his hands across his face and hair, attemping to wick away the rain that clung to him.

The bar was bit more crowded that he anticipated... a few groups of Jedi were scattered throughout the establishment, but there were others as well... traders, freighter crews, and at least one man Figrin pinned immediately as a bounty hunter. The Jedi shook his head... for a profession that often involved stealth, most of them didn't seems to mask themselves very well. 'As long as he doesn't annoy me...,' though Figrin to himself.

Time was precious, however, so the bar would have to suffice as a meeting place. Figrin quickly scanned the many tables and found his padawan sitting at one, coversing with another young Jedi.

Figrin frowned... this was a problem. The fewer people that knew about the mission, the better. However... the Council did give Figrin permission to take two additional Jedi. The Force did seem particularly strong with this one... perhaps she would prove useful in ways that he could not yet forsee.

The Jedi Master approached the table and and pulled out a chair.

"Good day to the both of you." ***

Keanda Arylar
Apr 7th, 2002, 07:38:13 PM
:: Keanda felt the powerful presence of her Master nearby and as she turned to look around the bar, her face brightened at the sight of her Master approaching their table. She rose quickly and gave a bow to him before taking her seat once again ::

"Hello, Master Figrin. I would like to introduce you to Padawan Aura Allei."

Aura Allei
Apr 8th, 2002, 07:54:09 AM
Setting her drink down, Aura stood before the Jedi Master, capitulating into a bow.

"Salutations, Master Figrin."

She sensed a soothing, yet cogent permeation of light energy emanating from the Jedi, as she found herself momentarily basking in its alluring warmth. The Jedi Padawan then cleared her throat and offered him a smile. Diverting her gaze to Keanda, she lofted a brow, sensing a meeting was to commence between the three. Aura sensed something, and knew it was time.

"I must go. I am sorry. I cannot hide it any longer. I uncovered my past. I must go back to the Noble Warrior's of Light. My Master and compatriots are waiting for me there. I will reclaim my rank as Knight, but shall hence forth, be known as a Sentinel."

She bowed to the two, smiling at her friend.

"I shall miss you Keanda. Perhaps our paths shall cross again. It will be a joyous occasion."

Aura exited the bar, determined to be the Knight she once was.

Keanda Arylar
Apr 22nd, 2002, 01:48:15 AM
:: Keanda blinked at the turn of events and just smiled at her Master ::

"Well, that was Padawan Aura Allei."

:: She giggled lightly and took a drink of the Corellian ale, which would now serve to remind her of a friend now on a different path. Perhaps they would meet again. Looking over at her Master she smiled again, trying to hide her nervousness ::

"Master Figrin, you wished to see me about something?"