View Full Version : Scoundrel and a Jedi - A Dinner Date?

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 15th, 2002, 01:27:13 AM
Docking Bay - 42

It was almost 1900 hours when Navaria found herself inside the docking bay where The Layla had greeted her. Besides a few techs, no one was here.

Eventhough this was a "date", Navaria was still dressed in her usual attire. Robes and all. This was who she was and it was something that Sanis would have to get used to as he jokingly admitted last night.

Curiously, she looked around and approached the ship, enjoying the familiarity with the color of its hull and the numerous chips in the paint that brought a smile to her face.

Apr 15th, 2002, 02:01:04 AM
The door was sealed shut, and the freighter looked lifeless. However, when Navaria approached, a small access hatch opened in the hull paneling, and a pink cyllinder skittered out. Its casing opened, allowing two small manipulator arms to extend out, as the droid glanced up at Navaria.

Welcome to the Cafe Layla, Miss Tarkin.

Marcus approximated a gentlemanly bow as best as his frame could allow, tipping forward slightly as he swung arm behind his back, and one crooked in front of him.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 15th, 2002, 02:06:25 AM
"The Cafe what?"

A hand came up to hide the chuckle that arose from Navaria's throat. This was unexpected to say the least but it was very endearing.

She leaned down a little and smiled at Marcus.

"Now, what did he say to get you to do this?"

Apr 15th, 2002, 02:14:56 AM
Sanis told me to access my data entries on "Romance". Was my greeting not befitting the mood for such an amorous encounter?

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 15th, 2002, 02:19:37 AM
"No, Marcus."

She pat him on his chrome head.

"You did fine."

A thought crossed her.

"Was there anything else he told you to do or anything else about tonight?"

Apr 15th, 2002, 02:21:34 AM
The droid's microprocessor whirred as it communicated with its main network

I am not at liberty to say, Miss Navaria.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 15th, 2002, 02:25:06 AM
She chuckled a little.

"Well, one didn't need the Force to know you were going to say that."

Her eyes looked to The Layla.

"Or was told to say that."

This was going to be very interesting to say the least.

"So, what are you to do next?"

Navaria asked, brushing back some hair that had fallen in front of her because she was talking down to the droid.

Apr 15th, 2002, 02:37:55 AM
Next, it would be customary for me to offer to take your robes.

The droid paused, wiggling its very small manipulator arms.

But since this is not physically feasable, I will simply invite you inside, Navaria.

The doors opened, showing the interior of the Layla. Though still showing its wear, the freighter interior had been noticably cleaned up. Marcus led the way, his audio speakers now playing an upbeat and melodic song in Chandrillan, sung by a woman with a honey voice. However, since it was in Chandrillan, the actual meaning of the words was indecipherable.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 15th, 2002, 03:15:36 PM
The music was known to her. Navaria's mother was a connoisseur of different artistry from many different alien worlds. It was something that she forced upon her daughter but Navaria took it in stride those singing lessons.

She smiled. With everything that had happened to her, the Jedi had all but forgotten that she had that talent.

Following Marcus, Navaria noticed that the inside of the ship was cleaned up remarkably well. It still needed a good scrubbing but there was no danger of tripping over a random object that was carelessly thrown on the floor.

What other surprised awaited her tonight...

Sanis Prent
Apr 15th, 2002, 11:47:48 PM
(As Navaria made her way into the ship, a pair of gentle hands pressed on her shoulder from behind, slowly removing her robes)

I hope I got the candy right. Bakuran confectionaries aren't exactly on my normal spacelanes.

(I eased her around, smiling)

I'm glad you came. I've been wanting to start fresh for a while now.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 16th, 2002, 12:00:24 AM
Once again that smile of his was contagious. It just filled her with a sense of peace. For a Jedi, being calm and at peace was a certain state of mind. Through concentration and oneness with the Force this is achieved.

Seeing Sanis in good spirits brought about that feeling automatically.

"I'm glad I did too. I actually wasn't sure whether or not I should come but ..."

She reached out and fixed one of those strands of hair that Sanis missed while cleaning himself up.

"... I had to."

Sanis Prent
Apr 16th, 2002, 12:12:44 AM
I wasn't sure if I should ask, either. Seems we have alot of things we need to resolve, and figure out.

(I led Navaria through to the cockpit, letting her sit down before I prepped Layla for takeoff. I occasionally glanced at her, smiling...but saying little, and less about what we were doing. I went through the preflight, and eased the freighter skyward, putting her in orbit of Arcan. Once stable space flight was reached, I unfastened my harness, standing up)

Marcus...go ahead and set those coordinates, and engage sublight.

(I looked to Navaria)

I have dinner in the warmer down in the galley. I figure we could eat on our way.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 16th, 2002, 12:21:45 AM
Sanis wanted to keep things very secretive, which was a serious feat around a Jedi, especially Navaria. She made sure to focus on him and his emotions then letting anything slip. What was the point of being surprised when it was spoiled?

She stood up and followed Sanis and looked at him quizzically.

"Sublight? Eat on our way?"

He heard her chuckle.

"Hopefully nothing of serious importance will happen while I'm away. Wasn't expecting a mobile date."

Sanis Prent
Apr 16th, 2002, 12:48:45 AM
Never underestimate the power of six degrees of premeditation.

(I winked at her as we went below deck. The galley was basically a cramped kitchen area with a small table that seated four. But, I put a window on the side, so it made for a good view.)

I've actually had this planned for a long time. Its just...

(My smile faded, and I looked back to her)

...well, you know.

I think alot more changed that day than we realized.

(I had to change the subject. I'd promised not to get caught up in the awkwardness of it all anymore. After all, we were trying to move past that. I reached into the warmer, pulling out two steaming plates, using a dishrag to protect my hands from the heat. I set them on the table, pouring Lambrusco into two dixie cups. It wasn't quite the Ritz Carlton, but it had enough personality. I smiled as she looked it over. She probably thought that...)

...no, I didn't cook it.

(I laughed a little, running a hand through my hair)

I ordered takeout about 10 minutes before you got here...but its good takeout. Its better than my sector-famous grilled cheese, and I'd rather not have Marcus steal my thunder.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 16th, 2002, 01:09:55 PM
"Marcus could never steal your thunder. You are too unique for that..."

She let her hand spread across the table as emphasis. Plastic cups filled with wine and takeout food in this cramped little kitchen was perfect. It was also special .... that he was willing to do this for her considering the circumstances of how this was originally planned.

Quickly her nose was filled with the pleasant aroma of the meal. It really was good take out food.

"... and even if we were having grilled cheese, I'd be enjoying myself still."

Her eyes perked up when she looked at Sanis.

"So, what's on the menu this evening?"

Sanis Prent
Apr 17th, 2002, 12:43:50 AM
Ithorian stir-fry for you, and for me...Ithorian quesodilla. Its about the only vegetarian thing they have that I like.

(I started cutting my queso, not taking my eyes off her)

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 17th, 2002, 02:17:29 AM
"I'm impressed. Most meat and potato kinda guys would refuse such ruffage."

Her eyes showed the laughter that was inside and she met his gaze. She picked up her fork and began to dig in.

"But you aren't most guys. Most guys can't find ways to leave little notes in the most private of chambers in the Jedi Temple."

She stated simply, finishing her sentence with a helping of rice.

Sanis Prent
Apr 17th, 2002, 04:26:05 PM
I hope nobody asked about that. It would be tough for you to explain, cause you'd have to ask me, and well...magicians don't reveal their tricks either.

(I smiled lightly, popping a stray mushroom in my mouth.)

So Dal...Nav....what do I call you? I mean...

(I sighed a little, not sure how to begin)

...its not the same as before.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 18th, 2002, 12:49:15 AM
"No one asked. It was out of curiosity and I wanted to make sure you wouldn't get skinned by a NRSF officer because of it."

She said, pointing her fork at him. Then his mood shifted as Sanis stumbled over her name. This caused her to frown.

"Navaria. After everything that happened, I am still Navaria or Nav ...."

Then she set down her utensil and wiped the sides of her mouth with a napkin.

"Maybe I shouldn't have come..."

Sanis Prent
Apr 18th, 2002, 12:56:00 AM
(I shook my head)

No...Navaria...thats not what I meant.

(I paused, gathering my words)

I mean...there's this half of you, this whole other half I don't know.

(I looked into her eyes)

I want to know that half. I want to know that I feel the same way that I always have.

(I smiled, holding her hand)

Thats why I asked, thats why we're here. I want to love you. All of you.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 18th, 2002, 01:12:09 AM
She thought her ears were deceiving her but no, Navaria intrinsically knew that what Sanis said, he truly felt.

Sanis felt her fingers tightening around his hand.

"I want to know you too ... it's like I know you, everything about you ... without ever laying my eyes on you."

Nervously, she laughed.

"I thought I understood what I wanted and who I wanted..."

Slowly, her eyes met his.

"... but my feelings became so confusing... then as Luke began disappearing from my life.."

She sighed solemnly. Navaria had no idea if he was alive or dead....

"... all I could think about was you..."

Sanis Prent
Apr 18th, 2002, 01:35:52 AM
Luke? Who's Luke?

(It was out of the blue, and I could only assume it was something dredged out of Navaria's original half and her life as it had been...before joining with Daleethria. But now they were one, so it was a shared moment. I laughed a little. I was never one to shrink from a little competition. Meant that what I was after was worth the effort.)

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 18th, 2002, 01:38:15 AM
"Who's Luke?"

Her eyes opened in surprise.

"You never heard of Luke Skywalker?"

Sanis Prent
Apr 18th, 2002, 01:50:04 AM
(I struggled a mouthful of Lambrusco down)

Luke...THE Luke?!?

(My eyes widened at that one. No pressure or anything. I was just up against the closest thing the galaxy had to the Ubermensch. I mean, the guy who killed the Emperor, Vader, a Death Star, and a few other things along the way. All I had on my resume were a few gunfights I walked away from.

I leaned back, wincing a little.)

You sure don't make it easy on me, do ya.

(I laughed)

Oh well, I'll just pretend I'm not playing the major leagues.

So, how did you manage to meet the head honcho Jedi? Sounds like this Navaria girl has a story.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 18th, 2002, 02:00:00 AM
She cringed as Sanis choked down his dinner. How big of a recluse was she to not know that his reaction would have been along these lines.

After he settled, Navaria looked at him seriously.

"This isn't a competition, Sanis."

Then her lips turned into a smile as he found some good humor in all this.

"Leia Solo was my Master. I met him through her..."

She started on her dinner again thinking about how she first met him. Luke and Leia had a glimmer of what Dalethria really was and that Navaria was trapped inside her mind ...

The story was complicated beyond belief and she wondered what Sanis' reaction would be if he knew just how messed up she used to be...

Sanis Prent
Apr 18th, 2002, 02:05:44 AM
And Leia, too. Wow...

(I was impressed. I'd rubbed elbows with a few notables before, but it seemed Navaria had A-list connections.)

I guess if I were in that kind of company, I'd want to join the Jedi, too.

(I took a few bites of my queso, sorting my thoughts)

So, how do you do that? The Jedi thing, you know...

Dalee had that power, but I don't think she was a Jedi. She was just...you know...

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 18th, 2002, 02:18:47 AM
Before she answered, Navaria finished washing down some of her meal with her drink.

"Well ..."

She laughed, setting down the cup.

"... it's not a "Jedi Thing" as you put it. You have to be able to sense the Force. There are a lot of beings out there that are sensitive to it but never train. Then of course there are the Sith ..."

Navaria paused there. Not her favorite conversational piece so she switched gears while scooping up another mouthful.

"Daleethria was different. She was neither a Jedi nor a Sith. The cloning procedure made her very unique in abilities. I didn't realize how unique until I possessed them ...."

Her eyes shifted upwards to look at Sanis directly.

"But ... it wasn't until you that she became a person instead of a weapon."

Sanis Prent
Apr 18th, 2002, 02:52:45 AM
(My smile faded)

A weapon? No wonder you never talked about your past. Maybe there's more than half of you that I need to get to know. If I make you feel better in return, its the least I can do for everything you've already done.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 18th, 2002, 09:56:11 PM
"Hey ...."

Her voice was soft and soothing.

"... don't be so sad. You should be happy that Daleethria became a person because of you... Not just some person walking around constantly trying to fend off the suffering she was going through. You did so much for her..."

Sanis Prent
Apr 21st, 2002, 01:12:19 PM
I'm far from sad.

(Truth be told, finding out that we still had a future was news to my ears. If only second chances were always golden.

I took another bite of my queso as a flashing signal chimed from the ceiling console.)

Hmm, we're getting close.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 21st, 2002, 02:21:07 PM
Navaria finished swallowing the food in her mouth before speaking.

"Getting close?"

She asked with a curious brow.

Sanis Prent
Apr 21st, 2002, 05:26:19 PM
(I responded with a knowing smile, and a sip of wine.)

You'll see.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 21st, 2002, 10:02:02 PM
Navaria leaned back in her chair and raised her cup.

"Good for you Jedi are patient."

She grinned before taking a sip.

Sanis Prent
Apr 21st, 2002, 10:31:11 PM
(My smile widened as I stood from my seat, walking behind Navaria's.)

Trust me...you won't need Jedi patience, though I can't guarantee your Jedi powers won't help entirely.

(With that, I gently placed my hands over her eyes, keeping her from seeing as I eased her up, and out of her chair)

In case you can't sense where you're going, I'm guiding you along from behind.

(I slowly started easing her toward the cockpit)

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 21st, 2002, 11:00:11 PM
"Well, unless something unforeseen happens, I won't be needing them. I trust you."

Navaria let Sanis lead her to wherever it was they were going. He was right, she could just easily navigate through the ship but this was better.

"Did we dock somewhere?"

She didn't remember hearing the ship actually touch down or any locks attach to the ship... And since they were in the galley, there were no ports to look out.

Sanis Prent
Apr 22nd, 2002, 12:14:58 AM
No, we're still in open space. Just keep walking.

(I continued to lead her on)

Almost there, take a left, just a little farther...okay stop.

(And slowly, I removed my hands from her eyes, and Navaria found herself surrounded on all sides by cockpit windows filled with the most beautiful ribbons of flowing color she had ever seen. Whisps of white, violet, gold, jade, and a thousand other shades inbetween filled the area around the Layla, the twinkling from various stellar phenomenon occasionally sparkling like dazzling fireworks, casting a shimmer across the gaseous vapor trails. I slid my hands discretely around her waist, holding her gently from behind.)


Navaria Tarkin
Apr 22nd, 2002, 01:51:01 PM
There were no words to describe it. The phenomenon that Navaria was witnessing was nothing she had ever dreamed was possible. Her sight was flooded with a multitude of colors. It was like the cockpit was one big kaleidoscope.

The beauty was overwhelming and Navaria leaned back, resting her head on Sanis' chest. She felt Sanis holding her gently and slowly her own hands made their way to rest upon his.

"I've never seen anything like it. What is it?"

It was ask quietly; whispered in awe.

Sanis Prent
Apr 22nd, 2002, 02:04:44 PM
Well, its a class four nebula. Some stellar cartographer with no sense of beauty gave it the name SGC173. I found it on a spice run a few years back, hiding from a New Republic interdictor. Fell in love with it, and promised to come back. One of those things that can kinda cut through whatever mood I'm in and just relax me. Watch the flashes, they're small space debris igniting in hydrogen pockets.

(I stood with her silently for a while, swaying gently back and forth with her)

Until I met you, it was the only thing I had with that kind of beauty. I just think SGC173 is a horrible fit though. Navaria's Nebula sounds so much better.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 22nd, 2002, 02:35:56 PM
"I see what you mean. I could be lost her for quite some time without a care in the universe."

Between the phenomena she was watching and the company that held her, Navaria felt so at peace.

She was so relaxed that what Sanis said next was almost overlooked.

In surprise, Navaria turned around within his grasp, staring directly into his eyes.

"Name ... name it after me?"

Sanis Prent
Apr 22nd, 2002, 02:54:06 PM
Well, I'd name it after me, but its just a bit too bright to fit the bill. Besides, its a complement to the nebula...

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 22nd, 2002, 03:02:20 PM
She up and took Sanis tightly into her arms, burying her head in his chest.

"No one has done anything like this for me. Thank you ..."

Sanis Prent
Apr 22nd, 2002, 03:17:32 PM
(With a gentle hand, I eased Navaria's chin up)

No. Thank you.

(I completed the embrace with a kiss...the kiss of understanding that I'd been waiting to give for a long time. Something to open the floodgates between us, and if Navaria was a whole person that I felt just the same for, perhaps even a guy like me could find happiness like that.)

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 22nd, 2002, 03:35:24 PM
Navaria's smile melted away as Sanis leaned down to kiss her. It was going to one of those kisses that would decide whether or not something between could actually be possible.

She closed her eyes. At first, her kiss was timid ... wanting to make sure her feelings were clear. Then Navaria went with the moment as she could feel emotions from a past that weren't hers, but awaken feelings inside her that the Jedi could not deny.

Her lips pressed firmly against his ... more determined that this could indeed work between them ... somehow...

Sanis Prent
Apr 22nd, 2002, 04:12:29 PM
(I eased Navaria down with me, sitting in the reclining captain's seat in the "spoon" position, as I dimmed the lights, allowing us to watch the nebula...our light show...indefinitely.)