View Full Version : To walk away..

Jedi Neo
Apr 27th, 2002, 04:02:15 PM
*The stanger entered the bar, "Funny," he thought, "in all my time of being a Jedi I haven't found my way here more often." Neo walked up to the bar and ordered a glass of water and looked around the establishment wondering who was there. He saw some Jedi, Cizerack, and even a few of the evil persuation were enjoying their drinks and talking. It would seem to Neo that his problems were very far away, and yet they might be all right here in front of him.

The situation on Coursacant had not really changed since the Imperials had taken control of the planet. But it had gotten much worse as more people who were fleeing the Imperials or wanting to strike back and needing a place to hide had found him. So what was he to do, after all he was just one man.*