View Full Version : a familier face
Laric Nworb
Apr 30th, 2002, 10:14:57 PM
Laric walks into Yoghurt's Bar and Grill. The latest music out of the core worlds is playing loudly. Jedi and padawans are everywhere, dancing, talking, and enjoying themselves. Laric makes his way through the crowd heading to the bar. He looks around noticing a few faces he'd seen at the academy, but not the one he wanted to see. A Wookie gets up from his seat and Laric grabs the empty seat and orders a drink he'd rarely had on Corellia. He takes a sip, it's just as good at home. Laric continues to look around searching for a face he hadn't seen in over ten years. His head turns to the left and someone sneaks up on him from the right...
Adisha Dije
Apr 30th, 2002, 10:23:45 PM
Adisha' Dije cautiously walked forward towards the bar and the friend she missed dearly.
"Finally, I've finally found him. I can't believe it's been so long" she thinks to herself, "Will he even remember me?"
She reached out a hand and gently grabbed his shoulder...
Laric Nworb
Apr 30th, 2002, 10:34:16 PM
The hand on his shoulder surprises him.
"You!...I mean. So you're here too. I figured that. So are you some Jedi Master? Like you said when you were on Corellia."
Laric pauses for her response. He looks her over and decides she's much different than she was when she was seven. Braided red hair, with the headtails dangling from her head to her back. Laric suddenly began to become aware of his own appearence. Had he even washed since he got there. His clothes were the same rags he had on Corellia. Emporors black bones! He probably stunk like he'd been living with a nerf herd!
Adisha Dije
Apr 30th, 2002, 10:48:44 PM
"Jedi Master? Me? No, I'm barely a padawan right now." She replied shocked that he remembered her so well. He had changed so much from the scruffy little boy that she knew from the streets of Corellia.
" I only knew a couple simple techniques back then and I doubt they're that simple anymore. I've been traveling ever since we left Corellia. It took awhile for my father to let me go, to realize where I needed to be.."
Her thoughts trailed off as she looked down remembering her recent parting with her beloved father....
Laric Nworb
May 1st, 2002, 09:27:23 PM
"Your father? You mean that crazy bounty hunter! I also haven't forget how he nearly killed me!" Laric exclaimed.
"He didn't try to kill you. You were...You were in the way." Adisha'Dije explained roughly.
"In the way? I should be when he goes after my brother!"
"Well, its his job. He needs to hunt for credits so he can live. So I can live." She said trying to clear things up
Adisha Dije
May 1st, 2002, 09:52:01 PM
"Alright, I'm not saying he was perfect... only, that I loved him! He could only do what he knew. That was the only profession his clan trained him in!"
Adisha' Dije could hardly control the feelings inside, the anger swelling, it was too much. She quickly checked her anger and then ran for the nearest exit..
Laric Nworb
May 1st, 2002, 10:00:04 PM
Laric watched as Adisha made her way through the crowd and finally made it to the door. As she exited Laric turned to his drink and thought about the overreaction. He'd talk to her again, no doubt about that.
Adisha Dije
May 1st, 2002, 10:01:49 PM
Adisha glanced back when she reached the door.
"I can't believe I actually missed him" She said to herself and then continued on her way outside.
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