View Full Version : Learning to Trust.... (closed)

Maia Shadoe Tharrinn
Apr 21st, 2002, 02:13:22 PM
Maia walked with her arm laced with Raymious. The garden was warm and inviting ad the flowers perfumed the air with sweet fragrances. Se had let Ari fly and his shrill cries broke the comfortable silence.

She walked beside him as if they had been doing it for years. There laughter and voices filled the court yard. She had not trusted many people in her young life but Raymious made her feel as if she had known him forever. His voice was soothing and kind. She almost felt comfortable enough to tell him of her past of her quest to turn her brother from the darkside but she did not want to ruin there walk with such talk.

"Tell me of yourself Raymious." She asked after they had finished laughing over the antics of Cirr...

Apr 21st, 2002, 02:25:33 PM
"My Past. Well, I am from the forth moon of Yavin. Myy mother was a slave, I didn't know her name. And my father was her master. His name was Mathis. My father was a jedi, sort of. He tought me the only skill's he knew. And now I am learning from Niccademas."

Raymious looked into the stars, and then into Maia's eyes. He smiled. "Anyway. He bought her because he thought she was so beautiful, and lovely. He freed her when she was his, and then they had me. And when I was 10, my mom died. She was killed by one of the Empier's assassins. She apparently had done something, and did not tell my father." He looked at her, he had eyes that were aching with pain.

"Sorry, I dont mean to trouble you with my problems." He wipped his eyes. "What about you?"

Maia Shadoe Tharrinn
Apr 21st, 2002, 11:23:46 PM
Maia listened quietly as Raymious told her of hi hart breaking past. She could feel her own tears building at his words. To hear that his mother had been killed by a darksider made her ache. What would he think of her now if he knew what her family was? Sighing softly she reached down and gripped his hand.

"I'm sorry for your lose Raymious, and yes I do want to hear everything about you. I know its very hard to lose people you love." Maia's eyes closed for a moment thinking of her brothers and sister that walked a dark and deadly path.

"My family I'm sad to say are darksiders. I left because I could not be like them. My brother helped me escape. He knew that it was killing me to stay there." Maia had left out how horribly she had been treated by her parents ad masters. How some of her siblings had turned there backs on her in disgust. She looked into his eye's To see his reaction at her being born of Evil....

Apr 22nd, 2002, 11:41:54 PM
Raymious was astonished at her words. "A darksider," he said to himself. Raymious had nothing against other dark siders, but he had something against the one that had killed his mother.

"Well, I have nothing against darksiders. And I am very glad that you turned away from the dark side." Catching his breath, "Well, not turning to the dark side has brought me two wonderful things."

" Mainly you, and learning to be good and not evil." Raymious was waiting to hear what Maia was going to say.

Maia Shadoe Tharrinn
Apr 24th, 2002, 11:17:17 AM
Maia let out the breath she had been holding. She had thought he would turn from her in disgust when she told him of her family. Smiling up at him she paused in her walking.

"Yes, it does bring many wonderful things. I thought that I would bean outcast here and lonely. I do miss my brother and my friends but I have also found peace here. It seems I have also found new friend in you." Maia tilted her head a grin playing across her mouth.

"There are so many things I still need to earn. Trust is the biggest one and of course how to find inner peace so I can use the force in the proper way. I have never been one to become angry or anything, which is one thing I know a Jedi should never use. Is this what your Master Niccademis teaches also?"

Apr 24th, 2002, 10:28:15 PM
Raymious looked at Maia with happiness. "Well, you have one person that you can trust, and that trusts you."

Raymious, hearing her talk about Niccademas brought memories of him. He heard her finish her sentence.

"Yes, that is some of what he teaches me." Raymious looked at Maia, "By the way, Who is teaching you the ways of the force?"

Maia Shadoe Tharrinn
Apr 25th, 2002, 07:22:45 PM
Maia smiled at his optimistic word's. In her heart she did feel as if she could trust him. It was strange and new to her.

"Rie Mystt is my master, he is best known by Amazonbabe. A very caring teacher but often busy. I think she is letting me take the time t heal and get used to things before she gets to seriously training me and I'm grateful for that. I still find it somewhat difficult to make myself part of the crowd." Maia said as they walked.

Pausing in her talking she giggled and pointed to a branch where Ari was preening himself and keeping a close eye on his loving master.

"Ari means the world to me. My brother gave him to me when I was younger." She said in an affectionate tone. Cocking her head to the side, her eyes traveled over Raymious's face.

Apr 25th, 2002, 10:49:43 PM
Raymious looked at Ari, "Yes, he seems to be a very loving bird. He protects you well."

Watching Maia's beautiful eyes look over his face, he was drawn to her. He moved his face closer and closer, at a slow speed, not to ruin the moment keeping his eyes on her the whole time. The love he felt for this woman was immence. Finaly, when he was close enough, He kissed her. Not long, but short, to see what Maia would do.

Maia Shadoe Tharrinn
Apr 26th, 2002, 12:03:32 PM
Maia's eyes grew wide as he leaned toward her and a small gasp escaped her when his lips touched hers. She had never been kissed by anyone. Her hand flew to her mouth after he had leaned back, his eyes seemed to search hers, unsure of what he had done. He looked at her as if he already knew her. As if he had been watching her for a long time or had known her from the past. She wondered how he could feel so much for her so soon. Though her heart already seemed to be lost to him..

Looking down at the ground a blush blooming on her cheeks, she smiled softly. "Why do I feel as if you know me Raymious?" She asked her eyes lifted and looked into his and saw she had touched on a truth with her question.

"Have you been watching me here?" She asked her heart raced with the thought. To have someone that interested in her like that scared her some...

Apr 26th, 2002, 11:52:52 PM
Raymious keeping his eyes on Maia the whole time, listening to her question.

"The only time I have been watching you is this night."

Raymious looked at her, "Why do you feel as if I have known you for some time."

Maia Shadoe Tharrinn
Apr 28th, 2002, 11:34:45 AM
Maia sighed softly as she tried to figure out a way to explain what she meant. Shrugging her shoulders she smiled at Raymious.

"I don't know really, it just seems like you care for me and you just met me. It just feels as if we have known each other for a long time." She said softly. She knew it was not a very good explanation but it was all she had.

"I don't trust very many people Raymious, I am trying t learn how to but it's very hard but with you I find it easier. I know someday my family will discover where I am and I will have to deal with that, as will my brother who helped me. So I try to stay away from people that I'm unsure of." Maia explained. She hoped that what she said helped shed light on her earlier comment. She still didnt understand why he made her feel so safe, so comfortable when they had just met...

Apr 28th, 2002, 10:20:14 PM
Raymious feeling instantly like he had to hold her close, and hugg her to make her feel better. But he knew it would not help.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to offend you." Raymious decided to hug her anyway.

"Well, on to a better subject?"

Maia Shadoe Tharrinn
May 2nd, 2002, 01:23:23 PM
Maia hugged Raymious back her heart beating fast. She pulled back from him and grinned a small laugh escaped her. He was so full of light and life. Maia knew she had grown up way to fast in her family. Seeing evil and useless destruction and the cruelty of family where there should be love.

He made her feel her age again and for that she was grateful. There was such kindness in his eyes and it made her feel safe. "What would you like to do now Raymious. If you still have time to talk." Maia did no want the moment to end, she had not felt this good in a long time....