View Full Version : A well-dressed man enters the bar
Senator Redav
Apr 19th, 2002, 05:59:46 PM
:: Senator Jack Redav arrives on Arcan IV, and walks into Master Yoghurt's Bar & Grill. He pauses momentarily to adjust his tie, smiling at the revelry around him. He makes his way to an empty table, ordering a rich double of Kuat Vodka. Taking a moment to relax, he looks around...for possible company to share his time with. ::
Apr 19th, 2002, 06:06:28 PM
Xazor notices a well dressed man enter the bar. He takes a seat alone, and she decides to join him. Leaving her small group of friends, she quietly makes her way through the crowd and approaches his table. With a gentle smile, she bows and speaks.
Greetings......I am Xazor.....Warrior Jedi Knight of the Greater Jedi Order. Do you mind if I join you?
She questions softly.
Senator Redav
Apr 19th, 2002, 06:08:18 PM
Go right ahead
:: Redav rose in her presence, taking her hand in an embrace ::
I know this is a common place for Jedi, yet its an honor to meet one nonetheless. I'm Senator Jack Redav, from the Kuat system. A pleasure to meet you, Xazor.
Apr 19th, 2002, 06:11:37 PM
Xazor smiled as he took her hand. She bowed her head in respect and spoke gently.
It is also a pleasure to meet you, Senator Redav. An honor for me as well, to meet a Senator. What brings you here? Business, perhaps?
She takes a seat in the empty chair across from him and smiles.
Senator Redav
Apr 19th, 2002, 06:14:45 PM
:: He glanced about ::
Ever since the Empire, the Senate's been a little more interested in the activities of the Jedi. Not paranoia, just...keeping tabs, and making sure everything is okay. We can't afford another Purge, so the consensus is to get our two governing bodies to work closer to prevent such things.
Apr 19th, 2002, 06:18:46 PM
What is this you speak of? I can assure you......all is well with the Jedi....Senator.
She questioned, a curious look consuming her expression. She knew that the Empire had nothing to worry about concerning the dealings of the Jedi. They were a people of peace and justice.....nothing shady going on with them.....
Senator Redav
Apr 19th, 2002, 06:21:58 PM
Surely you are up on your history, Xazor. The Empire started from a charismatic force user who cheated his way into the Senate, along with a Jedi Knight who served the Dark Side. These events destroyed the Old Republic. Now, we work dilligently to prevent lightning from striking twice.
Apr 19th, 2002, 06:24:42 PM
Yes, Senator. I am quite aware......but I can assure you that things like that are in the past, and no longer happen. The Greater Jedi Order.....a major faction of us peace keepers, has some of the best Jedi serving the light. I have heard rumors of some discrepencies and such.....but as far as I have observed, nothing like that will happen again.
She said with confidence and a reassuring smile.
Senator Redav
Apr 19th, 2002, 06:49:08 PM
Xazor, I would be a poor Senator indeed if I took the word of a pretty face as my sole assurance.
:: He smiled ::
Though I do want to believe you. But as a Senator, I have to be thorough
Apr 19th, 2002, 06:56:31 PM
Oh yes.....I do understand, Senator. I was once the Empress of the planet Cysaria...a faction of the Sith Empire. I too had to go on "business" trips....but it was not peaceful. I was a Sith Knight and Warlordess, indeed, I held many titles. Though the funny thing of it is......I only had one kill. I was set on the right path, and now I serve the light as a Warrior Jedi Knight. I understand completely about your job....
As an Emress, she had encountered many a senators, ambassadors, and emperors. She was well aware that you could not just take someone's word for what you needed to know. It was quite alright, though.
There are many more here who could vouch for what I speak, Senator. But indeed, do not just take my word for it.
She smiled gently, blushing in delay to his compliment about her looks........
Senator Redav
Apr 19th, 2002, 07:00:46 PM
With a past like that, its a suprise the Jedi took you into the Order at all. I can only speak for myself, but I would be hesitant to give former darksiders any power.
Apr 19th, 2002, 07:07:18 PM
The Jedi are not a people of judgement. I have more than proven myself worthy several times. We have even taken in one who destroyed the original Jedi Temple. She too has proven herself and now holds the rank of Knight, as I myself do. past haunts me as punishment for the things that I have done, but turning to the light was the best thing I have ever done. I am fully devoted to the cause of the Jedi and everyone knows it. I understand that you are hesitant......even now, I feel your uncertainty around me. It is quite alright do not know me as others do. I expect no one to accept me, Senator....though they have, and I have been blessed with undeserving grace.
She smiled, looking around the bar at the many friends she had. In fact, most of the people in the bar knew her and it gave her a warm feeling. She turned her attention back to the man who sat across from her.
Senator Redav
Apr 19th, 2002, 08:46:46 PM
Perhaps if more people had your faith, Xazor, there would be far fewer problems in this galaxy.
:: Redav smiled, tossing back his double ::
But enough of this dry talk. Thats only half of my motive for being here.
Apr 19th, 2002, 09:04:40 PM
Xazor smiled gently and nodded.
Yes, Senator.....and what is your other motive? If you seek someone......something....knowledge, whatever it be.....I will assist you! I am more than willing, sir...
She said with an encouraging smile.
Senator Redav
Apr 19th, 2002, 09:08:07 PM
No, no no....nothing like that.
:: He stretched, hands running slowly down his face as he sighed ::
I just need to relax...a little. Kuat, and even Chandrilla, for all their importance, can get very dry. Speaking behind podiums and doing official business can drain a man after a while. Maybe I'm just looking to connect with somebody, without having to pitch a campaign slogan.
:: He smiled wearily at Xazor ::
Apr 19th, 2002, 09:18:27 PM
Xazor listened intently, offering a simpathetic smile to the poor man.
Yes.....I know what you mean. This is one of the most relaxing places in the galaxy. It is quite easy to make appears to me that you have already made one.
She grinned slightly and looked around at the many that gathere in the bar.
I hated having to speak everywhere I went, when I was the Empress. It was such a drag after a while. Especially since I am so young.
She was nine when she was given the title of Empress, and she began making appeareances when she was eleven. Now, she was twenty.....her birthday was actually the other day. She smiled and looked out the window, glad that her life had changed so much.
Senator Redav
Apr 19th, 2002, 09:55:56 PM
I doubt you'd even want to waste your efforts on me. I don't seem to make friends easily. Don't know if its the job, or me in particular.
:: A slow smile formed after a while ::
Maybe I'm just stubborn, but would you like a drink?
Apr 19th, 2002, 09:59:11 PM
A soft smile danced upon Xazor's lips. She nodded slightly in reply to his question.
Sure, I would love a drink.....
She thought about what he had said for a moment and then spoke once again.
Waste my time? Hardly....I will be your friend regardless of how you or others view yourself. It is not wasting my time at all! If it would have not been for the kind people here......I'd have no friends either. It is not you, I can assure you that. It is always someone else because they have a problem.
This was true.....she knew it first hand.
Senator Redav
Apr 19th, 2002, 10:16:02 PM
:: He flagged down a serving droid ::
Two doubles, please.
:: Returning his attention to Xazor, he smiled ::
So you were saying something about rest and relaxation?
Apr 19th, 2002, 10:18:58 PM
Xazor smiled and nodded.
Yes......there is plenty of that here. The bar isn't the only place to go ya know....
Her voice seemed to lighten a bit, as she became more comfortable in his presence. She leaned back casually and looked out the window, thinking of all the fun things to do here on the Jedi Base and Arcan IV.
Senator Redav
Apr 19th, 2002, 10:27:42 PM
If I may be so bold, I'm going to need a tour guide.
:: He grinned ::
Senators who take tours in public aren't senators for long. And I'm sure putting "Senatorial Honor Guard" on your resume wouldn't hurt, either. Besides...this whole friend thing sounds crazy enough to work.
Apr 19th, 2002, 11:06:26 PM
Xazor grinned slightly and nodded.
I would be honored to give you a guided tour. I do not think anyone will mind......
She would make sure no one minded....and she would not let harm befall the Senator during the tour. It would be a most enjoyable time indeed.
Senator Redav
Apr 19th, 2002, 11:24:12 PM
:: He stood, paying his and Xazor's bill ::
Well, where should we go first?
Apr 19th, 2002, 11:28:05 PM
Xazor thought for a moment and smiled.
Let us visit the Recruitment Center first......
She said, motioning for him to follow her. She reached the door of the bar and grill and gathered her weapons. In total, she had two swords, a lightsaber, a blaster, a railgun, three daggers, and three throwing knives. All were placed in various holsters on her body. She bowed to the guards at the door and continued walking until outside.
It is standard procedure to un-arm yourself at the door. Jedi Masters and members of the NRSF do not have to, though.
She informed as they began walking toward the Jedi Recruitment Center.
Senator Redav
Apr 19th, 2002, 11:37:57 PM
:: Redav looked around as they walked, curious and interested ::
I had no idea there was a Jedi temple on Arcan IV. They have always said the temple was on an "Undisclosed Planet".
Apr 20th, 2002, 12:00:26 AM
Oh yes......the Recruitment Center is here alright. Just beyond that hill.....
She pointed out in front of her as they continued walking. Her long red robes flowed like an ocean wave as she walked toward the sacred place. As they neared the complex, the beautiful building could be seen.
This is the Jedi Recruitment Center. This is where one's journey begins on the path of the light...
She stopped, outstretching her arms and noting the wide expanse of the large Academy. She smiled and her heart filled with pride as she looked at it.....
Senator Redav
Apr 20th, 2002, 12:16:59 AM
Its enormous...
:: Jack's voice was muted, as he looked at the massive structure. ::
How many Jedi train there?
Apr 20th, 2002, 12:18:47 AM
Xazor nodded in reply. She smiled, thinking about when she first saw the Recruitment Center. The building was almost intimidating..
At least a hundred or so....that I know of anyway...there might be more.
Of course she did not keep up with the stats and did not know everyone. She smiled and motioned for him to keep following her, as they walked closer to the large complex.
Apr 20th, 2002, 12:20:50 AM
:: AB had just left the Recruitment Center's corridors, making her way to one of the gardens. her favorite was one just outside of the Center, with a flowing stream and roaring waterfall. Even though it was outside of the building, it was still tended by the Jedi. Her favorite past time was to wander through the gravel walkways and enjoy the greenery. She, along with a few other Jedi, tended to the plants and foliage. Her Force powers seemed to come alive when she was in the garden. ::
:: As she walked, she came across Xazor leading a man, young from his features, through one of the walkways joining the garden to the Center. She stopped and smiled, her head the only thing visible abover her hunter green cloak, her arms folded inside the folds of the fabric. ::
Good day to you, young Xazor.
:: She gestured towards the man. ::
A visitor to the Recruitment Center?
Apr 20th, 2002, 12:27:51 AM
Xazor bowed when Council Member and Jedi Master AB approached.
Yes Master AB.......this is Senator Redav. I am taking him on a tour of the Jedi Base.
She smiled, motioning toward her new friend. It was a beautiful day indeed and Xazor would make it a point to take the Senator down to the waterfalls in the jungle. It was a perfect day for a tour....
Apr 20th, 2002, 12:33:01 AM
:: She extended her hand to shake the Senator's. ::
A pleasure, sir. From which planet do you visit us from?
Senator Redav
Apr 20th, 2002, 12:42:07 AM
Kuat, Madam.
:: Redav smiled, taking her hand ::
Always a pleasure to meet a Jedi.
Apr 20th, 2002, 12:47:03 AM
:: AB shook his hand, taking note of the firm grip. For a one who probably spent most of his life in an office, he was certainly strong. Of course, most Senators did have gyms to work out in, so this shouldn't surprise her too much. ::
Ah, Kuat. It has been some time since I have traveled there. Tell me, is Senator Kendali still aiding in the efforts to rid the streets of the east quadrant of homeless?
Apr 20th, 2002, 12:52:16 AM
Xazor listened intently to the exchange between Master AB and the Senator. She had kept up with her politics, but had not heard anything about homeless people on the streets. She sighed, realizing that problems like these stretched across the galaxy. Maybe she would go on a mission someday, to help people like this. Her thoughts were broken as the Senator was about to speak of this situation.
Senator Redav
Apr 20th, 2002, 01:05:49 AM
Actually, Senator Kendali was voted out of office last term. Senator Jex has replaced her, though he's far more interested in government aid to the Kuat shipwrights.
Apr 20th, 2002, 01:16:02 AM
A pitty. She was accomplishing much while in office. Perhaps she will continue her endeavers.
I shall make a note of visiting Kuat again.
:: She fell silent for a moment looking at the senator, frowning slightly. ::
Have we met before, Senator? You seem vaguely familiar...
Senator Redav
Apr 20th, 2002, 01:59:15 AM
:: He paused, smiling politely ::
I...don't think so, Madam Jedi. Have you been a Jedi for long? I've only been in office for a few terms.
Apr 20th, 2002, 04:15:59 AM
:: She returned the smile. ::
I have been a Jedi all my life, it seems, having been brought to the Jedi when I was found to have Force potential as an infant.
:: She prodded the man's mind softly with the Force as she spoke, but received nothing in return. This wasn't wholey unusual, so she didn't pay it much heed and put it to the back of her mind for later pondering. ::
:: She would, however, check up on his service record from Kuat, pulling in favors from the few Senator's there that respected the Jedi. ::
Perhaps I missed your election on the holonews.
At any rate, do enjoy your stay here on Arcan IV. And come by the gardens. They are quite lovely this time of year.
:: With the smile still on her lips, she extended her hand to the Senator to shake it. ::
Captain Tohmahawk
Apr 20th, 2002, 04:43:39 AM
OOc : Point of correction please.
The Temple is not Arcan IV and never has been. The facilities located here are The Jedi Bar and Grill, the Recruitment centre, some training facilities and also some living quarters. IC, the only ones who know where the Temple is located are the Jedi themselves and some NRSF. Not even the Senate is aware of it's location.
Edit - and it's been pointed out the Cizerack know as well. Eh, I need to write up an FAQ so peeps are aware of this
Apr 20th, 2002, 04:52:57 AM
(OOC: Changing all references in my post from Temple to Recruitment Center. Thanks for the heads up, Marcus.)
Apr 20th, 2002, 02:07:38 PM
ooc: I was always under the impression that it was. *sigh* it's okay though, I changed my posts as well! <img src= ALT=":)">
Senator Redav
Apr 20th, 2002, 04:17:23 PM
Thank you very much. So far, they've lived up to all my expectations.
:: Redav shook AB's hand, and glanced to Xazor ::
Shall we continue?
Apr 20th, 2002, 04:19:35 PM
Xazor nodded to her new friend and smiled.
Yes Senator, let's......
She continued walking toward the Recruitment Center.
Would you like to go inside, perhaps? Or shall we continue out doors?
She questioned with a friendly smile.
Senator Redav
Apr 20th, 2002, 05:05:01 PM
Outdoors. I get the feeling I'm one of those people who doesn't get out much, and needs it desperately.
:: Jack laughed ::
I'm sure you have no such problem.
Apr 20th, 2002, 05:08:21 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled.
Let us continue our tour to the jungle, then?
She began leading the way toward the lush jungle that surrounded the Greater Jedi Order. She thought about his words and smiled.
No......I am usually outside, unless the weather is poor. It is not often that I am indoors.
She said softly.
Senator Redav
Apr 20th, 2002, 05:22:38 PM
:: Redav enjoyed his time as they walked through the forest ::
I must thank you for your hospitality, Xazor. It seems that for whatever reason, some Jedi are inherently distrusting of the Senate, despite whatever good intentions may be had.
:: He stopped, smiling ::
I would like to change such feelings.
Apr 20th, 2002, 05:29:54 PM
Xazor also stopped and listened to him talk.
Your kindness toward me is most welcome also, thank you. I am kind to others because immense grace has been bestowed upon me. I think others should have that opportunity.
She looked all around her for a moment and sighed softly, thinking of his proposal to make others trust the Senate.
I think that is a good idea. But will you do such a thing? You have won my trust....but I am a naturally trusting person until someone gives me a reason not to. That is a large task.....though, perhaps with my help we may be able to accomplish such a feat.
She smiled gently on the man. She would offer her help and give all she had to this cause....
Senator Redav
Apr 20th, 2002, 06:00:58 PM
It can only happen if we work together, and it isn't something that will happen overnight.
:: Jack picked up a river-eroded stone, tossing it idly as he strolled ::
Maybe I'm a bit of an idealist, and maybe this won't work and might cost me my senate seat, but I think its necessary for the Republic.
There are senators who don't trust the Jedi. There are Jedi who don't trust the senate. If we try to change this, it could alienate both of us, until others realize that its the right thing to do.
Apr 20th, 2002, 06:37:18 PM
Xazor listened as she continued to walk. She nodded in agreeance to his words.
Yes Senator.....I will help you in any way that I can. I think it is vital to our two groups that we should try this, at least. We must convince our people to trust one another....
She placed her hand on a large tree and stopped for a moment.
As a Knight of this Order, you have my full support, Senator.
She smiled gently and continued walking down the jungle path. They were slowly approaching the Vally of the Waterfalls. It was one of the most beautiful places in the jungle......
Senator Redav
Apr 21st, 2002, 10:35:09 PM
If I didn't know any better...I'd say I'm almost starting to trust you...
:: Jack's eyes narrowed as he smiled ::
I hope this isn't one of those Jedi Mind Tricks I've heard about.
Apr 22nd, 2002, 10:58:44 AM
Xazor laughed to herself and shook her head.
No mind tricks here, Senator. I do nothing to betray the trust of another.
She smiled gently once again.
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Apr 28th, 2002, 12:57:54 AM
Not too far off, Motssumi watched Redav through the scope of her rifle. (that's him all right) She thought as she continued to watch waiting for what seemed to be the right moment. Well out of sight, Motssumi could afford to wait besides the hunt was half the fun. With her tail twitching at the tip behind her, she continued watch her prey talk to Xazor even though she couldn't quite hear what was beginning said.
Apr 28th, 2002, 12:52:31 PM
Xazor suddenly felt a distrubance in the Force. She looked around to find the source, but could not locate it right away. She squinted her eyes and finally spotted a cizerack with a rifle...pointing it right at her friend. She quickly drew her lightsaber and ignited it, much to the surprise of the man she was showing around.
Fear not Senator, we must keep moving.....
She nodded for him to walk in front of her as they walked. He turned around, as though he wished to say something, but didn't.
We must get into the jungle...we must hurry.
She said calmly, not letting her expression decieve what she really felt.
Nomi Kun
Apr 28th, 2002, 09:09:47 PM
Nomi was just passing through the jungle on one of her daily walks when on vacation and spotted Xazor ignite her lightsaber and wondered what was going on and who was the man with her. She looked around a minute and found the bounty hunter hiding, getting ready for the kill. Nomi swiftly and silently rushed over to where the bounty hunter hid and drew her purple lightsaber.
" I would just walk away and not kill anyone unless you want to die yourself"
Marcus QDunn
Apr 28th, 2002, 10:45:15 PM
:: In a quiet part of the bar, a shodowy figure sits, smoking his pipe. His face was covered by a hood and he wore a dark and beaten cloak, boooted feet on the table as he leaned back, smoking. In his mind, he shared a link with Xazor... and now he could feel a disturbance.
Bring the Bounty Hunter to me: :
Apr 28th, 2002, 10:49:29 PM
Xazor was suddenly aware of the voice in her mind. She continued walking, leading the Senator toward the jungle where they could find safety.
Marcus I cannot reach the bounty hunter. She is pointing a rifle at the Senator which I am showing I am taking us into the jungle to protect him against the killer. There is someone with him now, whom I recognize as Nomi Kun....she is an assasin. I do not think she means us harm....and she seems to be diverting the attention of the hunter. What shall I do?
She speaks in his mind, turning back to the scene so that he may see in his eyes what is going on.
Marcus QDunn
Apr 28th, 2002, 10:56:22 PM
There are NRSF troops everywhere.... call down hell on the Bounty Hunter and make sure this....Senator...? is safe - for now. And I hope for the Bounty Hunter's sake this Captain Tohmahawk doesnt appear
Apr 29th, 2002, 09:50:54 AM
Xazor nodded and looked down at the comm-link on her wrist.
"This is Xazor Dawnstrider speaking.....also known as Private Dawnstrider, shadow to Elieen Cross. I need some help. There is a bounty hunter with a gun, ready to blow Senator Redav's head off. We are heading into the jungle for safety. Here are my coordinates and thank you."
She punched in the coordinates and continued walking with her lightsaber in hand.
I sent a message out to all available troops. I hope they get it...
She relayed to Marcus through their Life Bond Link. Suddenly out of no where, about twenty NRSF personnel came flying out of the jungle, apprehending the Cizerack hunter. She continued leading the Senator away from the scene as they put Air-Cuffs on the Bounty Hunter.
Okay Marcus, they have her in custody.
She said in his mind, as the pair finally reached the inside of the jungle. It was like a fortress of trees in there, and Xazor knew it was protection for them.
Lady Vader
Apr 29th, 2002, 01:50:58 PM
*LV had been watching the hunter for some time and was about to reveal herself to her when the NRSF troops came, russling up the Cizerack female.*
*One of them was about to put stun cuffs onto the Cizerack, when LV emerged from the shadow she had been waiting in and grabbed the restraining devices, throwing them aside.*
*The remaining troops, no more than four of them, turn simultaniously, drawing their blasters and firing. LV's saber was out and deflecting blots as they came. The one that had been hold the cuff's came about with his own blaster, but it was suddenly yanked from his grasp and tossed in the same direction as the cuffs. This opened the Cizerack to give an elbow jab to his stomache, downing him.*
*One stray bolt that LV deflected hit a trooper in the shoulder, spinning and dropping him. But the remaining three pressed their advantage, one turning on the Cizerack, the other two coming at LV. They were relentless, no doubt having trained with the Jedi vigorously. In a split moment, LV raised her hand and Force Pushed the closest of the two from her, sending him into the one attempting to hold the Cizerack. The force of the push sent both soldiers down into a muddle of arms and legs. This gave the Cizerack time to gather her belongings. But it also opened LV to the last remaining trooper, which scored a shot to her right side. A searing hot flash exploded into LV's mind as the pain registered in her brain. Hissing in pain, she instinctively covered the wound with her left hand, and jumped upwards, flipping backward to land atop the building, with which shadow she had been using earlier to hide.*
*Looking down she saw the other soldiers were already regrouping, seraching the grounds and rooftop. The Cizerack was gone, as was the young Jedi and Senator, now off in the direction of the Bar&Grill.*
*Deactivating her saber, she stepped away from the roof's edge, clipping the hilt to her belt. She then turned and made her way to the opposite side of the roof, one hand over the wound on her side, back to her ship.*
Apr 29th, 2002, 02:07:02 PM
Xazor stopped for a moment, hearing nothing but silence surround them once again. She looked back in time to see a strange woman releasing the Cizerack and letting her go. The troops appeared......frozen. This boggled Xazor's mind for a moment and then suddenly the troops began moving once again and the woman was gone. She was definatly a Force user.....Sith....Xazor had picked up on this after a minute of probing. She did not understand but knew that she must take the Senator back to the bar.
" Senator, for your safety and also mine, it is best if we return to Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill. I will explain everything later but for now, we must return there. "
She informed him. Taking a sharp right turn, the were on their way down a clean cut path. After walking quickly for five minutes, they were in the clearing to the right of the bar and grill. They walked around the front of the building and Xazor disarmed herself. Once the pair was inside, she walked straight to the back corner of the bar....the Senator following close behind. It appeared as though she knew exactly where she was going, and she did. Marcus sat there, the one she shared a Life Bond Link with. She sighed and bowed before sitting in an empty seat, pulling up another with the Force so that Jack could sit as well.
This is the Senator of which I told you, Marcus....
She spoke through their Bond and looked at him for a moment before verbally speaking.
Greetings....Elessar. This is Senator Jack Redav.
She spoke, calling Marcus by his alias. She did not think it wish to reveal the Jedi Master's name after everything that had gone on. She smiled gently and brushed some hair out of her eyes, trying to think of what to do next....
Senator Redav
Apr 29th, 2002, 03:46:57 PM
:: Jack nodded slowly, acknowledging Xazor's words, and allowing her to stand in between himself and the percieved threat ::
I've seen enough assassination attempts to know I'd rather not be involved in one.
:: He followed Xazor back to the B&G, where they met a strange person. Jack nodded to the man, sitting down somewhat nervously ::
:: Jack continued to look around ::
OOC: I think it would be best if we were considerate of those who cannot post so rapidly, Xazor. You posted three times in succession after Motssumi, and I think we need to give her a chance also.
Marcus QDunn
Apr 29th, 2002, 08:20:59 PM
OOC : :: Sigh :: Please people - If you want to NPC an NRSF soldier, please respect what I have defined what they are. One of the selection criteria was the ability to resist or be immune to mind tricks, as it was very well aware they would go against Jedi or Sith. The ones near or in the Bar are always the ones who have proven almost immune.
Sorry for saying something - but it is a Pet bug up butt of mine. Back to regular programming
He was yet again smoking the pipe of his, his face hidden as per normal. Even if he was untidy and scruffy, there was an undeniable ... presence about him.
"So.... waht do we have here, then?" he said in his quiet and soft rasping voice, with it's odd accent
Apr 29th, 2002, 08:24:15 PM
Xazor smiled gently and spoke.
This is Senator Jack Redav.....
She said softly. She could feel the man's uneasiness as they sat with Marcus.
He is here in peace...
She added with a smile.
Senator Redav
Apr 30th, 2002, 03:32:42 AM
Or so I thought.
:: Jack shifted in his seat uneasily, glancing back to the door occasionally ::
Well that sure was unsettling. I have no idea why I've suddenly drawn that kind of attention.
Motssumi Rosskaarru
Apr 30th, 2002, 01:51:00 PM
OOC: I would appreciate ppl talking to me first before capturing me since I didn't want to be captured especially since there was no reason to. And tons of posts while am I not here to reply is not appreciated either, if you wanted to capture me, one should have waited till I was online again to ask me.......and in this bunch of posts, where the frell am I now?
Apr 30th, 2002, 02:25:43 PM
OOC: Check your ezboard PMs, Mot. <img src= ALT=":)">
Hey, Marcus, a question: You stated the NRSF troops are immune to mind tricks. Does this also mean they are immune to physical Force attacks, such as push, pull, grip, and the like?
EDIT: Thanks, Marcus.
Marcus QDunn
Apr 30th, 2002, 06:55:47 PM
OOC : I stated the NRSF are highly resistant or almost imume to mind tricks - but other than that they are only very well trained, very well equipped elite soldiers, trained with the possibility of going up against a Jedi or a Sith. All other Force tricks would work
Motssumi Rosskaarru
May 2nd, 2002, 01:30:57 PM
*Motssumi barely had time to register most of what had happened instead she just ran when she had the chance, she wasn't in the mood for fighting four warriors of thier calibur. Once she had gotten far enough away, Motssumi made a huge leap up onto the roof of a nearby building. All the while, she wandered why the stranger had helped her. Her thoughts soon wandered back to business, taking a moment to get her bearings, she then found the scent and set off to follow it.
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