View Full Version : An unfamilair patron (open)

Sejah Haversh
May 3rd, 2002, 01:52:58 AM
After placing his request for training at the recruitment center, Sejah was directed to the Bar & Grill, and told that it was a popular Jedi hangout. From outside, it looked like a good enough place, and so the brown mongoose opened the door and stepped inside.

Immidieatle he was greeted by a hulking mass of a bouncer who asked him quite politely to check his weapons if he was carrying any. To save time, Sejah just handed him his whole pack and his sword wrapped in it's burlap sacking and smile das he was let pass.

Inside, the bar was not as noisy as he had expected, so he tenatively took another few steps and looked around for a place to sit. Every here and there he saw the brown robes of the Jedi order, and he wondered if he would ever wear them. His current clothing was smiliar, but not quite the same. Reaching into his pocket, Sejah checked his meager funds, and vented a sigh. He was almost broke, but the growl in his stomach reminded him that he hadn't eaten in a day, and so he took a seat at a table near the bar and picked up the laminated menu lying on it.

Again his stomach grumbled, and he looked aroung as if to see if anyone else heard it. Satisfied that they hadn't, the Nehantite looked at the pictures of what the Grill ahd to offer, his mouth watering at the picture of the steak platter. But he had to think of his money again, and that he still needed a place to spend the night, so he settled on something cheaper, but still filling.

Setting his menu down, Sejah took another glance around the establishment and sighed. He had never been so far from home, having never been off-planet before, and he had never felt so alone.

Keshia Kou
May 3rd, 2002, 01:46:39 PM
another one? maybe he's not like tevit....*kesh sighs as she walked to her table carrying two steak platters and two cups of ice cold water.she walked over to where the brown furry dude was sitting and set one of each thing she was carrying* here you look hungery plus i can hear your stomack growling from a mile away.im keshia kou and you name is?

Sejah Haversh
May 3rd, 2002, 02:00:57 PM
The sight, and more importantly the smell, of the steak distracted Sejah momentarily before he looked up and saw who had placed it before him. She was partly feline, and partially humanoid. Probably a species he had not seen before, as were most that he had seen in the last two weeks.

Clearing his throat, the brown mongoose replied, "Sejah Haversh, but you may call me Sejah, if you like. Thank you, this is most unnexpected. And I didn't know my stomach was that audible." He smiled, then taking a grateful drink of water, quenching his parched throat.

"Out of curiosity, are you always this generous to strangers, or was this a one-time deal?" He asked while picking up his steak knife and fork, though not starting in yet until she had.

Keshia Kou
May 3rd, 2002, 02:02:27 PM
im generous to those who need it and believe me you needed it!call me kesh sejah.may i sit down and devour this befor it grows cold?

Sejah Haversh
May 3rd, 2002, 02:08:34 PM
A smile broke out across his muzzle, revealing mostly-white teeth. His pink eyes sparkled merrily with the event of something good happenign to him, and her joke as well. "Please, please, sit down, it will be good to have company." He implored her, using his footpaw to push out her chair for her.

Cutting off a section of the steak, the Nehantite popped it into his mouth and began to chew voraciously, then remembered his manners and slowed down. It was the first real food he had eaten in a week, the rest of it having been fast meals or whatever he could scrounge up. Real meat was a blessing, and it tasted excellent as well.